Workforce HBR "Wrkforce_Add_TBH_Salary" uses NumTBH.

Our "out of the box" Workforce HBR script "Wrkforce_Add_TBH_Salary" uses a
Global Variable called NumTBH. It is not incrementing correctly when we exceed 10 new hires - NumTBH goes back to being 2 and so it creates a TBH02. Unfortunately, we already have a TBH02 and so HBR overrides existing TBH02. Is there a bug? Anyone knows what we are doing wrong?

I don't think there is any significant difference in our code from original. I don't think problem is in the code.
So here is my question.
Original code says to pull Var numTBH from global Variable NumTBH
VAR numTBH = [NumTBH];
So where does HBR store the next available NumTBH ? Your HBR is not working and it is storing the wrong number in global Variable NumTBH. For example, if I hired 4 new hires, HBR should store 05 in global Variable NumTBH. Instead, it is storing 02, which causes Add_TBH_Salary to override our existing TBH02.
Anyways, here is the top half of our code - which has relevant portion of code referencing global Variable NumTBH
VAR numTBH = [NumTBH];
VAR validTBH = 0;
FIX([Scenario], [Version],[Entity],[Dept],"Local", "HSP_InputValue")
FIX(@CHILDREN("New Employees"),"No Project")
FIX(@LEVMBRS("Periods", 0),"No Year")
"Start Month"
IF (@ISMBR("BegBalance"))
validTBH = 0;
/* First determine the first unused TBH member */
IF (numTBH > 0 AND @MAXS(SKIPMISSING, @CHILDREN("Employee Properties")) == #MISSING )
"Start Month" = [StartMonth]->"Cal TP-Index";
numTBH = numTBH - 1;
validTBH = 1;
"TBH Desc" = 1;

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    Have you tried running it from an essbase calc script first and run the essbase server in the foreground (not as a service if you are on windows) then if you have any System.out.prints on errors or in your code they should be outputted to the window.
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    It is not where we find in i.e. in Admin->Initilize Workforce.

    Use admin login.
    One can find this option in Administration->Application->Manage Application.
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    I know CL knows a lot about HBR, if he's around today... LOL
    As a matter of fact, I just used an HBR (not using Calc Manager till I have to)'s macro functionality to drive fx for different Scenarios in a Planning app. Here's how I call the macro:
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    I believe (I can't remember what exactly -- is it that templates don't accept parameters? That seems hard to believe. Looking at a CM template, that does seem to be the case. Bummer if I'm right.) that Calc Manager BRs have less functionality wrt templates, but I haven't worked with CM for over a year.
    It works really well -- a single place to maintain code and no appreciable performance cost.
    You cannot launch a HBR from a MaxL script but HBRs can be launched from command lines -- this may constrain where you place your automation (it basically has to run off of whatever the EAS server is. You may end up shelling out of MaxL to execute the HBR or even execute scripts across servers -- that does get more complicated.).
    Anyway, if you have any more questions, ask away -- it really is a very powerful component. I will have to look at CM more closely (sooner or later I will lose the HBR vs CM argument and at least need to know if templates support parameters) to see if I'm right on what I wrote above.
    Cameron Lackpour
    P.S. You cannot define an ARRAY in an HBR macro because ARRAY arrayname[value] gets read as a parameter. I ended up declaring the array in the calling HBR.
    P.P.S. I really need to write up the fx approach in a blog post -- it is wicked fast and really easy to use. Too many other posts in the queue already.
    Edited by: CL on Aug 24, 2011 1:48 PM

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    Anybody used macros in business rules?^^^I use macros all the time for commonly used snippets of code all the time.
    1. We are using global variables ^^^Not a problem. Declare them at a global level, use them in the macro.
    2. Some implementing company proposing macros and in the macros all the common stuff like house keeping things, fix statements etc.^^^I don't use them that way.
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    Do I use macros exclusively for FIXes and other housekeeping items? Only if they were being repeated again and again. I would wonder if that really made sense as those are the bits of code that tend to change over time as the app changes -- do you really want that to happen to all HBRs that use the macro? Maybe, maybe not.
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    Welcome to SDN
    Workforce deployment is used in Netweaver technalogy. Please check this link but it's not in English. Wil Try to find out english version
    Hope this helps

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         An error occured during scanning
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    - the most important thing is to have the printer recognized by the router and have an IP address installed and registered first, then you can install the Epson Mac EasyPrint software and "find" the printer over your wireless network
    - Goto: 5463&BV_UseBVCookie=yes&infoType=Downloads&platform=Macintosh&x=28&y=3
    and download the Epson EasyPrint v3.10 file called: "epson12433.dmg"
    - Unfortunately, Epson does not make software to "install" the printer to the router for Snow Leopard
    - I re-installed the printer to the router using my wife's HP laptop and the original CD that came with the EPWF40.
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    - After running, go to the printer/fax preferences, click the "+" sign and add a new printer.
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    - One of the options should be "EPSON5A2EAA Bonjour" and the other "EPSON5A2EAA IP". Click on one, install it, and then go back and click on the other and install it (just to be sure).
    - You will not be able to use the standalone Epson Apps installed from the DMG, however, the printer preferences for the epson, will be available through the printer preference boxes when you go through the system preferences.
    It didn't make any sense at first for me either. Once I understood that:
    - you can't install the printer from a Mac to your router
    - after the printer is installed and linked with your router, your Mac can find it and use it
    ...I was able to complete the installation and have a fully functional wireless network printer.
    Feel free to drop me a question. I'm just glad I was able to make it work.

    Sota Boy wrote:
    I installed Snow Leopard but my Epson WorkForce 500 printer is not compatible. I saw an article about loading Rosetta and this would solve the problem. I can't find the article and I have never used Rosetta.
    Actually, you have.
    Rosetta was incorporated into both Tiger and Leopard. But it was invisible, of course. Snow Leopard is the first OS that offers the choice of whether to install it or not.
    Any suggestions on how I find the recent article or make my printer work with Snow Leopard?
    Don't know about the "recent article", but you can install Rosetta by inserting your Snow Leopard DVD and clicking on the Optional Installs package. When the configuration choice window comes up, just check Rosetta alone and carry on.
    Good luck with it!

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    Note that the Nightly build gets updated daily (and sometimes more than once in case of a respin) and it is always possible that something goes wrong and it doesn't work properly, so be prepared for issues if you decide to stay with the Nightly build and make sure to have the current release with its own profile installed as well in case of problems.
    See also:

  • Use of EXCLUDE in HBR

    Hi All,
    I was wondering if anyone knows if the EXCLUDE command has definitively been left out of HBR. We are using v11.1.1.3.

    Unfortunately, it doesn't work for me either. I too have an instance. I dunno about 11.1.2.
    You can (pretty much) get around EXCLUDE with a FIX and @REMOVE. Yes, it's not the same thing and it really ought to be there, but it's close.
    If it's any consolation, EXCLUDE appears to syntax check in Calculation Manager. If your need for EXCLUDE is great, perhaps that's an alternative?
    Cameron Lackpour

  • HBR Error thrown when using @NEXTSIBLING or @SHIFTSIBLING within the FIX

    I'm working on a HBR that works fine, when using the following code:
    +"C2-00000"= 2;+
    Now, I'd like to use the @NEXTSIBLING or @SHIFTSIBLING within the second FIX statement, so the BR code looks like this:
    +"C2-00000"= 2;+
    When launched, the HBR throws an error: Detail:Cannot calculate. Essbase Error(1200315): Error parsing formula for [FIX STATEMENT] (line 3): invalid object type
    I'm missing sth, am I not?
    Thanks for help, regards
    Marcin Stawny

    It truly helped, however I went further and wanted to use @SHIFTSIBLING where the shift integer comes from a sum of data values. The code looks like this:
    FIX(@MEMBER(@SHIFTSIBLING("T1", (@SUM(@DESCENDANTS("Transactions"))))))_
    +"C2-00000"= 1;+
    The @SUM(@DESCENDANTS("Transactions")) calculates the sum properly (verified this part of the code in another place), however it seems that it has to be passed as an integer to the @SHIFTSIBLING, hasn't it?
    How can I do that?
    Marcin Stawny

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