Win98- Win​2k (cont'd)

I have installed a PCI-GPIB card on a PC running Win2000. The
installation of both GPIB card and the driver appeared to have gone
fine. There is a small problem though. When I go to my application
that uses the GPIB, it generates an error when trying to do any
communication over the bus. However, if I use the N.I. MAX to find the
connected equipment first, then afterwards, all my GPIB software
communicates fine from that point on.
Any suggestions or hints?

This is a continuation of the "Win98->Win2k" thread.​EID=101&RPAGEID=135&HOID=5065000000080000000658000​0&USEARCHCONTEXT_CATEGORY_0=_26_%24_13_&USEARCHCON​TEXT_CATEGORY_S=0&UCATEGORY_0=_26_%24_13_&UCATEGOR​Y_S=0

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  • OLE Automation Server

    Hi all.
    I've been asked to help in a project where the main portion of it is
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    Anyway, the job requires me to interface a Thompson Frame Grabber card
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    Any additional pointers or confirmations would be most helpful.
    //)) //))| Richard RUDEK. MicroDek. Chatswood, Sydney. Australia. |
    //\\ //\\ | |

    > Reading their French-glish manuals, the way they expect you to control
    > the FGT card is via a supplied DLL. They do supply some guidance on how
    > to do this, but the problem I have is that the DLL requires various low
    > level capabilities to allow things like an overlay window, callbacks,
    > etc. Given that such info seems to be rather difficult (tedious) to
    > extract or have labview perform, I've decided I should write (using
    > Delphi or C++) another component to talk directly to their DLL, and have
    > labview control the new component that I write.
    > Looking through the various manuals, I see that labview supports
    > ActiveX, but I'm unsure wether that is restricted to just ActiveX
    > controls specifically, or wether labview can interface with an
    > Automation Server (OLE and ActiveX are built upon COM) ?
    > If so, how does one "import" the Automation server's interface into the
    > labview environment/IDE, so my "non-programmer" client to easily
    > interface with an Automation Server ?
    > The reason that I want to go with a standalone, out-of-process (OOP...?)
    > Automation Server, as opposed to an in-process server, or an ActiveX
    > control, is that (naive) attempts thus far with interfacing labview with
    > the FGT DLL has lead to serious side effects, such as crashing the
    > system. However, trivial trials using Borland C++ Builder to interface
    > with the FGT DLL produced none of those stability problems.
    > Another reason is that if I make an ActiveX control, the possibility of
    > multiple use rears it's head, which the DLL and overlay functions do not
    > support, nor make sense for it to.
    > I will shortly install a temporary copy labview (5.1 ?) on my Dual boot
    > Win98/Win NT4 system here, just to experiment with labview. But my
    > client is using NT4 SP6, with a dual processor Xeon system (although
    > we've removed one of the CPU's due to various weirdities with labview).
    If you inflate any arrays or strings before calling the DLL, then
    there shouldn't be any problem calling into the DLL. This is how
    the NI drivers are built. If you would rather, then you can use
    the ActiveX client functions. LV can contain controls, and can
    access any automation server. The function for importing is the
    Automation Open function. Its in the ActiveX palette. Popup on
    it to create an automation refnum, and type it to be the server
    that you are creating and registering.
    As for problems with the Dual processor, I now of a number of
    LV users that use dual processor machines with no problem. If
    you have problems, it is more likely to be a problem with a
    driver. If it is anything reproducable, then please report it
    to NI.
    Greg McKaskle

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    For application that you have to get an address, read a port, control hardware... you will need to use JNI which is a C/C++ level interface for Java (Note: you can read ports with a package from Sun).
    The places where java really come into play are: multiple platform development--linux, Win2000, Win95, Win98, Win Me all run the same pure Java application the same way with the same look. Stablity is also a strong point in Java. Each of our applications that we have developed with Java is almost a novelty, due to our experience with the Windows OS, they just sit out there and run--each and every time they are asked to do so. There are other things too, but these are the major issues that pressed us to change our development. Look at your environment, are there needs that java can uniquely fill? If there are, use it, otherwise, you are in for a very long hard sell.
    I tried selling Java into our organization for about a year and a half with out any success. MS hit the great DLL Hell in our organization and every appliction we have came crashing down after a major update of our e-mail package (outlook). We started to peek at Java with small applications and now they small test application have been so well minded that our VB development has virtually gone the way of the 8-track. Find a niche for Java in your environment that is not currently filled or not filled well by another development tool and you will have much more luck in bringing it in as a developent tool.

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    P.S i know "WOW" is associated with another Software company, but it really does apply to the Mac ;-))

    Check here first


    작성날짜 : 2003-09-02
    Win NT, Win95/Win98 용 ORACLE 8i DEINSTALL 방법
    다음 절차는 Windows NT, 95/98에 install되어 있는 8i product를 deinstall하는
    것에 관한 내용이다.
    제어판의 서비스에서 'ORCL', 'Oracle', 'TNS'가 있는 모든 서비스를 정지시킨다.
    << Windows NT >>
    1. Administrator 권한으로 NT를 log on 한다 .
    2. 시작-> 실행-> regedit을 기동하여
    4. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ 에서 oracle로
    시작되는 폴더들을 삭제한다.
    5. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\
    Application\ 에서 oracle로 시작되는 폴더들을 삭제한다.
    6. regedit을 종료한다.
    7. 설정-> 제어판 -> 시스템을 실행하여 환경 tab에서
    8. autoexec.bat 화일에서 %ORACLE_HOME%\bin과 JRE path를 remove한다.
    9. <system_drive>: \Winnt\Profiles\All Users\시작메뉴\Programs\Oracle
    폴더를 삭제한다.
    10. <system_drive>: \Program Files\Oracle 폴더를 삭제한다.
    11. 시스템을 재기동시킨다.
    12. Oracle Home directory를 삭제한다.
    << Windows 95/98 >>
    1. 시작-> 실행-> regedit을 기동하여
    3. autoexec.bat file에서 %ORACLE_HOME%\bin과 JRE path를 remove한다.
    4. windows 탐색기에서 Oracle directory를 삭제한다.
    5. <system_drive>: \Program Files\Oracle folder를 삭제한다.
    6. 이전에 설치한 HOME name인 <HOME>을 다음에서 찾아보고 Icon을 삭제한다.
    <system_drive>: \windows\Start Menu\Programs\Oracle-<HOME> 과
    <system_drive>: \windows\Start Menu\Programs\Oracle Installation Products
    7. 시스템을 재기동시킨다.
    Reference Documents
    "Oracle 8i Enterprise Edition Release Notes",
    Release 8.1.5 for Windows NT and Windows 95/98, March,1999 (A68803-01)

    I am not sure of the problem you have but I think you can help
    me out with my problem.
    I am trying to connect to ORacle 8i Lite through embedded visual
    basic but couldn't succeed. I think the problem is with Oracle
    lite ADO componentents for WinCE. Do you have any work around
    for this? How are you able to connect to ORacle lite though VB?
    Is it VB 6.0 or eVB?
    I am trying to put some records from Excel sheet into Oracle 8i lite database through an application in Visual Basic. There are
    around 25 - 30 sheets like these. Each sheet cotains few hundres
    records.>When i am running this application on Windows NT
    machine, it dosen't hang in beteen. However it takes a long time
    in inserting those records. >When i try the same application on
    Win 98 m/c , the m/c hangs in between and it has to be
    restarted.>What can be the possible reason for the same?>null

  • Win-NT & win98

    I have developed a program using GPIB calls in a multi-threaded environment(max.
    of 4 threads)
    using win32 SDK(Labwindows ver 5.5). I am running it as a stand alone application.
    The application runs fine in a Win-98 system wheras the same application
    is very slow in a Win-NT 4.0 machine.
    (User interface response is very very slow) Win-NT machine is a more powerful
    system than the win-98 system
    (latest processor with higher clock rate and more more memory)and expected
    to be better.
    Is there any setting in NT or any programming technique available to increase
    the performance in the NT system?

    Hello Geetha,
    There are many things that you can try in an effort to make you program more responsive. First, you could wait until your program running on NT is acting unresponsive and break execution (press Ctrl-F12 or the Stop Sign on the toolbar). Then look at which callback your main user interface (UI) thread is stuck in. Consider putting ProcessSystemEvents into this slow callback and any other slow or lengthy UI callbacks, especially inside loops within callbacks. You could also try setting the sleep policy with SetSleepPolicy() to VAL_SLEEP_SOME or VAL_SLEEP_NONE, but this will cause the UI thread to consume additional CPU time. Also, are you setting increased priorities for the threads you create (and not the main UI thread)? If so, they might be stealing th
    e UIs time. Finally, consider that release executables often run much faster than when you are debugging.
    Jeremiah Cox
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

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    input remapper my friend
    makes right click the enter key on bottom left and offers brightness and volume keyboard control
    this little app has made my intel mac much more user friendly

  • PetStore 1.3.1 Install on Win98

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    maybe I need to run this on Win2000 or XP Pro? I couldn't find any info in the Blueprints area of the site that states that it will or will not run on Win98. Assuming 98 is ok, here is the background for problem.
    My j2dk and j2dkee were a version or two behind so I upgraded those as well.
    As part of the install process it is necessary to get cloudscape and the j2ee server running. both of these executables call the setenv.bat in the %J2EE_HOME%\bin directory. I have encountered a number of syntax errors when running the setenv.bat as follows:
    not sure if this is an error...
    the script looks to see if %JMS_HOME% is set, if not it sets it to %J2EE_HOME%. In my environment, %JMS_HOME% had not been set up to this point. I assume this is ok, but since I have subsequent problems (#3 below), wondered if anyone has a definite idea here. Maybe I should set %JMS_HOME% to something else before running setenv.bat?
    set CLASSESDIR=%LIBDIR%\classes
    %LIBDIR% is the %J2EE_HOME%\lib directory. There was no classes directory under it, but there are *.jar files. I added classes directory here but of course its empty and probably will eventually have a no class def found problem?
    set JMS_CLASSESDIR=%JMS_HOME%\classes
    same as #2 -- there was no classes directory in the %JMS_HOME% path. I added a classes directory manually, but assume there are some classes that it will need here! As mentioned in #1 for my environment, %JMS_HOME% is same as %J2ee_HOME%.
    for this line, I get a syntax error. In fact there is no jaas.policy file in the %J2EE_HOME%\lib\security\ directory. Anyone know why or what belongs in this file?
    get syntax error. not sure why, did make sure the file cacerts.jks actually exists in this directory.
    set LISTEN_OPTIONS=-Dcom.sun.CORBA.connection.ORBListenSocket=SSL:0,SSL_MUTUALAUTH:0,PERSISTENT_SSL:1060
    get syntax error. not sure why, and I don't know much about SSL.
    thanks in advance for any help

    Did you ever get an answer??
    I'm in the same boat as you. I have Windows 98 and want to start learning J2EE. My old crummy Compaq computer won't handle Win 2000 so I guess I'm going to buy a new computer (with xp pro).
    Were you able to get it working.
    Jeez, you'd think it would be a little more flexible with a language that is "platform independent".

  • Windows LV6.0 running on Linux Wine: config.cpp error (line 404)

    Have anyone tried to run LabView (Windows version) under Linux using the Wine "emulator"?
    Trying this on Debian Woody, with a Win98 install of LabView 6.0 returns:
    config.cpp error (line 404)
    I tried to search for such a file on both Win/Linux partitions: there's none.
    So how am i gonna check this line 404?
    Any clue would be strongly welcome!

    I agree with Labviewguru about getting Labview for Linux. The only
    problem is that you have to dish out $2000 or $3500. They don't have a
    Base package.
    I'm not sure if NI recomends a particular window manager but I do know it
    will run on any of them. In an extreme case I used it on a PII 233MHz,
    64MB ram, and a 300 MB disk. It was a Slackware distro using the fvwm2
    window manager. Ran great. Presently I run it with Gnome.
    My point is that if you have to buy a LV for Linux license, at least you
    can save money buy putting it on a machine that's been used as a paper
    weight for several years.
    In article <[email protected]>,
    "Labviewguru" wrote:
    > I don't believe you can run LabVIEW in an e
    mulation environment. There
    > is too much system control that LabVIEW needs a handle on to be able to
    > run on an emulator.
    > The reason you are not able to find and troubleshoot that file is
    > because it is part of the source code for LabVIEW, and doesn't exist
    > except in a super secret vault which may or may not be located in Austin
    > Texas...
    > Are you aware that there is a version of LabVIEW for Linux? I believe
    > that they recommend running KDE or similar GUI, but check on the support
    > website for that at
    > I hope that was enough of a clue...

  • Installation Problems with Oracle 8i and Win98

    Yesterday I tried installing Oracle 8i Personal Edition from CD. I completed installation up to "Database Creation in Progress", initializing phase. It stuck at 85%. The CD did not make any noise, and it stayed at 85% for 53 minutes.
    Today, I downloaded Oracle 8i. It unzipped with no problem. I uninstalled, then tried to install. I got numerous .dll file errors in writing to file c.
    The CPU is 500mz, 128 S-DRAM PC-133 Memory, there is 32 gig free on hard drive, Browser is IE Ver.5.5, O/S is Win 98.
    Thank you
    So that we may better diagnose DOWNLOAD problems, please provide the following information.
    - Server name
    - Filename - psoracle81798
    - Date/Time 02/08/02 10:05 am EST
    - Browser + Version - I.E. Ver 5.5
    - O/S + Version WIN98
    - Error Msg: Error in writing to file C

    Change Compiler to egcs 1.1.2-24.
    Try again.

  • K7N2-L cannot load MCP Networking drivers in Win98

    My system is new and consists of:
    K7N2-L mobo
    AMD XP 2500 CPU
    2 x 512 MB Twin Muskin DDR High Performance Black modules
    All in Wonder ATI 7500
    120 GB WD HD
    I think that I have set up my Bios correctly and have installed Win 98 without any problem. All drivers loaded ok from the included CD, except for the nvidia nforce MCP Networking Adapter.  
    Everytime I reboot my OS recognizes that the onboard networking adapter is present, but I cannot load it.
    I don't see that anyone has had this probem in this forum and wondered if perhaps it has anything to do with the MAC Address which is in the default (disabled) mode.  
    If I should have MAC Address enabled, how do I find out what Mac Address to use?
    I would be very appreciative of any suggestions anyone would be kind enough to make.
    John  ?(  ?(  ?(

    Jef, first thanks for the quick response.  
    Yes, I'm using win98, not SE, which I had read somewhere else (after I loaded it)would not work.  Since all other drivers loaded properly I was hoping I would be lucky and it would be ok, but I suspected it might be my problem. Thank you for verifying it.  
    Also, in MSI FAQ it mentioned MAC address was on the ACR slot, but I didn't see it.  Your mirror suggestion was the trick, but I wonder why MSI puts it towards the case side so that it so damn hard to see?
    If I read backwards correctly, my MAC address is 0010DCE2D88B on what looks like a bar code sticker. I remember somewhere reading that the MAC was a combination of 12 letters and numbers which would fit this number.  Does this sound right to you?  There is also another sticker, but the writing is so small, I cannot make out what's on it.
    Since I'm this far along, and will need to purchase Win98 SE or XP, I will try putting in these numbers and see what happens and let you know (I'm not too hopeful though).
    Again, I appreciate your help.
    Originally posted by jefn
    Hi John -
    Point of clarification: you have installed Windows 98SE?  The nForce chipset and drivers doesn\'t support the original Windows 98.
    Yes, you need to have the MAC address enabled.  The MAC address should be on a sticker on the motherboard.  You\'ll likely need a small mirror to read it as it\'s probably located on the side of your last card slot.

  • Oracle client install on upgraded win 2k desktop

    I recently upgraded my PC from win98 to win2k. I already had the oracle client installed prior to the upgrade. I had to run the sql net config and a message came up saying my installation needed to be corrected. When I tried to reinstall the installer (y2k version), it says the oracle home (orawin95) cannot be used for an nt home but doesn't let me overide the location. I can't even get in to uninstall and start over! Is there a workaround?

    Pl indicate which version of Win 7 - you will need Professional or higher - Home versions are not supported/certified, so things may or may not work as expected.

  • Need Win 98 drivers for Satellite 1670

    Good morning, I need Satellite 1670cds - Win98 drivers but I can't find them.
    I've also read a previous topic with same ask, but i find a great number of information with no link to theese drivers.
    Can someone post the link to theese drivers please?
    Thanks in advance.

    I checked the Toshiba European driver page but there are only some Win 98 SE drivers.
    However, to find these drivers you have to go to the Toshiba European driver page and there you have to choose
    *Archive -> Satellite -> Satellite 16xx -> Satellite 1670 -> PS167E -> Win 98 SE*

  • I need a version of firefox that runs on Win 98, first edition.

    I have a friend with an old computer on dial up. He only has Win 98, first edition, but wants firefox. I'd like to burn it on a CD for him, along with some extensions, but first I have to find the download. Would somebody please give me a pointer?

    Firefox is the last ever version of Firefox for Win98 / SE / ME.
    Get it from here:

  • Win Xp and Win 98 - Fonts

    I have a JPanel and i am displaying some characters on it. But few characters are not getting displayed in win 98 while they are getting displayed well in win XP (example characters are 8812, 8221, etc)
    In win98 a space character is getting displayed!! The encodings and locales are the same in the both cases.
    some body pl help me!!
    thanks in anticipation

    I hereby fall on my sword, but at least we can consider this solved.
    I know that port 5353 has to be open for Airtunes, but I had Windows Firewall turned completely off and turned off my hardware firewall as well.
    I then installed AOL's Port Magic (yuck) to monitor the ports being used by applications, and was shocked to see that iTunes was not getting its requested ports assigned upon startup, that they were being blocked somewhere.
    It turns out I had a software firewall running in the background I didn't even know about! For my company I had installed a VPN client called AGNS (AT&T Global Network Services) and without asking it had also turned on its firewall feature. It was a simple matter to just turn it off.
    All came back to life that was Apple-related.... the Airport admin utilities and finding the remote speakers in iTunes.
    I then turned my hardware firewall back on and it didn't interfere in any way (nothing fancy, just the built in features of my Linksys router).
    I normally don't run the Windows Firewall, but I turned it on for grins and giggles and everything still worked with the Airport Express.
    So.... my bad

Maybe you are looking for

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