Wipe my iBook clean without OSX Disks

I want to sell my iBook G4 but I cannot find the osx install DVDs that came with it. It is not a problem for the person that i am selling it to if i dont have the disks. Is there an easy way to wipe this computer clean?

You can use Dusc Utility to wipe the whole HD clean but you need an install disc to put a system back on the computer again.
You could just go through the user folder and user library folders and remove anything you don't want the computer to have like your email information, mails and applications etc.
To be able to clean the computer and pass it over to someone as a clean ready to start with from new OS then you will need install discs.
Hopefully this is helpful or solved your problem. Consider rewarding some points!
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    Yes I would.
    The iLife Apps, "i" Photo, Movie and Garageband (And "i" DVD and WEB if you Mac came with Snow Leopard originally), are not included with the Operating system. They are separate applications that you need to either download from the Mac App Store, from your Purchases area once you have logged into the MAS with the Apple ID you used to register that Mac with, or from the second System Reinstall Disc, the Applications disc, that came with your Mac if it originally came with Snow Leopard.
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    Sorry about the hassle but blame Apple for that.
    Hopefully you have the Original system discs but if you don't then you can order a replacement set from Apple for a small charge.
    Good Luck & Best Wishes.

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    The update alerts are fake, and are intended to dupe you into installing malware or disclosing private information so that your identity can be stolen.
    You might get the alerts when visiting a website that has been hacked. Don't visit the site again. If applicable, notify the site administrator of the problem, but don't send email to an unknown party.
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    Back up all data.
    Unlock the Network preference pane, if necessary, by clicking the lock icon in the lower left corner and entering your password. Cllck Advanced, open the DNS tab, and change the server addresses to the following:
    That's Google DNS. Click OK, then Apply.
    In Safari, select
              Safari ▹ Preferences... ▹ Privacy ▹ Remove All Website Data
    and confirm. If you’re using another browser, empty the cache. Test. If the fake update alerts stop, see below. Otherwise, ask for instructions.
    The router's documentation should tell you how to reset it to the factory default state. Usually there's a pinhole switch somewhere in the back. It may be labeled "RESET." Insert the end of a straightened paper clip or a similar tool and press the button inside for perhaps 15 seconds, or as long as the instructions specify.
    After resetting the router, quit the web browser and relaunch it while holding down the shift key. From the Safari menu bar, select
              Safari ▹ Preferences... ▹ Privacy ▹ Remove All Website Data
    and confirm. Do the equivalent if you use another browser. Open the Downloads folder and delete anything you don't recognize.
    Then go through the router's initial setup procedure. I can't be specific, because it's different for every model. The key points are these:
    1. Don't allow the router to be administered from the WAN (Internet) port, if it has that option. Most do.
    2. Set a strong password to protect the router's settings: at least ten random upper- and lower-case letters and digits. Don't use the default password or any other that could be guessed. Save the password in your keychain. Any password that you can remember is weak.
    3. If the router is wireless, or if you have a wireless access point on the network, use "WPA 2 Personal" security and set a different strong password to protect the network. If the router or access point doesn't support WPA 2, it's obsolete and must be replaced.
    During the time the router was compromised, you were redirected to bogus websites. If you ever connected to a secure site and got a warning from your browser that the identity of the server could not be verified, and you dismissed that warning in order to log in, assume that your credentials for the site have been stolen and that the attacker has control of the account. This warning also applies to all websites on which you saw the fake update alerts.
    Check the router manufacturer's website for a firmware update.
    If you downloaded and installed what you thought was a software update, ask for instructions.

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    Select the Recovery partition. It should boot to a screen like this:
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    After you erase it in iCloud, delete it from FindMyiPhone in iCloud.
    See this -> http://support.apple.com/kb/ht5661

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    The process for determining what is causing the files to be corrupt can be a tedious one depending on the following:
    1. Can you review the images on your camera's LCD screen without problems? If not then the problem is most probably either a corrupted/faulty memory card or a faulty camera. If this is the case then your best bet at recovery (of sorts) is to use a program such as BrezzeBrowser from BreezeSys to extract the embedded jpeg versions of the corrupted RAW files from within each RAW file. Chances are, you won't manage to actually repair the corrupted RAW file but the jpegs are better than nothing.
    2. If the images review ok on your camera but are corrupted when viewing on your computer and there seems to be no other problem with other files on your computer then it may be either a faulty card reader or usb/firewire cable between the card reader and the computer that is the culprit. Try the card reader with a different cable and also try a different card reader to determine the cause of the corruption.
    3. If your symptoms are that you get different files corrupting over time when viewing them on your computer then the problem may be any one of either failing RAM memory, hard disk, hard disk controller or IDE/SATA hard disk cables. This is where the troubleshooting can be pretty tedious testing then eliminating each item from the list of suspicious pieces of hardware. Try the card and card reader on an altogether different computer to see if the files transfer correctly to that computer. If so then the problem lies with your computer hardware. If you haven't already done so at this stage, backup all your important data immediately (hopefully you keep backs anyway).
    Hope this helps.

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    But all I want to do is wipe the laptop clean.
    I have a Snow Leopard disk and keep trying to start the computer form the disk by holding down "C" but it will not start from the disk all it will do is boot up like normal and eject the disk.
    How can I restore the MacBook back to it's facroty original settings without the password?

    Is your Snow Leopard disc a grey one or a white one?

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    To second baltwo's post:
    Your license for Mountain Lion (or any OS version purchased at the app store) is not transferable - you can use it on any Mac you own and control; however, someone else getting that machine means the recipient will need to purchase ML The SLA states that you must erase the drive and reinstall the original OS. You will need to call Apple for replacement install disks.
    If you leave ML on the machine, the recipient will never be able to reinstall the OS since the new Apple ID and machine ID no longer match.

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