Wireless looses preferred networks

I have wireless setup at home and work - both are 128bit WEP. I sleep the Mac between office and work. When I get to work - every day I have to re-type the WAP name and WEP key into the Airport control panel to get it to connect. It works fine all day - then when I get home I have the same problem. I have to type in my home WAP name and WEP key for it to find the AP again. Repeat everyday - that is the definition of insanity - to repeat the same steps every time and expect different results. So, I am here looking to stop this cycle of madness.
The AP's do not broadcast their names, if that help. The names are different as are the WEP keys between home and work. And generally speaking, my Windows boxes have never exhibited this type of behaviour moving from home to work. It all started after that last update to 10.4.6 - everything was fine before then.
Can anyone help? TIA from a Mac newbie.

Hello Josh and welcome to the forums,
...I sleep the Mac between office and work. When I get to work...
And generally speaking, my Windows boxes have never exhibited this type of behaviour moving from home to work.
Your question is a VFAQ. There's a misunderstanding regarding (putting your Mac to) sleep and networking. Networking services are not built to go to sleep. There's no such thing as an asleep network. Lot of users (not only newbies) tend to forget that. Yes, Apple is doing its best to provide ease of use and setup but that doesn't mean that we're using a HAL-like computer
When you put your Mac to sleep a snapshot of the OS, contents of RAM, and anything else that's running (like your network settings) is placed in a reserved space in PRAM+HD. When you wake up your Mac, it's getting back to the state just before sleep expecting to find no changes in its (computing/networking) environment.
Now enter wireless networks: besides the usual aspects of wireless networking (signal, interference etc.) you're also using wireless encryption (WEP). Running your wireless network with encryption and/or without encryption is a different game. Wireless encryption ***** up more power, is done on the fly and has an impact on the wireless range/signal quality.
Now, if we take a look at the issues you're experiencing, I think they're far from defining insanity
Did you try to shutdown your Mac before switching from one of your wireless network to another? Do you get the same results (having to manually enter WEP every time)?
Network (including AirPort) caches get corrupted from time to time and have to be reset/cleared. You can clear the list of your wireless networks (SystemPreferences-->Network-->AirPort) and re-enter your networks. Take a look at how 2 users solved this here:
Now open Utilities-->Terminal and type: lookupd -flushcache (press Return) and reboot your Mac.
BTW: You're using DHCP, don't you?
What about your Windows computers? Do they sleep while in transit from one network to the other?
Macs running 9.x, Macs running 10.4.x and SGI workstations running Irix 6.5.x

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    Hello all,
    after a lot of testing, using both the MacBook Pro and an old iBook G4 (the latter was working perfectly), and having on both machines some wi-fi sw such as KisMAC and iStumbler (while watching the wi-fi monitor on the access point consolle), I found that:
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    *Plea for help:*
    Is anyone else experiencing a similar problem?

    The other day, I modified the setup so that the Time Capsule doesn't extend the wireless network wirelessly, only through Ethernet (so the attached printer will work, but the computers will connect directly to the AEBS. The Time Capsule stayed connected long enough for me to do a full backup (125GB) from the downstairs computer.
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    Washington, DC

    Hello Joseph_DC
    If you are having issues with it not connecting after waking from sleep, the check out the article below to troubleshoot the issue further. Check in the section Symptom: The network connection drops unexpectedly and there will be a solution just for that issue and will continue with going into Keychain Access the
    iPhone: Troubleshooting No Service
    -Norm G.

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    jaxgirl3278 wrote:
    My phone automatically defaulted to "Global mode". Is this correct or should it be in CDMA or GSM/UMTS mode? Also, does this affect my ability to send text messages b/c I haven't been able to send them with this phone and tech support doesn't seem to be able to resolve my issue.
    Hi jaxgirl3278,
    You can change your preferred network to CDMA by following the instructions below:
    From a home screen, select the applications tab (located in the lower left).
    Select Settings.
    Select Wireless & networks.
    Select Mobile networks.
    Select Preferred Networks.
    Select CDMA.
    Also make sure that Enable always -on mobile data box is checked. 
    Global mode does not interfere with text messaging and you should be able to send your messages. In order for our forum members to assist you please provide some more information.
    Are you able to receive text messages?
    Are you able to send any text messages at all to any of your contacts?
    Do you use the native text messaging application or a third party text messaging application?
    Have you ever added a messaging block feature to your account?
    Please keep in mind that in order to resolve text messaging issues your account may need to be accessed and feature re-provisioned and our forum members may not be able to resolve this issue for you. If you prefer to send me a private message including your name and wireless number I will be happy to review

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    In Networking,  make sure that Wireless is at the top of the list,  if it is not then move it there above Ethernet.  I also uncheck "Ask to join new Networks"
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  • Leopard airport issues - Preferred Networks

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    I have a Netgear wireless router that uses WPA for my local network. It has worked fine for around 8 months with Powerbooks & ibooks running Tiger, various PC's and an iphone.
    My macbook however will not remember the preferred networks I set up. Everytime I wake it from sleep it says 'none of your preferred networks are available' and then asks if I want to join my local network. The password is remembered correctly and it attempts to join. Roughly 70% of the time it will then give a Connection Timeout error two or three times before connecting.
    I have tried the following:
    -Deleting the network location in System preferences.
    -Deleted Airport Keychain entries and restarted laptop.
    -Reset network location using System preferences, restarting laptop again.
    -Created a new user account and still found the same issue.
    Does anyone have any other suggestions or is it a matter of waiting for 10.5.2?
    Thanks, Graham

    The issues appear to be due to improper settings of routers and/or networking issues, which appear to be more prevalent on third party routers though can also affect Apple routers if their firmware isn't up to date. It is not an operating system specific issue, even though it can often appear to show up when upgrading. The reason for this is numerous routers haven't followed specs that are industry wide.
    I suggest looking over these tips*:
    As well as making sure when you upgrade to follow these tips:
    to avoid the most frequently encountered problems.
    - * Links to my pages may give me compensation
    Message was edited by: a brody

  • Deleted preferred networks reappear

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    From my Google-ing, it doesn't sound like anyone else is having this issue..
    Any ideas?

    Back up all data. Open the iCloud preference pane and uncheck the Keychain box. You'll be prompted to delete the local iCloud keychain. Confirm. Also disable it on the other devices. Delete the unwanted preferred networks from all devices. Then follow one of the procedures described in this support article to set up iCloud Keychain.

  • Airport preferred networks no longer auto-connect

    So I am wondering if there are other OSX users that are running into a similar problem I am finding.
    I travel a lot and there are a few hotel hotspots that get added to my list of preferred networks.
    But as the list grows, even by one, I no longer auto connect to my home network and now my work network.
    I know how to clear up the problem but it is annoying that it happens in the first place.
    I like to get a show of hands of others that run in to the problem.

    So I am not the only one.
    I've noticed that if I connect my Macbook Pro to my home Network using Airport and then decide to move the computer close to the 4 port router and hook up via Ethernet (the need for speed), the next time I use wireless I have a **** of a time trying to get it to connect wirelessly. On one occasion I spent an hour trying to get it to connect and when if finally did I couldn't see that I did anything different. It was like the MBP was going "Yeah OK buddy, I'll connect when I am good and ready". Damit, the MBP nearly became a frisbie.

  • Sick to Death of "None of your preferred networks are available."

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    I have tried all sorts of things: Deleting items from the keychain and recreating them; changing the channel number of my wireless network; adding SystemUIServer and Apple80211Agent to my keychain items for the network; you name it, I've tried it. And STILL my notebook with Leopard 10.5.2 can't stay connected to the network, and has a devil of a time getting reconnected. None of my other wireless devices (Xbox 360, Roku SoundBridge Radio, iPhone) has difficulty connecting or staying connected, so the fault obvious lies with Leopard.
    Apple: *WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO FIX THIS?* I know that many, many others have run into this before, so it's not just me.

    Yes, I've read all about the workarounds and fixes, none of which work to any great degree, and ALL of which should be UNNECESSARY.
    Here's the thing:
    *The main advertising thrust of Apple is that their stuff simply WORKS.*
    The whole point of wireless access is to be able to connect anywhere it is available! If I can't take my laptop to Starbucks, then to Borders, then home, then to work and have it connect seamlessly (like it has, perfectly until now) then what is the point?
    Especially since the MacBook Air HAS NO ETHERNET! This situation renders the MacBook Air utterly USELESS in about half the places one would try to use it.
    Apple - SURELY this is not what you had in mind.
    COME ON!
    You are better than this!

  • Airport Time Capsule: None of your preferred networks are available

    Just got the brand new MBA and an AirPort Time Capsule and set-up went fine, except that whenever my MBA goes to sleep and I open it back up, I've lost my wireless connection and get the message "None of your preferred networks are available."  My network is among those available in the list, and it remembers my password, but I must select it every single time.  Why won't it remember my preferences and automatically find my network.  I shelled out $300 for this Time Capsule because it was supposed to be "lightening fast".  My $45 Vizio router had me connected all the time - much faster, wouldn't you agree?

    Make sure the box next to Remember networks this computer has joined is checked.
    No other boxes should be checked.
    Click OK, then click Apply.
    It is easy to miss "Apply", and if you do, the settings will not "stick" on the Mac.
    Restart the Mac.
    Hopefully, your new Time Capsule network name does not use the same name of a previous network. That will really confuse things. If that is the case, use a new wireless network name and a new password for the Time Capsule.

  • None of your preferred networks available

    We have two MBP that were upgraded to Lion and worked well with our previous router.  Since changing over to the Time Capsule both MBPs get the "none of your preferred networks are available" popup when waking from sleep mode.  After searching for an answer I cannot find a good explanaton.  Not sure if this is just a problem with the router change or Lion since people have posted having the problem with using the same router they had before upgrading to Lion.  Any help would be appreciated.

    I just got off the phone with Apple support and the fix he walked me thru has worked.
    Go to Airport Utility and click on manual setup at the bottom of the window.  Go to wireless tab and select radio channel selection...change 5GHz to 161 and 2.4GHz to 9.  Click update.
    Open network preferences and click advanced.  Highlight and delete all items that appear in preferred networks (use the minus button).  Click ok (think apply comes up as well).
    Spotlight search for "keychain".  Click on "keychain access".  Delete the instances of your network name by highlighting and using the delete key.  Close and apply if asked.
    Turn Airport off then back on.  Click to join your network and enter password.  Turn Airport off and back on (at this point it auto connected).  Restart computer and make sure it auto connects.  Put to sleep and wake back up to make sure it connects.
    These steps worked for me...not sure if it was a time capsule specific issue, but figured these steps seemed pretty universal since I changed no time capsule setting.

  • "None of your preferred networks are available" But they are!

    This is the one problem that most bugs me with my MBP, i was hoping that 10.5.2 would fix it, but it does not.
    I use my MBP on two wireless networks. They are both airport expresses with different SSIDs.
    The first (work) is one airport express and my MBP will connect to it when ever it is in range happily. The second (home) is an airport express with another airport express extending the first. The only one in range on my laptop is the extension. Every time I wake the laptop it will tell me that "None of your preferred networks are available" and show the name of my network in the list - it has the password stored and has been told to remember the network... and yet it still refuses to connect.
    Clicking the network shows that it knows the password as it displays it. I have rest both airport expresses and made the network from scratch, I have also deleted all references to the network in keychain and airport preferences, and yet it still does it.
    There are a couple of other threads on this topic, but none of them have been resolved (That i have found) and they seem to have a slightly different problem to me, so I have posted my own question.
    Does anyone know what is wrong?

    I don't have the answer, I have the problem...
    I'm also in one of the other threads about 10.5.2 messing up connection to my Apple Airport Extreme (melted marshmallow), but I also have the "None of your preferred networks are available" problem.
    My network configuration looks like this: http://tijil.org/LAN_06.jpg
    I have: Hard reset Airport, re-loaded firmware, re-done all settings, powered up and down numerous times, changed channels, etc. to no avail.
    For me the Airport Base continues to work just fine with the other two computers connected to it wirelessly, but my 3 week old MacBook with 10.5.2 will no do so automatically, and once it does, even though the signal is strong and the S/N ratio is good, the connection is usually much slower than either of the other machines, has difficulty sustaining a large upload, and frequently drops out - for the MacBook only.
    This did not happen with 10.5.0 or 10.5.1 and does not happen with the machines running 10.4.x.
    The Airport Extreme Base is set to use 802.11b/g as one of the older machines can only handle 'b'...
    I have MAC screening set up and also WAP. Network is NOT 'hidden.'
    Airport Utility on the MacBook also has difficulty finding the base even when the MacBook is actually connected to it and using it to download mail. sigh
    The problem is something that changed in 10.5.2.
    Hope Apple gets this sorted soon!

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