Workflow Companion File

I have a custom service based on REVIEW_WORKFLOW_DOC that I use to present a customized review template for a workflow. Is there any way to access the workflow companion file variables from this template? Perhaps a java method I could add to the service definition to read in the companion file and store it in a result set? I'm basically looking for a way to do something like a WfGet() from the review template.

Standalone workflow is a desupported product - what are your reasons for installing this ?

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    When workflow has been installed, it should definitely say that it was installed successfully.
    Also for WF to integrate with files successfully there are several additional languages that need to be installed.
    I have a good set of install notes for workflow. Email me at [email protected] and i will send them to you.
    Thanks and Best Regards

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    Not the easiest thing to find from the video tutorial page, but here you go -
    Correct color in video | How to correct color and create stylized looks in video in SpeedGrade CC

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    before everything saves the day.
    Works with workflows and event handlers (ItemAdded).

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    Hello Archana !
             After user decision step, you have maintained the step that updates database as immediate step.
             Have you tested this step separately ? If it have yielded successful results, check the binding for the immediate step after user decision.
             Also, check the workflow log whether the containers for the step that updates the database are populated with required values.
             Is the method that updates the database is custom method ?

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    My bad.
    Try this script instead:
    tell application "Finder"
              set source_folder to (choose folder with prompt "Choose the source folder:")
              set target_folder to (choose folder with prompt "Choose the destination folder:")
              if source_folder is not target_folder then
                        set the_files to every file of source_folder
                        repeat with each_file in the_files
                                  set file_name to name of each_file
                                  if not (exists file file_name of target_folder) then
      duplicate each_file to target_folder
                                  end if
                        end repeat
                        display dialog "Choose different folders as source and target!" buttons {"OK"} default button 1 with icon stop
              end if
    end tell
    It does what the first one should have done - checks the name of each file against the files already in the source folder and only duplicates those which aren't already there.

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    So the fields that are changed may not be on your list. This could be a lookup to a different list or something like that.
    The SharePoint logs will contains the details of which field is the problem. You might want to use ULS Viewer:
    Simply start ULS viewer just before you load the form.

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      As per my understanding you want to run the workflow when you add a folder, for that you can see below link.
    Hi Thanks,
    Actually I am simply trying to copy an entire folder full of files from one library to another. Works fine with single files but does not seem to work when trying to copy a folder.

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    Hi Lenny, I've been tried a few times to import files from the FS7 into FCPX with no luck. I've installed Sony's  XAVC/XDCAM Plug-in for Apple (PDZK-LT2) - but it doesn't seem to import native FS7 files (even though I know notice it lists the FS7 as a compatible camera here: The FS700 shoots AVCHD - which FCP understands (well FCPX does). You state that Sony has just come out with a new ProApp update - what is that? Catalyst Browse has a little film strip icon at the bottom right which I seem to remember being the save location button. I think you need Catalyst Prepare ( to do batch conversions. I do hope either Apple or Sony tidy all of this up and it's quite confusing...

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    Milissa Hartwell

    So one option that's come to the top of my head is to just avoid the workflow altogether. It's sounds pretty simple, you want to move files. Use the "Manage Content and Structure" feature! You can check off tons of files at a time and tell them
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    sorry if this has been brought up before.  I tried searching for it but couldn't find anything.

    If you want to rewrap MTS files on Windows, without transcoding (like with Clipwrap), you can do that with FFMBC (for example). Yes, you can than reconect original files to rewrapped H264 MP4 and new Resolve will be able to read your timeline. However performance will be far from good.
    Actually there is no perfect workflow for Premiere > Resolve roundtripping for MTS files at this moment:
    - You can transcode everything to DNxHD or Prores before editing, but that's waste of time and disk space
    - With combination of AE scripts you can transcode only material used in edit, but again that's waste of time, and you'll have to rebuild your timeline manualy
    One option in Premiere Project Manager would solve all issues with roundtripping and that's "Create new trimmed project and TRANSCODE media with handles". That way you would be able to edit native, and transcode only media used in timeline.
    At this moment your best option is to transcode everything before edit. On Windows use DNxHD, pick bitrate according to your source footage, and everything will be fine.

  • Workflow  for file export

    I am working in Final Cut Pro 4.5 on a DP500 Mac w/MacOS 10.3.9 Panther. I am trying to minimize the time required to get a file out of FCP to a DVD. Since Quicktime is used to get the file out of FCP before anything else is done I'm posting here instaed of the FCP forum. I have also recently acquired the LaCie Fastcoder to help out with this. Fastcoder says it wants an "NTSC DV Stream" in order to convert a file to MPEG2 in real time. I can then burn the results using Toast pretty easily. The Fastcoder takes a little longer to convert the Final Cut exported DV Stream to an elementary MPEG2 Stream that is usable in DVD Studio Pro, but the time reduction is still better than the interminable time it takes for Compressor to do the same thing.
    Here's the Quicktime question. When I export the file from FCP using Quicktime conversion and selecting "DV Stream" and "NTSC 48k" it takes 3x realtime to do this. Is there a faster way to get Quicktime to create an NTSC 48K DV Stream..... ?
    Pete D.
    dual 500 G4 Mac OS X (10.3.9)

    9X% of the time is for converting the raw to rgb, and only 0X% for encoding the rgb for final output format. So, the answer to your question is:
    there is no fastest format for exporting.
    If you want quick lossless exports, the only solution I know of is to adopt a 2-stage pipeline:
    * Apply baseline adjustments to raw (e.g. white-balance, lens corrections, noise reduction, "capture" sharpening), and export 16-bit tiff back to catalog (hopefully, this is only done once, or at least very infrequently).
    * Apply further adjustments to tiff.
    The tiff will export faster than the raw, since it has the benefit of starting with already rendered RGB data.
    Far from ideal, I know, and personally - I wouldn't bother. But it's the best I got for ya...
    If you want quick lossy exports, then use PreviewExporter.

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    I created a custom workflow and registered with OIM with serviceName value as the service name from the SOA composite. I realized that this needs to be changed to RequestApprovalService.
    Has anyone done this, if you can you please list the steps.
    Thanks in advance,

    I thought of this as well. It may be possible this way also. Since the composite was primarily generated by the OIM provided template, I didn't prefer to do this. The above mentioned method is working, but i will try this as well when i get a chance.
    Edited by: pk**** on Jun 8, 2011 12:21 PM

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    1. Select images in Aperture.
    2. File>Relocate Masters...
    3. Pick a location and sub-folder format.

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    Where can I find the source code of the sshr workflow?

    Dear all:
    I found the answer, usually the workflow of the self-service 4.1 is HRSSA

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