Wont recognize wireless extender, wont recognize wireless extender

we recently installed a wireless router extender obviously to extend the wireless range on the computer.
Although I went through all the steps, every time I try to use the internet I get "you are not connected to the internet" although I can see the network clearly.  I have to revert back to the original wireless network to use the internet.  This does not help me when I need to be "outside the range" and use the ext network (which is also faster and stronger).  Are there settings I need to change, use?

In Airport Utility, under Manual > Wireless: Do you have the “Allow this network to be extended” checkbox?

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  • Iphone will not recognize an Airport Express extending a wireless network

    Hi. I asked elsewhere in the support community and someone suggested I also ask here. I have two Airport Expresses, one in my living room that is creating a wireless network, and another in the back of my house, extending a wireless network so it will reach in to the back yard. The one in the living room is the new 2012 model, and the one in back is the pre-2012 model. They both have the latest firmware, and I configured them both using the Airport Utility, and can confirm they are working as configured, to create and extend a wireless network.
    My mid-2010 Macbook with Lion shifts between devices effortlessly, switching to the stronger signal when I move between the house and the back yard. I can verify this by selecting Option+Click on the wireless widget in the menu bar and checking the BSSID against the Airport Utility. But the signal from the living room unit still reaches in to the back yard, and as far as I can tell, and the iPhone 4S cannot recognize the existence of the extending unit (outside of the Airport Utility). I know the former is a well-known problem, the iPhone is unique in that it will annoyingly hold on to the existing connection for dear life, even when a stronger one is available. I thought I could work around that by power cycling or disabling/reenabling Wi-Fi when out of range of the living room unit to get around that problem but even that doesn't work.
    When I go some place out of range of the living room unit but still within line of sight of the back yard unit, say the neighboring field, the laptop can connect to the back yard unit with about -75 RSSI, but the iPhone does not even see the wireless network. Even after a power cycle at that location. If I approach my back yard from the field while constantly scanning Wi-Fi (switching between the front pane in the Settings app and the Wi-Fi pane), the iPhone does not see my network until it sees the living room unit, at which point it tries to connect, and the Airport Utility shows the iPhone is connected to the living room unit, not the back yard unit. This is in contrast to the Macbook which both sees the extending Airport and happily connects to it when it has better signal than the living room unit.
    Any idea why the iPhone cannot see the extending Airport Express but the Macbook can?

    Anyone? Has anyone had experience with this problem? I've reset the extending Airport and reapplied the settings and still have the same problem.

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    Temporarily connecting your AirPort Express to one of the Time Capsule's Etherent LAN <-> ports...as LaPastenagure suggests....is always a good way to setup and configure other network devices.
    If you want to configure the Express using wireless, remember that the Express broadcasts a default wireless signal with a name like Apple Network xxxxxx. You must log on to this network first....no password is required....then open AirPort Utility to "see" the AirPort Express.

  • Ipad wont recognize wireless network

    ipad wont recognize wireless network

    Some things to try first:
    1. Turn Off your iPad. Then turn Off (disconnect power cord for 30 seconds or longer) the wireless router & then back On. Now boot your iPad. Hopefully it will see the WiFi.
    2. Go to Settings>Wi-Fi and turn Off. Then while at Settings>Wi-Fi, turn back On and chose a Network.
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    4. Go into your router security settings and change from WEP to WPA with AES.
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    Fix For iOS 6 WiFi Problems?
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    Unable to Connect After iOS Update - saw this solution on another post.
    Note - When troubleshooting wifi connection problems, don't hold your iPad by hand. There have been a few reports that holding the iPad by hand, seems to attenuate the wifi signal.
    Some Wi-Fi losses may stem from a problematic interaction between Wi-Fi and cellular data connections. Numerous users have found that turning off Cellular Data in Settings gets their Wi-Fi working again.
    You may have many apps open which can possibly cause the slowdown and possibly the loss of wifi. In iOS 4-6 double tap your Home button & at the bottom of the screen you will see the icons of all open apps. Close those you are not using by pressing on an icon until all icons wiggle - then tap the minus sign. For iOS 7 users, there’s an easy way to see which apps are open in order to close them. By double-tapping the home button on your iPhone or iPad, the new multitasking feature in iOS 7 shows full page previews of all your open apps. Simply scroll horizontally to see all your apps, and close the apps with a simple flick towards the top of the screen.
    Wi-Fi or Bluetooth settings grayed out or dim
    If any of the above solutions work, please post back what solved your problem. It will help others with the same problem.
     Cheers, Tom

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    Scanning works via the notebooks control panel but won't allow me to scan as pdf so I would like to use the printer instead.
    I have tried re-installing the driver and re-setting up the printer to the network.
    Please help.
    Thank you

    I am using Windows 7, I re-installed via download from the website. I installed the full driver (223 Mb size). When prompted to intall the only option was minimum installation. I tested the wireless conection by printing a document and it printed fine.
    Upon running the scan diagnostic program, it was unable to find the "HP Solution Center" program. Registry, HP Flow Scan Manager, Digital Imaging Monitor, and Front Panel tests all had caution signs beside them and basically all said that I am missing software or that they were installed incorrectly.

  • My iPhone wont recognize Airport Express as wireless network. Any Suggestions?

    Yes, I have wireless turned on. My phone sees my AT&T router from the basement, but it doesn't see the AE at my feet.

    Is the AE operating at 802.11n Mode ? If yes, then iPhone will not recognize it...

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    Had windows partition for a couple months now. Suddenly it doesnt reeckognize my apple wireless keyboard. Mac side reckognzes it but windows doesnt.

    After browsing some Windows fora, I went to look at the Log On tab of the Bluetooth Support Service Properties (Services page in the Computer Management utility). The hypothesis was that that service was being denied access to some resource. I ended up just fiddling, but to my amazement it fixed the problem.
    Here's the essence of my fiddling:
    + I tried stopping and restarting the service logging on as a Local System account - no luck.
    + Then I tried with my Administrator account - no luck.
    + So I wanted to restore the original account - "NT Authority\SYSTEM" - but woe unto me, I didn't know the password! (apparently no one does for this super-account.) But if you leave the password fields empty, the service starts - oof!
    And now, all of a sudden, my keyboard has started working.
    So I would suggest that in a similar situation, one should:
    + stop the Bluetooth Support Service,
    + make sure the log-on account is NT Authority\SYSTEM,
    + clear the password fields, and
    + restart the service.
    May the Force be with you.

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    Is there any way to debug the installation of this device at boot-time, before it fails at the auto-detection?

    Microsoft doesn't offer Mac support for that particular setup. Just XP and Vista support.
    I knows that one might think that "Bluetooth is Bluetooth..." - But I have found that that isn't the case.
    They do offer setups that are Mac-able. So does Kensington ... and others.

  • My mac just lost the connection to the internet and now it wont recognize my wireless modem

    airpor wont read modem after using it all the time

    Try a complete power cycle of the network
    Power down the entire network...all devices...order is not important
    Wait a few minutes
    Start the modem first and let it run for 2-3 minutes by itself
    Start the next device connected to the modem the same way
    Continue starting devices one at a time about a minute apart until everything is powered back up
    Check the network

  • Airport utility no longer recognizes my Airport Extreme Base Station, which had been set up to extend a wifi network

    Hi.  In November I set up my airport extreme base station (5th generation I believe) to wirelessly extend the wifi network we use at home to see if it would increase download speeds.  Before doing that, I did a factory reset of my airport extreme, and the owner of the airport extreme to which the ethernet cable is attached made changes to his network to allow it to be extended.  I folllowed all the directions from the apple support pages, and finally got it to work.  I could even access a portable hard drive which I attached to the airport extreme base station being used as the extension.  Then a week or so ago I noticed that my laptop would no longer connect to my base station.  I did not have time to look into it until this week.  Airport utility, either on my Mac or iphone no longer recognizes my base station.  My mac is running OS X 10.10.1  and my iPhone is running iOS 8.1.2  I have tried both hard, soft and factory resets of my base station to no avail.  The only thing that has changed after doing that, is that when I do a soft reset of my base station, a neighbors airport express appears when it never did before.  I can't actually connect to it, but it does try.  Then after approximately 5 minutes, it disappears from my list.
    Today I went and pulled out my OLD AIRPORT EXTREME base station... you know, the one that looks like a space ship and is running wifi 802.1 b/c?  airport utility DOES locate and display that, but airport utility returns a message stating that it cannot be set up by this software.  I am attaching an image of that.
    Thank you,
      Does this have anything to do with the fact that 'Back to My Mac' is probably enabled?

    I think the initial problem is that your iPhone was connected to an open network that wasn't yours.
    Go to Settings > WiFi and "Forget" the network created by that AirPort Extreme, it's older than dirt. Forget your neighbor's network also.
    Perform the equivalent actions with your Mac: System Preferences > Network > Wi-Fi > Advanced... Delete every network that appears, including your own.
    Then, connect to your own network on all your devices, after which you ought to be able to use any of them and configure your Extreme without any difficulty. You may need to start over with a "hard reset" on both the main AirPort Extreme and the one extending its network.
    Does this have anything to do with the fact that 'Back to My Mac' is probably enabled?
    Not exactly, but using iCloud Keychain will populate all your devices with the names of preferred networks that any of them connect to, no matter where they are. I don't know why Apple considers that a beneficial feature.

  • WRT160N wont' recognize modem and other issues

    To prevent a wall of text from being even taller, here are the three topographies presented in some crude visuals:
    Default, Option "A"
    Better, Option "B"
    Optimal, Option "C"
    On second thought those images are pretty tall. That totally backfired. Enjoy the art.
    Option A is the default as the installation disk would have me do. I will not work. All connection indicator lights are green (or blue in the 160N's case) for the internet connection's path. The 160N will not recognize the modem and the DHCP will not work. Yes, I went into the control panel stuff. It's set to have the internet picked up by DHCP, and under the info tab I kept trying the drop ip and renew ip buttons. Always at During the autosetup installation, it told me it could not detect my internet and all the connection lights showed a working connection. Using the EasyLink GUI, it could not autoresolve the issue or recognize my Westell 2110 modem it was trying to talk to. I reset the power (waiting 15 seconds before plugging it back in) on each device in every order and combination possible. I've tried different cables. Nothing works. It just won't talk with my Westell 2110.
    Option B I would prefer over A as I could set up better protection from the internet. It would also solve the problem of my router and modem hating each other. It will not work. My computer refuses to find which connection is the internet when I have more than one active. The windows network wizard utility does not resolve this (yes, I set it to "this computer is a gateway" and selected the modem connection as the internet and the 160N as the connection to the rest of the LAN. Still doesn't work right). I can't seem to find anything for a setting to designate a connection as THE internet connection for Windows XP, and activating connections in different orders or reorganizing them on the CP list does nothing. It sill tries to use the 160N which has no net connection or there's some kind of address conflict when I'm 95% certain both of them are set to different addresses, as I trust what the CP connection status panel says. I've never had this problem at wired LANs. It's never happend with Adhoc either.
    Option C is the optimal setup. It will not work. My Xbox 360 suffered severe hardware failure when I booted it up before even connecting anything. It was working perfectly just an hour before. I'm kind of ticked off at the universe right now. Ignoring that setback, I bought the 160N on a gamble. Either it was the V1, DD-WRT supported, or V2, DD-WRT WIP. It's a V2 which means I'll have to wait. I know that the DD-WRT frimware supports using a wireless router essentially as a wireless dongle that's cheaper than the official Xbox 360 dongle and was told it could simultaniously serve as a range extending router for the rest of my home network too. Two birds in one stone, saving me about 80$. Is it possible with the official 160N firmware to do this? Would I suffer any severe network preformance issues streaming the net across an extra dongle as compared to the default topography that goes directly to/from the 160N? All wireless adaptors in my network are 802.11N compatible.
    I am uncertain on the SSID settings. I shut SSID broadcast off in the 160N control panel, but I can still pick it up on my wireless adaptors. I was told I could just shutoff the broadcast, and then someone would have to know the network was there and know the SSID to find it rather than it automatically pop up in the availible networks list. It still comes up automatically, just without a name. How do I make it "invisible"? Or was my friend who told me this just messing with me?
    All my attempts to resolve issues were done at first on the revision 11 firmware, and then on the revision 8. Neither work. I have already read I should use OpenDNS with revision 8. Should I just return this router and pick up a classic WRT54G off craigslist for like 30$?
    Thanks to anyone who can help.
    Message Edited by Crackpot on 04-01-2009 01:07 AM

    First of all who is your ISP ( Cable or DSL ).If you are trying to configure your router using the Setup disk, its better you configure it manually. 
    Click Here to configure your router with Cable ISP.
    Click Here to configure your router with DSL ISP.

  • WRE54G wireless extender problem with WRT600N wireless router

    My Vista laptops work fine with the WRT600N router but not with the WRE54G extender. On the other hand my XP laptop works fine with the wireless extender so I know that both router and extender are working. Linksys tech support told me that the WRE54G is not compatible with the WRT600N, which is simply not true. With my XP laptop the signal goes from poor (5-10 Mbps) without the extender to excellent (54 Mbps) with the extender. Also, the lower blue light on the extender blinks indicating data transmission. I can access the setup page of the extender only with the XP laptop and wired desktop computers but not the Vista laptops. I suspect there is a Vista network setting that is the problem. I've turned off the firewall but to no avail. I've also switched between mixed mode and G-only, which made no difference. Anybody have any suggestions?

    pfl wrote:
    I have a secure wireless network (WPA). Perhaps my 4-5 year old XP laptop is the only laptop on the planet that works with the WRE54G-WRT600N combination. But I can assure all the doubters that this laptop categorically works flawlessly when I would otherwise be out of range without an extender. Good luck to spalaw. Please let me know if you are get your WRT160n to work with the WRE54G, especially you're able to connect with a Vista laptop.
    I am Afraid and wont be surprised if ya all people are nt able to use a N series Router with a G series Range Expander !
    the Reasons is simple - N series is not BackWard Compatible as u check out the sources around. (Back Ward Compatible means compatible with the previous versions for its wireless Band , e:g - G band and B band.)
    as far as my experience is concerned regarding the Range Expanders , me and my bud wasted a whole Week Configuring a WRT350N and WRE54G v3 , and it worked somehow on the seventh day  for an hour and Lost the connection again! Dayumm !
    and we tried setting up with the same expander with WRT54GS v7.2 , it worked like a charm.
    Conclusion : " WRE54G is a g series 2.4 Ghz expander which will work fine with all g series router though may not work with N Serious routers."
    and if you really wish to Use something which can actually Extend the range for ur N routers signals , Better go for WAP4400N !!!!!!
    And if someone still wish to run around , wanna try some tweaks (which i dont preferr )!
    for WRT600N , just enable 2.4ghz band . as Range expander doesnt support 5 Mhz.
    Use Only standard Channels . e.g : 1,9,3,11 .(No Wide and stuff.)
    Try using WEP encryption first . (cause thats how we made WRT350N worked for a while. sighs)
    At last , Wish u Luck.
    "What u Give , is wht u better start expecting to take back".. - http://Forsakenbliss.wordpress.com

  • Problem extending my AX wireless using my old AE

    I just received my new dual band AX and got it set up and the range is truly awesome. The new AX was an upgrade for my old AE. I wanted to use the old AE to extend my wireless signal and to also make a connection with living room entertainment center including my DirecTV receiver and also hooking in to my surround system in that room. However, the old AE isn't showing up in my Airport Utility screen and the light is a blinking amber light on the old AE. How do I get the Airport Utility to recognize the old AE and get this set up working?
    Any help really appreciated.

    No, I'm sorry - looks like I might have been using the wrong abbreviations. Pardon me for trying to appear more savvy than I actually am (actually I'm not a complete NOOB but this is a first for me with the wireless networking).
    I do have a new simultaneous dual-band extreme, which is located in my office at home. I have moved my old airport express into the living room (about 40-50 ft from my new unit) to stream music (my DirecTV receiver can also be hooked up to the express in order to receive certain programming on my satellite).
    That's what I WANT to happen anyway. But right now, it ain't happening.
    And by the way... the range on this new AEBSn is phenomenal. I have about 3 acres here and I grabbed my MB pro and headed off towards the back side of my property while surfing the web. I kept a full 4 bars as far as I could walk on my property (probably 200' or so) and the web never slowed down a bit. I'm loving that!

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    Anyone have any ideas?

    Assuming you've checked all the connections to make sure everything looks ok and is tight, go to system preferences>display and select the option detect displays. If that doesn't work, I'd try testing the monitor, cable, and adapter using a different source.

Maybe you are looking for

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