Wireless not working on boot

I have an older PC (so it's not moving much...), and I'm trying to set up wireless connection trough a USB wireless adapter (Ralink Technology, Corp. RT2501USB Wireless Adapter).
I have the correct drivers installed, and everything set up (doulbe checked of course).
The wireless setup during boot-time does not works, and prints the error message
Could not associate $1 - try increasing WIRELESS_TIMEOUT and check network is WEP or has no security
If I run iwgetid immeadiateley after login, I get the following output:
$ iwgetid wlan0 -ra
On the other hand, if I try a
sudo /etc/rc.d/network start
after I log in, it works flawlessley.
I've tried the following:
--> setting WIRELESS_TIMEOUT to 10 seconds, does not works (only after boot)
--> double checking the setup lines
--> reading the /etc/rc.d/network script, and executing the commands manually, it works
$ sudo /etc/rc.d/network stop
$ sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid BodorWLAN key s:wikey
$ sudo iwgetid wlan0 -ra
[the MAC-ADDRESS of wlan0, differring from 00:00:00:00:00:00]
--> stopping and starting the /etc/rc.d/network script, it works
--> editing /etc/rc.d/network to print out the used varialbes and more verbose error messages (I've restored it since then, so I cannot post the results, all seemed to be ok.)
# Settings for wireless cards
# For each wireless interface declared in INTERFACES (in rc.conf), declare
# a wlan_${IF} variable that contains the arguments to be passed to
# iwconfig(8). Then list the original interface name in the
#wlan_eth0="eth0 mode managed essid default"
# /etc/rc.conf - Main Configuration for Arch Linux
# LOCALE: available languages can be listed with the 'locale -a' command
# HARDWARECLOCK: set to "UTC" or "localtime", any other value will result
# in the hardware clock being left untouched (useful for virtualization)
# TIMEZONE: timezones are found in /usr/share/zoneinfo
# KEYMAP: keymaps are found in /usr/share/kbd/keymaps
# CONSOLEFONT: found in /usr/share/kbd/consolefonts (only needed for non-US)
# CONSOLEMAP: found in /usr/share/kbd/consoletrans
# USECOLOR: use ANSI color sequences in startup messages
# MOD_AUTOLOAD: Allow autoloading of modules at boot and when needed
# MOD_BLACKLIST: Prevent udev from loading these modules
# MODULES: Modules to load at boot-up. Prefix with a ! to blacklist.
# NOTE: Use of 'MOD_BLACKLIST' is deprecated. Please use ! in the MODULES array.
#MOD_BLACKLIST=() #deprecated
# Scan for LVM volume groups at startup, required if you use LVM
# HOSTNAME: Hostname of machine. Should also be put in /etc/hosts
# Use 'ifconfig -a' or 'ls /sys/class/net/' to see all available interfaces.
# Interfaces to start at boot-up (in this order)
# Declare each interface then list in INTERFACES
# - prefix an entry in INTERFACES with a ! to disable it
# - no hyphens in your interface names - Bash doesn't like it
# DHCP: Set your interface to "dhcp" (eth0="dhcp")
# Wireless: See network profiles below
#Static IP example
#eth0="eth0 netmask broadcast"
wlan_wlan0="wlan0 essid BodorWLAN key s:wikey"
INTERFACES=(eth0 wlan0)
# Routes to start at boot-up (in this order)
# Declare each route then list in ROUTES
# - prefix an entry in ROUTES with a ! to disable it
gateway="default gw"
# Enable these network profiles at boot-up. These are only useful
# if you happen to need multiple network configurations (ie, laptop users)
# - set to 'menu' to present a menu during boot-up (dialog package required)
# - prefix an entry with a ! to disable it
# Network profiles are found in /etc/network.d
# This now requires the netcfg package
# Daemons to start at boot-up (in this order)
# - prefix a daemon with a ! to disable it
# - prefix a daemon with a @ to start it up in the background
DAEMONS=(syslog-ng dbus hal network openntpd netfs crond alsa)
Note: I modified sensitive information (passwd, stb.)
I'm running out of ideas, since the network script appears to be working always except at boot time.
Last edited by dragonfi (2010-06-11 15:44:52)

Activating the usb hooks in the ramdisk did not done the job, as the network demon only runs late in boottime (maybe I'm just being imprecise, i'm meaning the part, where it already entered the final runlevel).
On the other hand, I did tracked down the problem, and I beliveve it's some kind of desing-flaw in the wireless USB utility. (Or I'm just not aware of a certain feature in it.)
I modified /etc/rc.d/network to resend the iwconfig to the device after the 2 second sleep, and it seems to work sometimes.
/etc/rc.d/network: (added lines in wi_up())
. /etc/rc.conf
. /etc/rc.d/functions
# wireless settings
[ -f /etc/conf.d/wireless ] && . /etc/conf.d/wireless
# ethernet bonding settings
[ -f /etc/conf.d/bonding ] && . /etc/conf.d/bonding
# bridge settings
[ -f /etc/conf.d/bridges ] && . /etc/conf.d/bridges
# dhcpcd settings
[ -f /etc/conf.d/dhcpcd ] && . /etc/conf.d/dhcpcd
if [ "$1" = "" ]; then
echo "usage: $0 ifup <interface_name>"
return 1
eval ifcfg="\$${1}"
# Get the name of the interface from the first token in the string
if [ "$ifcfg" = "dhcp" ]; then
ifname=${ifcfg%% *}
/sbin/ifconfig $ifname up
wi_up $1 || return 1
if [ "$ifcfg" = "dhcp" ]; then
# remove the .pid file if it exists
/bin/rm -f /var/run/dhcpcd-${1}.pid >/dev/null 2>&1
/bin/rm -f /var/run/dhcpcd-${1}.cache >/dev/null 2>&1
/sbin/dhcpcd $DHCPCD_ARGS ${1}
/sbin/ifconfig $ifcfg
return $?
eval iwcfg="\$wlan_${1}"
[ "$iwcfg" = "" ] && return 0
/usr/sbin/iwconfig $iwcfg
#added line below because wlan0 does not play nice..
/usr/sbin/iwconfig $iwcfg
bssid=`iwgetid $1 -ra`
if [[ "$bssid" = "00:00:00:00:00:00" ]]; then
printhl "Could not associate $1 - try increasing WIRELESS_TIMEOUT and check network is WEP or has no security"
return 1
return 0
if [ "$1" = "" ]; then
echo "usage: $0 ifdown <interface_name>"
return 1
eval ifcfg="\$${1}"
if [ "$ifcfg" = "dhcp" ]; then
if [ -f /var/run/dhcpcd-${1}.pid ]; then
/bin/kill $(cat /var/run/dhcpcd-${1}.pid)
# Always bring the interface itself down
/sbin/ifconfig ${1} down >/dev/null 2>&1
return $?
for ifline in ${INTERFACES[@]}; do
if [ "$ifline" = "${ifline#!}" ]; then
printf " $ifline:\t"
printf "$ifline:\t"
eval real_ifline=\$${ifline#!}
echo $real_ifline
if [ "$1" = "" ]; then
echo "usage: $0 rtup <route_name>"
return 1
eval routecfg="\$${1}"
if grep -q :: <<< $routecfg; then
/sbin/route -A inet6 add $routecfg
/sbin/route add $routecfg
return $?
if [ "$1" = "" ]; then
echo "usage: $0 rtdown <route_name>"
return 1
eval routecfg="\$${1}"
if grep -q :: <<< $routecfg; then
/sbin/route -A inet6 del $routecfg
/sbin/route del $routecfg
return $?
for rtline in ${ROUTES[@]}; do
if [ "$rtline" = "${rtline#!}" ]; then
printf " $rtline:\t"
printf "$rtline:\t"
eval real_rtline=\$${rtline#!}
echo $real_rtline
for ifline in ${BOND_INTERFACES[@]}; do
if [ "$ifline" = "${ifline#!}" ]; then
eval bondcfg="\$bond_${ifline}"
if [ -n "${bondcfg}" ]; then
/sbin/ifenslave $ifline $bondcfg || error=1
for ifline in ${BOND_INTERFACES[@]}; do
if [ "$ifline" = "${ifline#!}" ]; then
eval bondcfg="\$bond_${ifline}"
/sbin/ifenslave -d $ifline $bondcfg || error=1
for br in ${BRIDGE_INTERFACES[@]}; do
if [ "$br" = "${br#!}" ]; then
# if the bridge already exists, remove it
if [ "$(/sbin/ifconfig $br 2>/dev/null)" ]; then
/sbin/ifconfig $br down
/usr/sbin/brctl delbr $br
/usr/sbin/brctl addbr $br
eval brifs="\$bridge_${br}"
for brif in $brifs; do
if [ "$brif" = "${brif#!}" ]; then
for ifline in ${BOND_INTERFACES[@]}; do
if [ "$brif" = "$ifline" ] && [ "$ifline" = "${ifline#!}" ]; then
ifup $ifline
eval bondcfg="\$bond_${ifline}"
/sbin/ifenslave $ifline $bondcfg || error=1
unset bond_${ifline}
/usr/sbin/brctl addif $br $brif || error=1
for br in ${BRIDGE_INTERFACES[@]}; do
if [ "$br" = "${br#!}" ]; then
/usr/sbin/brctl delbr $br
case "$1" in
if ! ck_daemon network; then
echo "Network is already running. Try 'network restart'"
stat_busy "Starting Network"
# bring up bridge interfaces
# bring up ethernet interfaces
for ifline in ${INTERFACES[@]}; do
if [ "$ifline" = "${ifline#!}" ]; then
ifup $ifline || error=1
# bring up bond interfaces
# bring up routes
for rtline in "${ROUTES[@]}"; do
if [ "$rtline" = "${rtline#!}" ]; then
rtup $rtline || error=1
if [ $error -eq 0 ]; then
add_daemon network
#if ck_daemon network; then
# echo "Network is not running. Try 'network start'"
# exit
stat_busy "Stopping Network"
rm_daemon network
for rtline in "${ROUTES[@]}"; do
if [ "$rtline" = "${rtline#!}" ]; then
rtdown $rtline || error=1
# bring down bond interfaces
for ifline in ${INTERFACES[@]}; do
if [ "$ifline" = "${ifline#!}" ]; then
ifdown $ifline || error=1
# bring down bridge interfaces
if [ $error -eq 0 ]; then
$0 stop
/bin/sleep 2
$0 start
$1 $2
echo "usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}"
echo " $0 {ifup|ifdown|iflist|rtup|rtdown|rtlist}"
# vim: set ts=2 noet:
I wrote a sript and chnaged network to this script in my rc.conf, it appears to be working now.
. /etc/rc.conf
. /etc/rc.d/functions
/sbin/ifconfig wlan0 up
/usr/sbin/iwconfig wlan0 essid BodorWLAN key s:admin
sleep 2
/usr/sbin/iwconfig wlan0 essid BodorWLAN key s:admin
dhcpcd wlan0
return $?
if [ -f /var/run/dhcpcd-wlan0.pid ]; then
/bin/kill $(cat /var/run/dhcpcd-wlan0.pid)
/sbin/ifconfig wlan0 down >/dev/null 2>&1
return $?
case "$1" in
stat_busy "Starting Network"
stat_busy "Restarting Network"
stat_busy "Stopping Network"
echo "usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}"
My only question now is that how could I achieve the same solution in a more elegant way, I'm a bit confused, because the above script does the exact same stuff that my modified /etc/rc.d/network would supposed to be doing.
Last edited by dragonfi (2010-06-12 19:27:38)

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    [ 13.497936] iwlagn: Intel(R) Wireless WiFi Link AGN driver for Linux, in-tree:
    [ 13.497938] iwlagn: Copyright(c) 2003-2010 Intel Corporation
    [ 13.498058] iwlagn 0000:03:00.0: PCI INT A -> GSI 17 (level, low) -> IRQ 17
    [ 13.498089] iwlagn 0000:03:00.0: setting latency timer to 64
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    [ 13.499187] lp: driver loaded but no devices found
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    [ 13.502645] alloc kstat_irqs on node -1
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    *-network UNCLAIMED
    description: Network controller
    product: 6000 Series Gen2
    vendor: Intel Corporation
    physical id: 0
    bus info: pci@0000:03:00.0
    version: 34
    width: 64 bits
    clock: 33MHz
    capabilities: pm msi pciexpress cap_list
    configuration: latency=0
    resources: memory:d5300000-d5301fff
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    * Reconfiguring network interfaces... Ignoring unknown interface eth0=eth0.
    [ OK ]
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    filename: /lib/modules/2.6.35-28-generic/updates/compat-wireless-2.6.36/iwlagn.ko
    alias: iwl4965
    license: GPL
    author: Copyright(c) 2003-2010 Intel Corporation <[email protected]>
    version: in-tree:
    description: Intel(R) Wireless WiFi Link AGN driver for Linux
    firmware: iwlwifi-4965-2.ucode
    firmware: iwlwifi-5150-2.ucode
    firmware: iwlwifi-5000-2.ucode
    firmware: iwlwifi-6000g2b-4.ucode
    firmware: iwlwifi-6000g2a-4.ucode
    firmware: iwlwifi-6050-4.ucode
    firmware: iwlwifi-6000-4.ucode
    firmware: iwlwifi-1000-3.ucode
    srcversion: 8F7F4C6196599FCA596C837

    Hi  sparhk, and welcome.
    One of the Lenovo staff who frequents the forum put out a call to help you in a private forum.  I do a little Linux, so I poked into it.  To my amazement my first Google hit was your thread where you indicate you have solved the problem.  (At least, it _looks_ like you...)
    May I respectfully suggest that a post back here indicating success would be a nice touch?  That way anyone who passes by looking for help with this issue will have a better chance of finding it.  For posterity, here it is (see post number 25):
    [SOLVED] Intel 6205 wireless not working with Lenovo W520
    Glad you got it working,
    The large print: please read the Community Participation Rules before posting. Include as much information as possible: model, machine type, operating system, and a descriptive subject line. Do not include personal information: serial number, telephone number, email address, etc.  The fine print: I do not work for, nor do I speak for Lenovo. Unsolicited private messages will be ignored. ... GeezBlog
    English Community   Deutsche Community   Comunidad en Español   Русскоязычное Сообщество

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    Any help is appreciated.

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    Hi there,,,,,
    I have Oracle Enterprise Linux 5 installed and Intel wifi 5100 card installed on my laptop. Wireless card does not work in Linux it works fine with Vista, I have dual boot. I have downloaded and installed the microcode for the wireless card for Linux,,,it is now active but it does not take ip address from dhcp and nor does it connect when i supply manual ip. it does not even scan for any wireless network. I have WEP enabled on my wireless network. It just says disconnected.....
    Please help me.....i have been trying to get this thing work for 3 weeks.

  • S10-3 Wireless - not working with Windows 7

    Hi, I bought the S10-3 two days ago and decided to load windows 7 (ultimate). The load was smooth but after I had finished the wireless was not working nut the wireless light on the front of the PC was on. The first strange thing I noticed was Fn5 did not work so the only on/off control I had was on the side switch. I eventually fixed this problem by downloading the driver from the internet , the wireless is the Atheros AR9285. Everything was well and proceeded to download anti-virus and other software.
    Then disaster, during the time of downloading windows had also been doing some updates and when the system restarted there is NO WIRELESS.
    It appears on boot that the "wireless" light indicator is ON and when windows fires up it goes off, I checked in the boot and it is enabled, I checked the driver again but it is OK but windows says it is not switched ON but I have checked the physical switch and it is ON.
    Any ideas appreciated.
    edit : correct machine model in postname 

    Hi and welcome, if all possible is switched on.. did you install the lenovo energymanagement ?
    where you can switch (softwarebased) seperately wireless devices... if wifi still isnt work...
    you have to bite in a sour apple and install windows 7 from a scratch again ... then first update all via windows updates , then ... install the lenovo energymanagement... , then, look in devicemanager if there is some questionmark ...  in normal case there is no need other driver to install...
    and all should be working... simply install a antivirus-program.. and all your need other personal stuff...
    sincerely KalvinKlein
    Thinkies 2x X200s/X301 8GB 256GB SSD @ Win 7 64
    Ideas Centre A520 ,Yoga 2 256GB SSD,Yoga 2 tablet @ Win 8.1

  • Windows Vista Business with MBP - wireless not working

    I have successfully installed Windows Vista on my MBP using Boot Camp Assistant.
    Problem is that the wireless ethernet does not work. I have heard of some file called "Install Macintosh Drivers for Windows XP.exe". If this is what I'm suppose to use where do I find this file?

    Hi and welcome to Discussions,
    first thing to do after the Vista Installation is to insert the OSX DVD that came with your MBP while in Windows.
    Apple provides the BootCamp Drivers on that DVD.
    The Driver Setup should start automatically once the DVD is inserted.
    Let the Driver install and do the neccessary reboot into Vista once it has finished.
    Hope it helps

  • Wireless not working after VMware kit installation

    After installing VMWare kit, my wireless network card is not working - any clues?

    there is something very wierd here. Let me recap what I KNOW is happening.
    1) I can connect to WAP at boot no problem. This is true 100%
    2) After sleep systems fails 100% time from 5:30 AM to 10:00PM (not sure why)
    3) There have been no changes to WAP (confirmed using checksums)
    4) This started immediately after 10.4.10 install.
    What I have done that does NOT work
    1) Repair disk perms (no errors)
    2) Repair keychain (no errors)
    3) Remove Parallels (expired Demo)
    4) Remove/recreate network
    5) Run commands indicated in other replies
    What I have done that showed hope
    1) If I create a new location I can use that location to recover from exactly 1 sleep. Subsequent sleeps fail for that location. once all locations are used a reboot is required.
    2) Issued ipconfig setverbose 1 and watched logs. It seems that the Mac never Sees the incoming packets. I can rule out WAP issues as the Dell d620 sitting right next to the Mac is indicating packet reception at 100% (and I am only 10ft from WAP with direct line of sight).
    3) issued ipconfig getpacket en1 in both working and non-working states. Woring stated returns expecte DHCP response from server. non-working state returns nothing. as in not even a blank line.
    So as I see it the Mac does not appear to be reenabling the reciever post sleep. Changing locations seems to re-init the airport card but only once (why once?) enough to get it working. What I don't understand is where in software land I would even start to look. I find it hard to believe that there is a coincidental sync between an OS update and a hardware failure on a 4 week old machine.

  • Tried installing Windows Vista, cancelled install and now it won't boot from the OEM Vista DVD, all i get is BOOTMGR is missing error... Ctrl Alt Del to restart and when i turn the computer on i get a blank screen and pressing C is not working to boot....

    Topic says it all...
    My friend started a installation of Windows Vista, but pulled out after deleting all partitions...
    So now i power it on, get a blank screen (seems a bit gray because of backlighting, should show the apple logo right?)...
    Then after like 15-20sec it will throw out a:
    BOOTMGR is missing
    Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart
    I have a OEM Windows Vista DVD in the drive, and i know... Windows 7 is better... but i'm not that fond of stealing software from Microsoft and i have 10 licenses for Vista...
    I have tried pressing C while booting up but it doesn't work...
    Does anyone here have a magic soloution for me, and no i will not install MacOS on it !!!

    Deleting Boot Camp partitions the conventional way will not work . You must use the Boot Camp Assistant to remove a Boot Camp partition. Here is a link to the guide.
    The way to restart is to hold down the option/alt key during startup* and then selecting the Mac OS. If you have a valid Boot Camp install of Windows it would show up during this type of start up.
    * hold down immediately after pressing the power button and until the OS choice screen appears.
    To summarize.
    1 Use the above method to boot into Mac OS.
    2 Download the instructions and read them.
    3 Use Boot Camp Assistant to remove the partition.
    4 Pick your friends more carefully.

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