Why Won't this driver work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just got my sleek back Sleek from CL. I have Win98 and wanted to use the PlayerForSure driver. I installed the driver resart my computer connteced my player to my computer and nothing. I tired this 3 times and NOTHING. Someone PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!
Thank You.

Are you on Windows98SE or Windows98? There's is a slight different between the two OS and only Windows98SE should be use as there is very limited or no support for USB in Windows98. You should also try getting the latest USB driver, chipset driver available from your mainboard manufacturer website and see if it helps with USB connection.

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  • Why won't this code work?

    All I want to do is resize the select panel to the same size as east panel. Why won't it work?
    import javax.sound.sampled.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.sound.midi.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.io.*;
    public class Space extends JFrame implements ActionListener, Runnable{
         Sequence currentSound;
         Sequencer player;
         Thread soundCheck;
         boolean check = true;
         public void start(){
              soundCheck = new Thread();
         public void run(){
                   File bgsound = new File("Sounds" + File.separator + "Space.mid");
                   currentSound = MidiSystem.getSequence(bgsound);
                   player = MidiSystem.getSequencer();
              } catch (Exception exc){}
         public void checkSound(){
                        soundCheck.sleep((player.getMicrosecondLength() / 1000)-player.getMicrosecondPosition()); // sleep for the length of the track
                   }catch (InterruptedException IE){}
         //Screen Variables:
         Dimension SCREEN = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
         final int SCREENWIDTH = SCREEN.width;
         final int SCREENHEIGHT = SCREEN.height;
         JPanel select, main, north, south, east;
         JButton instructB, cheatB, playB, exit, about;
         JLabel open, cheat1, cheat2, cheatInstruct, i1, i2 , i3, aboutLabel;
         //The container and frame:
         static Space jframe;
         Container content;
         //The Constructor:
         public Space(){
              //set  container attributes:
              content = getContentPane();
              content.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
              //init panels:
              main   = new JPanel();
              select = new JPanel();
              north  = new JPanel();
              east   = new JPanel();
              south  = new JPanel();
              //set panel attributes:
              select.setLayout(new GridLayout(3,0,10,10));     
              //add panels:
              content.add("West", select);
              content.add("Center", main);
              content.add("North", north);
              content.add("East", east);
              //Image Icons:
              Icon exit1 = new ImageIcon("Images" + File.separator + "exit1.gif");
              Icon exit2 = new ImageIcon("Images" + File.separator + "exit2.gif");
              Icon about1 = new ImageIcon("Images" + File.separator + "about1.gif");
              Icon about2 = new ImageIcon("Images" + File.separator + "about2.gif");
              //init buttons, add their listeners, and set their attributes:
              instructB = new JButton("Instructions", new ImageIcon("Images" + File.separator + "ship.gif"));
              cheatB = new JButton("Cheats", new ImageIcon("Images" + File.separator + "cheat.gif"));
              playB = new JButton("Play", new ImageIcon("Images" + File.separator + "ship2.gif"));
              exit = new JButton();
              about = new JButton();
             open = new JLabel("", new ImageIcon("Images" + File.separator + "open.gif"), JLabel.CENTER);
              cheat1 = new JLabel("<html><h1>tport</h1></html>");
              cheat2 = new JLabel("<html><h1>zap</h1></html>");
              cheatInstruct = new JLabel("<html><h1>Type a cheat at any time during a game, and press the \"Enter\" key.</html></h1>");
              i1 = new JLabel("<html><h1>The arrow keys move your ship.</h1></html>");
              i2 = new JLabel("<html><h1>The space-bar fires the gun.</h1></html>");
              i3 = new JLabel("<html><h1>The red circles give upgrades.</html></h1>");
              aboutLabel    = new JLabel("", new ImageIcon("Images" + File.separator + "aboutImage.gif"), JLabel.CENTER);
         private void centerPanel(final int width, final int height){
                   Runnable setPanelSize = new Runnable(){
                        public void run(){
                             east.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(width, height));                    
              } catch (Exception e){}
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
              //if the play button was pressed do:
              if(e.getSource() == playB){
                  //do something
             //else if the cheat button was pressed do:
              else if(e.getSource() == cheatB){
                   //remove and add components
                   main.setLayout(new GridLayout(3,0,0,0));
              else if(e.getSource() == instructB){
                   //remove and add components
                   main.setLayout(new GridLayout(3,0,0,0));
              else if(e.getSource() == exit){
              else if(e.getSource() == about){
                   main.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
         public void showCredits(){
                   String[] args = {};
              }catch (Exception e){}
         public static void main(String args[]){
              jframe = new Space();
              jframe.setBounds(0, 0, jframe.SCREENWIDTH, jframe.SCREENHEIGHT);
             jframe.centerPanel(jframe.select.getWidth(), jframe.select.getHeight());
             jframe.run(); //start music

    The reason it wasn't working was because you were calling the method after you had set the frame visible, so you saw no change. On top of that, jframe.select.getWidth() only works after the frame is visible in this case. So it's best to set a fixed size for one of them, then use getWidth, or as I did... it's the same thing. I also changed the centerPanel method, I'm not sure if all that's exactly needed, but you can change it back if you think you'll need it.
    import javax.sound.sampled.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.sound.midi.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.io.*;
    public class Space extends JFrame implements ActionListener, Runnable{
    Sequence currentSound;
    Sequencer player;
    Thread soundCheck;
    boolean check = true;
    public void start(){
    soundCheck = new Thread();
    public void run(){
    File bgsound = new File("Sounds" + File.separator + "Space.mid");
    currentSound = MidiSystem.getSequence(bgsound);
    player = MidiSystem.getSequencer();
    } catch (Exception exc){}
    public void checkSound(){
    soundCheck.sleep((player.getMicrosecondLength() / 1000)-player.getMicrosecondPosition()); // sleep for the length of the track
    }catch (InterruptedException IE){}
    //Screen Variables:
    Dimension SCREEN = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
    final int SCREENWIDTH = SCREEN.width;
    final int SCREENHEIGHT = SCREEN.height;
    JPanel select, main, north, south, east;
    JButton instructB, cheatB, playB, exit, about;
    JLabel open, cheat1, cheat2, cheatInstruct, i1, i2 , i3, aboutLabel;
    //The container and frame:
    static Space jframe;
    Container content;
    //The Constructor:
    public Space(){
    //set  container attributes:
    content = getContentPane();
    content.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
    //init panels:
    main   = new JPanel();
    select = new JPanel();
    north  = new JPanel();
    east   = new JPanel();
    south  = new JPanel();
    //set panel attributes:
    select.setLayout(new GridLayout(3,0,10,10));
    //add panels:
    content.add("West", select);
    content.add("Center", main);
    content.add("North", north);
    content.add("East", east);
    //Image Icons:
    Icon exit1 = new ImageIcon("Images" + File.separator + "exit1.gif");
    Icon exit2 = new ImageIcon("Images" + File.separator + "exit2.gif");
    Icon about1 = new ImageIcon("Images" + File.separator + "about1.gif");
    Icon about2 = new ImageIcon("Images" + File.separator + "about2.gif");
    //init buttons, add their listeners, and set their attributes:
    instructB = new JButton("Instructions", new ImageIcon("Images" + File.separator + "ship.gif"));
    cheatB = new JButton("Cheats", new ImageIcon("Images" + File.separator + "cheat.gif"));
    playB = new JButton("Play", new ImageIcon("Images" + File.separator + "ship2.gif"));
    exit = new JButton();
    about = new JButton();
        open = new JLabel("", new ImageIcon("Images" + File.separator + "open.gif"), JLabel.CENTER);
    cheat1 = new JLabel("<html><h1>tport</h1></html>");
    cheat2 = new JLabel("<html><h1>zap</h1></html>");
    cheatInstruct = new JLabel("<html><h1>Type a cheat at any time during a game, and press the \"Enter\" key.</html></h1>");
    i1 = new JLabel("<html><h1>The arrow keys move your ship.</h1></html>");
    i2 = new JLabel("<html><h1>The space-bar fires the gun.</h1></html>");
    i3 = new JLabel("<html><h1>The red circles give upgrades.</html></h1>");
    aboutLabel    = new JLabel("", new ImageIcon("Images" + File.separator + "aboutImage.gif"), JLabel.CENTER);
    east.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(125, SCREEN.width));
    /*private void centerPanel(final int width, final int height){
    Runnable setPanelSize = new Runnable(){
    public void run(){
    east.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(width, height));
    } catch (Exception e){}
    private void centerPanel(final int width, final int height)
         east.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(width, height));
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
    //if the play button was pressed do:
    if(e.getSource() == playB){
        //do something
        //else if the cheat button was pressed do:
    else if(e.getSource() == cheatB){
    //remove and add components
    main.setLayout(new GridLayout(3,0,0,0));
    else if(e.getSource() == instructB){
    //remove and add components
    main.setLayout(new GridLayout(3,0,0,0));
    else if(e.getSource() == exit){
    else if(e.getSource() == about){
    main.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
    /*public void showCredits(){
    String[] args = {};
    }catch (Exception e){}
    public static void main(String args[]){
    jframe = new Space();
    //jframe.centerPanel(500, jframe.select.getHeight());
    jframe.setBounds(0, 0, jframe.SCREENWIDTH, jframe.SCREENHEIGHT);
        //jframe.centerPanel(jframe.select.getWidth(), jframe.select.getHeight());
        jframe.run(); //start music
    }Sorry I lost all the indenting :) I guess you can take a look at the few lines I changed and copy those lines.

  • Why won't this scriipt work with Firefox? embed src="News2008Fall.pdf" width="615" height="3200" /embed

    Please tell me why this script won't work with Firefox. It works with Safari. Here is the page that includes the script: www.lionsgatehoa.org/newslettertest.html. Thank you. Tom Engleman
    Here is the script in my html document:
    <embed src="News2008Fall.pdf" width="615" height="3200"></embed>
    edit: removed phone #

    Works for me on Linux.<br />
    Your system details list doesn't show the Adobe Reader plugin, so you will have to (re)install that program.

  • Why won't this Applet work? Any help?

    I followed a tutorial, though the tutorial left me to do a lot of the work. Which is good.
    Anyway, I finished the Applet, but I get a message in the bottom corner of the window saying "Applet not initialized."
    I can't figure out what's wrong.
    I downloaded the tutorial's source code and checked it, and I think I have everything they do... I tried running the downloaded source code and it worked fine.
    Here's the main class file of my Applet:
    import java.applet.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.net.*;
    public class Main2 extends Applet implements Runnable
              AudioClip ballLost = getAudioClip(getCodeBase(), "beep_1.au");
              AudioClip bounce = getAudioClip(getCodeBase(), "beep_2.au");
              Player player = new Player();
              Ball ball1 = new Ball(20, this.getSize().width+40, this.getSize().height-30,1,3,8,ballLost,bounce,player,Color.red);
              Ball ball2 = new Ball(20, this.getSize().width+40, 30,1,5,10,ballLost,bounce,player,Color.blue);
              Thread th;
              Cursor c;
              Image dbImage;
              Graphics dbg;
         boolean isStopped = true;
         public void init()
              c = new Cursor(Cursor.CROSSHAIR_CURSOR);
              ballLost = getAudioClip(getCodeBase(), "beep_1.au");
              bounce = getAudioClip(getCodeBase(), "beep_2.au");
              player = new Player();
              ball1 = new Ball(20, this.getSize().width+40, this.getSize().height-30,1,3,8,ballLost,bounce,player,Color.red);
              ball2 = new Ball(20, this.getSize().width+40, 30,1,5,10,ballLost,bounce,player,Color.blue);
         public void start()
              th = new Thread(this);
         public void stop()
         public void run()
              while (true)
                   if (player.getLives()>0 && !isStopped)
                        Thread.sleep (30);
                   catch (InterruptedException ex)
                        // do nothing
         public void paint(Graphics g)
              if (player.getLives()>0)
                   if (isStopped)
                        g.drawString("Double click to start.", 40, 200);
              else if (player.getLives() <= 0)
                   g.drawString("Game Over!", 40, 200);
                   g.drawString("Double click to player again", 40, 300);
                   isStopped = true;
         public boolean mouseDown(Event e, int x, int y)
              if (!isStopped)
                   if (ball1.userHit(x,y))
                        //Need audio
                   else if (ball2.userHit(x,y))
                        //Need audio
                        //Play normal shot audio
              else if (isStopped && e.clickCount == 2)
                   isStopped = false;
              return true;
         public void update (Graphics g)
              if (dbImage == null)
                   dbImage = createImage (this.getSize().width, this.getSize().height);
                   dbg = dbImage.getGraphics ();
              dbg.setColor (getBackground ());
              dbg.fillRect (0, 0, this.getSize().width, this.getSize().height);
              dbg.setColor (getForeground());
              paint (dbg);
              g.drawImage (dbImage, 0, 0, this);
    }My HTML code uses <APPLET CODE="Main2.class" WIDTH=700 HEIGHT=400>.
    And they are both located in the same folder.
    Any idea what's going wrong here?
    Thanks for any help.

    All of the files are in the folder.
    My folder contains:
    And corresponding source code files.
    Looks correct, right?


    I try all the time to construct websites using CSS and they
    look great on a Mac using Safari/Firefox but whenever I test them
    on a stupid Windows IE they never work properly - EVER!!!
    I have been playing with one which can be seen here:
    As said on a mac - great, it is all where it should be, but
    on a Wiindows - the nav section is under the content and the
    content is not floating right enough.
    Anyone have any ideas where I am going so wrong or am I
    destined to use tables forever??

    > From doing the Google search, I see that you can't
    include these
    > conditional
    > comments within a CSS - it would have to be on the page
    Yes. Why is that a problem?
    > Also, I have the #nav width set already (190px) so just
    can't see how to
    > go
    > about it - I am being thick, I am well aware of that!!!
    Clearly, IE6 is not following that directive, since you can
    see that it's
    much wider in that browser.
    I am not sure why it's not properly sized, to be honest....
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
    http://www.dwfaq.com - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "Jansolo" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:fqlop4$7c5$[email protected]..
    > The browser I am testing it on on the PC is IE 6.
    > From doing the Google search, I see that you can't
    include these
    > conditional
    > comments within a CSS - it would have to be on the page
    > Also, I have the #nav width set already (190px) so just
    can't see how to
    > go
    > about it - I am being thick, I am well aware of that!!!

  • Inline Subclassing: Why won't this override work?

    I'm writing some unit tests (I'm new to JUnit and JMock), and have been having trouble figuring out how to mock an object that doesn't implement an interface. As a work around, I wrote the following:
    ExecuteSupportSvc ess = new ExecuteSupportSvc() {
              private MessageHelper createMessageHelper() {
                   return new MessageHelper() {
                        public Integer countMessages(String a, String b, String c) {
                             return 1;
         };I get the error:
    The method createMessageHelper() of type new ExecuteSupportSvc(){} must override a
    superclass methodThere definitely is a method createMessageHelper in my superclass... am I missing something??
    Edited by: Pojo on Apr 14, 2008 10:53 AM

    [�8.2 Class Members|http://java.sun.com/docs/books/jls/second_edition/html/classes.doc.html#30394]: Members of a class that are declared private are not inherited by subclasses of that class.

  • Why won't this iPhone work with this SIM??

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    DaVBMan wrote:
    Lyle Bienstock wrote:
    I'm not sure... can't you just use your old SIM if it has a data plan already on it?
    No, the SIM is sorta unique for the iPhone. He has to tell AT&T he has an iPhone, they will give him new SIM for it. That SIM will work in iPhone (or other phones). But you cannot put a SIM from another phone into an iPhone.
    Sorry, but you are mistaken.
    The iPhone 2G, 3G, and 3GS all use a standard SIM. That is what we are discussing here.
    The iPhone 4 has a microSIM. That is not the OP's issue.
    ANY SIM from any AT&T phone (excluding iPhone 4) will fit into the iPhone and work with it as long as it's a 3G SIM, it should have the 3G fireball logo on it. If it is not a 3G SIM, then the purchaser can go to any AT&T corp store and they will generally give the user a new SIM free of charge.

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    space. Why won't this work?

    Yeah, sly one is right. You can not have the "i" inside the
    onRollOver function, what you have to do is: As the movieClip class
    is dynamic you can create a property of the movieClip which stores
    the value if the "i". And then, inside the onRollOver function, you
    have to make reference to that property.
    for (i=0; i<2; i++) {
    .iterator = i;
    this.regArray.onRollOver = function () {
    .onRollOut = function () {

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    Why won't iCloud Drive stop "Upgrading" on my iPod Touch 5? It has never finished...in months. This is how it has stayed since trying to upgrade.

    Try backing up and restoring from backup

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    Pyralus wrote:
    I decided to try and boot from the Tiger discs, but when I did, all I got was a screen that looked like a blizzard of pixels.
    The firmware was likely changed and it's not compatible anymore or the disk is bad.
    I was able to boot using the Snow Leopard disc from both my new MBP and my girlfriends MB, but both said that OS X could not be installed on this computer, and I couldn't even use the disc utility to wipe the drive.
    Those disks don't have the hardware drivers your machine needs.
    Your going to need to get a Snow Leopard retail install disk from Amazon/elsewhere.
    Do I need to have a serial number to reinstall OS X?
    Thankfully No.

  • Why won't my iMessage work with only one contact in my phone all my other iMessages send and they just got an iphone but all their iMessages are sending also. I've tried restarting my phone, deleting messages, contact, restarting network

    Why won't my iMessage work with only one contact in my phone all my other iMessages send and they just got an iphone but all their iMessages are sending also. I've tried restarting my phone, deleting messages, contact, restarting network

    Hello Jesslb23,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    For more information on this, take a look at:
    iOS: Troubleshooting Messages
    To resolve issues with sending and receiving iMessages, follow these steps first
    Check iMessage system status for current service issues.
    Go to Settings > Messages > Send & Receive and make sure that you have registered iMessage with your phone number or Apple ID and that you have selected iMessage for use. Learn more about troubleshooting iMessage registration if the phone number or Apple ID isn't available for use.
    Open Safari and navigate to www.apple.com to verify data connectivity. Learn more about troubleshootingcellular data or a Wi-Fi connection if a data connection isn't available.
    iMessage over cellular data might not be available while on a call. Only 3G and faster GSM networks support simultaneous data and voice calls. Learn more about which network your phone supports. Go to Settings > Wi-Fi and turn Wi-Fi on to use iMessage while on a call if your network doesn't support simultaneous data and voice calls.
    Restart your device.
    Tap Settings > General > Reset > Reset Network Settings on your iPhone.
    If you are still unable to send or receive an iMessage, follow these steps
    Make sure that the contact trying to message you isn't blocked in Settings > Messages > Blocked.
    Verify that the contact you are attempting to send a message to is registered with iMessage.
    If the issue occurs with a specific contact or contacts, back up or forward important messages and delete your current messaging threads with the contact. Create a new message to the contact and try again.
    If the issue occurs with a specific contact or contacts, delete and re-create the contact in the Contacts application. Create a new message to the newly created contact and try again.
    Back up and restore your device as new.
    Best of luck,

  • HT201398 Why won't podcast app work on iPhone 5 after ios 8.1.3 update?

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    I've restarted the phone and itunes several times, have uninstalled and reinstalled the app on the phone and itunes separately, and it still just shows 'Installing" under the greyed out app.

    I have the same problem with an iPhone 5s. All podcast fail to work on the phone since updating to iOS 8.1.3. What is going on? Is Apple taking this problem serious?

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    Unable to make or receive FaceTime calls after April 16, 2014
    Using FaceTime http://support.apple.com/kb/ht4319
    Troubleshooting FaceTime http://support.apple.com/kb/TS3367
    The Complete Guide to FaceTime + iMessage: Setup, Use, and Troubleshooting
    Troubleshooting FaceTime and iMessage activation
    iOS: FaceTime is 'Unable to verify email because it is in use'
    Using FaceTime and iMessage behind a firewall
    iOS: About Messages
    Set up iMessage
    iOS and OS X: Link your phone number and Apple ID for use with FaceTime and iMessage
    How to Set Up & Use iMessage on iPhone, iPad, & iPod touch with iOS
    http://osxdaily.com/2011/10/18/set-up-imessage-on-iphone-ipad-ipod-touch-with-io s-5/
    Set Up Alert Sounds
    Extra FaceTime IDs
    Troubleshooting Messages
    Troubleshooting iMessage Issues: Some Useful Tips You Should Try
    Setting Up Multiple iOS Devices for iMessage and Facetime
    http://macmost.com/setting-up-multiple-ios-devices-for-messages-and-facetime.htm l
    FaceTime and iMessage not accepting Apple ID password
    http://www.ilounge.com/index.php/articles/comments/facetime-and-imessage-not-acc epting-apple-id-password/
    Fix Can’t Sign Into FaceTime or iMessage iOS 7
    FaceTime, Game Center, Messages: Troubleshooting sign in issues
    Unable to use FaceTime and iMessage with my apple ID
    iOS 7 allows you to block phone numbers or e-mail addresses from contacting you via the Phone, FaceTime, or Messages
    http://howto.cnet.com/8301-11310_39-57602643-285/you-can-block-people-from-conta cting-you-on-ios-7/
    How to Block Someone on FaceTime
    My Facetime Doesn't Ring
    How to watch FaceTime calls on the big screen with Apple TV
    Send an iMessage as a Text Message Instead with a Quick Tap & Hold
    To send messages to non-Apple devices, check out the TextFree app https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/text-free-textfree-sms-real/id399355755?mt=8
    How to Send SMS from iPad
    How to Receive SMS Messages on an iPad
    Apps for Texting http://appadvice.com/appguides/show/apps-for-texting
    You can check the status of the FaceTime/iMessage servers at this link.
     Cheers, Tom

  • HT3775 Why won't quicktime player work? I own Mac Book Pro with Retina Display and connote get the quicktime player to open or play quicktime movies?

    Why won't quicktime player work? I own Mac Book Pro with Retina Display and connote get the quicktime player to open or play quicktime movies?

    Go to Finder and select your user/home folder. With that Finder window as the front window, either select Finder/View/Show View options or go command - J.  When the View options opens, check ’Show Library Folder’. That should make your user library folder visible in your user/home folder.  Select Preferences/com.apple.quicktimeplayer.plist. Move the .plist to your desktop.
    Open the application and test. If it works okay, delete the plist from the desktop.
    If the application is the same, return the .plist to where you got it from, overwriting the newer one.
    Thanks to leonie for some information contained in this.
    You might need to redo the View settings after an update.

  • Will this drive work in firewire?

    I have a 80GB Western WD00BB-OOJKCO drive as my backup. If I upgrade to the new iMac will I be able to use this drive as a firewire and upload all my applications back onto my new iMac? I presently do my backup with Carbon Copy Cloner as a bootable backup.
    I know I would have to purchase a firewire case for the drive, but will this drive work in a firewire case?

    Don't see why not assuming you have all the files required by your applications fully backed up. Some applications install data outside of the Applications folder. Some record serial numbers into invisible files. If all the data are not properly transferred then you may need to reinstall some applications.
    If you are moving from a PPC to an Intel Mac, then I suggest reading the following;
    A Basic Guide for Migrating to Intel-Macs
    If you are migrating a PowerPC system (G3, G4, or G5) to an Intel-Mac be careful what you migrate. Keep in mind that some items that may get transferred will not work on Intel machines and may end up causing your computer's operating system to malfunction.
    Rosetta supports "software that runs on the PowerPC G3 or G4 processor that are built for Mac OS X". This excludes the items that are not universal binaries or simply will not work in Rosetta:
    Classic Environment, and subsequently any Mac OS 9 or earlier applications
    Screensavers written for the PowerPC
    System Preference add-ons
    All Unsanity Haxies
    Browser and other plug-ins
    Contextual Menu Items
    Applications which specifically require the PowerPC G5
    Kernel extensions
    Java applications with JNI (PowerPC) libraries
    See also What Can Be Translated by Rosetta.
    In addition to the above you could also have problems with migrated cache files and/or cache files containing code that is incompatible.
    If you migrate a user folder that contains any of these items, you may find that your Intel-Mac is malfunctioning. It would be wise to take care when migrating your systems from a PowerPC platform to an Intel-Mac platform to assure that you do not migrate these incompatible items.
    If you have problems with applications not working, then completely uninstall said application and reinstall it from scratch. Take great care with Java applications and Java-based Peer-to-Peer applications. Many Java apps will not work on Intel-Macs as they are currently compiled. As of this time Limewire, Cabos, and Acquisition are available as universal binaries. Do not install browser plug-ins such as Flash or Shockwave from downloaded installers unless they are universal binaries. The version of OS X installed on your Intel-Mac comes with special compatible versions of Flash and Shockwave plug-ins for use with your browser.
    The same problem will exist for any hardware drivers such as mouse software unless the drivers have been compiled as universal binaries. For third-party mice the current choices are USB Overdrive or SteerMouse. Contact the developer or manufacturer of your third-party mouse software to find out when a universal binary version will be available.
    Also be careful with some backup utilities and third-party disk repair utilities. Disk Warrior (does not work), TechTool Pro (pre-4.5.1 versions do not work), SuperDuper (newest release works), and Drive Genius (untested) may not work properly on Intel-Macs. The same caution may apply to the many "maintenance" utilities that have not yet been converted to universal binaries.
    Before migrating or installing software on your Intel-Mac check MacFixit's Rosetta Compatibility Index.
    Additional links that will be helpful to new Intel-Mac users:
    Intel In Macs
    Apple Guide to Universal Applications
    MacInTouch List of Compatible Universal Binaries
    MacInTouch List of Rosetta Compatible Applications
    MacUpdate List of Intel-Compatible Software
    Transferring data with Setup Assistant - Migration Assistant FAQ
    Because Migration Assistant isn't the ideal way to migrate from PowerPC to Intel Macs, using Target Disk Mode or copying the critical contents to CD and DVD or an external hard drive will work better when moving from PowerPC to Intel Macs.
    Basically the instructions you should follow are:
    1. Backup your data first. This is vitally important in case you make a mistake or there's some other problem.
    2. Connect a Firewire cable between your old Mac and your new Intel Mac.
    3. Startup your old Mac in Target Disk Mode.
    4. Startup your new Mac for the first time, go through the setup and registration screens, but do NOT migrate data over. Get to your desktop on the new Mac without migrating any new data over.
    4. Copy the following items from your old Mac to the new Mac:
    In your /Home/ folder: Documents, Movies, Music, Pictures, and Sites folders.
    In your /Home/Library/ folder:
    /Home/Library/Application Support/AddressBook (copy the whole folder)
    /Home/Library/Application Support/iCal (copy the whole folder)
    Also in /Home/Library/Application Support (copy whatever else you need including folders for any third-party applications)
    /Home/Library/Keychains (copy the whole folder)
    /Home/Library/Mail (copy the whole folder)
    /Home/Library/Preferences/com.apple.mail.plist (* This is a very important file which contains all email account settings and general mail preferences.)
    /Home/Library/Preferences/ copy any preferences needed for third-party applications
    /Home /Library/iTunes (copy the whole folder)
    /Home /Library/Safari (copy the whole folder)
    If you want cookies:
    /Home/Library/Application Support/WebFoundation/HTTPCookies.plist
    For Entourage users:
    Entourage is in /Home/Documents/Microsoft User Data
    Also in /Home/Library/Preferences/Microsoft
    Credit goes to another forum user for this information.
    If you need to transfer data for other applications please ask the vendor or ask in the Discussions where specific applications store their data.
    5. Once you have transferred what you need restart the new Mac and test to make sure the contents are there for each of the applications.
    Written by Kappy with additional contributions from a brody.

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