Why do buttons become wider when switch Look & Feel

When changed look and feel, all JToggleButtons become wider. I looked up
this forum, but failed to get a solution. Please help me. Thank you in advance.

This question was asked just a few days ago.

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    First of all, thank you for being upfront about cross posting.
    Whether this is "correct" behavior or not may be debatable, but it's certainly expected behavior. From the source of javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicInternalFrameUI.BorderListener.mousePressed (towards the end of the method)Container c = frame.getTopLevelAncestor();
    if (c instanceof RootPaneContainer) {
       Component glassPane = ((RootPaneContainer)c).getGlassPane();
    }The glass pane is made visible to show the resize cursor.
    It's set back to visible(false) in finishMouseReleased() which is invoked from mouseRelease and elsewhere (e;g; from cancelResize which is invoked from windowLostFocus)
    Looks like you can't use the glass pane for whatever you had planned, the Swing designers have already used it for something else. Or this could be a workaround, depending on exactly what it is you're trying to do.@Override
    protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
       if (this.isOpaque()) {
          g.fillOval(0, 0, 100, 100);
    }You could also declare and use a boolean flag, rather than using isOpaque (which may happen to be set/reset somewhere else in the Swing code ;-)

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    Without system information nobody can advise specifically, but sounds like graphics issues. Update your graphics driver.

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    <Edited by Host>

    Aaron Adams (.Mac) wrote:
    This problem is STILL occurring with 10.6.6 and ARD 3.4. See this archived thread for prior information:
    Whenever I'm sharing the screen of any headless Mac and I attempt to use fast user switching, the screen sharing window closes and I am unable to reconnect to screen sharing on the remote Mac until I reboot it.
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    try the beta-version of 1.4.2

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    Just to clarify. When you compare the exported image to the original inside LR do they look the same when viewed together in the Library module, and how about when both are viewed in the Develop module? Are you using a wide gamut monitor and do you also use a hardware monitor calibrator? All of these things affect how images looks in LR and some are fixable, but others are not as Web Weaver posted.
    There is also another issue that can cause the Library module view and exported images to look different than they do in the Develop module:
    The solution is to view the image at 1:1 (100%) view size. You can also use more conservative Sharpening settings (i.e. lower) and more aggressive Luminance Noise Reduction settings (i.e. higher), which will significantly decrease the view difference.

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    Please don't post in the PPC forum unless you are using a PPC machine.
    Dealing With The Resume Feature of Lion
    Managing Mac OS X Lion's application resume feature.
    If you shutdown your computer you should get a dialog asking if you want applications to resume on the next startup. Simply uncheck the box to prevent that from occurring. Open General preferences and uncheck the option to Restore windows when quitting and re-opening apps. You can also install a third-party utility to control resume features on individual applications: RestoreMeNot or Application State Cleaner.
    It is possible to completely stop the Resume feature although I'm unconvinced that it is that annoying. Nevertheless see the following:
    If you have not yet done so you must first make your /Home/Library/ folder visible. Open the Terminal application in the Utilities folder. At the prompt paste the following command line:
    chflags nohidden ~/Library
    Press RETURN. Quit the Terminal application.
    In the Finder navigate to the /Home/Library/Saved Application State/ folder. Delete the contents of the folder. Back up to the /Home/Library/ folder. Select the Saved Application State folder. Press COMMAND-I to open the Get Info window. In the Sharing and Permissions panel at the bottom click on the lock icon and authenticate. Set each of the listed entries to Read Only. Close the Get Info window.
    Quit all open programs except the Finder (this is very important.) Next, navigate to the /Home/Library/Preferences/ByHost/ folder. Look for a .plist file with "com.apple.loginwindow." in the file name followed by some numbers in hexadecimal. Select the file. Press COMMAND-I to open the Get Info window and in the Sharing and Permissions panel click on the lock icon and authenticate. Set each of the listed entries to Read Only. Close the Get Info window. If you also find a file with the same filename but with a last extension of ".lockfile," then you should delete it.
    The above should eliminate the Resume feature system-wide. Note that any future system updates or upgrades will likely undo these changes. You will then need to repeat this procedure assuming there are no major changes in OS X related to it.

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    How is it "switched off"? Are you pressing the button on the top so the screen goes black? If so, that isn't shut off, but put to sleep. I will still be doing things in the background and using battery power.
    To shut it fully off, press and hold the button on top, you will get a notification on the screen that says "Slide to power off". Slide the button and it will turn completly off.
    If this is how you switched it off, let us know and we will see what else we can figure out.

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    - Try cleaning out/blowing out the headphone jack. Try inserting/removing the plug a dozen times or so. There is a little switch in the headphone jack that disconnects the speaker when the headphone jack is inserted.
    Try the following to rule out a software problem
    - Reset the iPod. Nothing will be lost
    Reset iPod touch: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Reset all settings
    Go to Settings > General > Reset and tap Reset All Settings.
    All your preferences and settings are reset. Information (such as contacts and calendars) and media (such as songs and videos) aren’t affected.
    - Restore from backup
    - Restore to factory settings/new iPod.
    - Make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store. Seems you have a bad headphone jack.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar
    If not under warranty Apple will exchange your iPod for a refurbished one for this price. They do not fix yours.
    Apple - iPod Repair price                  
    A third-party place like the following will replace the jack for less. Google for more.
    iPhone Repair, Service & Parts: iPod Touch, iPad, MacBook Pro Screens
    Replace the jack yourself
    iPod Touch Repair – iFixit

  • Why do my photos become uncropped when i upload to shutterfly?  I saved them as cropped photos in my album and followed the directions closely, but it keeps happening.

    Why do my photos become uncropped when I upload to Shutterfly using the Shutterfly app?   I correctly downloaded the photos to my iPad.  I then cropped them, enhanced them, and saved correctly.  I then created a new folder, put them in it, then used the Shutterfly app to upload them.   However, the uploaded versions are the originals before being cropped and enhanced.   I have tried this several times now and cannot figure it out.  

    There may or may not be something wrong with your colour settings or monitor calibration and profile. Quite possibly there isn't. You say you work in Adobe RGB space in Photoshop. If you're viewing Adobe RGB images which have no embedded profile in a browser then the images are extremely likely to look "washed out and faded". And if you're viewing images in a browser that's not fully colour managed then your images will look wrong there anyway, regardless of profiles.
    I suspect you're putting Adobe RGB profile images on the Web and not embedding that profile in the images.
    It's generally best practice to put sRGB images on the Web. You can work in Adobe RGB space in Photoshop but if you don't work in sRGB space then ensure images destined for the Web are converted to sRGB so there is the best chance of most viewers seeing a somewhat close approximation to what you see in Photoshop.
    Photoshop's Save For Web dialog has an option to convert to sRGB. Note that SFW has an option to embed the profile in JPEG but not PNG files. There is some debate over whether the profile should be embedded in images for the Web but my personal choice is to embed. So if I export sRGB PNG via SFW, I use Apple Preview to embed the sRGB profile.

  • Why do none of the links that I put in my outgoing yahoo emails no longer underline themselves and become live when I finish typing them and hit the space bar?

    Previously, when I typed my email address in an outgoing email or cut and pasted a link from my browser bar the link would become 'live' when I hit the space bar or 'enter' key. The link would turn blue and underline itself and the person receiving the email could just click on that live link and be taken to the site. Now the link does not turn blue or underline itself and the receiver must cut and paste the link into their browser bar to use it.
    Why? I did not change anything in Yahoo or Mozilla.
    I have deleted and reinstalled Java to no effect. I am using html in Yahoo.

    As it turns out, many others have been having similar issues on other browsers. It seems that maybe Yahoo! is taking a much longer time to load or something like that. Either way, its been working on and off all week, and the same issue even showed up yesterday with IE 8 instead of FF. It still loads faster than IE 8, but again is spotty. Some people think the issue may be with mail.yimg.com or s.yimg.com, which I could see was the loading url in the left corner whenever Yahoo! Mail was refusing to work. A couple of people said blocking it caused the issue. Alternatively, some people suggested blocking it to solve the problem. Does anyone have any information on that? Again, I have no add-ons that would be blocking any urls, and my firewall hasn't any records of it. I really don't want to do anything to mess up my browsers more than they may have already been. Thanks for all of your help so far!

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