Work flows for moving a DW site to https (as a ranking signal)

I was wondering if anyone was planning to start converting existing DW sites to https in reference to:
Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: HTTPS as a ranking signal
Here is an article by someone who just coverted a large site to https and the problems he faced and overcame:
If you plan to convert a DW site to https what workflows would you use?

One way to do this (via the UI), is to save the document library as a list template (and include the contents of the list with the template). Then create a new list from the template in the root site (and afterwards, delete the old list).
Regards, Matthew
My Blog
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See my webpart on the TechNet Gallery that allows administrative users to upload, crop and format user profile photos. Check it out here:
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    What you need:
    You will need two identical external drives and a copy of Carbon Copy Cloner. CCC is free. The drives could be USB 2 if all you are doing is backing up. If you plan on editing with the drive(s), you'll want firewire. Each needs to be large enough to contain the raw card contents for the duration of your gig.
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    Launch CCC and do a clone of Drive 1 to Drive 2. You can set it to do a complete block by block clone or an incremental backup. Either will work.
    When finished cloning, test a random sample of the clips on both drives to make sure they work.
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    Have fun.

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    H.264 is only for presentation...right. Wouldn't want to get that for editing.
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    Tyr to do like this,
    1. First include the subworkflow in the main workflow template.
    2. Now include standard Block Step in the main workflow template.
    3. In the block select the block type as ParForEach.
    4. Before doing the 3rd point make sure that all the agents for whom you want whom you want to initiate the workflow, populate them in a Multiline conatiner element.
    5. Once completing 3rd and 4th points open the block step under the tab ParallelProcessing  assign the multiline container element name in the   for e;g if the multi line container element name is COSTCENTER then do the binding like below. the conatiner element COSTCENTERLINE is created by default once you include the multi line conatiner element under parller processing tab.
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    Dear supriyaparimal,
    Please find the below points to fix your issue.
    1. Configure the out put determination by using the condition type KRML.(Hope oyu have done it already).
    2.Maintain the condition records in VV11 for condition type "KRML"
    3.Then select the condition record and click the communication tab .
    4. If you want to give any information you can use "Note for recipient".
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    Save the documnet.
    If you raise the sales order and if it is blocked then system automatically send the information to respective person.
    You can get this in formation in ""SBWP" transaction code.
    Check the in box, the information what you have mentioned in the condition records will be appeared.
    Please let me know if you have any clarifications

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    Thanks and best regards,
    Goto Accounts Payable (FI-AP) and in that "Vendor Down Payment Processing".
    Check out the link for workflow scenarios..
    Goto "Archiving Application Data (FI)" and check if your scenario exists or not !!!

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    check this website. [original link is broken]

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    In event linkages , tick 'Linkage activate' and in 'Behavior Upon Error Feedback' select value as 3 (Do not change linkage'.

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    Thanks in advance

    Hello Alexander,
    Thanks for the quick reply.
    As per the help document, the work center category 9100 is supposed to create a Resource in SAP ME but it ends up creating work center in ME.
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    Hi friends,
    I want to develop a work flow for good issue MIGO_GI  transaction.  Is there any standard work flow this scenario.
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    please advice me in this.,

    I think no stanadard workflow will provide you with such a validation, Better to design your own customized workflow template,
    Follow the below steps.
    1. Open PFTC select the task type workflow template
    2. Click F5 and define the relevant fields and make the agent assignemnt for the workflow template as general task from the menu  addtional agent  ---> agent assginement  --> maintain --> general task.
    3.  Check the BOR BUS2017 this might be useful.
    Check the method GoodsMovement.SAPCreate and its parameters  interface, if you can get the total values of the then include a condition and validate th total cost if is satrisfyies send mail and workitem to approver, if it does not satisfy then send only workitem to approver.
    Check the below BADI's
    from where you can trigger your customized workflow by using the standard fm SAP_WAPI_CREATE_EVENT or SAP_WAPI_START_WORKFLOW*

  • Work Flow for Purchase Order

    Dear All,
    How to create Business Work Flow for Purchase Order Creation and it’s release process.
    I want to create purchase order and forward for release process. I want to done all this process through Work Flow.
    So can anybody guide me step-by-step guidance for Purchase order creates & release process through “SWDD”?
    Mahesh Wagh

    Hi Mahesh,
    See this link. It might help you.

  • Work Flow for Service Entry Sheet

    Hi all,
    We need Work Flow for Service Entry Sheet as below using SAP mail box :
    Once Created, will go to Incharge for varification.
    If yes, will go to Manager for further varification.
    If yes, will go to again Incharge back for Release.
    Hamadeh Bashir
    Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company,

    Object Type BUS2080 (Service Notification)
    Standard Task TS00008336 (Processing a Service Notification)
    Workflow Template WS00200099 (Putting a Service Notification in Process)
    You can define your own workflow.

  • Work flow for Rejections in Quality- Usage decision

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    We are in the process of activating work flow for Quality Inspection, During Usage decision there may be rejections for which we need to trigger a mail to the Internal department , stating the Remarks, description, rejected quantity etc ,
    If any one has come across the same scenario kindly help us so as to implement the same in our organization.
    Rahul Bhat

    You can do any of the following according to you Requirement.
    1) Below the Rejection Branch using the Send mail you can send the mail to Respective person.
    2) Other wise using the Function Module you can send the mail, refer this l[ink| ].
    3) Else place this Std. Task TS20000139 and provide the necessary binding below the Rejection branch a popup will open and the user can enter the comments and it will go to the Person whom you want.
    Try any of this according to you requirement.
    Surjith Kumar

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              I am working on Work flow is there any standard work flow for Goods Receipt?
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    I found a BO BUS2017. Is this right one?

    Refer to the link.
    Automatic mail sending for goods receipt
    Sumit Agarwal

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