Would you rather use libevent or libev?

Both provide the same basic functionality. Libevent is being worked on more at the moment (and is also in [core], iirc), while parts of libev have stagnated a bit (though it is a much smaller library).
The thing that bothers me is that the whole premise behind libev is that it's faster than libevent.. this claim doesn't really hold up under scrutiny. I built the latest libevent (2.0.3-alpha) and libev (3.9) sources and ran libev's bench.c* on it. On my arch64 laptop, libevent consistently wins handily.
* http://libev.schmorp.de/bench.c, was pulled and modified from the libevent test suite. The "ts" timeval struct seems to be the counter for libevent's routines, while "ta" is for libev. Libevent is finishing 100 to 150 usecs quicker than libev on my computer. I compiled with: gcc -O2 bench.c libev-3.9/ev.o libevent-2.0.3-alpha/*.o -lm -lpthread -lssl -lrt -o bench_test.
Please let me know if there's something wrong with the way I compared the two libraries. If you have any experience with either, I'd like to hear what you think of them.

The results are bogus - bench.c has to be linked against the library you want to test, and is not ABI-compatible with the default libev, so you have to compile in ev.c and event.c as well.
All you did was benchmark libevent against itself, and if you got different results, this is just variation (proof: it would segfault if it called the functions in ev.o).
If you compile two binaries you can run three benchmarks - libevent, libev+event API and libev+native API.
Then you will get the expected result, actually worse with libevent-2.0 when compiled with pthread-support, as it locks the loop on every single access, something not required by libev.

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    Mac Pro 2.66   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

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    2. Give us Enhanced AHCI support, with NCQ, but this requires us to install an intel driver at windows install time using a USB floppy.
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    I previously wrote a posting that describes this problem:
    I have spent a few days researching SATA, and how it is handled under Windows, especially Intel's implementation. Intel is pushing a standardized controller interface called AHCI. AHCI does support legacy PATA emulation. In WinTel platform, it is a requirement of the BIOS to configure the AHCI device properly. The AHCI PCI device will present different PCI subcodes depending if it is running in PATA or native mode. These PCI subcodes are used to choose the appropriate driver at boot time.
    For best performance, SATA wants to run in native mode which, on the Mac Pro platform, means running the controller device in AHCI mode. AHCI fully supports DMA as well as Native Command Queuing (NCQ). Combining these two technologies give the best performance.
    The PATA emulation can support DMA, depending on the actual BIOS implementation. PATA can not support NCQ.
    With Boot Camp, Apple is providing a BIOS layer on top of EFI, the new standard for low-level PC firmware. This layer is called a CSM (Compatibility Support Module). I believe the CSM is not programming the device to enter AHCI mode. Also, the CSM is not providing anything other than Programmed I/O (PIO or non-DMA) in their PATA emulation support.
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    Various Intel Macs   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

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    Constructor Summary:
         BeanComparator(Class theClass);
    Method Summary:
         addSortField(String fieldName, boolean isAscending, boolean isSortNullHigh);
         addSortField(String fieldName); // convenience method with default ascending and sortNullHigh
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    BeanComparator bc = new BeanComparator(SomeClass.class);
    bc.addSortField("field2", false, true);
    bc.addSortField("field3", true, false);Finally, without listing the API, the equivalent code for the "strange API design" would be:
    Comparator c = BeanComparator.forClass(SomeClass.class)
         .nullLow();So in this case:
    a) there is no explicit "add" method to add a new sort field. The "orderBy" is an implicit add.
    b) the reverse() and nullLow() methods only apply to the current orderBy field.
    c) the creation of the class is "sequential" in nature as each method needs to be invoked in the proper order
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    Also you can add new sort options to the API without affecting any existing methods.
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    Have you ever used it before?
    Would you consider using this design and in what situations would you consider it?

    What part is bothering you exactly? Its not that it bothers me, its just that it is "different" and I was wondering if it is an acceptable design of a class and when you would use it, since I don't think I've seen any examples in the JDK.
    Usually the order of method invocation is not important. You can do:
    reverse()is not the same as
    orderBy()So the API implies a "building" approach where you need to know you are building the components of the class in a certain order.
    Again, its not bad, its just different (to me) so I was wondering if it is common and when you would use it.
    The fact that the methods return the object itself...No, I've seen that pattern before and find it handy.
    Your example (addSortField) also depends on the order in which the methods are called.Yes, but this is normal for most APIs. For example adding items to a Vector, or components to a panel.
    In this case the orderBy() method implies a change of state because the next set of methods may or may not modify the state of the field being ordered.
    Again, I said I thought that this potentialy does simplify the API, but I have not seen it used before.
    I don't see the design as much of a problem. Me either.

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    A BIG NO!!!, you should be using separate schema's
    Have you seen this http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/apex/learnmore/apex-ebs-extension-white-paper-345780.pdf

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    What would you rather have? A new Mac Mini or Apple Mac Pro "Quad Core" 2.66 that was introduced sometime in 06 or 07?
    Other factors such as space availability and usage aside and considering only performance, I'd take the Mac Pro, no question. It'll run circles around any Mac mini and never break a sweat. For many people, though, that extra power isn't needed but the compact size of the Mac mini would be an advantage. For use as a media device, for instance, the power of a Mac Pro would be largely wasted and it's size a serious disadvantage.
    So which to choose would depend on many factors which you haven't enumerated here.
    Message was edited by: Dave Sawyer

  • I cannot access my ebay account. I can still look for stuff but if I try to login in I get an error message saying that the connection was reset. This is the only site I am having issues with. The site works with IE6 but I would rather use Firefox.

    - Was having problems accessing messages on Facebook, seems to be working now
    - Cannot login on ebay.ca or ebay.com
    - Having troubles listing items on ebay (uploading pictures)... this started before the logging in problems
    - Problems only on laptop, other PC in the not having any problems
    - Can log in to ebay using IE on laptop, but I would rather use Firefox

    HouFunGuy wrote:
     One thing I notice is that the _mmServerScripts folder does not show up in my Local Files folder - even after refreshing. (The underscore must hide this folder?)When I change the drop-down from Local View to Testing Server I don't see the _mmServerScripts folder, and all folders are red.
    The underscore at the beginning of the folder name hides it in the Files panel, although you can turn on the option to display hidden files by accessing the panel options menu.
    The folder icons in the Files panel are colour coded: green is for local files, red represents the testing server (or Subversion repository, if defined), and yellow (Windows) or blue (Mac) represents your remote server.
    As Randy says, check the Web URL in your testing server definition. It should be http://localhost/check_php/.

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    Choose Create Spreadsheet
    Select the template you want to use

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