Why Generator doesn't resize correctly (blurry result)?

I'm trying to use generator to create icons but the results are unusable. Generator creates blurry pictures as soon as they are resized. The original PSD file is 60x60 and I want to export to 44x44.
Here is what I get with generator (the circle is blurry):
And what I get when I use "Save for web" (perfect result):
Here is the original PSD file:
Does any one know why results are not the same?

I don't know if this is related, but I just spent a couple of hours on something extremely frustrating.<br />
Check out these three images:
Notice the blue in the middle of each image. It is #0d92d7 when I create the images. However, if you look at them through the browser the *last two* change. Copy and paste them into photoshop and they are now #408dd7?!? If you right-click and download the files they are the same, but if you copy and past (or look at them in the browser or screen cut), the last two become different. I've tried using .png and .gif and had the same issue. I could live with it if it changed all the images, buy why only the last two? They are fine in IE.
Any ideas?

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    protected final boolean selectingApplet()
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    Returns: true if this applet is being selected
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    Do you mean it returns true always, regardless of the AID?
    This is strange.
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    case INS_SELECT:                 //   cmdSelect(apdu);                 
         count  = apdu.setIncomingAndReceive();
         // test for ourselves
         if ( selectingApplet() )
         // if we catched 'Select EMV' command not for us, respond 6A82 (app. not found)
         if ( buffer[ISO7816.OFFSET_P1] == (byte)4 )
         // test P1 and P2
         if ( buffer[ISO7816.OFFSET_P1] != 0  ||  buffer[ISO7816.OFFSET_P2] != 0 )

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  • SVG text doesn't display correctly in Illustrator

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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" width="700pt" height="700pt" viewBox="0 0 700 700" version="1.1">
    <symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-0">
    <path style="stroke:none;" d="M 11.3125 -9.078125 C 8.914062 -9.078125 7.253906 -8.800781 6.328125 -8.25 C 5.410156 -7.695312 4.953125 -6.765625 4.953125 -5.453125 C 4.953125 -4.398438 5.296875 -3.5625 5.984375 -2.9375 C 6.679688 -2.320
    312 7.625 -2.015625 8.8125 -2.015625 C 10.457031 -2.015625 11.773438 -2.597656 12.765625 -3.765625 C 13.765625 -4.929688 14.265625 -6.476562 14.265625 -8.40625 L 14.265625 -9.078125 Z M 17.21875 -10.296875 L 17.21875 0 L 14.265625 0 L 1
    4.265625 -2.734375 C 13.585938 -1.640625 12.742188 -0.832031 11.734375 -0.3125 C 10.722656 0.207031 9.488281 0.46875 8.03125 0.46875 C 6.175781 0.46875 4.703125 -0.046875 3.609375 -1.078125 C 2.523438 -2.117188 1.984375 -3.507812 1.9843
    75 -5.25 C 1.984375 -7.28125 2.660156 -8.8125 4.015625 -9.84375 C 5.378906 -10.875 7.410156 -11.390625 10.109375 -11.390625 L 14.265625 -11.390625 L 14.265625 -11.6875 C 14.265625 -13.050781 13.8125 -14.101562 12.90625 -14.84375 C 12.00
    7812 -15.59375 10.753906 -15.96875 9.140625 -15.96875 C 8.109375 -15.96875 7.101562 -15.84375 6.125 -15.59375 C 5.144531 -15.351562 4.203125 -14.984375 3.296875 -14.484375 L 3.296875 -17.21875 C 4.390625 -17.644531 5.445312 -17.960938 6
    .46875 -18.171875 C 7.488281 -18.378906 8.476562 -18.484375 9.4375 -18.484375 C 12.050781 -18.484375 14 -17.804688 15.28125 -16.453125 C 16.570312 -15.097656 17.21875 -13.046875 17.21875 -10.296875 Z M 17.21875 -10.296875 "/>
    <symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-1">
    <path style="stroke:none;" d="M 16.0625 -9 C 16.0625 -11.1875 15.613281 -12.898438 14.71875 -14.140625 C 13.820312 -15.378906 12.585938 -16 11.015625 -16 C 9.453125 -16 8.222656 -15.378906 7.328125 -14.140625 C 6.429688 -12.898438 5.984
    375 -11.1875 5.984375 -9 C 5.984375 -6.820312 6.429688 -5.113281 7.328125 -3.875 C 8.222656 -2.632812 9.453125 -2.015625 11.015625 -2.015625 C 12.585938 -2.015625 13.820312 -2.632812 14.71875 -3.875 C 15.613281 -5.113281 16.0625 -6.8203
    12 16.0625 -9 Z M 5.984375 -15.3125 C 6.597656 -16.382812 7.378906 -17.179688 8.328125 -17.703125 C 9.285156 -18.222656 10.425781 -18.484375 11.75 -18.484375 C 13.9375 -18.484375 15.710938 -17.613281 17.078125 -15.875 C 18.453125 -14.13
    2812 19.140625 -11.84375 19.140625 -9 C 19.140625 -6.164062 18.453125 -3.878906 17.078125 -2.140625 C 15.710938 -0.398438 13.9375 0.46875 11.75 0.46875 C 10.425781 0.46875 9.285156 0.207031 8.328125 -0.3125 C 7.378906 -0.832031 6.597656
    -1.628906 5.984375 -2.703125 L 5.984375 0 L 3 0 L 3 -25.078125 L 5.984375 -25.078125 Z M 5.984375 -15.3125 "/>
    <symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-2">
    <path style="stroke:none;" d="M 16.09375 -17.359375 L 16.09375 -14.578125 C 15.257812 -15.046875 14.421875 -15.394531 13.578125 -15.625 C 12.734375 -15.851562 11.878906 -15.96875 11.015625 -15.96875 C 9.097656 -15.96875 7.609375 -15.359
    375 6.546875 -14.140625 C 5.484375 -12.921875 4.953125 -11.207031 4.953125 -9 C 4.953125 -6.800781 5.484375 -5.09375 6.546875 -3.875 C 7.609375 -2.65625 9.097656 -2.046875 11.015625 -2.046875 C 11.878906 -2.046875 12.734375 -2.160156 13
    .578125 -2.390625 C 14.421875 -2.617188 15.257812 -2.96875 16.09375 -3.4375 L 16.09375 -0.6875 C 15.269531 -0.300781 14.414062 -0.015625 13.53125 0.171875 C 12.644531 0.367188 11.703125 0.46875 10.703125 0.46875 C 7.984375 0.46875 5.820
    312 -0.382812 4.21875 -2.09375 C 2.625 -3.800781 1.828125 -6.101562 1.828125 -9 C 1.828125 -11.945312 2.632812 -14.265625 4.25 -15.953125 C 5.863281 -17.640625 8.078125 -18.484375 10.890625 -18.484375 C 11.804688 -18.484375 12.695312 -1
    8.390625 13.5625 -18.203125 C 14.4375 -18.015625 15.28125 -17.734375 16.09375 -17.359375 Z M 16.09375 -17.359375 "/>
    <g id="surface1">
    <g style="fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;">
      <use xlink:href="#glyph0-0" x="100" y="130.94043"/>
      <use xlink:href="#glyph0-1" x="120.222656" y="130.94043"/>
      <use xlink:href="#glyph0-2" x="141.169922" y="130.94043"/>

    Yes, a browser displays it fine. But they also often display invalid html code fine. Your code does validate. And InkScape does open it fine. InkScape does have it in the root rather than on a layer, don't know if that is making a difference to Illustrator or not. Nothing else I have that opens SVG files deals with it as well as Illustrator.
    Here is the same file, text put back and resized down a bit. Run it through validation. You'll note Illustrator does not use the MathML 2.0 extensions. Perhaps that is the hang up.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <!-- Generator: Adobe Illustrator 15.1.0, SVG Export Plug-In . SVG Version: 6.00 Build 0)  -->
    <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd">
    <svg version="1.1" id="Layer_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" x="0px" y="0px"
    width="612px" height="792px" viewBox="0 0 612 792" enable-background="new 0 0 612 792" xml:space="preserve">
    <symbol  id="glyph0-0" viewBox="-7.617 -9.477 15.234 18.953">
    <path id="path9_1_" fill="#010101" d="M1.711-0.07c-2.398,0-4.059,0.277-4.984,0.828c-0.918,0.555-1.375,1.484-1.375,2.797
    c0,1.055,0.344,1.891,1.031,2.516c0.695,0.617,1.641,0.922,2.828,0.922c1.645,0,2.961-0.582, 3.953-1.75
    c1-1.164,1.5-2.711,1.5-4.641V-0.07H1.711z M7.617-1.289V9.008H4.664V6.273c-0.68,1.094-1.523,1.902-2.531,2.422
    C1.121,9.215-0.113,9.477-1.57,9.477c-1.855,0-3.328-0.516-4.422-1.547C-7.078,6.891-7.617,5 .5-7.617,3.758
    c0-2.031,0.676-3.563,2.031-4.594c1.363-1.031,3.395-1.547,6.094-1.547h4.156V-2.68c0-1.363- 0.453-2.414-1.359-3.156
    c-0.898-0.75-2.152-1.125-3.766-1.125c-1.031,0-2.039,0.125-3.016,0.375c-0.98,0.242-1.922,0 .609-2.828,1.109v-2.734
    c1.094-0.426,2.148-0.742,3.172-0.953c1.02-0.207,2.008-0.313,2.969-0.313c2.613,0,4.563,0.6 8,5.844,2.031
    <symbol  id="glyph0-1" viewBox="-8.07 -12.773 16.141 25.547">
    <path id="path12_1_" fill="#010101" d="M4.992,3.305c0-2.188-0.449-3.898-1.344-5.141C2.75-3.074,1.516-3.695-0.055-3.695
    c-1.563,0-2.793,0.621-3.688,1.859c-0.898,1.242-1.344,2.953-1.344,5.141c0,2.18,0.445,3.887 ,1.344,5.125
    c0.895,1.242,2.125,1.859,3.688,1.859c1.57,0,2.805-0.617,3.703-1.859C4.543,7.191,4.992,5.4 84,4.992,3.305z M-5.086-3.008
    c0.613-1.07,1.395-1.867,2.344-2.391C-1.785-5.918-0.645-6.18,0.68-6.18c2.188,0,3.961,0.871 ,5.328,2.609
    C7.383-1.828,8.07,0.461,8.07,3.305c0,2.836-0.688,5.121-2.063,6.859c-1.367,1.742-3.141,2.6 09-5.328,2.609
    c-1.324,0-2.465-0.262-3.422-0.781c-0.949-0.52-1.73-1.316-2.344-2.391v2.703H-8.07v-25.078h 2.984V-3.008z"/>
    <symbol  id="glyph0-2" viewBox="-7.133 -9.477 14.266 18.953">
    <path id="path15_1_" fill="#010101" d="M7.133-8.352v2.781C6.297-6.039,5.461-6.387,4.617-6.617
    C3.773-6.844,2.918-6.961,2.055-6.961c-1.918,0-3.406,0.609-4.469,1.828s-1.594,2.934-1.594, 5.141c0,2.199,0.531,3.906,1.594,5.125
    s2.551,1.828,4.469,1.828c0.863,0,1.719-0.113,2.563-0.344c0.844-0.227,1.68-0.578,2.516-1.0 47v2.75
    C6.309,8.707,5.453,8.992,4.57,9.18C3.684,9.375,2.742,9.477,1.742,9.477c-2.719,0-4.883-0.8 52-6.484-2.563
    c-1.594-1.707-2.391-4.008-2.391-6.906c0-2.945,0.805-5.266,2.422-6.953c1.613-1.688,3.828-2 .531,6.641-2.531
    <use xlink:href="#glyph0-0"  width="15.234" height="18.953" id="use20" x="-7.617" y="-9.477" transform="matrix(6.3499 0 0 6.3499 102.2407 253.0596)" overflow="visible"/>
    <use xlink:href="#glyph0-1"  width="16.141" height="25.547" id="use22" x="-8.07" y="-12.773" transform="matrix(6.2672 0 0 6.2672 218.9004 233.1802)" overflow="visible"/>
    <use xlink:href="#glyph0-2"  width="14.266" height="18.953" id="use24" x="-7.133" y="-9.477" transform="matrix(6.3016 0 0 -6.3016 326.4082 253.5166)" overflow="visible"/>
    Take care, Mike

  • JApplet does not resize correctly

    I'm trying to practice with JLayeredPane in JApplet.
    The problem is that when i resize the applet JButton b3 is painted "as a background", and still works as a JButton.
    Why doesn't it resize correctly as the other JComponent do?
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class JLayeredPaneDemo extends JApplet {
         public void paint(Graphics g) {
              final JLabel l1 = new JLabel("LABEL 1",JLabel.CENTER);
              final JLabel l2 = new JLabel("LABEL 2",JLabel.CENTER);
              final JLabel l3 = new JLabel("LABEL 3",JLabel.CENTER);
              getLayeredPane().add(l1,new Integer(1));
              getLayeredPane().add(l2,new Integer(2));
              getLayeredPane().add(l3,new Integer(3));
              JButton b1 = new JButton("LABEL 1 ON TOP");
              JButton b2 = new JButton("LABEL 2 ON TOP");
              JButton b3 = new JButton("LABEL 3 ON TOP");
              b1.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                             getLayeredPane().setLayer(l1,new Integer(getLayeredPane().getLayer(l2)+1));
                             getLayeredPane().setLayer(l1,new Integer(getLayeredPane().getLayer(l3)+1));
              b2.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                             getLayeredPane().setLayer(l2,new Integer(getLayeredPane().getLayer(l1)+1));
                             getLayeredPane().setLayer(l2,new Integer(getLayeredPane().getLayer(l3)+1));
              b3.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                             getLayeredPane().setLayer(l3,new Integer(getLayeredPane().getLayer(l1)+1));
                             getLayeredPane().setLayer(l3,new Integer(getLayeredPane().getLayer(l2)+1));
    }If i use the init() method instead of the paint(Graphics g) method JButton b3 is painted as large as possible since the beginning.
    thanx in advance :)

    Swing related questions should be posted in the Swing forum.
    If i use the init() method instead of the paint(Graphics g) methodWell, thats the proper way to write a Swing applet. The code for building the GUI should be in the init() method. You never need to override the paint() method of the JApplet.
    Components will not be automatically resized when the size of the applet changes. A layered pane does not use a layout manager, therefore it is up to you to manually change the size of each component. You can add a ComponentListener to the applet to be notified when the size changes.

  • One reason why commandLink doesn't work in dataTable

    Ok, so I think I've got an explanation why commandLink doesn't work in dataTable when the model bean is request scoped. Maybe somebody can tell me if I'm wrong.
    I have a model bean that generates table rows based on some input criteria (request parameters).
    So, we validate the inputs, apply them to the bean and render the page. Once the inputs have been applied to the bean, a request for table rows returns rows, no problem.
    However, we put a commandLink in each row, so we can expand the details. Maybe we even get smart and repeat the input row-generating criteria as a hidden field in the page.
    Unfortunately, when the user hits the commandLink, the list page simply refreshes, maybe even w/out table rows. The user doesn't get the details page as expected.
    Why not?
    Because: in the DECODE phase (even before validation and before "immediate" values have had their valueChangeListeners called), we ask the model bean for the table rows, so we can decode the commandLinks. Unfortunately, in "decode" phase, the request-scoped model bean has not had its row-generating criteria updated (that happens in the "update model" normally, or at the END of the decode phase if we got cute by (1) setting the "immediate" attribute on the row-generating criteria to "true" AND (2) set a valueChangeListener to allow us to update the model bean early. The END of the decode phase isn't good enough -- in the middle of that phase, when we're attempting to deocde commandLinks, the model bean has no citeria, so there's no row data. No row data means no iteration over commandLinks to decode them and queue ActionEvents. So, we march through the rest of the phases, process no events, and return to the screen of origin (the list screen) with no errors.
    So, what's the solution?
    One solution is to make the model bean session-scoped. Fine, maybe we can store a tiny bit of data in it (the search criteria), so it's not such a memory drag to have it live in the session forever. How do we get that data in? A managed property in faces-config.xml with value #{param.PARENT_KEY} won't work because it's assigning request-scoped data to a session-scoped holder. JBoss balks, and rightly so. Do we write code in the model bean that pulls the request parameter out of thin air? (FacesContext.getExternalContext()....) I don't really like to code the name of a specific http request parameter into the bean, I think it's the job of the JSP or faces-config.xml to achieve that binding (request parameter to model propery). Plus, I'd be sad to introduce a dependency on Faces in what was previously just a bean.
    Is there a better way?
    In my particular situation, we're grafting some Faces pages onto an already-existing non-Faces application. I don't get the luxury of presenting the user an input field and binding it to a bean. All I've got to work with is a request parameter.
    Hmm, I guess I just answered my own question. if all I've got to work with is a request parameter, some ugliness is inevitable, I guess.
    I guess the best fix is to cheat and have the bean constructor look for a request parameter. If it finds it, it initializes the criteria field (which, in my case, is the key of an object that has a bunch of associated objects (the rows data), but could be more-general d/b search criteria).
    (I looked at the "repeater" example code in the RI, but it basically statically-generates its data and then uses 100% Faces (of course) to manage the paging (where "page number" is essentially the "criteria").
    Comments? Did I miss something obvious?

    ...or I could just break down and do the thing I was hoping to avoid (outputLink instead of commandLink):
    <h:outputLink value="/faces/Detail.jsp">
      <f:param name="PARENT_KEY" value="#{bean.parentKey}"/>
      <h:outputText value="#{bean.label}"/>
    </h:outputLink>It's still a "hardcoded" parameter name, but at least the binding is in the JSP and faces-config.xml, not the bean Java code.

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    iPhoto doesn`t work correctly with german "umlaut" (ä,ö,ü) in keywords. They get to ä̈,ö̈, ü̈ when I write the keyword a second time. Can anybody tell me why. Thank you. Heinz

    It apparently does not like non-standard English characters - use A-Z and 0-9 adn you should be OK
    report to Apple - iPhoto menu ==> provide iPhoto feedback

  • Distinct Count doesn't return the expected results

    Hi All,
    I was fighting a little trying to implement a Distinct Count measure over an account dimension in my cube. I read a couple of posts relateed to that and I followed the steps posted by the experts.
    I could process the cube but the results I'm getting are not correct. The cube is returning a higher value compared to the correct one calculated directly from the fact table.
    Here are the details:
    Query of my fact table:
    select distinct cxd_account_id,
              case when recency_date>current_date-365 then '0-12' else '13-24' end RECENCY_DATE_ROLLUP,
              1 QTY_ACCNT
    from cx_bi_reporting.cxd_contacts
    where cxd_account_id<>-1 and recency_date >current_date-730;
    I have the following dimensions:
         Account (with 3 different hierarchies)
         Contactable Email Flag (Just 3 values, Y, N, Unknown)
         Recency_date (Just dimension members)
    All dimensions are sparse and the cube is a compressed one. I defined "MAXIMUM" as aggregate for Contactable Email flag and Recency date and at the end, SUM over Account.
    I saw that there is a patch to fix an issue when different aggregation rules are implemented in a compressed cube and I asked the DBA folks to apply it. They told me that the patch cannot be applied because we have an advanced version already installed (Patch ).
    These are the details of what we have installed:
          OLAP Analytic Workspace VALID
          Oracle OLAP API VALID
          OLAP Catalog VALID
    Is there any other patch that needs to be applied to fix this issue? Or it's already included in the version we have installed (
    Is there something wrong in the definition of my fact table and that's why I'm not getting the right results?
    Any help will be really appreciated!
    Thanks in advance,

    Not sure I would have designed the dimensions /cubes as you,  but there is another method you can obtain distinct counts.
    Basically relies on using basic OLAP DML Expression language and can be put in a Calculated Measure, or can create two Calculated measures
    to contain each specific result.  I use this method to calculate distinct counts when I want to calculate averages, etc ...
    IF account_id ne -1 and (recency_date GT today-365) THEN -
    ELSE IF account_id ne -1 and (recency_date GT today-730 and recency_date LE today-365) THEN -  
    This exact code may not work in your case, but think you can get the gist of the process involved.
    This assumes the aggregation operators are set to the default (Sum), but may work with how you have them set.
    Michael Cooper

  • Why does Preview automatically resize the text box to cut off the last character of added text? How do I fix it?

    Why does Preview automatically resize the text box to cut off the last character of added text? How do I fix it?
    I use the Tools > Annotate > Add Text feature, and when I click away after adding text, it automatically changes the text box size such that the last letter -- or last word -- gets bumped off into an invisible line below it, forcing me to manually adjust every single text box. It is highly annoying when trying to complete PDF forms (e.g. job applications).
    It appears to be a glitch, quite honestly, an error resulting from Apple's product design. Has it been fixed in the new operating system (for which they want $30)?
    I would very much appreciate any help you can provide! Thank you for your time.

    * "Clear the Cache": Tools > Options > Advanced > Network > Offline Storage (Cache): "Clear Now"
    * "Remove the Cookies" from sites that cause problems: Tools > Options > Privacy > Cookies: "Show Cookies"
    Start Firefox in [[Safe Mode]] to check if one of your add-ons is causing your problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Tools > Add-ons > Themes).
    * Don't make any changes on the Safe mode start window.
    See [[Troubleshooting extensions and themes]] and [[Troubleshooting plugins]]

  • WRT54G version 6 - router setup screen via Internet Explorer 7 doesn't display correctly

    I've just set up my WRT54G router.  I'm able to connect to the internet and I'm able to connect directly to the router via IE but the setup screen doesn't display correctly.  I've tried resetting the computer and updating the firmware but it still doesn't display correctly.  Almost all of the text is missing except for the Linksys logo and a few drop down menus.  Any help/suggestions would be great, thanks.

    Hi gang,
    There a number of things that you can do to solve this problem but most of them involve changing the rules that you have already configured in your ZoneAlarm profile. My preferred solution is to:
    -unplug your router from the WAN (why not?)
    -turn off zone alarm
    -access your router's administration page at
    -find the admin page where you can switch admin access from http to https
    --- **save your changes !!**
    -reboot your router
    -plug the WAN cable back into your router
    -turn ZoneAlarm back on
    -access your admin page at ( note the 's')
    Bob is your sister's brother! Your admin page should work as it is supposed to. Your router and ZoneAlarm should be playing nicely together. You haven't borked your finely tuned zonealarm rules. You were going to bookmark your admin page anyway, and if you want to allow remote administration, you would want to use https anyway. Nothing is broken and you fixed two things. "Its a good thing."Message Edited by ubuibi on 12-27-200609:10 AM
    There are really only 10 kinds of people in the world;
    Those who understand binary and those who don't.

  • Group not resizing correctly when contents are moved programmatically

    Hi there,
    My apologies in advance if this is a known issue. I searched the forums but I was unable to find a discussion about this topic. The issue we are running into is when we programmatically move the contents of a Group which is in turn enclosed within a Scroller beyond the Scroller's limits the position of the Group within the stage is incorrectly calculated. This will cause mouseEvents in the area beyond the Group's limits to be "ignored" among other problems.
    I have created an application to illustrate the problem, we are in 4.1:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        minWidth="955" minHeight="600"
            <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
                import mx.controls.Alert;
                private function onGroupClick(event:MouseEvent):void
                    Alert.show("It works");
                private function onButtonClick(event:MouseEvent):void
                    rect.x += 500;
                    rect.y += 500;
            width="100%" height="100%">
            <s:Group id="myGroup"
                width="100%" height="100%"
                <s:Rect id="rect"
                    x="0" y="0" width="10" height="10"/>
            label="Move Rectangle"
    Steps to reproduce:
    Click anywhere in the screen - notice that an alert that reads "It works" shows up.
    Click on the "Move Rectangle" button enough times for the coordinates of the Rectangle to exceed the limits of the Scroller, hence producing scroll bars.
    Scroll all the way to the right and to the bottom.
    Click right next to the right bottom corner - notice that no alert is displayed. The reason is the Group has not resized correctly hence we are actually clicking outside the Group. Resizing your browser window for example will cause the Group to resize and events will again "work". FlexSpy will make things pretty apparent as well.
    Any pointers regarding where this bug lives in the source code or suggestions on how to fix this would be greatly appreciated, this issue is causing us a lot of pain.
    Thanks in advance!!
    ~ TheMadPenguin

    Thanks for logging this in the bugbase: https://bugs.adobe.com/jira/browse/SDK-29112. The latest comments there say:
    Reproduced in 4.0.0, 4.1.0
    Confirmed fixed in
    A workaround for the 4.0.0 and 4.1.0 release would be to put the click handler on the Scroller instead of the viewport.
    Note: This bug seems to be fixed, but the fact that the width/height of  the Group doesn't change is still consistent (and correct).  Group has a  concept of size and content size, scrolling is enabled when the content  size is larger than the size (with Group.clipAndEnableScrolling set to  true which Scroller sets automatically).
    See this spec for more details: http://opensource.adobe.com/wiki/display/flexsdk/Spark+Viewport
    Hans has a good article here: http://hansmuller-flex.blogspot.com/
    Here's a simple example that demonstrates width does not change:
    <s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark"> 
         <s:Scroller width="100" height="100"> 
             <s:Group id="viewport"> 
                 <s:Rect width="100%" height="100%">
                     <s:fill><s:SolidColor color="red" /></s:fill>
                 <s:Button id="btn" label="out of view" y="150" click="btn.y += 50" />
    You might expect that this example should have a red background behind  the Button, but it does not.  That is because width/height of 100% on  the Rect is 100% of the width/height of the viewport, not the  contentWidth/contentHeight.
    One way of getting the behavior where the Rect expands across the whole content size would be to bind to contentHeight:
    <s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark"> 
         <s:Scroller width="100" height="100"> 
             <s:Group id="viewport"> 
                 <s:Rect width="100%" height="{viewport.contentHeight}">
                     <s:fill><s:SolidColor color="red" /></s:fill>
                 <s:Button id="btn" label="out of view" y="150" click="btn.y += 50" />
    Note: You shouldn't specify or change the size of the viewport Group  inside of a Scroller.  The Scroller component manages the size of the  Group in a specific way and if the Group has a size that conflicts with  that then you can get into a bad situation that might cause infinite  loops.  Notice in my example the viewport Group has no size set on it.
    Thanks to SDK QE for the info!

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