Why can't I update anyting in firefox? Looking to other browsers now.

Give me a break. Every time I want to play a video link fro Facebook I get the message that Adobe needs to be updated. I HAVE the latest version of Adobe FLash. WHY is Firefox blocking everything still?

Hi majabritt,
It may also be the website, however if Flash is blocked in your settings as well it is possible to re-enable the plugin from the Add ons Menu.
For reference:

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    I'm not sure that if it's only happening on a specific page, and ofcourse it did work before on FF 7.0.1.
    Here is a link of the page.

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    Firefox 3.6.x is the last available from Mozilla for PPC Macs. <br />
    For older Macs that aren't supported in Firefox 4+ versions, try TenFourFox for PowerPC's running Mac 10.4.11 & 10.5.8 . <br />
    http://www.floodgap.com/software/tenfourfox/<br />
    http://tenfourfox.blogspot.com/ <br />

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    Well, it's probably one of two things: either the awesome dude(tte) who developed this awesome extension was tired of updating or the changes in FFox software architecture carried out between version 3.x and 4+ created challenges that were too difficult for him to surmount or a combination of both. Honestly, I love Mozilla but I think they dropped the ball on the throttle issue. It's such an obvious and necessary function and it's so easy to implement. They should have included it a long time ago as in built feature. And, if you are browsing and looking at this post and you agree. Add a suggestion in mozilla.org. The more of us asking for this function, the better.
    Meanwhile, I have the following solution for you:
    Solution (DIY Version of my Solution ):
    Setting Up a Separate Portable Firefox 3.6.x that runs independently of and simultaneously to your latest version of Firefox
    Get FireFox Portable 3.6.24:
    It's a portable app, meaning that it's got all it's profiles and preference and application files in the same directory. It won't compete with your current installation of Firefox, has it's own separate extension folder etc...
    Get Firefox Throttle 1.1.6
    http://firefox-throttle.en.softonic.com/ (I couldn't find it in the official mozilla site)
    It will be flagged as incompatible with even that old version of firefox (but it isn't). You just need to turn off compatibility checking. You can do that with this extension:
    If you have Bookmarks you want to port to the portable (bad pun intend), backup them up to bookmarks.json file on your desktop and import them to the portable version. You can export/import more stuff using FEBE addon but that's a whole world of headaches if you don't your doing.
    Many of your extensions favourites extensions will no longer work on FFox 3.6.x but if, in that same addon's page, you look around until you find a link to previous versions of the addon, you will notice that the compatibility info is right below the version numbers. Just download and install the latest version that is compatible with you 3.6.x....
    Voila mon ami! Your FFox 3.6 portable has just become your own private Download Mule whom you can throttle to your hearts content (ever throttle a real Mule??? I wouldn't try it, personally...) Do your regular browsing in another (unthrottled) browser and do your big downloads in the Mule...
    If you want to keep using your brand spanking new Firefox for other types of browsing while using this portable Mule edition for the downloads, just add -p -no-remote to the shortcut leading to your Firefox Portable Mule edition.
    For example, my taskbar shortcut to my Firefox Portable is:
    ""C:\Program Files (x86)\FirefoxPortableLegacy36\FirefoxPortable.exe"
    I just changed it to:
    "C:\Program Files (x86)\FirefoxPortableLegacy36\FirefoxPortable.exe" -p -no-remote
    This will make it occupy it's own independent instance and I can use the both my Firefox Nightly and the Firefox Portable editions at the same time (each one, using a different profile ie. extensions, cookies, password, cache etc).
    If you're on Linux, you can just run this on Wine and set the Windows Version to Windows 2000 in the Wine config,
    If you want to get rid of the Portable Apps splash screen, click here:
    Solution (Non-DIY Version of my Solution):
    Download my preconfigured but SWAGGED-THE-HECK-UP PortableFirefox 3.6
    Having realized that some of you may find the above to be daunting. I took my own customize firefox portable, took out all my data and compressed the folder (it's portable, so it'll run as soon as you unzip it).
    Here is a screenshot:
    Here is the download link:
    Don't forget to modify your Start/Taskbar shortcuts:
    "C:\wherever you decide to put it\FirefoxPortableLegacy36-Swagged-UP!\FirefoxPortable.exe"
    I just changed it to:
    "C:\wherever you decide to put it\FirefoxPortableLegacy36-Swagged-UP!\FirefoxPortable.exe" -p -no-remote

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    Just for the record, I was having this problem with older versons of Firefox also. It just happened recently and, with the help of this forum (thanks cor-el) suggesting to open Firefox in safe mode and checking add ons, I found the problem. It was the recent update of Mcafee Site Advisor. If you have Mcafee Site Advisor as an add on, disable it and see if that helps. It worked for me.
    To disable this add on,
    Go to:
    Tools/Add ons/Extensions and click: "disable" for this add on and restart Firefox. Hope it works for you too.
    P.S. To uninstall Site Advisor altogether, you must do that through Windows Add/Remove Programs.

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    Error -3259 is a network timeout error, usually. This article might help:

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    In Firefox 3.5 and later you can no longer click the Tab bar to set focus to it.<br />
    You can press Ctrl+K (Mac: Cmd+K) to set focus to the search bar and press the Tab key until the tab bar gets focus.
    See dao's post in this MozillaZine forum thread: http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=1304895
    Add code to [http://kb.mozillazine.org/UserChrome.css userChrome.css] below the @namespace line.<br />
    See http://kb.mozillazine.org/Editing_configuration#How_to_edit_configuration_files
    <pre><nowiki>.tabbrowser-tab[selected="true"] {-moz-user-focus: normal !important;}</nowiki></pre>

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    Windows System Requirements
    PC with a 1GHz Intel or AMD processor and 512MB of RAM
    Windows XP Service Pack 2 or later, 32-bit editions of Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8
    64-bit editions of Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8 require the iTunes 64-bit installer
    400MB of available disk space
    Broadband Internet connection to use the iTunes Store
    See Here  >  http://support.apple.com/kb/TS3125
    From Here  >  http://www.apple.com/support/itunes/troubleshooting/

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    You must be signed into the Apple Store with your Apple ID or it won't work.
    How to deal with a 100 Store Error:
    Try here >  Mac App Store: "An unknown error occurred (100)" when purchasing
    If that doesn't help, open the Finder. From the Finder menu bar click Go > Go to Folder
    Type this exactly as you see it here;
    Click Go
    Move the Cache.db file to the Trash.
    Now here:
    Click Go
    Move these files from the Preferences folder to the Trash.
    Now here:
    Click Go
    Move the com.apple.appstore.plist file from the Cookies folder to the Trash.
    Empty the Trash, try the App Store.

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    Have you tried to see if you have the newest version of iTunes? Also, it may help if you try the following steps.
    Download iOS from a third-party website (i reccomend http://whited00r.com/) (as this is a full operating system, it is a big download and may take time on a slow internet connection)
    Unzip the file.
    After unzipping, you should now have a .ipsw file.
    Open iTunes
    Connect your device and make sure you take a back-up of it first (if you don't all your data will be erased)
    Now, while pressing the Restore button, hold down the Alt key (for Mac) or the Shift key (for Windows).
    You should now have a window open asking you to choose a file.
    Choose the file you just downloaded from whited00r.com
    Press OK
    It should start replacing your current OS to the new one.
    When this finishes, your device will restart
    Click restore from (whatever your old device was called)
    It will put back all your apps and information

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    Contact iTunes Customer Service and request assistance
    Use this Link  >  Apple  Support  iTunes Store  Contact

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    What have you tried?
    What happened?
    It is a second gen ipod touch?  If it is an 8gigabyte then it is a second gen
    Identifying iPod models

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