Who's Up for a Challenge? (or who needs a good Color Picker?)

I got lost in the muck trying to figure out how to make this color-picker code initialize with the last chosen color.... This is an open source project, and I posted my predicament on the blog for it, but it's been a few weeks and no one has responded. I've been able to integrate the code with my project no problem, it's just figuring out how to change this one behavior... the startup color seems to be hardcoded in several different places...
Seems like there's some folks here who enjoy a good challenge, so I thought I'd see if anyone might want to give it a shot.... I'm probably making it much more complicated than it is by starting from the wrong vantage point....
The Blog: http://www.v-vent.com/blog/?p=27
The Code: http://www.v-vent.com/source/hue/veventhuesource.zip
Any clues you have to offer would be greatly appreciated.... the idea seems simple enough....currently starts on yellow every time you load the view... would like it to start on the last color chosen, which is getting stored in user defaults....

Ok John, here are each of the three files I touched:
// ColorPickerViewController.m
#import "ColorPickerViewController.h"
#import "ColorPickerView.h"
#import "AboutScreenViewController.h"
@implementation ColorPickerViewController
@synthesize aboutScreenViewController;
// --> added const decl
NSString *const keyForHue = @"hue";
NSString *const keyForSat = @"sat";
NSString *const keyForBright = @"bright";
// --> register default settings
- (void)registerDefaults {
NSMutableDictionary *defaultValues = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
[defaultValues setObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:0.5] forKey:keyForHue];
[defaultValues setObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:0.5] forKey:keyForSat];
[defaultValues setObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:0.5] forKey:keyForBright];
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] registerDefaults:defaultValues];
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
NSLog(@"CALL ME ! " );
[self registerDefaults]; // <-- register default settings
NSUserDefaults *saveColors = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
ColorPickerView *theView = (ColorPickerView*) [self view];
// --> removed key existance test and explicit defaults from this block
// since defaults are now registered
[theView setCurrentHue:[saveColors floatForKey:keyForHue]];
[theView setCurrentSaturation:[saveColors floatForKey:keyForSat]];
[theView setCurrentBrightness:[saveColors floatForKey:keyForBright]];
AboutScreenViewController *abouter = [[AboutScreenViewController alloc]
initWithNibName:@"AboutScreenView" bundle:nil];
self.aboutScreenViewController = abouter;
[abouter release];
[theView onViewDidLoad]; // <-- added
- (void) viewWillDisappear :(BOOL)animated {
NSUserDefaults *saveColors = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
ColorPickerView *theView = (ColorPickerView*) [self view];
[saveColors setFloat:[theView currentHue] forKey:keyForHue];
[saveColors setFloat:[theView currentSaturation] forKey:keyForSat];
[saveColors setFloat:[theView currentBrightness] forKey:keyForBright];
- (UIColor *) getSelectedColor {
return [(ColorPickerView *) [self view] getColorShown];
- (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning {
[super didReceiveMemoryWarning]; // Releases the view if it doesn't have a superview
// Release anything that's not essential, such as cached data
- (IBAction) pressedAboutButton {
[self.view addSubview:self.aboutScreenViewController.view];
[self.view bringSubviewToFront:self.aboutScreenViewController.view];
- (void)dealloc {
[super dealloc];
[aboutScreenViewController release];
// ColorPickerView.h
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
@class GradientView;
@interface ColorPickerView : UIView {
GradientView *gradientView;
UIImageView *matrixView; // <-- added
// --> unused ivars
// UIImage *backgroundImage; //Image that will sit in back on the view
// UIImage *closeButtonImage; //Image for close button
// UIImage *nextButtonImage; //Image for next button
IBOutlet UIImageView *backgroundImageView;
IBOutlet UIView *showColor;
IBOutlet UIImageView *crossHairs;
IBOutlet UIImageView *brightnessBar;
IBOutlet UILabel *colorInHex;
IBOutlet UILabel *Hcoords;
IBOutlet UILabel *Scoords;
IBOutlet UILabel *Lcoords;
IBOutlet UILabel *Rcoords;
IBOutlet UILabel *Gcoords;
IBOutlet UILabel *Bcoords;
//Private vars
// --> ok, private.. but atm, the controller still needs to call getters
// and setters for currentBrightness, currentHue, and currentSaturation
// CGRect colorMatrixFrame; // <-- removed - using matrixView ivar instead
CGFloat currentBrightness;
CGFloat currentHue;
CGFloat currentSaturation;
UIColor *currentColor;
// unused properties
// @property (nonatomic,retain) UIImage *backgroundImage;
// @property (nonatomic,retain) UIImage *closeButtonImage;
// @property (nonatomic,retain) UIImage *nextButtonImage;
@property (nonatomic,retain) GradientView *gradientView;// <-- added
@property (nonatomic,retain) UIImageView *matrixView; // <-- added
@property (readwrite) CGFloat currentBrightness;
@property (readwrite) CGFloat currentHue;
@property (readwrite) CGFloat currentSaturation;
- (UIColor *) getColorShown;
- (void) onViewDidLoad; // <-- added
// ColorPickerView.m
#import "ColorPickerView.h"
#import "GradientView.h"
#import "Constants.h"
// --> declare private properties, methods and functions
@interface ColorPickerView ()
@property (nonatomic,retain) UIColor *currentColor;
- (void) getStringForHSL : (CGFloat) hue : (CGFloat) sat : (CGFloat) bright;
- (void) getStringForRGB :(CGColorRef) theColor;
- (NSString *) hexStringFromColor : (CGColorRef) theColor;
static int myRoundOff(CGFloat value);
@implementation ColorPickerView
// --> unused properties
// @synthesize backgroundImage;
// @synthesize closeButtonImage;
// @synthesize nextButtonImage;
@synthesize gradientView; // <-- added
@synthesize matrixView; // <-- added
@synthesize currentHue;
@synthesize currentSaturation;
@synthesize currentBrightness;
@synthesize currentColor; // <-- added
- (id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder*)coder {
if (self = [super initWithCoder:coder]) {
// --> changes to support gradientView, which is now a retaining property
GradientView *gradView = [[GradientView alloc] initWithFrame:kBrightnessGradientPlacent];
self.gradientView = gradView;
[gradView release];
// [gradientView setTheColor:
// [UIColor yellowColor].CGColor]; // <-- fixed and moved to onViewDidLoad
[self addSubview:gradientView];
[self sendSubviewToBack:gradientView];
// --> changes to support retaining property 'matrixView'
// colorMatrixFrame = kHueSatFrame; // <-- removed colorMatrixFrame ivar
UIImageView *hueSatImageView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:kHueSatFrame];
[hueSatImageView setImage:[UIImage imageNamed:kHueSatImage]];
self.matrixView = hueSatImageView;
[hueSatImageView release];
[self addSubview:matrixView];
[self sendSubviewToBack:matrixView];
[self setMultipleTouchEnabled:YES]; // <-- moved to keep similar blocks together
// currentBrightness = kInitialBrightness; // <-- removed
// currentColor = [[UIColor alloc]init]; // <-- fixed and moved to onViewDidLoad
return self;
// --> several of the ivars in this class should be moved to the controller -
// for now this method should be called at the end of the controller's viewDidLoad method
- (void)onViewDidLoad {
self.currentColor = [UIColor colorWithHue:currentHue
[showColor setBackgroundColor:currentColor];
[self getStringForRGB:currentColor.CGColor];
[self getStringForHSL:currentHue :currentSaturation :currentBrightness];
[colorInHex setText:[self hexStringFromColor:currentColor.CGColor]];
NSLog(@"%s: hue=%1.2f sat=%1.2f bright=%1.2f",
_func_, currentHue, currentSaturation, currentBrightness);
- (NSString *) hexStringFromColor : (CGColorRef) theColor {
const CGFloat *c = CGColorGetComponents(theColor);
CGFloat r, g, b;
r = c[0];
g = c[1];
b = c[2];
// Fix range if needed
if (r < 0.0f) r = 0.0f;
if (g < 0.0f) g = 0.0f;
if (b < 0.0f) b = 0.0f;
if (r > 1.0f) r = 1.0f;
if (g > 1.0f) g = 1.0f;
if (b > 1.0f) b = 1.0f;
// Convert to hex string between 0x00 and 0xFF
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"#%02X%02X%02X",
// --> using myRoundOff instead of int typecast
myRoundOff(r * 255), myRoundOff(g * 255), myRoundOff(b * 255)];
// --> use this if needed to fudge extrema
static int myRoundOff(CGFloat value) {
return lround(value);
- (void) getStringForHSL : (CGFloat) hue : (CGFloat) sat : (CGFloat) bright { // <-- CGFloat params
// NSLog(@"%s: hue=%1.4lf sat=%1.4lf bright=%1.4lf", _func_, hue, sat, bright);
// --> using myRoundOff instead of int typecast
[Hcoords setText:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d",myRoundOff(hue*255)]];
[Scoords setText:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d",myRoundOff(sat*255)]];
[Lcoords setText:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d",myRoundOff(bright*255)]];
- (void) getStringForRGB :(CGColorRef) theColor {
const CGFloat *c = CGColorGetComponents(theColor);
CGFloat r, g, b;
r = c[0];
g = c[1];
b = c[2];
// --> using myRoundOff instead of int typecast
[Rcoords setText:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d",myRoundOff(r*255)]];
[Gcoords setText:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d",myRoundOff(g*255)]];
[Bcoords setText:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d",myRoundOff(b*255)]];
- (void) updateHueSatWithMovement : (CGPoint) position {
// --> correcting currentHue and currentSaturation calculations
// currentHue = (position.x-kXAxisOffset)/kMatrixWidth;
// currentSaturation = 1.0 - (position.y-kYAxisOffset)/kMatrixHeight;
CGPoint ptInMatrix = [self convertPoint:position toView:matrixView];
currentHue = ptInMatrix.x/(matrixView.frame.size.width-1);
currentSaturation = 1.0 - ptInMatrix.y/(matrixView.frame.size.height-1);
// printf("hue Of the touch is : %f
// printf("sat Of the touch is : %f
UIColor *forGradient = [UIColor colorWithHue:currentHue
brightness: kInitialBrightness
[gradientView setTheColor:forGradient.CGColor];
[gradientView setupGradient];
[gradientView setNeedsDisplay];
self.currentColor = [UIColor colorWithHue:currentHue // --> using setter to retain color
[showColor setBackgroundColor:currentColor];
[colorInHex setText:[self hexStringFromColor:currentColor.CGColor]];
[self getStringForRGB:currentColor.CGColor];
[self getStringForHSL:currentHue :currentSaturation :currentBrightness];
- (void) updateBrightnessWithMovement : (CGPoint) position {
// --> correcting currentBrightness calculation
// currentBrightness = 1.0-(position.x/gradientView.frame.size.width) + kBrightnessEpsilon;
CGPoint ptInGradient = [self convertPoint:position toView:gradientView];
currentBrightness = 1.0 - ptInGradient.x/(gradientView.frame.size.width-1);
// printf("Brightness Of the touch is : %f
// --> setting and using currentColor ivar instead of local var
self.currentColor = [UIColor colorWithHue:currentHue
[showColor setBackgroundColor:currentColor];
[colorInHex setText:[self hexStringFromColor:currentColor.CGColor]];
[self getStringForRGB:currentColor.CGColor];
[self getStringForHSL:currentHue :currentSaturation :currentBrightness];
//Touch parts :
// Scales down the view and moves it to the new position.
- (void)animateView:(UIImageView *)theView toPosition:(CGPoint) thePosition
[UIView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL];
[UIView setAnimationDuration:kAnimationDuration];
// Set the center to the final postion
theView.center = thePosition;
// Set the transform back to the identity, thus undoing the previous scaling effect.
theView.transform = CGAffineTransformIdentity;
[UIView commitAnimations];
-(void) dispatchTouchEvent:(CGPoint)position
if (CGRectContainsPoint(matrixView.frame,position)) // <-- colorMatrixFrame ivar was removed
// NSLog(@"Color!");
// printf("X Of the touch in grad view is : %f
// printf("Y Of the touch in grad view is : %f
[self animateView:crossHairs toPosition: position];
[self updateHueSatWithMovement:position];
else if (CGRectContainsPoint(gradientView.frame, position))
// NSLog(@"Bright!");
CGPoint newPos = CGPointMake(position.x,kBrightBarYCenter);
[self animateView:brightnessBar toPosition: newPos];
[self updateBrightnessWithMovement:position];
// printf("X Of the touch in grad view is : %f
// printf("Y Of the touch in grad view is : %f
// Handles the start of a touch
- (void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
for (UITouch *touch in touches) {
[self dispatchTouchEvent:[touch locationInView:self]];
// printf("X IS %f
",[touch locationInView:self].x);
// printf("Y IS %f
",[touch locationInView:self].y);
// Handles the continuation of a touch.
- (void)touchesMoved:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
for (UITouch *touch in touches){
[self dispatchTouchEvent:[touch locationInView:self]];
- (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect {
// --> corrected calculation of crosshairs.center
CGFloat x = currentHue * matrixView.frame.size.width;
CGFloat y = (1 - currentSaturation) * matrixView.frame.size.height;
CGPoint ptInMatrix = CGPointMake(x, y);
crossHairs.center = [matrixView convertPoint:ptInMatrix toView:self];
// --> corrected calculation of brightnessBar.center
x = (1 - currentBrightness) * gradientView.frame.size.width;
y = gradientView.frame.size.height/2 - 3;
CGPoint ptInGradient = CGPointMake(x, y);
brightnessBar.center = [gradientView convertPoint:ptInGradient toView:self];
// NSLog(@"%s: gradientView.frame=%@", _func_, NSStringFromCGRect(gradientView.frame));
// NSLog(@" brightnessBar.center=%@", NSStringFromCGPoint(brightnessBar.center));
UIColor *forGradient = [UIColor colorWithHue:currentHue // added
brightness: kInitialBrightness
[gradientView setTheColor:forGradient.CGColor]; // added
[gradientView setupGradient];
[gradientView setNeedsDisplay];
[colorInHex setFont:[UIFont fontWithName:@"helvetica" size:16]];
[self sendSubviewToBack:showColor];
- (UIColor *) getColorShown {
// NSLog(@"Are we here ? ");
return [UIColor colorWithHue:currentHue saturation:currentSaturation
brightness:currentBrightness alpha:1.0];
- (void)dealloc {
[currentColor release]; // <-- added
[gradientView release]; // <-- added
[matrixView release]; // <-- added
[super dealloc];
Disclaimer: While the above is working, tested code, the files are not meant to be examples of good practice. The objective was to hose out most of the functional bugs while changing the old files as little as possible. This is usually the best first step in cleaning up a project, since it allows the original programmers to see the changes in the context of the existing structure. Those changes can be much more difficult to see after a complete overhaul. Improving the structure will also change the nib files, and describing those changes in the forum can be tedious.
Thus I perpetuated the structural weaknesses instead of moving most of the ivars, along with the code that administers them, into the ColorPickerViewController class. A number of useless but harmless artifacts were also left in the files.
Most of my tests were only for functionality on the simulator. Though I tried to take care of memory management in the code I added or changed, there's lots of memory management clean up to do. I did some brief tests on a first gen iPod Touch with iOS 3.12, and at first glance I was surprised how well things seemed to be working. I was even able to position the crosshairs in a couple corners after a few tries (e.g. at full brightness, the upper-right corner should be HSL: 255, 255, 255; RGB: 255, 0, 0). All four of these extrema are reachable on the simulator, and if you have steady hands and/or small fingers, they're probably all reachable on an iPhone as well.
- Ray

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    Thanks for any information.

    Talon820 wrote:
    In 2010, I blought an HP Pavilion Elite HPE 250-f desktop computer (running Windows 7). This computer was advertised as having a Blu-ray DVD player, as well as players for regular DVDs and CDs. All these years, I've been successfully playing regular DVDs and CDs. Until now, I have not attempted to play a Blu-ray DVD.
    I recently rented the "Divergent" Blu-ray DVD (as well as the "Divergent" regular DVD) from my local library. When I tried to play the Blu-ray DVD, the HP MediaSmart software and the Windows Media Player detected the Blu-ray but were not able to play the Blu-ray.
    I then downloaded the Media Player Codec Pack, http://download.cnet.com/Media-Player-Codec-Pack/3000-13632_4-10749065.html    This Codec Pack was supposed to help Windows Media Player play the Blu-ray. That did not work. When I got rid of the Codec Pack using System Restore, HP MediaSmart and Windows Media Player became unable to detect the Blu-ray in the Blu-ray drive. After another System Restore, HP MediaSmart and Windows Media Player were once again able to detect the Blu-ray (but were still unable to play the Blu-ray).
    I then downloaded Cyberlink PowerDVD 14, which played the Blu-ray for only about 7 seconds before crashing. I then got rid of Cyberlink PowerDVD 14 with a System Restore.
    I downloaded TotalMedia Theatre version However, this software did not detect the Blu-ray. I then got rid of TotalMedia Theatre with a System Restore. After that, I was not able to play ANYTHING, including CDs and regular DVDs. CDs and regular DVDs were not being detected by playing software. After another System Restore, I was once again able to play CDs and regular DVDs. However, I do not want to risk trying to play the Blu-ray again.
    So, what's going on here? HP advertised this computer as having a Blu-ray DVD player. Wasn't HP responsible for providing software that could play Blu-ray DVDs? And why is the Blu-ray DVD, sometimes detected, and sometimes not detected, by playing software? Is there some kind of hardware issue?
    Who is responsible for the fact that my computer can not play Blu-ray DVDs? HP, for bad playing software and/or bad hardware? Or is there something in the Windows 7 operating system that prevents the playing of Blu-ray DVDs? Is Microsoft responsible?
    Thanks for any information.
    You're not going to get any help from HP or Microsoft on a 4 year old computer.   Maybe your optical drive is no longer able to play Bluray discs.  Windows 7 Media Center with Bluray playback was not included in all versions of Windows 7.  Each computer with Bluray has an individual license; yours may have expired after not using it for 4 years.  Best advice - don't flog a dead horse.  Just get regular DVDs.

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    Hi All,
    Can anyone guide me how to know the list of users who have authorization for a particular transaction?
    I need this to find out the list of authorizations that are obsolete ,when the particular trnsaction is obsolete in an Upgrade process.
    Thanks in advance.

    we can get the list of users for a particular transaction as below.
    get the tcode and place in AGR_TCODES and we get the list of roles .
    loop the roles and pass each role to AGR_USERS and we get list of users for that role.
    finally we got the list of users for that tcode.

  • How to get the list of users who has access for list of tcodes.

    How to get the list of users who has access for list of tcodes.

    Go to transaction SUIM, this has a number of reports for users/authorisations
    open the Where used>Autorization Values>In Users
    and double click to execute
    in authorisation object, enter S_TCODE
    then press the "Enter Values" button
    It will offer entry boxes to put the transaction code you are interesed in.
    Then execute and the list of users with access to this transaciton code will be returned.

  • For OS X: Whenever I have internet access my disk is running continuously for a period of time without any activity on my part.  When I close internet access the disk activity stops.  Who is fishing for data?

    For OS X v5 or 6: Whenever I have internet access my disk is running continuously for a period of time without any activity on my part.  When I close internet access the disk activity stops.  Who is fishing for data?

    Thanks for your reply.  I don't use itunes so that couldn't be it.  Reading about Little Snitch and Hands Off, however,  educated me about the data harvesting in many apps and that when buying from the AppStore one will more likely get Apps with benign data harvesting.

  • Error occurred in deployment step 'Uninstall app for SharePoint': Only users who can View Pages can list Apps

    While deploying the SharePoint Hosted App I am facing the issue  'Uninstall app for SharePoint': Only users who can View Pages can list Apps"
    - Provided the permissions for App Management and Subscription Services as well as DB.
    - Added into Host web as SC Administrator
    Thanks in Advance.

    The user you are running with Visual Studio should have read permission on the pages of SharePoint web you are trying to deploying your app.
    I suggest you add the login user to the SharePoint web in the “Site Settings”->”People and Group”.
    Here is a similar thread for your reference:
    More reference:
    Step by step How to configure environment for app development:
    Best regards
    Zhengyu Guo
    TechNet Community Support

  • We have been loyal Verizon customers for about six years and need someone to investigate the amount of stress we have been put through by them in the last two or three weeks!HELP!Who do we go to?

    We have been loyal Verizon customers for about six years and need someone to investigate the amount of stress we have been put through by them in the last two or three weeks!HELP!Who do we go to?

    What problem are you having with your service or device? (Removed)
    Message edited as required by the Verizon Wireless Terms of Service
    Message was edited by: Admin Moderator

  • Hello, maybe i am writing to the wrong place, but i'll try here. so i have a slogan idea for iPhone 5. to who can i write to?

    hello, maybe i am writing to the wrong place, but i'll try here. so i have a slogan idea for iPhone 5. to who can i write to?

    Try the link below.

  • FW: Who is FORTE for ? Who would benefit from FORTE?

    You made some good points in your recent posting. I like Forte' but also
    advantages to using other tools based on specific requirements. See my
    From: [email protected][SMTP:[email protected]]
    Sent: Monday, August 12, 1996 10:03 PM
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Who is FORTE for ? Who would benefit from FORTE ?
    Who is forte really for ? Who would benefit from FORTE ?
    The main benefit of Forte' is the abilitity to develop on a particular
    platform and deploy to a multi-tier environment with platforms of any
    Specifically I am wondering if it makes a lot of sense for
    shops having all Microsoft Windows platform - both for client and
    server to gain from FORTE.
    IMHO, Forte' may not be the ideal solution in that kind of
    environment. Although, it would work fine, there are plenty
    of windows based tools and apps that would work fine and
    probably faster and cleaner.
    I think that there are so many easy-to-use and economical tool
    which can do RAD and give decent client-server performance on
    Microsoft Windows platform costing much less than a FORTE solution.
    I agree. Forte' is expensive and would be overkill if you just needed
    a C++ app using ODBC going against a small local database.
    And with these solutions you can easily put your data server on a
    Unix box and access it seamlessly on Windows platform without
    any extra tools (almost all popular databases come with
    this database connectivity built-in).
    Correct, as long as you don't need to put business logic
    on the same server as well. You add a lot of complexity
    going to multi-tier but add the advantage of load balancing
    and failover.
    What I think is unless you have run your application (or at least
    a piece of your application) on operating systems like Unix or DEC
    or unless if you have different platforms in your organization to
    deploy your application on, there is not much you'll gain from FORTE.
    I like Forte', but I have to agree with you. In a straight Windows 95/NT
    environment with a Unix database server, I'd go with something like
    MS Viz C++ and MS Access or Oracle. Forte' offers a lot for the multi-
    platform environment but does have a fairly steep learning curve,
    when it comes to the system admin piece. And initially, your system will
    need a lot of hand holding till all the pieces fit. The lack of CM,object persistence,
    use of their proprietary object broker etc are things that they'llneed to address
    in upcoming releases to remain competitive.
    Also if your application is not for a large number of users (large,
    I think is 200+ user), you gain little from your investment in FORTE.
    I believe that in this case you do not need a middleware, you can
    have logical 3-tier (or n-tier) and deploy your application on
    physical 2-tier (client and server) with more than one logical tier
    running on one of the physical tier (client or server). Middleware,
    I believe, is not worth the cost, effort and time unless you
    absolutely need it.
    Agreed, but it depends on your needs and requirements. We
    at Corning, are developing some apps in Forte' and some in
    C++ and are looking at object broker middleware to allow all
    apps to share common objects. Our determination as to which
    language/environment to use is based on many factors, some of
    which you've already mentioned. Our servers are Vax OVMS, Alpha VMS,
    and Alpha NT. Our clients are PCs (NT 3.51, NT4.0, W95, W3.1) and Alpha NT.
    We had a couple of Macs but development and end user response was so
    slow that they were replaced with far superior NT PCs (again, IMHO).
    PS- You may want to check out Forte' Express before you make adecision, especially
    if you are building DB apps with table editors/browsers. It is anexcellent rapid development
    tool, and teamed with Select Enterprise (for round trip Development<--> Documentation)
    it makes a great package._______________________________
    Jeff Austin
    Corning / CTE
    [email protected]

    You made some good points in your recent posting. I like Forte' but
    also see
    advantages to using other tools based on specific requirements. See my
    From: [email protected][SMTP:[email protected]]
    Sent: Monday, August 12, 1996 10:03 PM
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Who is FORTE for ? Who would benefit from FORTE ?
    Who is forte really for ? Who would benefit from FORTE ?
    The main benefit of Forte' is the abilitity to develop on a particular
    platform and deploy to a multi-tier environment with platforms of any
    type.Specifically I am wondering if it makes a lot of sense for
    shops having all Microsoft Windows platform - both for client and
    server to gain from FORTE.
    IMHO, Forte' may not be the ideal solution in that kind of
    environment. Although, it would work fine, there are plenty
    of windows based tools and apps that would work fine and
    probably faster and cleaner.I think that there are so many easy-to-use and economical tool
    which can do RAD and give decent client-server performance on
    Microsoft Windows platform costing much less than a FORTE solution.
    I agree. Forte' is expensive and would be overkill if you just needed
    a C++ app using ODBC going against a small local database.And with these solutions you can easily put your data server on a
    Unix box and access it seamlessly on Windows platform without
    any extra tools (almost all popular databases come with
    this database connectivity built-in).
    Correct, as long as you don't need to put business logic
    on the same server as well. You add a lot of complexity
    going to multi-tier but add the advantage of load balancing
    and failover.What I think is unless you have run your application (or at least
    a piece of your application) on operating systems like Unix or DEC
    or unless if you have different platforms in your organization to
    deploy your application on, there is not much you'll gain from FORTE.
    I like Forte', but I have to agree with you. In a straight Windows 95/NT
    environment with a Unix database server, I'd go with something like
    MS Viz C++ and MS Access or Oracle. Forte' offers a lot for the multi-
    platform environment but does have a fairly steep learning curve,
    when it comes to the system admin piece. And initially, your system will
    need a lot of hand holding till all the pieces fit. The lack of CM,
    object persistence,
    use of their proprietary object broker etc are things that they'll
    need to address
    in upcoming releases to remain competitive.Also if your application is not for a large number of users (large,
    I think is 200+ user), you gain little from your investment in FORTE.
    I believe that in this case you do not need a middleware, you can
    have logical 3-tier (or n-tier) and deploy your application on
    physical 2-tier (client and server) with more than one logical tier
    running on one of the physical tier (client or server). Middleware,
    I believe, is not worth the cost, effort and time unless you
    absolutely need it.
    Agreed, but it depends on your needs and requirements. We
    at Corning, are developing some apps in Forte' and some in
    C++ and are looking at object broker middleware to allow all
    apps to share common objects. Our determination as to which
    language/environment to use is based on many factors, some of
    which you've already mentioned. Our servers are Vax OVMS, Alpha VMS,
    and Alpha NT. Our clients are PCs (NT 3.51, NT4.0, W95, W3.1) and
    Alpha NT.
    We had a couple of Macs but development and end user response was so
    slow that they were replaced with far superior NT PCs (again, IMHO).
    PS- You may want to check out Forte' Express before you make a
    decision, especially
    if you are building DB apps with table editors/browsers. It is an
    excellent rapid development
    tool, and teamed with Select Enterprise (for round trip Development
    <--> Documentation)
    it makes a great package._______________________________
    Jeff Austin
    Corning / CTE
    [email protected]

  • What is Apple doing for those iMac owners who failed to have their Seagate HD replaced by April 12, 2013?

    What is Apple doing for those iMac owners who failed to have their Seagate HD replaced by April 12, 2013?

    Welcome to Apple Support Communities
    If you purchased the iMac less than 3 years ago and it has got one of the defective hard disks, Apple will still replace it for free. Make a backup of your files with Time Machine and take your computer to an Apple Store or reseller. A Genius will check if your Mac was purchased less than 3 years ago.
    If the computer is older, you will have to pay. Note that if you already have the iMac on April 12th, 2013 and before, and you knew that your iMac had a defective hard disk, you should have taken it even if the hard drive was working correctly

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