Wireless signal droping

4 weeks ago we purchased our new 24 inch iMac Core 2 Duo. Everything works great except the wireless connection with our new Airport Extreme base station. I even used the iMac to set-up the base station and downloaded the enabler for the 802.11n and updated the OS to 10.4.9. I have sppent many ours on the phone with apple techs and they had me try everything from rebooting to reinstalling the OS to moving the machine to another location (only 10 feet from the base station. I have a MacBook Pro with the same processor and sitting next to the iMac gets the wireless signal with no problems. I believe the issue is with the airport card but can not convince anyone, I did take the iMac to the Apple Store ad it worked for about an houre without any interuption in wireless signal. Apple seems to think there is something interfeering with the signal but if that is true then why does the MacBook Pro work and also my old Quick-Silver unti.

I'm not familiar with the internal layout and materials composition of the 24-inch model and the MacBook, but am aware that Apple doesn't hesitate to advise slightly relocating (or angling) the units to test if an improved positioning can be found.
When I got my first Intel-based iMac Feb 2006 and was able to have it side by side with a couple different model iMac G5's, I found it was more sensitive to interference than the older models. There were some posts in these Discussions where some users suggested it was due to the internal layout and materials, specifically the positioning of certain components compared to how they'd been positioned in the older models. [I'm thinking it was hard drive - but it's been quite awhile...]

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    Hello -
    I need help setting up a small network in my new home in Florida, which has no wired broadband capability - not cable, not dsl. My options are satellite (which I'd like to avoid) or wireless broadband via Millenicom (or now Virgin Mobile) using their Novatel U760 USB stick.
    Here are the network components - someone please tell me how to set this up:
    PC #1 (has wireless card, but I've connected it by ethernet to the router)
    PC #2 (no wireless card; connected via ethernet to router)
    MACBOOK, 1 1/2 years old (2.1 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4 gigs RAM), running OS 10.58, connected wirelessly to router.
    I'm not thrilled about using a wireless 3G signal as my primary one, (sprint network, claims 600 - 1400 kbps speed), but it costs 1/2 to 1/3 of what a slightly faster satellite signal would.
    I have not ordered this service yet. Before I do, I'd like a clear understanding that I can, in fact, set up my simple network, which I'd probably do the same as it's now configured with cable broadband - both PC's plug via
    ethernet into the Airport Extreme router, the MacBook connects wirelessly - AND,
    my question is this:
    Can I plug the wireless card - a Novatel U760 USB-stick device - straight into that USB slot in the Airport Extreme base station and will it automatically recognize that device?
    Or, do I have to plug it into the MacBook and somehow share that wireless signal between the 2 PC's (only 1 of which has a wireless card, so I'd have to get a card for PC #2)?
    And help anyone can provide will be much appreciated!

    from the Airport FAQ #14:
    "Question: Can I connect my Soundsticks or other USB speakers to AirPort Express?
    Answer: No. The USB port is for connecting a printer, not for other devices."
    Im assuming other devices include USB modems.
    So, I would say your cheaper route would be to get a second wireless card and just share your internet connection from one of your PC.

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    Any time you change networking hardware it is always a good idea to perform a complete power recycle with the new equipment. Check out the following AirPort User Tip. Please post back your results.

  • Powerbook G4 Can't See Wireless Signal

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    I have Time Warner's Wideband service and the cable modem that comes with the service is both a modem and a router with dual antennas. My Mac Mini picks up the wireless signal from that router with no problem.
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    CRMDVM -- Thanks for the helpful info -- you are probably right on both counts:
    The apartments where I picked up a signal is in an "old folks" apt. complex, meaning the router I was picking up was probably old -- compatible with the G4 lineage. And the Atlanta airport probably has a wireless system to allow the vast number of old and new computers that people carry to connect.
    My Mac Mini connects via WPA2 Personal security code, and I set the G4 to the same security (in the Network preference pane) but still nothing. The Airport wireless icon in the menu bar is still grayed out -- it isn't the "blank" icon as when Airport is turned off. It has the wireless wave lines in the icon, but just grayed out.
    Maybe the G4 is just too old to "see" the newer wireless signal from the new modem/router.
    Thanks again for your help -- you definitely provided more than I knew. (btw, I'm just above you in Union County in Stallings).

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    Can an older G4 connect with the newer Ubee modem/router? Are there security settings that will allow this?

    CRMDVM -- Thanks for the helpful info -- you are probably right on both counts:
    The apartments where I picked up a signal is in an "old folks" apt. complex, meaning the router I was picking up was probably old -- compatible with the G4 lineage. And the Atlanta airport probably has a wireless system to allow the vast number of old and new computers that people carry to connect.
    My Mac Mini connects via WPA2 Personal security code, and I set the G4 to the same security (in the Network preference pane) but still nothing. The Airport wireless icon in the menu bar is still grayed out -- it isn't the "blank" icon as when Airport is turned off. It has the wireless wave lines in the icon, but just grayed out.
    Maybe the G4 is just too old to "see" the newer wireless signal from the new modem/router.
    Thanks again for your help -- you definitely provided more than I knew. (btw, I'm just above you in Union County in Stallings).

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    iTunes application on your computer does everything.
    It's for the iTunes store as well as playing songs, movies, aduiobooks, etc.
    iTunes app on the iPad is for the iTunes store only.
    iPod app on the iPad is for playing songs and audiobooks.
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    As the others have said, Airport Express is one option.  The catch as Allan said is that the configuration utility doesn't run on the iPad.  It is rumored that iOS5 may have the utlity, but that doesn't help you now.  If you can wait, then the Airport Express would arguably be the best for the iPad.
    If you can't wait, you could get the D-Link DAP-1350.  You configure it through a webpage, similar to how you would other home routers.
    I use the older DWL-G730AP 802.11g version and it's been very good to me for use by my Macbook Pro and iPad1.

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    Any thoughts on how to increase the wireless signal so that I can get out of my house again? =)

    I've had a similar problem - see http://discussions.apple.com/message.jspa?messageID=7278377#7278377 . Things continued to get worse, so that sometimes I was losing the signal for several hours at a time: meanwhile my nearby G4 iMac continued to connect with never a hiccup.
    In the end replacing the original airport card with a Sonnet Aria Extreme N Mini PCIe 802.11n card has (touching wood, crossing fingers and taking all similar necessary precautions) completely sorted it. No other changes - I'm still using the 11g base station. However, mine was a first revision MBP with an 802.11g card: I guess yours has an 11n card already.

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    Sorry if you need more info from me to give advice please just ask!! I wasn't sure what info would be needed so I'm being pretty basic. Any advice would be GREATLY appreciated!!
    Frustrated in Michigan

    It sounds like you are referring to a cable modem with wireless capabilities since you mentioned that "they" replaced it.  In that case, you should buy a separate wireless router and move it as close to your location as possible/needed and disable the cable modem's wireless broadcasting and use it as a transparent switch; which is primarily all cable modems are good for anyway.  
    *There is a good chance that a new purchased router will have superior range to the cable modem and may not even require being relocated closer to you workspace.

  • Re: WRT350N ----- Very poor Wireless signal strength from my router

    I have a WRT350N router.  I had it for a year now.   In the begining the Wireless Signal strenth was good. 
    I used to get 4-5 bars in my bed room which is about 10 meters from the router. 
    Now I have my laptop sitting 1 feet away from the router and I get only 1 bar.
    I upgraded my firmware.  I rebooted my router a few times still no luck.
    Current Firmware Version:  v1.04.4 build 003 Jul. 14, 2008
    Can any one tell me whats the problem. More importantly can some one help me resolve this problem.

    As you upgraded the router's firmware,I would suggest you to reset the router for 30 seconds and reconfigure it from the scratch, as it is advisable to reset the router after upgrading the router's firmware.
    On the router's setup page,Under Wireless tab..Give unique name in the Wireless Network Name (SSID). Change the Radio Band to Standard-20MHz and change the Standard channel to 11-2.462GHz... Under the Advance Wireless tab,change the Beacon Interval to 75 and click on save settings.... Now,check.

  • Poor wireless signal since Infinity

    I have always had a good wireless signal from my HH2 on ADSL.
    Since having Infinity installed the signal has decreased considerably, even though the new HH is in exactly the same place. To connect to wireless devices I have to within a few metres of the hub then I can move away but it still drops its connecting regularly. I am using the same devices.
    Any ideas?

    try change the wireless channel.
    Possibility there could be another person on the same channel as you.
    Netgear Setup

  • I have a Linksys WRV200 wireless router and the wireless signal is not working properly so I cannot connect to the internet wirelessly. the wireless light has a fast green blinking light. how can I fix the router?

    I have a Linksys WRV200 wireless router and the wireless signal is not working properly so I am unable to connect to the internet wirelessly.  The wireless light is blinking green very quickly and I connect and disconnect from the network constantly.  How do I get the router to work properly

    Hello James,
    The flashing WLAN light means activity (data getting transferred). Try disconnecting all your devices and check whether the light is still flashing or disconnect the router from internet and do the check.
    Do you have your SSID as linksys or the default one? If your neighbor has the same SSID, then traffic could result from your neighbor's one. Try changing your SSID and password. Make your security WPA/WPA2.
    Hope this helps,

  • WRT54GS - 7.0 Wireless signal disappears periodically

    I have had my WRT54GS - 7.0 for about two months. Because of the way my apartment is set up, I am using a wireless card in my pc instead of a wired LAN connection from my cable modem. My ISP is fine; the computer wired to the router never experiences any difficulty.
    My problem is that once in a while my wireless signal dips or disappears. My pc is only about 40 feet from the wireless router, and most of the time my signal is quite strong. I have software that allows me to see competing wireless networks and I know that I am not sharing a channel with anyone. It doesn't happen regularly; it will be fine for a week or even a month, then I'll have a horrendous couple of days where nothing I do can get it to connect. Sometimes it is two hours before the signal comes back. Cycling the power and resetting the router has no effect.
    Should I buy a wireless repeater, or is there some other sinister agent at work besides cruddy signal transmission?
    Any and all suggestions are welcome, and thanks to all who took time to read!
    Message Edited by dgold on 04-11-200704:54 PM

    Make sure that there are no interferences between the two devices. Changing the channel would do as well, an if still it's the same. Set the "advance wireless settings" on the router [Beacon = 70; RTS = 2305; Fragmentation = 2306].

  • Weak Wireless Signal After Power Outage - Anyone else??

    We had a storm Sunday 7/25 and lost power, now my Verizon Fios router's wireless signal is extremely weak and I can't connect to it unless I'm in the same room with the router. Has anyone else experienced this problem? I've had no luck with troubleshooting tools and calling Verizon (why are they so confused and lost all the time). The wireless adapter works fine, but the signal is so weak it can't be connected to. HELP!!

    I had EXACTLY the same problem, and I am in Maryland (same storm, I bet). I just cured the slowness. Here's how.
    The instructions on the Verizon website for rebooting your router do not include "Unscrew the coaxial cable." You have to do that, as well as turn off the power. The Verizon guy I talked to tonight said you get a "better reset." I kept my router powered off and unscrewed for a while--a good couple of minutes at the minimum. Then, when I screwed the coaxial cable back in and powered back up, I had full-strength connectivity.
    Good luck, fellow Marylander.

  • Wireless signal booster

    We have bt infinity and good network coverage in the home. Recently we converted the garage and cannot pick up the signal from that room. This is now my sons bedroom and he has an Xbox and iPad which he normally uses wirelessly but now cannot. Is there anything we can buy to improve the wireless signal. Ideally we do not want a wired connection. I have called the help desk but to no avail. Thanks

    These pages should help.
    Wireless connection problems
    Network connection problems and possible solutions
    Its a very common problem.
    There are some useful help pages here, for BT Broadband customers only, on my personal website.
    BT Broadband customers - help with broadband, WiFi, networking, e-mail and phones.

Maybe you are looking for