Why can't I get get through to on-line chat?

This is the second time today that I have tried to reach someone through the on-line chat.  I tried to go into the store and was told I had an hour and a half wait and there is no way to call customer service without being on hold almost that long, so I decide to try to figure out the issue myself.  The instructions are not clear and I just need a couple of questions answered. This is turning into a nightmare and Verizon's customer service standards are getting lower and lower.  The rates between Verizon and other companies is narrowing and I am starting to question why we are still being loyal to this company.  We've been customers for 15 years.  I don't normally express such negative feelings but I'm petty frustrated at this point. Will someone please help.

Gabbybaker wrote:
... so I decide to try to figure out the issue myself.  The instructions are not clear and I just need a couple of questions answered. ... Will someone please help.
What questions do you have?  Help us help you by giving us an idea of the issues you have...

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    Hi NJRider,
    Thanks for posting and welcome to the forum!
    I'm sorry for the problems with your order.  I can help sort everything out from here.  To get in touch, click on my username and under the section "About Me" you'll see the link to "contact the mods".
    Whenever we've received your details we'll take it from there.
    All the best,
    BTCare Community Mod
    If we have asked you to email us with your details, please make sure you are logged in to the forum, otherwise you will not be able to see our ‘Contact Us’ link within our profiles.
    We are sorry that we are unable to deal with service/account queries via the private message(PM) function so please don't PM your account info, we need to deal with this via our email account :-)
    If someone answers your question correctly please let other members know by clicking on ’Mark as Accepted Solution’.

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    See the other actions of:
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    Restore from backup. See:
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    There can be several reasons.
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    10:24 PM      Wednesday; February 29, 2012
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
      iMac 2.5Ghz 5i 2011 (Lion 10.7.3)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
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    Configure The Windows 8 "To Work" Options

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    Try a different tact... Have a look here...
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    Still working on my system. Are you receiving an error? Might want to contact them.

  • Why can charging our devices get so complicated?

    For some people, depending on their charging needs, usually based on the number of devices they need to charge can get very confusing. Here are some scenarios. After which if there is any one that can provide some insight in how to charge devices using non-apple chargers and cables, PLEASE shed some light on us less than technical folk.
    It all started with the 3' only Apple cord. Sorry, it's simply too short. Yes I can use an extension cord, but not always. in the house. OK. but what about if you travel? Fly a lot, etc. I don't want to be carrying an extension cord or worse a power strip to plug in 2 or more devices. Then came the Made in China 6' and 10' cords. Still nothing from Apple. As anyone who's tried these, they often last a week or bring up the dreaded error (paraphrasing) "this not supported and may not function properly"
    Some time later better reliable cords appeared on market from folks like Belkin and Griffin, that didn't' seem to conjure these errors. Some disagree though.
    But what about double chargers? Still nothing from Apple. To fill this vacuum a host of double USB cigarette and wall wart chargers arrived which complicated the problem because now it was sometimes the combination of which 3rd party charger and cord combo that was the issue. Example: the OEM cord works fine in the 2 or 4 USB wall charger, but add a 3rd party cord and it would bring up the error warning. Take the same 3rd party cord and plug it into your OEM Apple charger and all was well. Clearly the combo was the problem.
    I found that if you squeeze the end of the USB so it dipped a fraction to make the connection into the charger tighter, this would stop charging issues. Trial and error Voodoo at best.
    This isn't meant to be a finger point at Apple, although it is very surprising that longer cords and multi-chargers for car and wall were never developed and Apple knows there are tons of garbage that not only don't charge reliably, consistently (some days they work, others for no reason don't), at all, or may even damage your device. BTW, Apple did finally make a 6' cord. Pricey, but available. Thankfully. Still no 10' or multi-port USB chargers though. And who doesn't need a 2-port charger in the car for you and your passenger(s) on long trips?
    Why is charging such a mystery and why aren't their at least Apple blessed products we can depend on?
    Regardless, Apple hasn't so if you need longer cables and multi-chargers you are left to fend for yourself and use trial and error purchases, returns until you find something that works. Why on earth after spending as much as we do for very sophisticated and beloved iDevices are we running around from vendor to vendor trying to find a reliable safe charging system. When I recently discovered that it could be the cord, charger or combination, that's when I realized just how unnecessarily difficult this was.
    Enter products like Mophie charging cases for iPhone which use a regular USB and mini USB male jack and their 3rd party longer cables and the problem carries over to these products too. I have a Mophie because I'm in the field all day and need extra battery time. It's a God send.
    Recently I had to put an inverter into my cigarette lighter, then an Anker 4 USB port 100v charger to get enough power to get a totally drained co-worker's iPhone working. The battery was too low for my Scosche dual USB cigarette charger to bring it to life. 150 watt / Anker to the rescue. That was my most out of the box solution yet.
    I installed a number of RCA chargers that go over your 110v dual wall sockets and provide you with 4 110v outlets and 2 USB, 2.1s and yesterday found my IXCC 10' USB/8-pin, which has been totally reliable in my Belkin similar wall set up now got the alert warning and my Mophie USB/USB doesn't provide power at all! If I plug the USB/USB into either my OEM iPad, iPhone or Anker USB 4 port, all's well. Being the weekend and frustrated prompted this post plus I know in my office alone so many are befuddled and if a good sample, many Apple users have to be too.
    Why the garbage products are allowed on the market, or why the Amazons of the world who take them back regularly keep offering the substandard ones is a mystery to me. I've returned at least 6-8 items between cords and chargers.
    Lastly there is the possible truth or folk lore that Apple has a proprietary chip in their cords which is the cause of the alert errors on non-Apple cords. But then why do some work? And some work plugged into some non-Apple multi-chargers and some are fine with some chargers and not with others. Ugh.
    Does any one know why some cords simply don't work or work well? Is the wire inside too thin? Is QA so poor that the wires inside don't always get connected to the USB and 8-pin or micro USB jack lugs inside?
    And what about the chargers? Not to mention some being 2.1 and some 1.5 boasting that using 2.1 on our iPhones that come with 1.5 chargers will charge up faster. But at what cost I wonder.
    Lastly, for the Techies out there, I saw in Home Depot the other day you can now buy installable 110v outlets with 2 (or more) USB jacks to replace your standard 2 outlet 110v wall sockets. Clearly USB has landed. Even power strips have USBs now.
    But how do we choose? How to we stop wasting money buying ones that don't work, and are our Apple devices safe using anything other than Apple charging parts. If so, why doesn't Apple make a dual USB cigarette charger and 2, 4 or more wall charger since so many of us have 2 devices or more, or have families all with Apple products and great need for simple reliable safe charging. Especially since we can't live without our iPhones and iPads anymore.
    I wonder if there is a summary sheet online that lists what works and what to stay away from. Still confused why Apple hasn't put an end to this madness.

    Steven Shmerler wrote:
    It all started with the 3' only Apple cord. Sorry, it's simply too short. Yes I can use an extension cord, but not always. in the house. OK. but what about if you travel? Fly a lot, etc. I don't want to be carrying an extension cord or worse a power strip to plug in 2 or more devices.
    What prevents you from using an extension cord? And yes, I always take one with me when traveling as hotels (and guest rooms) rarely have enough outlets. I also generally carry this:
    http://www.amazon.com/3-Outlet-Charger-Protector-Charging-Outlets/dp/B0015DYMVO/ ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1412528286&sr=8-6&keywords=belkin+power+strip
    I've never found charing any of my iOS devices complicated. I plug them in. They charge. I rarely use anything but genuine Apple cables and chargers (except for the Belkin car charger). I generally use iPad chargers as they can charge both iPhone and iPads. When I'm using a mophie case, I generally use the mophie desktop charger (fantastic!) or, whatever random microUSB cable and chargers are lying around. I can't say I've ever had any problems. It also doesn't feel very "mysterious" to me. I'd say my advice boils down to one thing "Don't buy cheap chargers."

  • WHY can I no longer get Harry's Law episodes On Demand

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    You can catch Monday's episode repeated on Saturday at 8PM (at least this and the past few weeks) - hopefully that's not before your bedtime .  As for the lack of it in VOD, that is usually governed by when NBC (in this case) releases it to VOD, although there have been issues with Verizon falling behind in the past.
    Obviously not all network shows repeat, but some have taken to releasing the episode the following week to a sister cable channel\.  I always take a look to see (in the guide) if the episode I want is repeated within the guide's 10 day stored schedule. When in the guide press INFO for the show in question and scroll down to ADDITIONAL AIR TIMES (or something similar - not in fron tof the TV now).
    If a forum member gives an answer you like, give them the Kudos they deserve. If a member gives you the answer to your question, mark the answer as Accepted Solution so others can see the solution to the problem.

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    I'm not interested in complex and multilayered until I can get basic functions operating as I expect them to operate.
    I started using Firefox 6 months ago and it worked fine. I liked it and it served me well. I recently updated to #37.0 and since then, I cannot get past the first page which instantly shifts to a page the give me options that are useless to me.
    Shou0ld I drop some of the plug ins?

    *1 '''[http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/all/ Download Firefox Full Installer For All languages And Systems]''' {web link}
    *2 '''[https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/uninstall-firefox-from-your-computer Uninstall Firefox from your computer]''' {web link}<br>DO NOT remove your profiles.
    *3 After, reboot the computer. Then run the full installer.

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    HHave Internet service but no email service on my ipad.  Why?  I always have to plug in my computer to send emails. It is a big problem I am getting worn out dealing with. Help?

    Hey there Criseal,
    It sounds like you are unable to get your email on your iPad suddenly. I'd recommend these troubleshooting steps from the article found here, named:
    iOS: Troubleshooting Mail
    Log in to your email provider's website to make sure that the account is active and the password is correct.
    Make sure your settings are correct using Mail Settings Lookup.
    Restart your iOS device.
    Delete the affected email account from your device.
    Tap Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars.
    Tap the affected email account.
    Tap Delete Account.
    Add your account again.
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    All the best,

  • Why can't I use Get LV Class Default Value in a dynamic VI?

    I am attempting to override a VI that uses "Get LV Class Default Value" and getting an error that I don't understand.  My parent class, "ANT Message Class", has two children - "ANT Command Class" and "ANT Response Class".  The children share a lot of data and functionality, including the factory pattern that the parent class' "Load Message Class" VI implements (see image).  I would like to override this VI with a Command version and a Response version, which would simply call the Message version with their respective classes overriding the dynamic input and output terminals.  However, I am getting the error "Front Panel Terminal 'ANT Message Class Out': Run-time type not propagated from dynamic input to dynamic output."
    Not sure how to get around this one.  Any ideas?
    Go to Solution.
    Get LV Class Default Value in dynamic VI.png ‏179 KB

    The To More Specific node is dealing with compile-type inference. In this case, you are loading a default instance from disk and then attempting to cast to the base Message class. However the type you are casting to is going to a dynamic output - this gives the compiler no assurances that the input class at run-time on the dynamic input will be the same as the output type; only that it will be a type at the top of the hierarchy. Dyanmic dispatch inputs/outputs must be the same type to guarantee some form of type safety.
    You need the Preserve node there so that you can guarantee the class at both dynamic dispatch terminals will be the same type.
    However this is probably not the best mechanism for a factory method. Factory methods should ideally be static; their job is to provide an instance of the right type (e.g loaded by path as per your example) and you don't need an instance of a class to do that. The only reason I can think of to over-ride said functionailty in a dynamic dispatch method is to provide some form of custom construction for the creation of the type. If all you are creating is an instance with nothing but the default private data then there is no reason to over-ride in the child classes.
    EDIT: Another post collision. nathand is on the money with this one.

Maybe you are looking for