Why do i need udev+udisks+udisks2+gvfs installed to dynamic mount?

hi there,
yes, i have used the search function on that, but still have unanswered questions.
why do i need udev+udisks+udisks2+gvfs installed to dynamically mount internal (ntfs, ext4) partitions ?
If one these packages is missing, mounting an internal drive with "pcmanfm" is not possible.
I know how to static mount these drives via "fstab", but i want to mount them when i need the access.
why are my removable devices not automatically mounted in "pcmanfm" when plugged in?
I have another OS (Lubuntu) running and this automatically recognizes when a cd is inserted or a usb stick is plugged in.
I have tried to install the package "gvfs-afc" and rebooted, still no usb stick to see. But when i enter:
sudo blkid -c /dev/null
The usb stick is listed as "sdb1"
I am using 64bit arch linux 3.9.3-1 with openbox+lxde.

jasonwryan wrote:
You don't. You need udev for a whole lot of other stuff, so leave that aside. To automount removable media, you can just use udisks and a helper like ud{iskie,evil}.
For an ntfs partition, you will also need that driver.
Comparing it with the Lubuntu; I am sure there is a lot more cruft preinstalled that makes this happen. In Arch, you just install what you need.
The udev page has the details.
so i have uninstalled the gvfs+udisks2 packages, rebooted and installed udevil-git and rebooted again.
No partition is shown in the filemanager now. I really dont get it. The udev wiki says udev needs rules but my "/etc/udev/rules.d" folder is empty.
The udisks wiki says that udisks and udisks2 are incompatible and that only one is needed and that udisks2 should be installed for gnome systems and udisks for xfce, but i have lxde installed. So it is not working with udisks and lxde (pcmanfm), when i try to install udisks2 additionally, it also does not work. Uninstalling udisks is also not possible because of the dependancy to libfm and so on...
Here is my /etc/udevil/udevil-user-harry.conf:
# udevil configuration file /etc/udevil/udevil.conf
# This file controls what devices, networks, and files users may mount and
# unmount via udevil (set suid).
# Note: For greater control for specific users, including root, copy this
# file to /etc/udevil/udevil-user-USERNAME.conf replacing USERNAME with the
# desired username (eg /etc/udevil/udevil-user-jim.conf).
# Format:
# DO NOT USE QUOTES except literally
# Lines beginning with # are ignored
# To log all uses of udevil, set log_file to a file path:
#log_file = /var/log/udevil.log
# Approximate number of days to retain log entries (0=forever, max=60):
log_keep_days = 10
# allowed_types determines what fstypes can be passed by a user to the u/mount
# program, what device filesystems may be un/mounted implicitly, and what
# network filesystems may be un/mounted.
# It may also include the 'file' keyword, indicating that the user is allowed
# to mount files (eg an ISO file). The $KNOWN_FILESYSTEMS variable may
# be included to include common local filesystems as well as those listed in
# /etc/filesystems and /proc/filesystems.
# allowed_types_USERNAME, if present, is used to override allowed_types for
# the specific user 'USERNAME'. For example, to allow user 'jim' to mount
# only vfat filesystems, add:
# allowed_types_jim = vfat
# Setting allowed_types = * does NOT allow all types, as this is a security
# risk, but does allow all recognized types.
# allowed_types = $KNOWN_FILESYSTEMS, file, cifs, smbfs, nfs, curlftpfs, ftpfs, sshfs, davfs, tmpfs, ramfs
allowed_types = $KNOWN_FILESYSTEMS, file, ntfs, vfat
# allowed_users is a list of users permitted to mount and unmount with udevil.
# Wildcards (* or ?) may be used in the usernames. To allow all users,
# specify "allowed_users=*". UIDs may be included using the form UID=1000.
# For example: allowed_users = carl, UID=1000, pre*
# Also note that permission to execute udevil may be limited to users belonging
# to the group that owns /usr/bin/udevil, such as 'plugdev' or 'storage',
# depending on installation.
# allowed_users_FSTYPE, if present, is used to override allowed_users when
# mounting or unmounting a specific fstype (eg nfs, ext3, file).
# Note that when mounting a file, fstype will always be 'file' regardless of
# the internal fstype of the file.
# For example, to allow only user 'bob' to mount nfs shares, add:
# allowed_users_nfs = bob
# The root user is NOT automatically allowed to use udevil in some cases unless
# listed here (except for unmounting anything or mounting fstab devices).
allowed_users = harry, root
# allowed_groups is a list of groups permitted to mount and unmount with
# udevil. The user MUST belong to at least one of these groups. Wildcards
# or GIDs may NOT be used in group names, but a single * may be used to allow
# all groups.
# Also note that permission to execute udevil may be limited to users belonging
# to the group that owns /usr/bin/udevil, such as 'plugdev' or 'storage',
# depending on installation.
# allowed_groups_FSTYPE, if present, is used to override allowed_groups when
# mounting or unmounting a specific fstype (eg nfs, ext3, file). For example,
# to allow only members of the 'network' group to mount smb and nfs shares,
# use both of these lines:
# allowed_groups_smbfs = network
# allowed_groups_nfs = network
# The root user is NOT automatically allowed to use udevil in some cases unless
# listed here (except for unmounting anything or mounting fstab devices).
allowed_groups = storage
# allowed_media_dirs specifies the media directories in which user mount points
# may be located. The first directory which exists and does not contain a
# wildcard will be used as the default media directory (normally /media or
# /run/media/$USER).
# The $USER variable, if included, will be replaced with the username of the
# user running udevil. Wildcards may also be used in any directory EXCEPT the
# default. Wildcards will not match a /
# allowed_media_dirs_FSTYPE, if present, is used to override allowed_media_dirs
# when mounting or unmounting a specific fstype (eg ext2, nfs). For example,
# to cause /media/network to be used as the default media directory for
# nfs and ftpfs mounts, use these two lines:
# allowed_media_dirs_nfs = /media/network, /media, /run/media/$USER
# allowed_media_dirs_ftpfs = /media/network, /media, /run/media/$USER
# NOTE: If you want only the user who mounted a device to have access to it
# and be allowed to unmount it, specify /run/media/$USER as the first
# allowed media directory.
# IMPORTANT: If an allowed file is mounted to a media directory, the user may
# be permitted to unmount its associated loop device even though internal.
allowed_media_dirs = /media, /run/media/$USER
# allowed_devices is the first criteria for what block devices users may mount
# or unmount. If a device is not listed in allowed_devices, it cannot be
# un/mounted (unless in fstab). However, even if a device is listed, other
# factors may prevent its use. For example, access to system internal devices
# will be denied to normal users even if they are included in allowed_devices.
# allowed_devices_FSTYPE, if present, is used to override allowed_devices when
# mounting or unmounting a specific fstype (eg ext3, ntfs). For example, to
# prevent all block devices containing an ext4 filesystem from being
# un/mounted use:
# allowed_devices_ext4 =
# Note: Wildcards may be used, but a wildcard will never match a /, except
# for "allowed_devices=*" which allows any device. The recommended setting is
# allowed_devices = /dev/*
allowed_devices = /dev/*
# allowed_internal_devices causes udevil to treat any listed block devices as
# removable, thus allowing normal users to un/mount them (providing they are
# also listed in allowed_devices).
# allowed_internal_devices_FSTYPE, if present, is used to override
# allowed_internal_devices when mounting or unmounting a specific fstype
# (eg ext3, ntfs). For example, to allow block devices containing a vfat
# filesystem to be un/mounted even if they are system internal devices, use:
# allowed_internal_devices_vfat = /dev/sdb*
# Some removable esata drives look like internal drives to udevil. To avoid
# this problem, they can be treated as removable with this setting.
# allowed_internal_devices =
# allowed_internal_uuids and allowed_internal_uuids_FSTYPE work similarly to
# allowed_internal_devices, except that UUIDs are specified instead of devices.
# For example, to allow un/mounting of an internal filesystem based on UUID:
# allowed_internal_uuids = cc0c4489-8def-1e5b-a304-ab87c3cb626c0
# allowed_internal_uuids =
# forbidden_devices is used to prevent block devices from being un/mounted
# even if other settings would allow them (except devices in fstab).
# forbidden_devices_FSTYPE, if present, is used to override
# forbidden_devices when mounting or unmounting a specific fstype
# (eg ext3, ntfs). For example, to prevent device /dev/sdd1 from being
# mounted when it contains an ntfs filesystem, use:
# forbidden_devices_ntfs = /dev/sdd1
# NOTE: device node paths are canonicalized before being tested, so forbidding
# a link to a device will have no effect.
forbidden_devices =
# allowed_networks determines what hosts may be un/mounted by udevil users when
# using nfs, cifs, smbfs, curlftpfs, ftpfs, or sshfs. Hosts may be specified
# using a hostname (eg myserver.com) or IP address (
# Wildcards may be used in hostnames and IP addresses, but CIDR notation
# ( is NOT supported. IP v6 is supported. For example:
# allowed_networks =, 192.168.1.*, 10.0.0.*, localmachine, *.okay.com
# Or, to prevent un/mounting of any network shares, set:
# allowed_networks =
# allowed_networks_FSTYPE, if present, is used to override allowed_networks
# when mounting or unmounting a specific network fstype (eg nfs, cifs, sshfs,
# curlftpfs). For example, to limit nfs and samba shares to only local
# networks, use these two lines:
# allowed_networks_nfs = 192.168.1.*, 10.0.0.*
# allowed_networks_cifs = 192.168.1.*, 10.0.0.*
allowed_networks = *
# forbidden_networks and forbidden_networks_FSTYPE are used to specify networks
# that are never allowed, even if other settings allow them (except fstab).
# NO REVERSE LOOKUP IS PERFORMED, so including bad.com will only have an effect
# if the user uses that hostname. IP lookup is always performed, so forbidding
# an IP address will also forbid all corresponding hostnames.
forbidden_networks =
# allowed_files is used to determine what files in what directories may be
# un/mounted. A user must also have read permission on a file to mount it.
# Note: Wildcards may be used, but a wildcard will never match a /, except
# for "allowed_files=*" which allows any file. For example, to allow only
# files in the /share directory to be mounted, use:
# allowed_files = /share/*
# NOTE: Specifying allowed_files_FSTYPE will NOT work because the fstype of
# files is always 'file'.
allowed_files = *
# forbidden_files is used to specify files that are never allowed, even if
# other settings allow them (except fstab). Specify a full path.
# Note: Wildcards may be used, but a wildcard will never match a /, except
# for "forbidden_files = *".
# NOTE: file paths are canonicalized before being tested, so forbidding
# a link to a file will have no effect.
forbidden_files =
# default_options specifies what options are always included when performing
# a mount, in addition to any options the user may specify.
# Note: When a device is present in /etc/fstab, and the user does not specify
# a mount point, the device is mounted with normal user permissions using
# the fstab entry, without these options.
# default_options_FSTYPE, if present, is used to override default_options
# when mounting a specific fstype (eg ext2, nfs).
# The variables $USER, $UID, and $GID are changed to the user's username, UID,
# and GID.
# FOR GOOD SECURITY, default_options SHOULD ALWAYS INCLUDE: nosuid,noexec,nodev
default_options = nosuid, noexec, nodev, noatime
default_options_file = nosuid, noexec, nodev, noatime, uid=$UID, gid=$GID, ro
# mount iso9660 with 'ro' to prevent mount read-only warning
default_options_iso9660 = nosuid, noexec, nodev, noatime, uid=$UID, gid=$GID, ro, utf8
default_options_udf = nosuid, noexec, nodev, noatime, uid=$UID, gid=$GID
default_options_vfat = nosuid, noexec, nodev, noatime, fmask=0022, dmask=0022, uid=$UID, gid=$GID, utf8
default_options_msdos = nosuid, noexec, nodev, noatime, fmask=0022, dmask=0022, uid=$UID, gid=$GID
default_options_umsdos = nosuid, noexec, nodev, noatime, fmask=0022, dmask=0022, uid=$UID, gid=$GID
default_options_ntfs = nosuid, noexec, nodev, noatime, uid=$UID, gid=$GID, utf8
default_options_cifs = nosuid, noexec, nodev, uid=$UID, gid=$GID
default_options_smbfs = nosuid, noexec, nodev, uid=$UID, gid=$GID
default_options_sshfs = nosuid, noexec, nodev, noatime, uid=$UID, gid=$GID, nonempty, allow_other
default_options_curlftpfs = nosuid, noexec, nodev, noatime, uid=$UID, gid=$GID, nonempty, allow_other
default_options_ftpfs = nosuid, noexec, nodev, noatime, uid=$UID, gid=$GID
default_options_davfs = nosuid, noexec, nodev, uid=$UID, gid=$GID
default_options_tmpfs = nosuid, noexec, nodev, noatime, uid=$UID, gid=$GID
default_options_ramfs = nosuid, noexec, nodev, noatime, uid=$UID, gid=$GID
# allowed_options determines all options that a user may specify when mounting.
# All the options used in default_options above must be included here too, or
# they will be rejected. If the user attempts to use an option not included
# here, an error will result. Wildcards may be used.
# allowed_options_FSTYPE, if present, is used to override allowed_options
# when mounting a specific fstype (eg ext2, nfs).
# The variables $USER, $UID, and $GID are changed to the user's username, UID,
# and GID.
# If you want to forbid remounts, remove 'remount' from here.
allowed_options = nosuid, noexec, nodev, noatime, fmask=0022, dmask=0022, uid=$UID, gid=$GID, ro, rw, sync, flush, iocharset=*, utf8, remount
allowed_options_nfs = nosuid, noexec, nodev, noatime, ro, rw, sync, remount, port=*, rsize=*, wsize=*, hard, proto=*, timeo=*, retrans=*
allowed_options_cifs = nosuid, noexec, nodev, ro, rw, remount, port=*, user=*, username=*, pass=*, password=*, guest, domain=*, uid=$UID, gid=$GID, credentials=*
allowed_options_smbfs = nosuid, noexec, nodev, ro, rw, remount, port=*, user=*, username=*, pass=*, password=*, guest, domain=*, uid=$UID, gid=$GID, credentials=*
allowed_options_sshfs = nosuid, noexec, nodev, noatime, ro, rw, uid=$UID, gid=$GID, nonempty, allow_other, idmap=user, BatchMode=yes, port=*
allowed_options_curlftpfs = nosuid, noexec, nodev, noatime, ro, rw, uid=$UID, gid=$GID, nonempty, allow_other, user=*
allowed_options_ftpfs = nosuid, noexec, nodev, noatime, ro, rw, port=*, user=*, pass=*, ip=*, root=*, uid=$UID, gid=$GID
# mount_point_mode, if present and set to a non-empty value, will cause udevil
# to set the mode (permissions) on the moint point after mounting If not
# specified or if left empty, the mode is not changed. Mode must be octal
# starting with a zero (0755).
# mount_point_mode_FSTYPE, if present, is used to override mount_point_mode
# when mounting a specific fstype (eg ext2, nfs).
mount_point_mode = 0755
# don't set a mode for some types:
mount_point_mode_sshfs =
mount_point_mode_curlftpfs =
mount_point_mode_ftpfs =
# Use the settings below to change the default locations of programs used by
# udevil, or (advanced topic) to redirect commands to your scripts.
# When substituting scripts, make sure they are root-owned and accept the
# options used by udevil (for example, the mount_program must accept --fake,
# -o, -v, and other options valid to mount.)
# Be sure to specify the full path and include NO OPTIONS or other arguments.
# These programs may also be specified as configure options when building
# udevil.
# mount_program = /bin/mount
# umount_program = /bin/umount
# losetup_program = /sbin/losetup
# setfacl_program = /usr/bin/setfacl
# validate_exec specifies a program or script which provides additional
# validation of a mount or unmount command, beyond the checks performed by
# udevil. The program is run as a normal user (if root runs udevil,
# validate_exec will NOT be run). The program is NOT run if the user is
# mounting a device without root priviledges (a device in fstab).
# The program is passed the username, a printable description of what is
# happening, and the entire udevil command line as the first three arguments.
# The program must return an exit status of 0 to allow the mount or unmount
# to proceed. If it returns non-zero, the user will be denied permission.
# For example, validate_exec might specify a script which notifies you
# of the command being run, or performs additional steps to authenticate the
# user.
# Specify a full path to the program, with NO options or arguments.
# validate_exec =
# validate_rootexec works similarly to validate_exec, except that the program
# is run as root. validate_rootexec will also be run if the root user runs
# udevil. If both validate_exec and validate_rootexec are specified,
# validate_rootexec will run first, followed by validate_exec.
# The program must return an exit status of 0 to allow the mount or unmount
# to proceed. If it returns non-zero, the user will be denied permission.
# Unless you are familiar with writing root scripts, it is recommended that
# rootexec settings NOT be used, as it is easy to inadvertently open exploits.
# THIS PROGRAM IS ALWAYS RUN AS ROOT, even if the user running udevil is not.
# validate_rootexec =
# success_exec is run after a successful mount, remount, or unmount. The
# program is run as a normal user (if root runs udevil, success_exec
# will NOT be run).
# The program is passed the username, a printable description of what action
# was taken, and the entire udevil command line as the first three arguments.
# The program's exit status is ignored.
# For example, success_exec might run a script which informs you of what action
# was taken, and might perform further actions.
# Specify a full path to the program, with NO options or arguments.
# success_exec =
# success_rootexec works similarly to success_exec, except that the program is
# run as root. success_rootexec will also be run if the root user runs udevil.
# If both success_exec and success_rootexec are specified, success_rootexec
# will run first, followed by success_exec.
# Unless you are familiar with writing root scripts, it is recommended that
# rootexec settings NOT be used, as it is easy to inadvertently open exploits.
# THIS PROGRAM IS ALWAYS RUN AS ROOT, even if the user running udevil is not.
# success_rootexec =
I have no idea what to do next, the only way it works, is the combination i mentioned in the title of this post. Any suggestion to solve that problem?

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    Crows2012 wrote:
    as mentioned earlier if i just have songs (wav) in album folders, when i import these albums into itunes, do you know if these will come up under AN album with their file names purely using my filename setup (but with no artwork)?
    Yes, iTunes will read the filename, such as "Track 1" or something else and display it. But nothing else. No Album or Artist.
    so the tracks will remain grouped as an album based on their initial folder and the albums and tracks as per file name?
    Crows2012 wrote:
    also, does aiff have limitations (apart from the full size of the file)?
    I'm not sure I understand what you mean. For all practical purposes AIFF and WAV are exactly the same thing. They're just file containers.
    i thought that i had read somewhere that aiff tags could run into some issues with its tags - ie may not always be transferred 100% accurately with certain players (or hardware maybe)
    Crows2012 wrote:
    and how do these codecs work re-creating an album for the purposes of playing in a cd player? - this is a crucial question for the purpose of my archiving/backup of CDs THEMSELVES
    That's actually going to depend on what burning software you use. Once you rip the tracks to whatever file container you choose (WAV/AIFF/ALAC) you'll never really exactly re-create the album. But for archiving purposes all three file containers will do what you want, which is to create a lossless archive. AIFF has the advantage of supporting embedded ID3, which ALAC has the additional advantage of the files also being about half the size of AIFF/WAV files.
    i was thinking that maybe wav was able to recreate an album (in effect duplicate one) if my cd was lost or damaged in the future. i was thinking this IF when ripping to wav everything is unchanged (unless there is other data on the original cd). and maybe only possible with wav. the purpose for this would be to play recreated cds on my cd player
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    this looks really crappy...
    can anyone tell me why I do need to startup Screen Sharing twice to get it to work ?
    Is this a bug ?
    (If so : please apple fix this a.s.a.p.)
    ...or am I doing something wrong ?
    (if so : what am I doing wrong ? and how can I get rid of this annoying screen ?)
    Thank you for your kind reply.

    it's October and this really annoying problem still exists !
    the unnamed screensharing-loginwindow keeps "Connecting...", and I'm unable to shut it down...
    ...even after my screen sharing session is over
    ...even force-quitting is impossible (this 'app' just isn't showing up in the force-quit-window...)
    please Apple - fix this ; under 10.5 it was working great !
    Does anyone have any idea how to fix this ?
    (besides restarting my Mac)
    Thanks !

  • Why do I need to catch this exception?

    Hello all
    This is a question about exception handling. I have to build a diary application that lets you save reminders on particular dates using xml. Just to make it a little tougher, I was not allowed to use the Calendar class. This is the code I wrote:
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.text.*; 
    import javax.xml.parsers.*;
    import org.xml.sax.*;
    import java.io.*;     
    import org.w3c.dom.*;
    import javax.xml.transform.*;
    import javax.xml.transform.dom.*;
    import javax.xml.transform.stream.*;                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
    import static java.lang.Math.*;
    public class CalendarAssignment extends JFrame implements ActionListener
         int MonthLength [] = { 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 };
         public JButton [] days = new JButton[43];
         private JLabel lbl, reminderlbl;
         private JPanel top, grid, remindercenter, reminderbottom;
         private JFrame reminderframe;
         private JTextField year1, reminderinput, dayno;
         private JComboBox months;
         private Container container;
         private JButton fetch, save, cancel;
         private Document doc;
         private File file;
         private Node node;
         private String year, month, day;
              public static void main( String[] args ) {
                   CalendarAssignment c = new CalendarAssignment( );
                   c.setSize( 400, 300 );
                   c.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
                   c.show( );
              public CalendarAssignment( ) {
                   int CurrentYear, CurrentMonth;
                   String YearString, MonthString, Now;
                   Date today;
                   container = getContentPane( );
                   container.setLayout( new BorderLayout( ) );
                   SimpleDateFormat DateFormatter;
                   DateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat( "MM.yyyy" );
                   today = new Date( );
                   Now = DateFormatter.format( today );
                   MonthString = Now.substring( 0,2 );
                   YearString = Now.substring( 3,7 );
                   CurrentMonth = Integer.valueOf( MonthString );
                   CurrentYear = Integer.valueOf( YearString );
                   top = new JPanel( );
                        String [] items = { "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June",
                                      "July", "August", "September", "October", "November",
                                      "December" };
                        months = new JComboBox( items );
                        months.setEditable( false );
                        months.setSelectedIndex( CurrentMonth - 1 );          
                        year1 = new JTextField( );
                        year1.setText( YearString );
                        year1.setEditable( true );
                        year1.setHorizontalAlignment( year1.CENTER );
                        fetch = new JButton( "Fetch Month" );
                        fetch.addActionListener( this );
                        top.setLayout( new GridLayout( 1, 3, 20, 0 ) );
                        top.add( months );
                        top.add( year1 );
                        top.add( fetch );
                   grid = new JPanel( );
                        grid.setLayout( new GridLayout( 7, 7, 0, 0 ) );
                        String [] week = { "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thur", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun" };
                        for ( int a = 0; a < 7; a ++ ) {
                                  JLabel lbl = new JLabel( week[a], JLabel.CENTER );
                                  grid.add( lbl );
                        for ( int i = 0; i < 42; i ++ ) {
                                  days[i] = new JButton( );
                                  grid.add( days[i] );
                                  days.addActionListener( this );
                        DrawCalendar( CurrentMonth, CurrentYear );
                        container.add( top, BorderLayout.NORTH );
                        container.add( grid, BorderLayout.CENTER );
              private void DrawCalendar( int SelectMonth, int SelectYear ) {
                        int DisplayMonthLength, Buttons;
                        String ButtonID = "";
                        int OffSet = MonthStart( SelectMonth, SelectYear );
                        DisplayMonthLength = MonthLength [SelectMonth - 1];
                        if ( SelectMonth == 2 )
                             DisplayMonthLength += LeapYear( SelectYear );
                        for ( Buttons = 1; Buttons < 43; Buttons ++ ) {
                             if ( ( Buttons <= OffSet ) || ( Buttons > ( DisplayMonthLength + OffSet ) ) ) {
                                  ButtonID = "";
                                  days[Buttons-1].setEnabled( false );
                             else {
                                  ButtonID = Integer.toString( Buttons - OffSet );
                                  days[Buttons-1].setEnabled( true );
                        days[Buttons-1].setLabel( ButtonID );
                        grid.add( days[Buttons-1] );
              private int LeapYear( int year ) {
                        int FourHundred, OneHundred, Fourth;
                        FourHundred = year % 400;
                        OneHundred = year % 100;
                        Fourth = year % 4;
                        if( ( ( FourHundred == 0 ) ) || ( ( OneHundred != 0 ) && ( Fourth == 0 ) ) )
                             return ( 1 );
                             return ( 0 );
              private int MonthStart( int Month, int Year ) {
                        int OffSet, LastMonths, BeforeOrAfter, Years;
                        int AllDays = 0;
                        int YearDays = 365;
                        int YearMonths = 12;
                        BeforeOrAfter = Year - 2006;
                        Years = abs( BeforeOrAfter );
                        if( BeforeOrAfter != 0 )
                             BeforeOrAfter = BeforeOrAfter / Years;
                        switch( BeforeOrAfter ) {
                             case 1:
                                  for( int a = 2006; a < Year; a ++ ) {
                                       AllDays += YearDays + LeapYear( a );
                                  AllDays += LastMonthsCalc( Month, Year );
                             case -1:
                                  for( int a = 2005; a > Year; a -- ) {
                                       AllDays += YearDays + LeapYear( a );
                                  for( LastMonths = YearMonths; LastMonths >= Month; LastMonths -- ) {
                                       AllDays += MonthLength[LastMonths - 1];
                                       if( LastMonths == 2 )
                                            AllDays += LeapYear( Year );
                                  if( Month > 1 )
                                       AllDays += ( LastMonthsCalc( Month, Year ) );
                        OffSet = AllDays % 7;
                        if( BeforeOrAfter ==( -1 ) )
                             return( 6 - OffSet );
                        else if( OffSet > 0 )
                             return( OffSet - 1 );
                             return( 6 );
              private int LastMonthsCalc( int Month, int Year ) {
                        int Counter;
                        int days = 0;
                        for( Counter = 1; Counter < Month; Counter ++ ) {
                             days += MonthLength[Counter - 1];
                             if( Counter == 2 )
                                  days += LeapYear( Year );
                        return( days );
              public void CreateReminder( String buttonID, String yearID, String monthID ) {
                        reminderframe = new JFrame( );
                        reminderlbl = new JLabel( );
                        reminderframe.setLayout( new GridLayout( 2, 1, 0, 0 ) );
                        remindercenter = new JPanel( );
                             reminderlbl = new JLabel( "Please type in reminder to be saved for " + buttonID + " " + monthID + " " + yearID + ":", JLabel.CENTER );
                             reminderinput = new JTextField( 30 );
                             reminderinput.setHorizontalAlignment( reminderinput.CENTER );
                             reminderinput.setEditable( true );
                             remindercenter.setLayout( new GridLayout( 2, 1, 0, 0 ) );
                             remindercenter.add( reminderlbl );
                             remindercenter.add( reminderinput );
                        reminderbottom = new JPanel( );
                             save = new JButton( "Save" );
                             save.addActionListener( this );
                             cancel = new JButton( "Cancel" );
                             cancel.addActionListener( this );
                             dayno = new JTextField( buttonID );
                             dayno.setEditable( false );
                             dayno.setEnabled( false );
                             dayno.show( false );
                             reminderbottom.setLayout( new FlowLayout( ) );
                             reminderbottom.add( save );
                             reminderbottom.add( cancel );
                             reminderbottom.add( dayno );
                        reminderframe.setSize( 500, 75 );
                        reminderframe.add( remindercenter );
                        reminderframe.add( reminderbottom );
                        reminderframe.pack( );
                        reminderframe.show( );
              public void SaveReminder( String dayID, String yearID, String monthID ) throws Exception {
                        file = new File( "Diary.xml" );
                        doc = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance( ).newDocumentBuilder( ).parse( file.toURL( ).toString( ) );
                        String year = yearID;
                        String month = monthID;
                        String day = dayID;
                        //System.out.println( year );
                        //System.out.println( month );
                        //System.out.println( day );
                        CreateEntry( doc.getDocumentElement( ) );
                        writeXmlFile( );
              public boolean CreateEntry( Node node ) {
                        Node searchNode;
                        searchNode = getYear( node );
                        if( searchNode == null ) {
                             Element newNode = doc.createElement( "Year" );
                             searchNode = node.appendChild( newNode );
                             newNode.setAttribute( "Id", year );
                        node = searchNode;
                        searchNode = getMonth( node );
                        if( searchNode == null ) {
                             Element newNode = doc.createElement( "Month" );
                             searchNode = node.appendChild( newNode );
                             newNode.setAttribute( "Id", month );
                        node = searchNode;
                        searchNode = getDay( node );
                        if( searchNode == null ) {
                             Element newNode = doc.createElement( "Day" );
                             searchNode = node.appendChild( newNode );
                             newNode.setAttribute( "Id", day );
                        node = searchNode;
                        String entry = reminderinput.getText( );
                        Node textNode = doc.createTextNode( entry );
                        node.appendChild( textNode );
                        return true;
              private Node getYear( Node node ) {
                        node = node.getFirstChild( );
                        while( node != null ) {
                             if(node.getNodeName( ).equals( "Year" ) && String.valueOf( node.getAttributes( ).item( 0 ).getNodeValue( ) ) == year )
                                  return node;
                                  node = node.getNextSibling( );                    
                        return null;
              private Node getMonth( Node node ) {
                        node = node.getFirstChild( );
                        while( node != null ) {
                             if( node.getNodeName( ).equals( "Month" ) && String.valueOf( node.getAttributes( ).item( 0 ).getNodeValue( ) ) == month )
                                  return node;
                                  node = node.getNextSibling( );                    
                        return null;
              private Node getDay( Node node ) {
                        node = node.getFirstChild( );
                        while( node != null ) {
                             if( node.getNodeName( ).equals( "Day" ) && String.valueOf( node.getAttributes( ).item( 0 ).getNodeValue( ) ) == day )
                                  return node;
                                  node = node.getNextSibling( );                    
                        return null;
              private void writeXmlFile( ) throws Exception {
                   Source source = new DOMSource( doc );
                        Result result = new StreamResult( file );
                   Transformer xformer = TransformerFactory.newInstance( ).newTransformer( );
                   xformer.setOutputProperty( OutputKeys.INDENT,"yes" );
                   xformer.setOutputProperty( OutputKeys.DOCTYPE_SYSTEM,"Diary.dtd" );
                   xformer.transform( source, result );
              public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) {
                        String IDButton = e.getActionCommand( );
                        String IDYear = year1.getText( );
                        Object IDMonthObj = months.getSelectedItem( );
                        if( e.getSource( ) == fetch ) {
                             String YearText = year1.getText( );
                             int YearNumber = Integer.valueOf( YearText );
                             int MonthsIndex = months.getSelectedIndex( ) + 1;
                             DrawCalendar( MonthsIndex, YearNumber );
                        else if( e.getSource( ) == cancel ) {
                             reminderframe.hide( );
                        else if( e.getSource( ) == save ) {
                             String IDDay = dayno.getText( );
                             String IDMonth = String.valueOf( IDMonthObj );
                             SaveReminder( IDDay, IDYear, IDMonth );
                        else {
                             String IDMonth = String.valueOf( IDMonthObj );
                             Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit( ).beep( );
                             int n = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( null, "Set reminder on this date?", "Question", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION );
                             if( n == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION ) {
                                  CreateReminder( IDButton, IDYear, IDMonth );
    If you compile it, you will realise that I get an error about exception handling. My lecturer gave me an example code of how to do the same thing without using a GUI:
    import javax.xml.parsers.*;
    import org.xml.sax.*;
    import java.io.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import org.w3c.dom.*;
    import javax.xml.transform.*;
    import javax.xml.transform.dom.*;
    import javax.xml.transform.stream.*;
    public class CallDOM
         Document doc;
         File file;
         Scanner input;
         int year, month, day;
         String currentYear, currentMonth;
         public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception
              CallDOM cd=new CallDOM();          
         CallDOM() throws Exception
              file=new File("Diary.xml");
              //create DOM from file
              doc = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder().parse(file.toURL().toString());
              input=new Scanner(System.in);
              System.out.println("1) Create entry");
              System.out.println("2) Read entry");
              System.out.println("3) Show Diary");
              System.out.println("4) Quit");
              int choice=input.nextInt();
                        case 1: GetDate();CreateEntry(doc.getDocumentElement());break;
                        case 2: GetDate();ReadEntry(doc.getDocumentElement());break;
                        case 3: ShowDiary(doc.getDocumentElement());
                   System.out.println("1) Create entry");
                   System.out.println("2) Read entry");
                   System.out.println("3) Show Diary");
                   System.out.println("4) Quit");
         public void GetDate()
              System.out.println("Enter date (dd mm yyyy)");
         public boolean ReadEntry(Node node)
              node = getYear(node);
              if(node==null) return false;
              node = getMonth(node);
              if(node==null) return false;
              node = getDay(node);
              if(node==null) return false;
              node = node.getFirstChild();
              return true;               
         public boolean CreateEntry(Node node)
              Node searchNode;
              searchNode = getYear(node);
                   Element newNode = doc.createElement("Year");
                   searchNode = node.appendChild(newNode);
              node = searchNode;
              searchNode = getMonth(node);
                   Element newNode = doc.createElement("Month");
                   searchNode = node.appendChild(newNode);
              node = searchNode;
              searchNode = getDay(node);
                   Element newNode = doc.createElement("Day");
                   searchNode = node.appendChild(newNode);
              node = searchNode;
              System.out.println("Enter Text");
              String entry=input.next();
              Node textNode = doc.createTextNode(entry);
              return true;               
         public void ShowDiary(Node node)
              Stack<Node> stack=new Stack<Node>();
              Node child;
                   node = stack.pop();
                        child = node.getLastChild();
                             child = child.getPreviousSibling();
         private boolean ProcessNode(Node node)
                                            currentMonth+"/"+currentYear+": ");
                   return false;
              return true;               
         private Node getYear(Node node)
                        && Integer.valueOf(node.getAttributes().item(0).getNodeValue())==year)
                             return node;
                   node = node.getNextSibling();                    
              return null;
         private Node getMonth(Node node)
                        && Integer.valueOf(node.getAttributes().item(0).getNodeValue())==month)
                        return node;
                   node = node.getNextSibling();                    
              return null;
         private Node getDay(Node node)
                        && Integer.valueOf(node.getAttributes().item(0).getNodeValue())==day)
                        return node;
                   node = node.getNextSibling();                    
              return null;
         private void writeXmlFile() throws Exception
            Source source = new DOMSource(doc);
            Result result = new StreamResult(file);
            Transformer xformer = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer();
            xformer.transform(source, result);
    }My question is, why does the exceptions in the example code not need to be caught? And why do I have to catch the exceptions in my code? Several exceptions are thrown in the example code, but there is no catch statement.
    Thanks for any advice!!

    Since your question didn't come with any relevant details, and since you have huge steaming piles of irrelevant code, all I can give is a general answer to "Why do I need to catch this exception?"
    [url http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/essential/exceptions/index.html]Exception tutorial at http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/essential/exceptions/index.html
    Here's a quick overview of exceptions:
    The base class for all exceptions is Throwable. Java provides Exception and Error that extend Throwable. RuntimeException (and many others) extend Exception.
    RuntimeException and its descendants, and Error and its descendants, are called unchecked exceptions. Everything else is a checked exception.
    If your method, or any method it calls, can throw a checked exception, then your method must either catch that exception, or declare that your method throws that exception. This way, when I call your method, I know at compile time what can possibly go wrong and I can decide whether to handle it or just bubble it up to my caller. Catching a given exception also catches all that exception's descendants. Declaring that you throw a given exception means that you might throw that exception or any of its descendants.
    Unchecked exceptions (RuntimeException, Error, and their descendants) are not subject to those restrictions. Any method can throw any unchecked exception at any time without declaring it. This is because unchecked exceptions are either the sign of a coding error (RuntimeException), which is totally preventable and should be fixed rather than handled by the code that encounters it, or a problem in the VM, which in general can not be predicted or handled.

  • Why do I need to use MOLGA?

    I know that this is a very basic question, but I have been asked why do we need to have a new MOLGA for every country; what I know of is:
    1.     Is the standard method of supporting multi-country (Global) HCM.  MOLGA is central to the SAP HCM solution.
    2.     The correct screens are shown in PA30 to maintain the personnel data in the correct formats for social security or equivalent number, form of address, addresses, bank details and so on.
    3.     The correct infotypes can be made available by MOLGA, where there are particular pieces of information required on a country by country basis u2013 therefore reducing the risk of non compliance
    4.     Correct ESS screens are available
    5.     Payroll available by country.  For example the payroll program is run per country using the MOLGA PC00_Mxx_calc, where xx is the country code, therefore for GB it is PC00_M08_calc.
    But apparently this is not a compelling enough reason - can anyone help with more good reasons?

    Hi Marina
    hope you are doing good.
    Globalized firms need Integrated systems with Independent County Legal, Labor, Taxation ,Currency , Language requirements.
    So a Global ERP System will help to achieve this without compromising the local requirements.
    I shared my experience , hope it sound sane.

  • What am I doing wrong with the isNew() method?  and why do I need the other methods?

    I have coded an include jsp like this.
              <%@page language="Java"%>
              <%@page import="javax.servlet.http.HttpSession"%>
              String iContextPath;
              String iCommonPath;
              String iImagesPath;
              iContextPath = request.getContextPath();
              iCommonPath = iContextPath + "/common";
              iImagesPath = iCommonPath + "/images";
              System.err.println(" here ");
              HttpSession thisSession = request.getSession( false );
              if( thisSession.isNew() ){
              response.sendRedirect( iContextPath + "/common/login.jsp" );
              Now I also have a redirect.jsp in the root of an application that contains
              System.err.println("Redirecting at this time from the root");
              response.sendRedirect( request.getContextPath() + "/secureArea/");
              And I have a logout.java servlet that looks like this.
              package com.pch.epics;
              import java.io.IOException;
              import javax.servlet.ServletException;
              import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
              import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
              import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
              import weblogic.servlet.security.ServletAuthentication;
              public class Logout extends HttpServlet{
              private static final String CONTENT_TYPE = "text/html";
              //Initialize global variables
              public void init() throws ServletException{
              //Process the HTTP Get request
              public void doGet( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse
              response ) throws ServletException, IOException{
              String username = "";
              if( request.getUserPrincipal() == null ){
              username = "Unknown";
              } else {
              username = request.getUserPrincipal().getName();
              System.err.println( "ePics logging out '" + username + "'" );
              request.getSession( false ).invalidate();
              ServletAuthentication.logout( request );
              ServletAuthentication.invalidateAll( request );
              ServletAuthentication.killCookie( request );
              response.sendRedirect( request.getContextPath() );
              //Process the HTTP Post request
              public void doPost( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse
              response ) throws ServletException, IOException{
              doGet( request, response );
              //Clean up resources
              public void destroy(){
              First of all, why won't the isNew() report a new session in the server log?
              EVERY request coming in says it's an old request (ie it's not new). The
              J2EE Applications and BEA WebLogic Server book from BEA says this should
              My second question is why do I need to do those three lines from
              ServletAuthentication to logout a user? Ok, maybe I'm from the MS world,
              but that seems excessive, especially since I've already done a
              session.invalidate() right before it, but the bea docs say I'm required to
              do all four!

    When you invalidate a session. You invalidate the session of the web
              application that your jsp/servlet is part of. It is possible to have more
              than one web application on WLS and have them share a authentication info.
              While these applications share authentication they do not share their
              sessions so because of that calling session invalidate does not kill all the
              sessions. ServletAuthentication is needed to kill all the sessions and do a
              complete logout from WLS.
              "Flip" <[remove][email protected]> wrote in message
              news:[email protected]...
              > I have coded an include jsp like this.
              > <%@page language="Java"%>
              > <%@page import="javax.servlet.http.HttpSession"%>
              > <%!
              > String iContextPath;
              > String iCommonPath;
              > String iImagesPath;
              > %>
              > <%
              > iContextPath = request.getContextPath();
              > iCommonPath = iContextPath + "/common";
              > iImagesPath = iCommonPath + "/images";
              > System.err.println(" here ");
              > HttpSession thisSession = request.getSession( false );
              > if( thisSession.isNew() ){
              > System.err.println("isnew");
              > response.sendRedirect( iContextPath + "/common/login.jsp" );
              > }
              > %>
              > Now I also have a redirect.jsp in the root of an application that contains
              > this.
              > <html>
              > <body>
              > <%
              > System.err.println("Redirecting at this time from the root");
              > response.sendRedirect( request.getContextPath() + "/secureArea/");
              > %>
              > </body>
              > </html>
              > And I have a logout.java servlet that looks like this.
              > package com.pch.epics;
              > import java.io.IOException;
              > import javax.servlet.ServletException;
              > import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
              > import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
              > import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
              > import weblogic.servlet.security.ServletAuthentication;
              > public class Logout extends HttpServlet{
              > private static final String CONTENT_TYPE = "text/html";
              > //Initialize global variables
              > public void init() throws ServletException{
              > }
              > //Process the HTTP Get request
              > public void doGet( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse
              > response ) throws ServletException, IOException{
              > String username = "";
              > if( request.getUserPrincipal() == null ){
              > username = "Unknown";
              > } else {
              > username = request.getUserPrincipal().getName();
              > }
              > System.err.println( "ePics logging out '" + username + "'" );
              > request.getSession( false ).invalidate();
              > ServletAuthentication.logout( request );
              > ServletAuthentication.invalidateAll( request );
              > ServletAuthentication.killCookie( request );
              > response.sendRedirect( request.getContextPath() );
              > }
              > //Process the HTTP Post request
              > public void doPost( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse
              > response ) throws ServletException, IOException{
              > doGet( request, response );
              > }
              > //Clean up resources
              > public void destroy(){
              > }
              > }
              > First of all, why won't the isNew() report a new session in the server
              > EVERY request coming in says it's an old request (ie it's not new). The
              > J2EE Applications and BEA WebLogic Server book from BEA says this should
              > work.
              > My second question is why do I need to do those three lines from
              > ServletAuthentication to logout a user? Ok, maybe I'm from the MS world,
              > but that seems excessive, especially since I've already done a
              > session.invalidate() right before it, but the bea docs say I'm required to
              > do all four!

  • HT201250 What is Airport Utility and why do I need to access this in order to backup my iMac using Time Machine...PLEASE??

    What is Airport Utility and why do I need to access Airport witeless devices in order to backup my iMac using Time Machine...HELP!!! PLEASE??

    AirPort Utility is required to configure an Apple AirPort Base Station or Time Capsule.
    Time Machine can use a Time Capsule or a locally connected volume. You only need to use AirPort Utility if you are using a Time Capsule.

  • What are smart mailboxes and why do i need both smart and "normal" ones?

    What are smart mailboxes and why do I need both smart and "normal" mailboxes?

    Hi Kingoftypos,
    Thanks for that clarification. So, now it appears that the ultimate purpose of a Smart Mailbox is to point to all emails that meet the criteria in a single place, so if they are spread among several mailboxes, you will be able to see them all together. Here is an article from Apple that describes it:
    A Smart Mailbox displays in one location messages that are stored in other mailboxes, so you don’t have to move messages between mailboxes. The messages displayed by a Smart Mailbox are based on criteria you define, and are automatically updated to include new messages that match your criteria. For example, you might create a Smart Mailbox that displays all messages found in all mailboxes from a specific sender.
    If you change a message in a Smart Mailbox, such as marking the message as read or unread, or moving or deleting the message, the change is reflected in the mailbox where the message is actually stored.
    So, adam, I would think that, if you had mail going to a lot of different places, and wanted to be able to see a particular set of those in a single place, you would use a smart mailbox. Maybe use the rules to direct your mail to different places to start with, but a smart mailbox to bring a set of common ones all together into a single smart mailbox?
    Maybe you have Rules move your Amazon mail to an Amazon folder and your Apple mail to an Apple folder, but then you have a Smart Mailbox that contains any mail that has the word "Receipt" in the Subject line?
    Just a thought....

  • What is 'Growl' and why do I need it?

    My system keeps telling me to install GROWL.
    What is it and why do I need it?

    Growl is a third party utiltiy for manipulating parts of the OS and displaying "notifications". It sounds like you once had it installed. To remove go here...
    EDIT: It's not your system telling you, it's a Growl notification.
    Message was edited by: macjack

  • What are Layers? And why do I need them?

    Layers are an essential part of Photoshop. With Layers you can separate pictures or design elements from each other, as if they are stacked on pieces of glass. With all elements separate, you can move or change them independent of each other.
    Layers are used for many tasks, including improving your images' color or tone; merging two or more images in one Photoshop file; and creating Web designs and animations.
    LAYER BASICS - VIDEO 06:41 min.
    PHOTOSHOP/ LAYERS BASICS - Reference Guide

    After creating the mask and applying adjustment, you can also adjust and change layer mask using selection tools or, the most common way, using brush tools.
    To have a more accurate preview of what are you doing, Alt + click on the layer mask thumbnail to show the mask in the image area.
    At this point, you will have a layer mask on your screen in large view, so it is easy to fine tune it, but you wont see how that affects your image.
    To seean  instant preview how changes on layer mask affects the adjustments, use New Window for (name of your image) from Window > Arrange.
    Here is a more detailed tutorial on the topic: New Window for.. Command in Adobe Photoshop.

  • What Is, And Why do I need it: ExpressCard/34 Slot?

    In the very near future I will be obtaining a 17" MBP. That's just savvy, except for one minor detail. What is an ExpressCard/34 slot, why do I need one, why would it have been included in this particular size MBP and what can I shove in there?

    The expresscard slot is for expansion purposes. it allows a low cost esata connection to your macbook pro. you can plug an esata adapter in and then use one of many external esata enclosures. "apiotek ec-0003d" costs about 40 bucks and will let you add 2 non-bootable external esata enclosures then can run at 3Gbps. fw800 runs at 800Mbps..
    "OWC esatat sata expressCard/34Adapter" bootable 1 esata adapter is 19 bucks it will let you add 1 esata enclosure at speeds up to 3Gbps.
    so if you get the non bootable one you can add 2 enclosures like "sans digital towerStor Ts2ct". that would be up to 4Tb for each one total of 8tb far faster then fire wire. if you get the bootable 1 esata type you could add 1 external at 4tb. this lets you macbook pro boot from a 4tb external at internal speeds. kind of gives you the ability to make you laptop a real desk top when you want it to be that. Then back to a real lap top by unplugging it. Not trying to sell any of the above items I just happen to use them.
    This option was pulled from iMac's a real drag as iMacs could use more fast enclosures.

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