WLAN only for e-mail (on E90)

Hi all,
Trying to do my e-mail but the E90 always builds up a G3 connection instead of using the existing WLAN connection. WLAN works fine when browsing.
I want to avoid that the E90 dials a packet data connection but sticks to the WLAN currently in use to avoid high roaming charges.
Looked at all menu items, could not find how to do that.

Hi Cyman
it is easy to do ... and im glad that i can serve you
Go to Messaging
then go to : options > Settings
chose : E-mail
then chose : your email
then : Connection Settings
then you have to do the two option :
(1) Incoming e-mail
(2) Outgoing e-mail
both of them change the (Access point in use) to : Always ask
so you can chose every time the connection type you like
my regards

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    Try this:
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    Hi Sameera,
                        Very recently we have done a similar Development.
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    What SMTP do you wish to send with? If using the SMTP of your ISP, typically you can simply add the work email address as a second email address in a POP account provided by your ISP -- see:
    However, some SMTP such as that provided by Gmail will change the Reply To header to the Gmail address, and others such as that for MobileMe will not accept non-MobileMe from addresses. But the one from most ISPs will.
    You can also set up an account manually, skipping the Account Setup Assistant, take the account Offline (and not include when checking for new mail), and it will still send, assuming you have a SMTP to use with it. To skip the account setup assistant, hold down the Option key when clicking the "+" to add an account. By this path Mail will not actually force the check connection to the Incoming Server

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    How about Mail -> Preferences -> General: Check for New Messages and select "Manually" from the drop down.
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    Anyone know how or what settings to use for the iPad?

    Yes, you're correct this is only for existing users so if you don't have a Gmail account then do as shldr2thewheel suggested.
    You'll then be able to link up to your Gmail account in your iPad once done.

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    Mail was working fine for me until three days ago. The only thing I've changed recently is a Software Update on the 15th for QuickTime and iTunes.
    Please help! I tried to Repair Permissions and it didn't do anything. I also tried removing all messages from the server and that did nothing either.
    Mail Version 2.1
    iMac G5   Mac OS X (10.4.7)   2.1 GHz, 512 MB Memory

    UPDATE: I think I got it to stop checking mail. I have Yahoo mail and I checked my email through online Yahoo. I was able to delete a bunch of emails and it suddenly stopped checking for email in the Mail app.
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    Help please! I would be very grateful.

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    Hello there, Seta.
    You are correct that this can be done with iCloud. The following Knowledge Base article provides some great instruction for syncing contacts:
    iOS: How to transfer or sync content to your computer
    Contacts, Calendars, Bookmarks, and Notes
    You can sync contacts, calendars, bookmarks, and notes with other applications on your computer. This allows you to keep all your information in sync across multiple computers and iOS devices. The settings for these items are all in the Info tab for your iOS device in iTunes. With your iOS device connected to the computer, select your iOS device. Then click the Info tab.
    For details on syncing content on your iOS device with your computer, click the sections below.
    To sync contacts with your computer, choose "Sync Contacts with" within iTunes for Windows, or "Sync Contacts" in OS X v10.8, or "Sync Address Book Contacts" in OS X v10.7 and earlier.
    You can sync your contacts with:
    Microsoft Outlook 2003, Microsoft Outlook 2007, Microsoft Outlook 2010 (Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8)
    Windows Address Book (Windows XP)
    Windows Contacts (Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8)
    Address Book (Mac OS X v10.7 and earlier)
    Contacts (Mac OS X v10.8)
    Microsoft Entourage 2004, Microsoft Entourage 2008, or Microsoft Outlook 2011 for Mac
    When syncing contacts, you can choose to sync all of your contacts or only selected groups. The option to sync selected items may not show up until after the first sync.
    You can select a group of contacts to which all new contacts created on your iOS device will be added.
    Additional options for syncing include syncing your contacts with Yahoo or Gmail/Google Mail. You will need to configure it with the user name and password for your Yahoo or Google account.
    Thanks for reaching out to Apple Support Communities.

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    can you have different accounts (meaning different passwords, different countries/store) with the same apple ID (only one e-mail address)?

    thank you for your reply, it is not very fair from apple, since for not using your credit card, you need to create a new account and if you do not have multiple e-mail  working , you are stuck! thanks anyway

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