Why won't anyone help me?

Did I phrase the question wrong? Is there no answer? Is it a dumb question? I see other people having their questions answered...but I'm the only person even looking at my question.
I need help getting my capture to work on final cut 5.1.2 for 24p from a JVC deck. It keeps either cutting the clips and losing media or showing a file streaming error message.
This problem is urgent as I need to get my films edited.
Please help or at least give me a heads up as to why I might not be getting any help.

didn't mean to threadjack...didn't even know what that was until your reply<<</div>
Usually posting your own question will get more response than posting on someone else's thread ... they tend to get buried there.
Playback device is the BR-HD50. I don't want to use the camera as a deck. It wears out the head. As you probably know, decks were made so that our cameras didn't have to be used as things they weren't meant to really be<<</div>
I agree whole-heartedly with doing it that way, but since you've encountered problems, I was wondering if you had tried using the camcorder to capture from. Sometimes that does the trick. I was really asking though because I've seen several posts from people trying to capture HDV footage from a regular ol' NTSC VTR and since you hadn't mentioned which model you were using, I was trying to eliminate that as a possible cause. At least I/we know now that you are using the right VTR for the job.
I don't really have any other suggestions (other than trying a new FW cable). Since I'm not familiar with that VTR or it's various menu settings, I could only speculate that perhaps a setting or two might not be correct for outputting the tape's recorded mode(?) ... might be worth a look if you haven't been through all that yet.

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    Backup, backup, backup...
    T-21 wrote:
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    There is no Apple here to read your rant.
    We user here don't care if you switch over to a different company or phone.
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    Message was edited by: dfakkeldy

    Whats wrong with you?
    The world will not change bcuz you have a problem with your iphone ?! People help when they want to help, I posted a lot of question (most of all on other sites) but sometimes I get 1 answer sometimes 0 and sometimes are there people that keep helping me untill the problem is solved,
    -> no apple staff here
    -> only friendly users that answer when we want to
    No what I would do is press home and lock button the same time until it goes of en back on that connect to pc
    Ps: next time make sure you give the right information about you device

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    First, I presume you're buying for yourself, not gifts for others, correct? Gifts cannot be purchased using a credit balance. If you are buying for yourself, another user in the forums posted this as the reply from the iTunes Store when this issue was brought up. Perhaps it will help you. Regards.
    I'm sorry you weren't able to make a purchase using your store credit. To purchase items on the iTunes Store with your store credit, your account information in your user profile needs to be corrected. I'll walk you through this process to get you back up and running in no time. 
    1) Visit the My Apple ID website at:  http://appleid.apple.com 
    2) If the site is not displayed in your preferred language, click the Change Language link in the upper-right corner, type the name of your language in the field that appears, then click the Save button. 
    3) Click the "Manage your account" link. 
    4) Type your iTunes Store account name (which is your Apple ID) in the Apple ID field, type your password in the password field, then click the Sign In button. 
    5) Click "Addresses" in the column on the left. If you have multiple shipping addresses, remove any out-of-date or duplicate addresses by clicking Delete. Also, make sure the state or province field is filled out correctly for each address. To edit an address, click Edit. Edit all of your shipping addresses and make sure the appropriate state is selected in the State drop-down menus. 
    6) Now click "Phone Numbers" on the left. The area codes should be in the area code fields and the phone numbers should be in the phone number fields. If an area code is missing, or if it is in a phone number field, your account information may not save properly. 
    7) Make any other necessary corrections, then click the Save Changes button. 
    8) Click Log out in the upper-right corner.  When you make your next purchase on the iTunes Store, you will be asked to review your billing information. At this point, you can change your information or simply click Done at the bottom of the screen to proceed. Once you click Done, you should be able to purchase on the iTunes Store using your store credit. 

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    I am going to assume that you have either taken the laptop back or exchanged it for a working one. Most stores have a 30 day window where you can do this. If you haven't done any of this, then you should. Don't waste your time on a machine that you have just paid 2000.00 $ on.
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    if they won't let you try it first, then get a refund and shop some place else.
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     (pay-pal won't). Always save the paper trail when you do a Visa purchase. It can be used to prove fraud.
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     Pay-pal will only protect you against goods not received, but not the quality of goods. That means you could receive a brick in the mail and pay-pal won't do any thing.

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    Reboot your router. The icon only shows when connected to wifi and Apple TV or similar device. Same thing happened with my phone and the icon appeared in control center after router reboot.

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    thanks for your reply.
    Yes, except n°1 - empty Temp directory, I had tried/checked all of those.
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