WRT160N and nintendo wii error 52130

Please can anyone suggest how to get Wii working wirelessly with this router. Error code 52130 occurs regardless of whether I use static or allocated IP address. Suspect firewall issue but I don't know what to change. Encryption WPA (tried PKA & TKIP - nothing works). Saw suggestion that wii required IP address of format 192.168.2.xxx but linkysys DCHP list restricted to 192.168.1.xxx

Number 1 suggestion is to put the IP address of the Wii to 10 addresses above your highest PC number.
IE if your computer is .100 put your Wii at 110 or higher.
  Number 2 suggestion turn on DMZ and put the Wii IP address into it. That way you are outside the router firewall. The only reason I suggest this is because 1 it makes your Wii run faster and 2 I personally doubt nothing will happen to it (Hacker wise) because it does not function like a standard computer like the xbox does.
 Number 3 suggestion add the DNS address of your ISP in and do not auto do those. (sometimes the Wii will not pull them)
 And number 4 suggestion is Do not use WPA Nintendo WIFI and Wii Connect 24 do not support WPA fully. WEP is supported, however.
 I personally do not even use WPA or WEP because of the problems with them and networking.
With Knowledge… Impossible means nothing.
Computer experience: 11 years
Cisco networks experience: 8 years
Network administrator: 6 years
N.E.T. networks experience: 6 years
Linksys networks experience: 6 years
Recent additions: A+ | Networks+ | Linux+ | Security+

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    Please show me what commands you used to make these changes.
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    interface Dot11Radio0
    no ip address
    no dot11 extension aironet
    encryption vlan 10 mode ciphers tkip
    encryption vlan 20 mode ciphers tkip
    ssid Agrolate
    ssid Pamelie
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    channel 2462
    station-role root
    no cdp enable

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    Hello kungfuelmosan. Welcome to the Apple Discussions!
    I suggest that you try connecting the 802.11n AirPort Extreme Base Station (AEBSn) directly to the broadband modem again, but this time make sure to allow enough time for a complete power recycle of the network components when doing so as follows ...
    Try the following, in order, until resolved:
    1. If the modem has a reset switch, use it to reset the modem. Wait at least 5-10 minutes for the modem to initialize.
    2. Remove power from the modem. If it has a backup battery, remove this as well. Wait 5-10 minutes. Replace the battery, and add power back to the modem.
    3. Perform a complete power recycle of your network components as follows:
    Modem/Router Power Recycling - Quick
    o Power-off the modem, AEBSn, & computer(s); Wait at least 5 minutes.
    o Power-on the modem; Wait at least 5 minutes.
    o Power-on the AEBSn; Wait at least 5 minutes.
    o Power-on the computer(s)
    If this fails to get the modem to "recognize" the Internet router, then try the "Full" version.
    Modem/Router Power ReCycling - Full
    o Power-off the modem, AEBSn, & computer(s). (Wait at least 30 minutes. If possible, leave the modem off overnight.)
    o Power-on the modem; Wait at least 15 minutes.
    o Power-on the AEBSn; Wait at least 5 minutes.
    o Power-on the computer(s)
    4. Contact your ISP to have them perform a "modem reset."

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    You connect it either with component or composite cables.
    Choice 1: Composite may be best described as the old RCA VCR dubbing style cables with red, white and yellow male end cables for three connections (2 audio and one video). Yellow is typically video on each end of the devices. Composite is the most typical Wii hookup and your TV has those inputs and the Wii includes those cables. You will need to press the TV/Video button on the hand control and select Video 1 or Video 2.
    Choice 2: Component hookups are superior in quality. I have a Wii hooked up that way to my Panasonic 50 plasma and it looks and sounds noticeably better on component. You will need a special Wii component cable made for the Wii and it is sold at Best Buy. Nintendo makes one and Rocketfish (which I bought). On the end connecting to the TV there will be three cables for video and two for audio connections. If you use this hookup you will see Component 1 and 2 selections using the TV/Video button on the Panasonic hand control.
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    FYI I have an airport extreme also, which has never been utilized but is a recognized network on my MAC.

    Your AirPort Extreme should be connected to the internet via the modem or whatever your ISP provides. The Mac and Wii connect to the AirPort, either wirelessly or via ethernet cables. When set up this way, your Mac will have nothing to do with connecting your Wii to the internet.
    I hope this video will help:

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    The Wii is wireless B and G mode capable, so be sure your router is not set for wireless N only.  Your router is set to mixed mode by default, so that might not be your issue.
    I've read that the Wii sometimes has problems detecting networks running in certain modes.  You might want to experiment by temporarily setting your router to wireless B or G only.
    You might also need to consider updating your routers firmware if you don't already have the latest version.

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    From another discussion:
    "Currently only the iPhone 4 and 3GS, with iOS 4.3+, can be used as a hotspot for other devices - the hotspot functionality is not enabled on the iPad."

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    Also in order for myself to get the passkey the rep. said I would need to login to the router's settings. It's a wireless router and has not direct connection to my computer really and had no set-up utilities that I can find on my computer. What do I do?

    Hello Sir,
       In such a case, you will do require to connect either One of the Pc to the router using a cable....open up Internet Explorer and in the address bar type in the web-site.. (default)..It will ask you for the username and password...the default password is "admin" and nothing in the password...
       Once on the ui of the router...on top you will locate a tab for wireless...click on it...and right below it you will find wireless security...click on it....and that's where you will find the wep key that you are looking for..
     Revert Back  if you face any Issues...

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