Why don't Final Cut make 4:3 format?

Why is it that when I make a project in Final Cut that is 4:3 / 1440x1080 - it shows up as 16:9 in the editor??

I'm guessing that by default, fcp sees 1440 x1080 is a 16:9 format with a rectangular pixel aspect ratio even the the sequence settings shows the pixel aspect ratio as square.    To make a 1440x1080 4:3 sequence, try changing the aspect ratio from HD to custom in the sequence settings.  Just tried it and it seems to do it.
The whole question of pixel aspect ratio is guaranteed to make you crazy.

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    [AVCHD workflow in FCP.|http://documentation.apple.com/en/finalcutpro/professionalformatsandworkfl ows/#chapter=6%26section=0]

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    As you give no background info nobody can possibly guess.
    However, have you tried trashing the preferences?
    Many weird things happen as a result of corrupt preferences which can create a vast range of different symptoms, so whenever FCP X stops working properly in any way, trashing the preferences should be the first thing you do using this free app.
    Shut down FCP X, open PreferenceManager and in the window that appears:-
    1. Ensure that only  FCP X  is selected.
    2. Click Trash
    The job is done instantly and you can re-open FCP X.
    There is absolutely no danger in trashing preferences and you can do it as often as you like.
    The preferences are kept separately from FCP X and if there aren't any when FCP X opens it automatically creates new ones  .  .  .  instantly.

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    Thank you for your feedback! I will pass this on internally.
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    As Alchroma writes - more info needed.
    FCE/P to iDVD
    Several things
    • How to go from FCE/P to iDVD
    • Free space on Start-up hard disk
    • Encoding
    • Brand and type of DVDs used
    • Burn speed set
    • iDVD BUG
    • Chapters
    How to go from FCE/P to iDVD I do
    • Disable Screen and Energy saver
    • IMPORTANT --> FIRST in FinalCut - Mix Down Audio under Sequence Menu / Render Only / Mix-down
    • Export out as a QuickTime .mov file
    • Select with Mark - Chapter Mark
    • Not as Self-Contained (not important but saves time and space)
    This QT.mov file I import into iDVD from within iDVD.
    Free space on Start-up hard disk
    I set a minimum of 25GB (for Mac OS and iDVDs temp files)
    • I use Pro Quality encoding
    Brand and type of DVDs used
    • I use Verbatim
    • I use DVD-R
    Burn speed set
    • I set down this to x4 (or x1)
    iDVD BUG
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    the iDVD project. It will notice and ask You to either Up-date or Cancel. Neither
    of them will work.
    Medicine - Start a brand new iDVD project.
    Use of Chapters
    • I only use a to z and 0 to 9 in naming them. NO other symbol/letter !
    • NO Chapter-mark at very beginning - iDVD NEEDS TO set this by it self
    • No Chapter marks in or within two seconds from a transition
    (Way around this last one - Export movie as QT full quality and NO Chapter marks
    Import this into a new Movie-project and now You are free to set C-Ms where You want
    them except at very beginning - still)
    Material used to build movie
    • video - I use streamingDV (or convert all other to this e.g. .mp4, .avi, .wmv etc)
    • audio - I use .aiff 16-bit 48kHz or from Audio-CD (44.1kHz) - no .mp3 or direct from iTunes
    • photos - I use .jpg - no .bmp etc
    Trash iDVD pref. file and run Repair Permissions - and have a re-try.
    from post ??
    May not be relevant, but I had the same problem with iDVD, where burned DVDs showed a green screen. It was cured by quitting Quicksilver and Quickeys as well as disabling sleep and screen-saving
    Yours Bengt W

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    If you mean "why" then you will need to go to Apple corporation and speak with the product developer team.  If you would like to know how to convert, I found it easiest using Flip Player (deluxe version), about $49 today.  Takes about 10 minutes to convert a 400 MB clip for example.  Then load the converted file to your editing source folder.

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    When item(s) are available in Software Update, go to the menu bar > Update.
    Activate the option *Install and Keep Package*
    The individual Installers will be saved at: Hard Drive/Library/Packages.
    Now, stop cherry picking the advice you have been given over the past few days. Copy the contents of your User space to an external drive. Bite the bullet and reinstall Mac OS X. Run Software Update and accept everything. Repair Permissions and restart the computer when it is done.
    Install Final Cut Studio. Run Software Update and accept everything. Repair Permissions again and restart the computer when it is done.
    Install other software from their original discs or download them again.
    Copy the contents of the folders from the old User space back to the folders with the same name in your new User space. *Do not copy the contents of the Library folder*.
    When you have done that, post back and I will help you retrieve your email and third party fonts.

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    I haven't heard of software problems causing those kind of symtoms.
    Try running the Apple Diagnostics test (of the Apple Hardware Test) to see whether it reports something.

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    any NEW suggestions?
    I have tried trashing the prefs, starting things in different orders....
    I am very frustrated.

    I had similar problems. Here's what I did, and now it works. Not sure which part made it work, but hopefully this is helpful:
    Open FCE HD.
    Connect HV30 via Firewire on the back of the HV30.
    Make sure HV30 is on and in "Play" mode.
    Make sure the screen of the HV30 is closed.
    In FCE HD, go Final Cut Express HD > Easy Setup... > DV-NTSC FireWire Basic >Setup.
    In FCE HD, go File > Capture...
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    Good luck.

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    D-OH! Headslapper!
    I have those. Every day. Thanks for posting your solution instead of just letting it go. Hardly anyone closes their threads around here and it really helps those who come after, those looking for similar issues.

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    This is really bizarre. Not only this, but I tried importing a regular .MOV file directly by drag and drop, and via the import button, to no avail.

    I never knew that "/" were part of the Unix code. Thanks for that. As for importing AVCHD video through the application by Cmd-I, I have done that as well. It still doesn't work.
    Here is what I've done:
    And nothing shows up in the event folder.

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    Here's an update...
    I made some changes to the Garageband track and saved it as another project... Final Cut refused to even detect it until I restarted Final Cut.
    I have a sound effect that's placed at 1:32 in Garageband, and it ALWAYS plays at 1:31 in Final Cut, no matter how shift it around in Garageband. After changing the song in Garageband and sharing it to disk, I verified that the sound effect is happening at 1:32 by playing it back in Quicktime, so it must be Final Cut that's misbehaving.

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    Here are my specs of the iMac.
    Hardware Overview:
      Model Name:          iMac
      Model Identifier:          iMac13,2
      Processor Name:          Intel Core i5
      Processor Speed:          2.9 GHz
      Number of Processors:          1
      Total Number of Cores:          4
      L2 Cache (per Core):          256 KB
      L3 Cache:          6 MB
      Memory:          24 GB
      Boot ROM Version:          IM131.010A.B05
      SMC Version (system):          2.11f14
    Do I need a better machine to operate final cut pro?

    It is stored in my external drive, a thunderbolt raid drive. LaCie 5big.

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