Will os9 run better on older macs

will it run better

The fastest machines for OS 9 (9.2.2) are those early G4 machines that can run it natively. I had one of the first G4 iMac flatpanel and had two partitions on the drive for OSX and OS9. The fastest would be one of the PowerMacs capable of running OS9. The links detail the specific machines and the Mac OS they are capable of installing.
http://vintagemacmuseum.blogspot.com/2011/03/reinstalling-mac-os-9-on-powermac-g 4.html
http://www.everymac.com/systems/apple/imac/imac-g4-flat-panel-faq/imac-g4-macos- x-support-boot-macos-9-windows-linux-compatibility.html

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    Hello and Welcome to Apple Discussions. 
    Ah the dreaded Norton word: bane of the Mac user.
    The install disc should have an un-installer or an un-install option in the installer:
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    Total Number Of Cores:    2
    L2 Cache:    3 MB
    Memory:    2 GB
    Bus Speed:    1.07 GHz
    Boot ROM Version:    MM41.0042.B00
    SMC Version (system):    1.65f2
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    using are compatible with the newer MacOS.  You may need to upgrade ($$$$)
    or find alternatives.
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    your Mac is also compatible with the newer MacOS.  You may simply need to
    update drivers or the hardware may no longer be supported ($$$$).
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