Windows 8 and flash

As Microsoft announces that the new Windows8 and IE10 will not support Flash, I'm interested in finding a new way to publish my tutorial (keeping interactivity, of course). I know that with Captivate 5.5, we can create apps for iPhone/iPad. But can those apps be embedded in a web page and run in IE? Or is there another way to convert files into something else?

Hi there
Wow, worrying so early! I think this is an area where Adobe will be seriously concerned. Certainly things are still in the formative stages and it's all still a bit of a wild wild west with evolving standards.
Personally I think we are all forced into a huge (and temporary) wait and see to see what eventually shakes out. My guess is that Adobe will emerge with a new version or an update that solves the issue for us.
I would encourage anyone worried about this to pause and submit a Feature Request so that Adobe has a better feel for the scope of users that are interested. (Link to Feature Request is in my sig)
Cheers... Rick
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    Here you'll find the msi and msp files for the Acrobat Reader ("reader" folder on ftp) and Acrobat Pro ("acrobat" folder on ftp). . Save the link to your bookmarks.
    For updating/installing Flash Player you'll have to go over here:
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    For updating/installing Flash Player you'll have to go over here:
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    > when I 'Debug the Movie' (Ctrl-Shift-Enter), it still
    > tries to access port 8080! Obsiously, my replace
    > command did not do what I thought it would do.
    > I opened the FLA file in a binary editor, and saw 4
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    > of a WebServicesConnector, but I cannot figure out
    > how to find the other occurences.
    Might they be the result of that WebServicesConnector
    > Checking on google, I see lots of people having
    > similar problems, but no solutions
    That's really odd, actually. I'm on these boards every day,
    and I've
    never heard of this issue. I don't *think* the Find/Replace
    dialog visits
    panel contents, such as the Component Inspector panel, but I
    wouldn't swear
    to that.
    > What do you guys do for code completion - is there
    > a tool that would bring Flash on par with an
    professional IDE?
    Well, Flash is a professional IDE, of course. By definition,
    if you pay
    for something, you have acquired a professional product or
    service. I know
    what you mean, though. Flash itself rocks, but the Actions
    panel can be
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    stiller (at) quip (dot) net
    Dev essays:
    "Luck is the residue of good design."

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    Launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Console in the icon grid.
    Step 1
    Make sure the title of the Console window is All Messages. If it isn't, select All Messages from the SYSTEM LOG QUERIES menu on the left. If you don't see that menu, select
    View ▹ Show Log List
    from the menu bar.
    Enter the name of the crashed application or process in the Filter text field. Select the messages from the time of the last crash, if any. Copy them to the Clipboard (command-C). Paste into a reply to this message (command-V).
    When posting a log extract, be selective. In most cases, a few dozen lines are more than enough.
    Please do not indiscriminately dump thousands of lines from the log into this discussion.
    Important: Some private information, such as your name, may appear in the log. Anonymize before posting.
    Step 2
    Still in the Console window, look under User Diagnostic Reports for crash reports related to the process. The report name starts with the name of the crashed process, and ends with ".crash". Select the most recent report and post the entire contents — again, the text, not a screenshot. In the interest of privacy, I suggest that, before posting, you edit out the “Anonymous UUID,” a long string of letters, numbers, and dashes in the header of the report, if it’s present (it may not be.) Please don’t post shutdownStall, spin, or hang logs — they're very long and not helpful.

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    Hi Tuncie
    Verify that Windows Media Player is not set as the default
    player for all content in Firefox including Flash.
    Also, please respond with a URL for testing.

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    Problem is not in your windows 7 OS, since i was working CS4 and now i m working with CS5 in windows 7 only. And i feel more comfort with this new OS. May be you hardware configuration might not be support to new technology like windows 7 and Flash CS5. Beca it is need high hardward configuration

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    Please read this article to see if it helps, it might give you some ideas:
    As an alternative, try to download from this link, it should give you an option to save to your desktop:

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    Hi there,
    iPad mini retina 32 GB 4G version
    These are my tries, all of them(three times) failed with ghosting and other issues...
    Production detail check:
    Nice Name: iPad mini Retina (2nd Gen - Cellular)
    Machine Model: iPad4,5
    Family name: A1490
    Model Number: ME824
    Group1: iPadMini
    Group2: WiFi-Cellular
    Generation: 2
    CPU speed: 1.3GHz
    Screen size: 7.9 inch
    Screen resolution: 2046x1536 pixels
    Colour: Silver
    Production year: 2013
    Production week: 46 (November)
    Model introduced: 2013
    Capacity: 32GB
    Memory - flavour: xx
    Factory: DL (China - Foxconn)
    Nice Name: iPad mini Retina (2nd Gen - Cellular)
    Machine Model: iPad4,5
    Family name: A1490
    Model Number: ME824
    Group1: iPadMini
    Group2: WiFi-Cellular
    Generation: 2
    CPU speed: 1.3GHz
    Screen size: 7.9 inch
    Screen resolution: 2046x1536 pixels
    Colour: Silver
    Production year: 2013
    Production week: 46 (November)
    Model introduced: 2013
    Capacity: 32GB
    Memory - flavour: xx
    Factory: DL (China - Foxconn)
    Nice Name: iPad mini Retina (2nd Gen - Cellular)
    Machine Model: iPad4,5
    Family name: A1490
    Model Number: ME824
    Group1: iPadMini
    Group2: WiFi-Cellular
    Generation: 2
    CPU speed: 1.3GHz
    Screen size: 7.9 inch
    Screen resolution: 2046x1536 pixels
    Colour: Silver
    Production year: 2013
    Production week: 48 (December)
    Model introduced: 2013
    Capacity: 32GB
    Memory - flavour: xx
    Factory: F4 (China, Shanghai - Pegatron-Protek)

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