Why? hopefully idea for 4.3.1 software update...

Why can't the 4G touch have battery percentage on it?
If they can't put at least that on the updates, then, i will - as much as id hate to do it - jailbreak my iPod. :O
If they come out with it, yea, i wont.
I've been going crazy trying to find out how to get something up. and anytime i do, it wont backup my iPod. So i am tired of even trying.
I also wanted to try the customized name where the "iPod" is @ the top left corner. No. Cant even get that.
Overall, i am not big on the custom title thing, but the battery percentage is a must. any ideas?
PS the reason i say 4.3.1 is because iPad is 4.3 so... 4.3.1 all iOS

Hopefully with 4.3.1 they will fix the shoddy 4.3 update.
My own iphone 3gs has become so incredibly unstable that i can barely restore it and it doesn't fix the problems.
Apps not loading properly, App icons vanished, constant crashes. Massive battery drain, unable to restore or sync regularly due to a variety of error codes. Not to mention the security flaw.
Hopefully they will actually fix this as i have already lost most of the data on my iphone trying to reset it to factory to get it usable and still instable.
Apple if your reading this. Fix it. Judging by the number of threads on this forum there is a huge number of issues with this latest OS update creating unstable and ususable phones.

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    Best of luck.

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    These messages provide guidance for people offering assistance so that it is targetted and appropriate.
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    Go to Solution.

    OK. Can you uninstall 5.0 first. Next download and save the DM 5.0 exe file somewhere on your computer. Instead of double-clicking the file to install it, first extract the contents of the file to a folder on your computer. You can use any zipping program (i.e.. Winzip, Winrar, 7-zip) to right click the EXE file and choose Extract To. On my computer I created a folder called "Desktop Manager" and extracted all of the contents into that. Now you can go into the folder that contains the extracted contents and run the "BlackBerrySetup.exe" file to install the software.
    If you just double click on the EXE file then the software extracts all required files to a temporary folder on your computer. After the installation is complete then the temporary files get deleted. So the main benefit to doing it above is that all of the installation files will always be located in a folder on your computer. So if you ever have to reinstall, repair, or find an MSI file that the program needs you don't have to download the software again.
    Let me know if that works out.
    If someone has been helpful please consider giving them kudos by clicking the star to the left of their post.
    Remember to resolve your thread by clicking Accepted Solution.

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