Wireless router away from home??

I have a Wireless-G router that I'm on vacation with. I have an internet connection (obviously) and my computer can see the name of my network, but I can't get a connection. The computer I am using is not the one I originally configured the router on and the one I did configure it on was my home desktop computer. What's my problem? Thanks!! KJ

hi... let me know the ISP details and version no. of the router, so that i can tell you step by step configuration of the router...

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    All you really need to do is have the Airport displayed on your menu bar, and when there is signal you will see the bars as being black rather than grey. You can click on the icon to list networks to attempt to connect to - if they're open you'll have no problems.

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    Hello jackie Cohen. Welcome to the Apple Discussions!
    Since your AirPort Express Base Station (AX) is most likely configured for your home network setting, you will either need to reconfigure it for the house you are staying now or reset it back to its "out-of-the-box" configuration so that it will operate as a basic wireless router.

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    When your wifi is off.  Do you see your carrier name at the top left with either 3G/4G.  If not you can try a reset, hold down the home/power button until you see the apple logo and then release, then wait for the phone to boot back up.
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    == User Agent ==
    Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; AOL 9.1; AOLBuild 4334.5009; Windows NT 6.0; Trident/4.0; GTB6.3; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30618)

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    Yes you can do this.
    I would suggest you start with TeamViewer.com (free for personal use).
    You will need to install TeamViewer on your Mac AND your iPhone.
    The Mac version will need to be configured for unattended remote access.  You should practice before you leave the home.
    There are other iPhone apps that can remotely access a Mac.  A lot depends on whether they can get past the home NAT router.  Be careful of apps that provide VNC access, but do not provide a way to get past the home router.  If you try one of these, make sure you test it away from your home WiFi network.

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    Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) sends mesages; it communicates over several ports (25 & 587 being common). It is not uncommon for these ports to be blocked if you are using a public internet connection, like at a cafe or from a hotel's public wireless network.
    If the email account you are trying to send from is a webmail account, like gmail or yahoo, you can simply use the webmail interface as opposed to using Mac's mail client (mail.app).
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    Does the iOS device connect to other networks? If yes that tend to indicate a problem with your network.
    Does the iOS device see the network?
    Any error messages?
    Do other devices now connect?
    Did the iOS device connect before?
    Try the following to rule out a software problem:                
    - Reset the iOS device. Nothing will be lost
    Reset iOS device: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Power off and then back on your router
    .- Reset network settings: Settings>General>Reset>Reset Network Settings
    - iOS: Troubleshooting Wi-Fi networks and connections
    - Wi-Fi: Unable to connect to an 802.11n Wi-Fi network      
    - iOS: Recommended settings for Wi-Fi routers and access points
    - Restore from backup. See:
    iOS: How to back up
    - Restore to factory settings/new iOS device.
    If still problem and it does not connect to any networks make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store since it appears you have a hardware problem.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar

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    You would have to be able to connect to the same wi-fi as the printer you are trying to print to. More details of your situation would be most helpful.

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    There are two ways (at least) to get reliable SMTP service when you are not directly connected to you internet provider. One of them is free and one costs $24 per year.
    The free service is Google Mail. When you sign up for a GMail account, you get access to their SMTP server for your other POP accounts. Look in the NY Times Technology section for an article by David Pogue on how to do this.
    The $24/yr service is www.authsmtp.com. It will send you outgoing e-mail, authenticate it, and it will appear to have been sent from your regular address, so that spam filters on the receiving end don't block your mail. Directions on setting this up are at the Authsmtp site. It covers your iPhone, your laptops, and several e-mail addresses.
    There is also a (less desirable) option. You can use AT&T (or Cingular's) outgoing SMTP server, but it is EDGE only. If you are connected to WIFI it will still use edge. The first two options above can use either WIFI or EDGE.

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    Without a Blackberry Data Plan you can't get email pushed to your Curve.  While on your wi-fi network you are able to access your email, but away from that link you need a data plan.
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  • Can Mail be set up to work while away from home?

    When I tried using mail with my powerbook G4, using a free wireless system at the library, I received a message that it needed authentication. Is it possible to use Mail away from home or do I have to use Webmail? I use Comcast broadband at home.

    You were exactly right! All it took is going to Mail preferences, clicking on server settings, checking authentication, and adding my user id and password. I tried using the library's WiFi and mail came through.

  • Sending email away from home

    I use a iBook G4 that I have set up wireless Airport in my home. I am able to send and receive emails at home. I have DSL provided by Cavalier and use Safari email program.
    I am able to pick up WiFi signals in my travels as a sales rep. and can receive emails. The problem is I can't send emails. I checked with my Internet provider and they tell me to go their web site to send emails. That works for regular emails, but I work with a Filemaker software to generate sales orders that I email to vendors. I am not able to send these emails when I pick up a WiFi signal away from home.
    Any suggestions.

    Safari isn't an e-mail program, it's a Web browser. When you use Cavalier's Webmail, you do so with a browser (such as Safari).
    The Filemaker generated e-mail is probably using an e-mail client, such as Mail, to send the message. When you're sending from a 'foreign', not-Cavalier network (which is what happens when you hitch on someone else's WiFi signal, unless they happen to be a Cavalier customer), The Cavalier SMTP server won't send the e-mail. Many ISPs have adopted this tactic as a way of slowing down the spam avalanche. In some cases, they have established mechanisms to require authentication and use ports other than the popular port 25. It sounds like Cavalier has decided to lock things down a little tighter and requires you to use their Webmail when you're out of network.
    One thing you can do is to let Filemaker generate the e-mail, then copy and paste it into Cavalier's Webmail to send it.
    Hopefully others will have some suggestions.
    Good luck

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