Why is adding HTML code so difficult?

I'm trying to add a weather widget into my book.  Yes, I've been spending a lot of time looking into dashcode and creating the widget from scratch, but I can't get it done.  Even though I got Xcode and dashcode installed, I'm not that technically inclined and can't figure out how to take this snippet:
<script src="http://weatherandtime.net/swfobject.js" type="text/javascript" ></script><div id="div_weather_05" style="padding:0px;text-align:center; margin:auto auto;width:170px; height:220px;"><div style="padding:1px;position:relative; z-index:100; color:#FFFFFF; text-align:center;left:50px;top:182px; width:115px;height:auto;overflow:hidden;"><a style="margin:0px; padding:3px; color:#FFFFFF; text-decoration:none; font-size:12px;" href="http://weatherandtime.net/en/Asia/Sri-Lanka/Colombo-weather.html" title="Colombo Weather"><nobr>Colombo Weather</nobr></a></div><span id="swf_weather_05"> </span></div><script type="text/javascript" language="Javascript">swfobject.embedSWF("http://weatherandtime.net/weather_05.swf", "swf_weather_05", "170", "200", "10","weather_05.swf", {city: "19459",lang:"en"}, {menu:"false",wmode:"transparent",allowScriptAccess:"always"}, {id:"weather_05",name:"weather_05"});</script>
and make it into a widget that I can just drag and drop into the book's HTML widget window.  Is there an easier way to do this?  Otherwise, unfortunately, I don't think I'll be able to use some of these key features.

Seeing that your code is in <script tags>, you could try pasting it in the <body> of the index.html file, right after opening a new custom safari widget. The standard code view shows the main.js file, click on the double arrows next to the indicator to switch to the index.html file:
After that you can simply deploy your widget to your disk (Make sure you don't deploy it to the dashboard).
EDIT: Make a custom mobile Safari widget
EDIT2: Apple mobile hardware does not run flash. So I guess you're out of luck with this piece of code. I deployed the code you showed to try it out myself, and while it gives no errors, it only shows the text "Columbo Weather" with a link to the site.  

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    Il s'agit d'un modèle
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  • Adding HTML code corrupts (and destroys) site

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    not totally comfortable posting links to the site (its a business site and not mine)... if you search around for iWeb problems you will find many people having the same issues... when i tried fixing my original page (after deleting the page with the problematic code) the problems still occurred... when i redid the page completely the problems stopped happening (at least for now)... I was told by the Applecare person that the code had completely infested/corrupted the entire site and that it could not be fixed... that I would have to completely recreate the site again... what doesn't make sense is that such a glaring, fundamental problem on such a basic program goes ignored by such a powerful, inventive, flourishing company... disappointing to see all the issues/bugs that get officially ignored on these forums...

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    May you help me?

    see this:

  • Adding html code to iweb website

    I'm trying to add html code (google analytics code) to my website via iweb.
    Does anyone know how you can do this via iweb?

    Robert ~ Welcome to the discussions. In the upper right of this forum's main page is a Search Forum bar. If you enter:
    ...into it and hit Enter, you'll find many old threads about this topic.

  • Adding html code for an imix  in iweb

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  • Adding HTML code

    I've been given HTML code to add to a button for use with a
    form but I'm not sure how or where to add this.
    Any help would be much appreciated

    It would be very hard to tell you anything other than "put it
    over there",
    without seeing more details (you can protect the innocent in
    your posted
    markup if you want).
    So - please show us the code you have received, and link us
    to the page you
    want to use it on, telling us where you want it to appear.
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
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    Tutorials & Resources
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    "Altoon" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:f4oukf$57a$[email protected]..
    > I've been given HTML code to add to a button for use
    with a form but I'm
    > not sure how or where to add this.
    > Any help would be much appreciated
    > Cheers
    > ******

  • Missing Horizontal Rules After Adding HTML Code

    Hi iWeb Users,
    I added PayPal links to my site and on two of my For Sale pages the horizontals rules are missing from under my page headings. I have attempted for several days to correct this problem but I am unable to because I only have a basic understanding of HTML coding.
    I would greatly appreciate any help in fixing this small problem. Instructions on how to add the ~HR~ tag so the rule underlines my page heads is all I need. Help!!!
    The URL is <http://risingstargraphics.net>.
    Thanks for any and all input.
    G4/533DP Mac OS X (10.3.9)
    G4/533DP Mac OS X (10.3.9)
    G4/533DP Mac OS X (10.3.9)

    The line on the For Sale page?
    I suspect that you may have accidently deleted it, to put it back open one of the other pages, click on the line in that page. Then Copy it, open the For Sale page and Paste, the line will land in the same place on the For Sale page as is was on the other page.
    1GHz G4, 15" PowerBook, Airport Network, 1G iPod Mini   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   www.willg4pb.com for iWeb tips

  • IWeb hangs (spinning beachball) when I try to paste HTML code from DW-why?

    Can anyone tell me why this might be happening? When I try and paste HTML code from Dreamweaver using Web Widgets. Then the only solution is to Force Quit which means I lose any other work I've already done in iWeb. Anyone else had this problem? Is there a workaround?

    Your last two posts didn't appear in the forum! They came through my email but there is no link.

  • Why does Contribute generate extraneous HTML code?

    Why does Contribute CS4 generate so much extraneous HTML code that is either redundant or conflicts with styles specified in our style sheet?  Below are examples of what we've encountered in the first two weeks of using the product.  It seems that, if we keep using Contribute, our website will soon be cluttered with junk code.  (Some of the special characters listed below and generated by Contribute do not display correctly in this forum.)
    1.       This simple Heading 1 tag: <h1>Heading 1</h1>
    gets replaced with this code:
    <p style="margin-top:0;"><span style="font-family:times new roman;font-size:16px;"><strong><span style="font-family:verdana; font-size:15px;">Heading 1 </span></strong></span></p>
    2.       This simple Heading 2 tag: <h2>Heading 2</h2>
    gets replaced with this code:
    <p><span style="font-family:times new roman;font-size:16px;"><strong><span style="font-family:verdana; font-size:13px;">Heading 2</span></strong></span></p>
    3.       This simple Paragraph tag: <p>Text</p>
    gets replaced with this code:
    <span style="font-family:verdana;"> </span><p style="margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;"><span style="font-family:times new roman;font-size:16px;">Text<span style="font-family:verdana;font-size:13px;">Text</span></span></p>
    4.       The standard straight quote symbol (&quot;) gets replaced with left and right quotes (&ldquo;) (&rdquo;)
    5.       Apostrophe’s get replaced with “&rsquo;”.
    6.       Odd, non-visible (in some browsers) characters are inserted, like: “”.
    7.       Dashes get replaced with these special characters, which may not display in all browsers: “—”.
    8.       This non-standard style tag gets inserted at the top of some pages:
    .style1 {font-size: 15px}
    9.       Trademarks, which are reliably denoted with just ”&trade;”, get replaced with this code and these special characters, which may not display in all browsers: “<span style="font-size:12px;">â„¢</span>”.
    10.   The simple Heading 1 tag: : <h1>Heading 1</h1>
    gets overridden with this code:
    <h1><span style="font-family:times;font-size:16px;"><span style="font-family:arial;font-size:15px;color:black;">Heading 1</span></span></h1>
    11.   This simple Paragraph tag: <p>Text</p>
    has the inappropriate “ServNAV” navigation style applied to it:
    <p class=”ServNAV”>Text</p>
    12.   This simple Paragraph tag: <p>Text</p>
    gets replaced with this code:
    <p style="margin-top:0;"><span style="font-family:Times New Roman;font-size:15px;"><span style="font-family:verdana;font-size:12px;color:#333333;">Text</span></span></p>
    13.   Extra filler space gets inserted at the bottom of a page with this code:
    <p style="margin-bottom: 0;"> </p>
    14.   Internal links are created as absolute (<a href="http://www.company.com/subfolder/Client-One.html">) rather than relative links ()<a href="../subfolder/Client-One.html">.
    15.   Links to other sites are coded incorrectly,
    as in “<a href="www.company.com">www.company.com</a>”
    instead of: “<a href="http://www.company.com">www.company.com</a>”.
    16.   This simple bold Paragraph tag: <p><strong>About Company</strong></p>
    gets replaced with this
    <p style="margin-bottom: 0;"><strong>About Company</strong></p>
    17.   This simple Paragraph tag: <p>Text</p>
    gets replaced with this code:
    <p style="margin-top:0;"><span style="font-family:times new roman;font-size:16px;"><span style="font-family:verdana;font-size:13px;">Text</span></span></p>
    Message was edited by: JerryWeb

    I've just written a detailed list of editing tips for our internal use that, in addtion to using "Paste Text Only", describe how to avoid or re-key Microsoft Office curly quotes and apostrophes, use only Contribute's Insert | Special Characters, etc.
    In addition, I created a new role in which I made the following changes:
    Under Editing, under“General editing restrictions”, checked the “Prevent users from inserting images (except shared assets); under “Paragraph spacing, changed so “Enter key moves insertion point down:” “Two lines, as in web page editors (uses standard <p> tags”; under “Other editing options”, unchecked “Allow multiple consecutive spaces”
    Under Styles and Fonts, under “Styles and Fonts”, unchecked “Include CSS styles in the Style menu; unchecked “Allow users to apply fonts and sizes”; and unchecked “Allow users to apply font color and background color”.
    Under New Pages, unchecked “Create a blank page”
    Our initial experimentation indicates this eliminates most of the extraneous and junk HTML code that Contribute otherwise introduces. Time will tell. However, it requires contributors to be pretty rigorous.

  • Adding custom code in generated HTML pages?

    We have a customer running Weblogic Portal 8.1 sp3 ia64.
    They need to add some custom html code like <META ... tags within the <HEAD.
    How to do that?
    Best regards Anders Rothman

    add it to the framework jsp - head.jsp i believe.
    Kunal Mittal

  • Why do website forums keep telling me that my messages contain HTML, when they do not contain any HTML code at all?

    I am hoping someone more intelligent than me, can help me out here, as I've got a really infuriating problem.
    I tend to visit a lot of online forums, especially in recent days those at Sky (http://helpforum.sky.com/) and Vodafone (http://forum.vodafone.co.uk/)
    Whenever I log in, and try and post a message, I keep getting a very annoying error message that says:
    "Your post has been changed because invalid HTML was found in the message body. The invalid HTML has been removed. Please review the message and submit the message when you are satisfied."
    The problem is, I never use ANY HTML code, as I don't know what it is. I do use spaces, capital letters, standard punctuation marks, and carriage returns/paragraph breaks. This problem doesn't manifest itself on Internet Explorer, nor Opera, nor Chrome.
    So what's going on please?!

    Please try the steps at [[Websites say that Firefox is outdated or incompatible even though it's the latest version]] before trying anything else, then update Firefox [[Update Firefox to the latest version]]

  • Why does an unwanted html code tab open after my comcast homepage open?

    In addition to the homepage issue, whenever I click a Comcast homepage link, an unwanted html code tab opens in addition to the desired Comcast tab.

    1. Settings>Safari>Clear History, Cookies and Data
    2. Hold the Sleep/Wake and Home button down for about 10 seconds until you see the Apple Logo

  • RH Automatically Changing HTML Code for Links

    For some reason, RH is doing something to the links I create. In my stylesheet, I have the following code for links:
    a {
        color: #054abc;
        cursor: pointer;
    a:hover {
        color: #336699;
        text-decoration: none;
    a:active {
        color: #333333;
    When I create a link, the HTML code looks like this *at first*:
    <a href="Development_Plan.htm">Development Plan</a>
    But then, after I save the file and switch to HTML view, the code looks like this:
    <a href=" Development_Plan.htm" style="color: #0000ff; text-decoration: underline; ">Transcript</a>
    I am not doing anything other than saving the file, and that apparently causes RH to automatically add the style (color and text-decoration). Why is RH adding that? It's causing my links not to change color when you hover over them.
    How can I make RH stop doing that, so my links display as defined in the stylesheet?

    This is strange behaviour. How exactly do you create a hyperlink? I have seen this behaviour only with links that are empty or contain a single space.
    As a workaround, in your css, add the !important declaration to your hover styles:
    Although this isn't an elegant solution, it will overwrite the inline styling of the link and thus change colour on hover.

  • Can I include both CSS and HTML codes in one Open HTML Editor.

    Somehow Cell phones are not properly reading css codes. Is there any way to include both CSS and HTML codes in one Open HTML Editor?

    Hammad, their code is fairly mobile friendly.  Per my other discussion with you ( http://topliners.eloqua.com/thread/8532 ), Eloqua's code is responsive for the most part.  Most of their issues lie with the styling of the email where you will get different fonts and different sized fonts throughout the email and some other minor display issues.
    What you are trying to accomplish is extremely difficult to do because you do not have the access to the HTML to better control how the responsive template works which is why the Eloqua templates (and most ESP templates) stick to the more basic side of emails.
    If you want to use Eloqua's WYSIWYG to make their responsive email you can do so, but I would recommend deleting all their body text before editing anything because of the inconsistencies in their code.  Otherwise, I think you would be better off coding the emails outside of Eloqua using a 3rd party editor whether it's something more robust like Dreamweaver or Coda, or whether you feel comfortable working in a more text environment with programs like Notepad++ or Brackets.
    At the end of the day remember you are paying Eloqua for these and if you choose to stick with the WYSIWYG and you are not getting the results you expect you need to tell Eloqua through your support channels.

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