Word para iPad

Hay un Word o similar en iPad

No hay aplicación de la Word de reales, pero las siguientes aplicaciones de apoyo Word documentos :
Documents To Go
QuickOffice HD

Similar Messages

  • Exchange server damages Word files - cannot be opened on Word for iPad anymore

    Dear all,
    I posted the following problem in the Office for iPad forum and was asked to address this topic here as well. Probably you can help?
    In my office we are using Word 2007 to create ordinary .docx files. When I email such a file to my iPad I cannot open it neither in the Mail.app preview nor in Word for iPad.
    Mail.app tells me its an "Office Open XML word processing document" and Word just tells me the file is damaged. However the files opens just fine in various versions of Word for PC and Mac.
    Does anyone know what is happening here? I bought Office for iPad especially to being able to open the word files I create in my office... :-(
    Additional info:
    I ran the following test:
    I took a .docx file I created on my office PC which was stored on our server and saved it locally to my PC harddrive. I then saved a copy as .doc as well. Then I emailed both files to my office Outlook account AND my iCloud account (with one email).
    BOTH files did NOT open in Word for iPad from my Outlook account (Exchange Server) but BOTH files just opened fine from my iCloud account.
    I then forwarded the email from my Outlook account to my iCloud account and now BOTH files did NOT open on the iPad anymore.
    So it seems that my Outlook account (Exchange server) corrupts the files so they cannot be opened on the iPad anymore, while they can still be opened on a PC or Mac. 
    Do you have any ideas to solve that issue?
    It cannot be that Office for iPad doesnt work in combination with an Exchange Server Outlook Account, can it?
    best regards

    I suggest doing following test and returning the results to me.
    1. Please using OWA to open the .docx file on both PC and iPad via your Exchange account.
    If the file can be opened in OWA. I suggest asking ActiveSync Forum for help so that we can get more professional suggestions.
    For your convenience:
    2. Please verify whether this issue occur on only one user (your Exchange account). If only you have this issue, it should be an issue on your Exchange account or your iPad.
    3. Please try to use other's iPad for test. If the file can be opened on other's iPad, it seems an issue on your iPad.
    Mavis Huang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Can I use MS word with iPad?

    Can I use MS word with iPad?

    You can't use MS Office but you can try the following:

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    have just installed Microsoft word on iPad all the templates are underlined in English but when you open them they are in a different language

    Regarding pseudo-latin template filler language, you can learn about that standard practice at

  • Copy MS word to iPad

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    You can install a reader like Quick Office Pro HD or Good Reader, then move the documents using iTunes over USB.  You could also experiment with the new Word for iPad app that Microsoft put out.  You could also email the documents to yourself on the iPad and then "open with"

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    Any ideas?

    Not a direct answer but you might try posting to the MSFT OneDrive forum for possible help...
    http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows8_1?tab=Threads&status=& mod=&modAge=&advFil=&postedAfter=&postedBefore=&threadType=All&tm=1382788071583
    Good luck...

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    Comments, like they are in Numbers for OS X, are not really supported in iOS. Normally, they rely on a mouse-over to read them. Since there is no mouse on the iPad, it stands to reason they are not there.
    I believe Eric Ross's comments is more geared towards used said Numbers docs on iWork.com.

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    I have a friend that wants to buy the ipad, however he wants to know if you can use MS Word in ipad?

    There are no Microsoft Office apps made for the iPad. However, there is the iWork productivity suite, which includes Pages, Numbers and Keynote.
    Pages is a word processor like Word, and it can export to (save as) and open Word file formats. Numbers is like Excel and Keynote is like PowerPoint.
    More info: http://www.apple.com/apps/pages/

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    Merci pour votre aide.

    More ways to transfer files and access Word documents:
        * Keynote
        * Numbers
        * Pages
    • VIEW/EDIT/CREATE Word & Excel files(Office 2007/2008/2010)
    • VIEW PowerPoint, PDF, iWork, Text, .RTF, and more!
    • Send & receive attached supported documents using the built-in Mail app
    • FREE desktop application with your purchase! Compatible on Win & Mac allows you 2-way file sync with a WIFI connection.
    • Open & Edit files within DocsToGo from any 3rd party app that supports the “Open In” feature
    • Supports iTunes File Sharing via USB cable for manually moving files
    Quickoffice Pro HD
    Create and edit ALL Microsoft® Office -- document, spreadsheet, and presentation formats, as well as view PDF files, on the go. Our advanced file manager lets you manage local files, access Google Drive or other cloud accounts, and works with your iPad email attachments so you can work anywhere, anytime - online and offline.

  • How can i use microsoft word on ipad 2

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    The Pages app is also compatible with MS Word. Unlike some of the others mentioned, the document is actually stored on the iPad as opposed to 'the clouds'. Again, most of those mentioned are cut down versions of MS Word.
    Stand back and look at this constructively; do you need to regularly access to the document from more than one computer/device without the need to keep amending your document on your computer and sending it to your iPad? If so, Documente to Go etc may be the best choice.

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    My question is would i need to download a app in order to open & edit Excel & Word files or will the Ipad automatically open them? I do currently use MobileMe where i have a fair few Excel Files which i may need to edit on the go etc. If i do need an app to open these files do Excel & Word have their own apps like Pages & Numbers or if not what is the best app out there where i can open & edit office files.
    Would also need to open PDF's so same question as above will the Ipad open them if not what app is required.

    These files will open and can be viewed on the iPad as mail attachments. You do not need a third party app to open and view them. From the Apple iPad technical specs web site...
    Viewable document types: .jpg, .tiff, .gif (images); .doc and .docx (Microsoft Word); .htm and .html (web pages); .key (Keynote); .numbers (Numbers); .pages (Pages); .pdf (Preview and Adobe Acrobat); .ppt and .pptx (Microsoft PowerPoint); .txt (text); .rtf (rich text format); .vcf (contact information); .xls and .xlsx (Microsoft Excel)
    Here is the link to the site.
    However, you will need apps to edit these files as they can not be edited with any preinstalled apps that are on the iPad when you buy it. You mentioned Pages and Numbers which are available for the iPad and there others as well in the App Store. Documents to Go will open and edit the complete MS Office suite. iAnnotate and others available for pdf files. Apple's own iBooks will open and save pdf files and iBooks is free in the App Store.
    There are a variety of apps that will open, edit and save these files. Google can be your friend right now before your iPad arrives so start searching!

  • How well can you work on docs in word on iPad 2

    Thinking about buying an iPad 2, and wondering how it is for working on docs in Word (generated on my mac laptop) when away from the office?

    You have several options to work on Word docs. If it's for your own purposes and you have a Mac with Pages, ther Pages for iPad is an excellent choice. If you use Windows on your desktop, it's a little less good - in converting files between Word and Pages formats, some formatting can be lost.
    Documents to Go, Quickoffice and Office2HD will all handle Word documents pretty well. D2G probably has the most features, but (for me) the worst interface). I like the other two equally - maybe a slight preference for Office2HD. I have all 3 on my iPad (and Pages too), so I'm not juts speculating.
    If you're exchanging Word docs with other Word users, and formatting is important, I'd recommend not using Pages; of the other 3, I'd say that QuickOffice has the best mix of features and UI.
    I find Word editing on the iPad useful, but not ideal. I use a bluetooth keyboard - much quicker than the onscreen one for me - and I don't try fancy formatting - just text work.

  • Looking for MS Excel & Word compatible iPad Apps

    I'm looking for iPad apps for Excel and Word that I can transfer to my iMac and work on using MS Office.  Any recommendations?

    There are a number of apps that are compatible with Office documents. Apple makes iOS versions of their own iWork apps (Pages, Keynote, Numbers) that are available free if you purchase a new iOS device and that can be purchased separately for older devices. There are also 3rd party combined suites that cost less than the separate Apple apps. Ones often recommended include Documents 2 Go,  Quickoffice and Office2 HD.
    If you can accept needing a network connection whenever you want to use the apps and have an Office 365 subscription, Microsoft has just released their Office Mobile app, though it has significant limitations. Or a server-based solution such as CloudOn might be an option for you.
    Forum Tip: Since you're new here, you've probably not discovered the Search feature available on every Communities page, but next time, it might save you time (and everyone else from having to answer the same question multiple times) if you search a couple of ways for a topic, both in the relevant forums and in the Apple Knowledge Base before you post a question.

  • How to resize rows in Word for iPad?

    I can resize columns by clicking on View and toggling the Ruler to on.
    But how do I resize rows?

    Double spacing is double spacing whether you are using Pages or Word. Double spacing is dependent upon the font size that you are using in the document no matter which word processing app that you use.
    Pages on the iPad has limited fonts and chances are pretty good that if you import a Word file into Pages on the iPad, there will be some formatting or font issues.
    But once again, Helvetica in Pages is pretty much the same Helvetica as you would be using in Word. If you use a font in Word that is not available in Pages, you will see a warning message that some elements of the original document have been changed.

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