Why Scene (Action-Set) added to Home(HMHome) always have updated Characteristic's(HMCharacteristic) values :HomeKit

I am working on a Demo iOS application based on HomeKit API's.
I have created Scene(Actions-Set) AS1 for Particular Home(H1) with some services(S1 S2...) to perform multiple action in a go.
I can create multiple scene without any problems, but I am facing problem in updating the any of created scene
Flow of My Application
Show Added Home(ListView)
Click on Any Home, detail screen appears With few Options(Accessory A1 ,Room A2  ,Scene A3....)
Clicking on A1 Add the Accessory(can change the characteristic of added Accessory's service from here)
A3 has a list of added Scene (Action-Set) as well a button to add new Scene (Action-Set) to current Home
User can Click on any added Scene(ActionSet) to update its actions and name both
Problem : Once I changed the characteristic of services from Accessory A1 option then the characteristics added to Scene's action gets updated to the same value.
My Assumption:I was thinking each created Scene (Action-Set) maintain separate characteristics's value separately and if user modify characteristics of any service from accessory A1 then it should not affect the value of actions added to saved Scene if user picked that accessory in created Scene's action
My Approach to Update Action-Set(Scene) as,
Once user click on any added Action-Set services list appear where user can click on any services to updated its characteristic
Access Actions of current Action-Set
Access characteristic of each action( HMCharacteristicWriteAction)
Access service of characteristic
Create instance  of CustomServices(to keep track of some other info like user included that service to into current action set etc.)  and add it to Data-source and avoid repetition
Once user done with value change and click on update actions button
Start the Update process
Update Scene (action-set)
1.Check if User changed the name of Action-set,
Then update the name of action set first
As success block executed deleted all previous actions if exist.
Add new actions to updated scene.
2.If Scene(action-set) name is same as Old Name,
Deleted all previous actions if exist.
Add new actions to updated scene.
I have gone through the HomeKit documentation many times but found nothing related to this issue.
As far as I understand the action-set's concept it should maintained characteristics value separately so that we could change it's actions values later on.
I am still facing the same issue and I am sure it is a issue because once I try to re-execute the same action set( pre-condition: services characteristic's value changed by user from A1 option).
It is executed successfully and update the all those accessories which have the same characteristics as action set has.
Please anybody who has found similar issue with scene help me out and correct my assumption.
Please feel free to point me if I am following wrong approach.

I have gone through HomeKit documentation again many times but found nothing related to this issue.
As far as I understand the action-set's concept it should maintained characteristics value separately so that we could change it's actions values later on.
I am still facing the same issue and I am sure it is a issue because once I try to re-execute the same action set( pre-condition: services characteristic's value changed by user from A1 option).
It is executed successfully and update the all those accessories which have the same characteristics as action set has.
Way to provide Interface to user to update action-set as,
Once user click on any added Action-Set services list appear where user can click on any services to updated its characteristic
Access Actions of current Action-Set
Access characteristic of each action( HMCharacteristicWriteAction)
Access service of characteristic
Create instance  of CustomServices(to keep track of some other info like user included that service to into current action set etc.)  and add it to Data-source and avoid repetition
Once user done with value change and click on update actions button
Start the Update process
Update Action-set process
1.Check if User changed the name of Action-set,
Then update the name of action set first
As success block executed deleted all previous actions if exist.
Add new actions to updated scene.
2.Action set name is same as Old Name,
Deleted all previous actions if exist.
Add new actions to updated scene.
Please anybody who has found similar issue with scene help me out and correct my assumption.
Please feel free to point me if I am following wrong approach.

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    I have found with AppleTV that it is the IPV6 on the computer you want to access is the problem.  The issue is that Homegroup on Win 7 or Win 8 requires IPV6 to work, but AppleTV won't work with IPV6.  (So maybe double check you have IPV6 turned off)
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    Unfortunately your post is off topic here, in the TechNet Site Feedback forum, because it is not Feedback about the TechNet Website or Subscription.  This is only one forum among the many
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    For technical issues with Microsoft products that you would run into as an
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    If you really had no idea where to post this question but you still posted it here, you still shouldn’t have because we have a forum just for you!  It’s called the Where is the forum for…?
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    Moving to off topic. 
    MSDN and TechNet Subscriptions Support
    Did Microsoft call you out of the blue about your computer?
    No, they didn't.

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    If anyone can help it would be much appreciated. 

    Log on to the computer.
    Click the Start button ‌, and then click Connect To.
    Choose the wireless network from the list that appears, and then click Connect.
    Type the security key (which is the WEP key stamped on the Routers tag) and then click OK.
    You will see a confirmation message when you are connected to the network.
    To confirm that you added the computer, do the following:
    Open Network by clicking the Start button and then clicking Network.
    You should see the icons for the computer you added and for the other computers and devices that are part of the network.
    Side note:It’s important to use the same workgroup name for all of the computers on your network. This makes it possible for computers running different versions of Windows to detect and access each other. Remember that the default workgroup name is not the same in all versions of Windows.
    Joe D
    Verizon Telecom
    Fiber Solution Center
    Notice: Content posted by Verizon employees is meant to be informational and does not supercede or change the Verizon Forums User Guidelines or Terms or Service, or your Customer Agreement Terms and Conditions or Plan.Follow us on Twitter™!

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    Firefox 19.0.2 on XP
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    When I open Firefox, I get two tabs, both on Google. If I opened a 3rd tab I got a blank page. Just what I wanted.
    Now, suddenly - when I open Firefox, I get my two home pages, but if I'm in Page 0 and click HOME, I get TWO MORE tabs open to my home page (for a total of 4 pages).
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    Something changed inside FF in the latest updates ... how do I get the expected behavior back?

    I have had the same original problem here as dbdataplus12 for a while now concerning having multiple tabs set as home page.
    For my use, I have 4 tabs set up as home pages - each tab being set to a different web address, as I always use all 4 websites whenever I start any browsing sessions.
    I had given up hope of trying to find an answer to resolve it or at least find out why it happens.
    If it's just because it's the way FF works then so be it, and I'm stuck with FF doing something that, as far as I'm concerned, it shouldn't really be doing that way - but I'll have to put up with it anyway ;)
    But having come across these replies to dbdataplus12 query it's prompted me to have to post here.
    I can see why dbdataplus12 basically gave up on trying to get a clear answer to his query. "That said, I'm bored with this entire conversation - and now I will do what true Americans now do in cases like this - I will lower my expectations. "
    So maybe I can explain better what I see as my problem with multiple home pages, what is happening within FF and why I think that it shouldn't be doing things that way, and what I think FF should be doing instead.
    If it turns out that I'm just expecting too much from FF or the people who program FF, or maybe my expectations are too high to have something so obvious be able to be done - that just doesn't happen in FF, or maybe just plain wrong of me to expect certain things from a tool such as FF - then so be it ;)
    As dbdataplus12 said " ... if I set up my home page option with TWO home pages (google | yahoo) then when I open FF I get two tabs with their respective pages loaded."
    When I startup FF I get my 4 tabs opened to their respective web addresses. So far so good :)
    I then use those 4 tabs during my session, and again so far so good ;)
    The problem then happens when I wish to go to my home pages again.
    On clicking the Home button, a new set of 4 tabs open up, each going to their respective web address as they are supposed to.
    Why aren't the original, existing tabs used to go to the home pages?
    I would have thought that it was obvious that when I click on the Home page button that the 4 tabs that are open go to the home pages.
    If I had closed one or more tabs then I would expect FF to open new tabs as required, and use those tabs to go to the relevant home pages.
    If I had opened new tabs myself during my session to visit other web addresses, I would expect that the first tabs be used to go to the Home pages - any other tabs that may be open would stay on their relevant pages.
    That's what I would expect to happen.
    Not for FF to just open up 4 new tabs.
    As I say, to me, it's just plain obvious.
    The first tabs onscreen should be used to open up any Home pages set up, so that whenever the Home page button is pressed those tabs are used.
    And for FF to open up additional tabs, if tabs had been closed and are needed to enable all the home pages to be shown.
    As I say, to me, it's just plain obvious.
    So, if it's just that FF doesn't work that way - then so be it. I'll accept that as the answer and have to put up with new tabs opening every time I press Home ;)
    But maybe someone, somewhere, could think about altering FF so that it uses existing tabs etc instead of just opening new ones. Maybe you could have a setting in the preferences to switch the option on or off to reuse tabs whenever the Home button is pressed.
    Just a really, obvious idea ;)
    Thanks for reading - and hopefully replying.
    And hopefully taking the idea onboard ;)

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    My Safari 5.1.2 Just won't open to my home page even though I have it set in preferences.  It continues to open on the last page I was on when I last closed Safari.  What overrides my settings in preferences?

    I just purchased my first MAC after working on PC for the past 25 years and would like to know how to keep my safari program to be the full screen everytime I get into the app. I always have to click the two arrows to the top right of the safari program but on a PC it is always opened in full screen mode ??? and while I have you plugged in how do you make it so that the manu bar does not go away (hyernate??)

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    This is probably simple, but I can't find the answer in the various documents. I want to install a home with all the latest Platform components. Since Integration 10 has been delayed, I want to set up a home with Server 10, Workshop 10, Portal 10, and Integration 9.2. How exactly do I do this? After I install the first 3 components, when I try to install Integration 9.2 the installer wants also to install Server 9.2 and Workshop 9.2.
    Or is what I'm trying to do even advisable? Does needing Integration mean I have to use Platform 9.2 MP2? How exactly should I set up my home?
    Thanks in advance for your help.

    I am considering putting three or more OS's on my
    computer. Would someone show me how to set up a
    master boot record to give me a choice between
    Windows XP Professional Edition, Solaris 10 6/06, Red
    Hat Linux 7 (Fedora Core 5), and possibly Knoppix
    5.0.1, Snappix, and Morphix?Have you seen this article?
    I want the boot record
    to be posted in both Windows' BOOT.INI file and in
    GRUB.What do you mean by that? You can only have one thing in the MBR, but of course that thing could chain to something else.

  • I want to set up a home network to be able to watch my movies and litsen to music across multiple platforms without keeping my laptop connected.

    I want to set up a home network to be able to watch my movies and litsen to music across multiple platforms.  I have movies purchased from itunes as well as movies from my DVD collection that i converted to an .m4v format.  I currently have these movies stored on an external harddrive. To watch a movie on my apple tv I have to ensure my external hard drive is connected to my macbook pro, then play the movie on my macbook pro and "mirror" it to my apple tv.
    Ideally I would like to be able to watch movies from my collection without having to have my laptop on and work from that.  Is it possible to navigate my collection from my Apple TV and play it on my Apple TV.  My macbook pro is the machine I primarily use for work and school it is quite the protological nuissance to have to hook all that up everytime I want to watch a movie.
    My thoughts are that I could take my old dekstop pc, attach an external hard drive to that and make that my "media storage".  If I were to do that would I then be able to watch movies as well as select which movie I want to watch from my library through my apple TV without my macbook pro being in the equation?  Or if I should desire to watch a movie from my library through my Macbook Pro, Iphone 4s, and ipad is that possible?  I basically want to set up my library to be accessible from any of my devices.
    My devices are; the previously mentioned Apple Tv, macbook pro, iphone 4s, ipad 3. I also have a desktop PC running windows 7, xbox 360 and playstation 3 (the xbox and PS3 would be nice if they could too but wouldnt break my heart as they are my roommate's and not mine so I rarely use them.)
    Thank you for any help/advice you guys may have!

    atv's can only access media from
    1. a computer which is turned on running itunes
    2. the internet
    no other options
    and NAS's which say they can work as itunes libs don't work

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