WRT310nv2 Network Drops Frequently

I'm using the WRT310nv2 router with the latest firmware and I am connected wirelessly. The network adapter is a Dlink DWA-552 installed in a Windows 7 Pro 64bit desktop pc, also with the most up to date drivers and OS. 
The Wireless network for the past 5 or 6 days has been down rather frequently. I'm lucky if I can get 20 minutes of use before it boots me off the network. I've tried resetting the router and reinstalling the firmware, but no luck.
At first I thought it might be the adapter itself, but I've ruled that out when I noticed all devices connected wirelessly (two other machines, both with different intel wireless chipsets) were also getting disconnected. Range isn't an issue either as while one machine is one floor above the router, the other two were in the same room. I tried dropping the MTU but still no luck. The encryption on the signal is WPA-2. 
If anyone has any suggestions on what I could do., it would be most appreciated. 
*note* Only wireless connectivity is dropped. The computer that is wired remains connected to the internet. 
Message Edited by Tenly Rodrigues on 03-10-2010 06:57 PM
Message Edited by Tenly Rodrigues on 03-10-2010 06:58 PM

As you upgraded the router,Reset the router and re-configure the router from scratch.
Also,On the router setup page,Under the Wireless tab..Click on the subtab Advance Wireless Settings...Change the Beacon Interval to 50,Change the Fragmentation Threshold to 2304,Change the RTS Threshold to 2304 and Click on Save Settings...
Now see if you can locate your Wireless Network and attempt to connect...
Power Cycle the router and check...

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    The iMac picks up a wireless signal from the back of the screen, so you would want to avoid having it close to a wall, or in a confined area where the wireless signal cannot easily reach the iMac's antenna.
    We don't know how far the iMac is from your wireless router, or how many walls or other obstructions might be in the signal path that would limit the quality of signal that the iMac receives.
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    I'm not sure if you understand that 5 GHz has some upsides, but also some very significant downsides.
    The upside is that the 5 GHz signal will allow faster speeds.
    The downside is that you must always give up something in order to gain something else.Unfortunately, the marketing hype about 5 GHz does not go into very many details about this.
    In the case of 5 GHz, the 5 GHz signals are much weaker than 2.4 GHz signals, so they do not travel as far or penetrate any obstructions like walls or ceilings nearly as well as 2.4 GHz signals. In many cases, in order to get good 5 Ghz performance, you literally have to have almost a line-of-sight relationship between your computer and the wireless router.
    If you have a new dual band router, which broadcasts both a 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz signal simutaneously, your Mac will connect to the best signal quality automatically depending on its location in relation to the router. In the same room, without any obstructions, it will connec to 5 GHz. But, take the laptop down the hall a few rooms and around the corner and the Mac will connect to the 2.4 GHz signal because at that location, the 2.4 GHz signal is not only stronger, it is also faster.

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    HDD: Raid1 500GB
    su: 255,255,255.0
    dns 1: (Was please read on!!!
    dns 2: empty
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    My original issue was network dropping out every few weeks, progressively got worse to being daily. Restarts would fix it, tho would disconnect after hours or a day or 2.
    Issues would be that during a network outage, I cannot connect workstations to domain, no network shares. Internet was dead, and a heap of Event ID errors
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    I was restoring of some emails and system was loaded medium to high for a while.
    I went home thinking all was good and might connect via VPN and do some work and monitor it all, The vpn disconnected after a few minutes.
    I called their office and asked is all normal?
    They said network shares and emails have stopped. I confirmed this as the network would do the same thing it was doing before the rebuild.
    So I restarted the server and Internet/Network drops within minutes of being restarted. tried many things to solve this..
    hours later I installed known hotfixes, updated drivers, and tried so many other things to try and solve this...
    I had heaps of Event ID errors before the rebuild, and trying to ping anyone was resulting in General Errors, and cannot ping basically
    After the rebuild it has same sorts of event id errors. I had same general errors when trying to ping.
    In the end at 2am 2 weeks ago, I finally got it running smoother..
    I did 2 things which have made the network last longer then few minutes...
    1. Disabled the Network Port 1 and Enabled the 2nd Port. (Both On board FYI)
    2. Changed DNS in the TCPIPv4 from to ( (Servers IP))
    Since this change, I no longer get event ID errors.
    When network stops working the network icon stays normal.
    And network is lasting days rather then hours.
    Things I've spoken to others about,
    - and changing to these 2 are basically the same both being loopback to server. They both point to itself..
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    - I think the summer heat might have cooked the NIC :p as same day the server crapped itself my clients home wifi setup also died. The range extender died! weird coincidence
    - So I am seriously thinking it cannot be the DNS IP Configuration setting, I know that running all roles on a single server is hard for a server. But I find it hard to believe it was the DNS which caused this error
    I have continued to work on this issue through the weeks.,
    The following information is newest
    28th March,
    After 2 days of sweet operation.. IE Just after the switch to 2nd port.
    The server's network went down.., 
    I can ping only or ok
    but ping gateway or workstations times out.
    Netstat shows heaps of ipv6 and very few ipv4 addresses
    I restarted the server, applying computer settings sat there for a while..
    dunno if it was coincidence or not but unplugging the Gateway and replugging it made the CTRL-ALT-DEL come up right away.
    after boot everything has been ok for 14 hours now...
    Now the Network Ports (2 of them are on the server, most likely sharing controller)
    Please take a look at my ping/netstat and please make any comments.
    ----- Ping.txt -----
    Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
    Copyright © 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
    Request timed out.
    Request timed out.
    Request timed out.
    Request timed out.
    Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 0, Lost = 4 (100% loss),
    Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
    Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
    Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
    Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
    Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
    Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
    Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0ms
    Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
    Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
    Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
    Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
    Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
    Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
    Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0ms
    C:\Users\Administrator>ping google.com
    Ping request could not find host google.com. Please check the name and try again
    Active Connections
    Proto Local Address Foreign Address State
    TCP [::1]:36939 WORK-SERVER:ldap ESTABLISHED
    TCP [fe80::9142:b19d:a6d0:d31d%14]:135 WORK-SERVER:19932 ESTABLISHED
    TCP [fe80::9142:b19d:a6d0:d31d%14]:135 WORK-SERVER:32574 ESTABLISHED
    TCP [fe80::9142:b19d:a6d0:d31d%14]:135 WORK-SERVER:35314 ESTABLISHED
    TCP [fe80::9142:b19d:a6d0:d31d%14]:135 WORK-SERVER:35353 ESTABLISHED
    TCP [fe80::9142:b19d:a6d0:d31d%14]:135 WORK-SERVER:56321 ESTABLISHED
    TCP [fe80::9142:b19d:a6d0:d31d%14]:135 WORK-SERVER:64583 ESTABLISHED
    TCP [fe80::9142:b19d:a6d0:d31d%14]:389 WORK-SERVER:6684 ESTABLISHED
    TCP [fe80::9142:b19d:a6d0:d31d%14]:389 WORK-SERVER:6685 ESTABLISHED
    TCP [fe80::9142:b19d:a6d0:d31d%14]:389 WORK-SERVER:6686 ESTABLISHED
    TCP [fe80::9142:b19d:a6d0:d31d%14]:389 WORK-SERVER:6687 ESTABLISHED
    TCP [fe80::9142:b19d:a6d0:d31d%14]:389 WORK-SERVER:6689 ESTABLISHED
    TCP [fe80::9142:b19d:a6d0:d31d%14]:389 WORK-SERVER:6692 ESTABLISHED
    TCP [fe80::9142:b19d:a6d0:d31d%14]:389 WORK-SERVER:6694 ESTABLISHED
    TCP [fe80::9142:b19d:a6d0:d31d%14]:389 WORK-SERVER:6712 ESTABLISHED
    TCP [fe80::9142:b19d:a6d0:d31d%14]:389 WORK-SERVER:6765 ESTABLISHED
    TCP [fe80::9142:b19d:a6d0:d31d%14]:389 WORK-SERVER:17256 ESTABLISHED
    TCP [fe80::9142:b19d:a6d0:d31d%14]:389 WORK-SERVER:17327 ESTABLISHED
    TCP [fe80::9142:b19d:a6d0:d31d%14]:389 WORK-SERVER:19074 ESTABLISHED
    TCP [fe80::9142:b19d:a6d0:d31d%14]:389 WORK-SERVER:19075 ESTABLISHED
    TCP [fe80::9142:b19d:a6d0:d31d%14]:389 WORK-SERVER:19077 ESTABLISHED
    TCP [fe80::9142:b19d:a6d0:d31d%14]:389 WORK-SERVER:19896 ESTABLISHED
    TCP [fe80::9142:b19d:a6d0:d31d%14]:389 WORK-SERVER:19902 ESTABLISHED
    TCP [fe80::9142:b19d:a6d0:d31d%14]:389 WORK-SERVER:24754 ESTABLISHED
    TCP [fe80::9142:b19d:a6d0:d31d%14]:389 WORK-SERVER:36936 ESTABLISHED
    TCP [fe80::9142:b19d:a6d0:d31d%14]:389 WORK-SERVER:36944 ESTABLISHED
    TCP [fe80::9142:b19d:a6d0:d31d%14]:389 WORK-SERVER:36946 ESTABLISHED
    TCP [fe80::9142:b19d:a6d0:d31d%14]:389 WORK-SERVER:41165 ESTABLISHED
    TCP [fe80::9142:b19d:a6d0:d31d%14]:389 WORK-SERVER:56317 ESTABLISHED
    TCP [fe80::9142:b19d:a6d0:d31d%14]:389 WORK-SERVER:56319 ESTABLISHED
    TCP [fe80::9142:b19d:a6d0:d31d%14]:389 WORK-SERVER:59239 ESTABLISHED
    TCP [fe80::9142:b19d:a6d0:d31d%14]:389 WORK-SERVER:59243 ESTABLISHED
    TCP [fe80::9142:b19d:a6d0:d31d%14]:389 WORK-SERVER:59244 ESTABLISHED
    TCP [fe80::9142:b19d:a6d0:d31d%14]:389 WORK-SERVER:59245 ESTABLISHED
    TCP [fe80::9142:b19d:a6d0:d31d%14]:389 WORK-SERVER:59258 ESTABLISHED
    TCP [fe80::9142:b19d:a6d0:d31d%14]:389 WORK-SERVER:59262 ESTABLISHED
    TCP [fe80::9142:b19d:a6d0:d31d%14]:389 WORK-SERVER:59263 ESTABLISHED
    TCP [fe80::9142:b19d:a6d0:d31d%14]:389 WORK-SERVER:59327
    A HEAP MORE IPv6 but msg too long
    I have noticed currently using the Cisco Gigabit switch the network will last 24-48 hours.
    3th April
    I have tested a 10/100 16port netgear and the network lasted for 5+ Days.
    8th April
    I noticed network and sharing centre icon has no exclaimation mark looked normal.. so on server I tried to open google website.
    I pinged loopback. was ok
    Ping the modem and not ok.
    So I restarted the adsl modem. Within a minute server resumed internet..
    I am unsure if the router caused this dropout. And my thinking spans now using a maximum speed of 100mbps it has taken 5 days to drop. WHY is this?
    Either the modem is causing this. Or its the server nic running at only 100mbps
    Does it make any sence?
    Can a nic on server cause a drop only to restart the gateway to make it startup again.
    From my post do you think the port on the gateway is flaky? As you said maybe too much for it to handle.
    The modem has 4 lan ports.
    Would it make sence to connect more than 1 lan cable from switch to modem?

    Make sure you have the latest ROM bios and proliant support pack.
    Install the rom bios, then easiest to boot the HP smartstart to prepare for operating system deployment, then install the complete PSP next.
    Regards, Dave Patrick ....
    Microsoft Certified Professional
    Microsoft MVP [Windows]
    Disclaimer: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties or guarantees , and confers no rights.

  • Network dropping with WRT54GS

    The network drops 3-4 times daily.  Got this router, as an upgrade from the B, about 2 months ago. 
    The only way to get the network back is to unplug all cables, pull the power, let it reset, then do a repair on the Local area Connection.
    I am securing it with a WEP key, it has a SSID, other than that if you can help me I can give more information.
    It drops for all three computers on the network.  The desktop is physically connected, and the two laptops are wirelessly connected.
    Please help this extremely frustrating.
    EDIT --> it's version 6
    Message Edited by dwharmsway on 05-29-200710:16 AM

    I'm having the same problem on my end.
    This has been a problem with Linksys routers for some years now. First one I had back in 2002/2003 had the same problems and they never were resolved.
    It shocks me that they still suffer from this. I have not used routers for the last 3 years and when I decided to get one I went for Linksys because I like their interfaces. I figured they had fixed that problem from back then.
    Seems they haven't as I have to unplug my cables at random intervals for the network to work again.
    It just dies without any warning, kills the internet connection and the network in general.
    Seems I will have to return this junk and get myself another kind of wireless router. I am using version 6 of it btw.
    Any suggestions that won't ruin me?
    Message Edited by jobs on 05-31-200706:50 AM
    Message Edited by jobs on 05-31-200706:50 AM

  • After installing Mountain Lion on my MBP Retina, WiFi connection drops frequently (not happening to other devices around); it also takes a lot to reconnect after wake up.

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    Is there a permanent fix I can use that I don't know about?  I was under the impression my AirPort Network "would just work"

    Since the Thunderbolt Display has been released I have seen this issue on literally hundreds of display/laptop combinations. With and without the extension cable. I have not found any logic around the issue, trying different usb/thunderbolt ports, different sleep settings, power settings. This is a legitmate issue that should be addressed and Apple is not addressing it -- or can't address it. BTW-There is NO reason to engineer a product with an extension cable needed to operate the peripheral. The only way to solve this is to burn a USB port on your laptop. I am fairly certain the issue is power related over the Thunderbolt bus. However, I have also experienced issues with USB3 hubs on macs. So maybe it is a larger power issue.
    Anyway, an Apple wired keyboard should just work out of the box.

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    Someone has just told me that you can download a repair??? Does anyone know anything about it? Help I'm due to leave the country next week and dont have time to send my phone away and get it back before I leave.

    You can try updating to iPhone firmware 1.1.4 to see if it helps resolve your issue if you haven't already.
    Connect your iPhone to your computer, open iTunes and click "Check for Update".
    Hope this helps,
    Nathan C.

  • Edge network dropping

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    Well firstly I would update to 1.1.4. Secondly, I often find that turning Airplane mode on and then off again re-established EDGE if it's been lost. My guess is that this is a carrier issue rather than the iPhone.

  • Internet sessions, VPN session, and connections dropping frequently

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    I believe the problem has to do with several MoCs (coax connections) listed on my router page, and these MoCs have names of other people on them. Until I noticed them a week ago, I had only seen one MoC belonging to me listed on the router connection page.
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    Pinging google.com, I get
    --- google.com ping statistics ---76 packets transmitted, 55 packets received, 27.6% packet lossround-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 31.282/39.339/48.217/3.548 ms
    Anyone seen this before and know how to get verizon to fix this?
    I have had nothing but problems with FIOS since getting it, and I have wasted a lot of time with their "customer support."

    I am sorry to hear about your connection problems. I have sent you a private message so we can get your information and look more deep into your connection.
    **If someones post has helped you, please acknowledge their assistance by clicking the red thumbs up button to give them Kudos. If you are the original poster and any response gave you your answer, please mark the post that had the answer as the solution**
    Notice: Content posted by Verizon employees is meant to be informational and does not supersede or change the Verizon Forums User Guidelines or Terms or Service, or your Customer Agreement Terms and Conditions or plan

  • HT204406 When I activate iTunes Match it goes through the process of analysing my library, then it matches a few songs but always then stops stating that the network dropped out - any ideas?

    When I activate iTunes Match it goes through the process of analysing my library, then it matches a few songs but always then stops stating that the network dropped out - any ideas?

    Bstarling wrote:
    I am unable to write down because the log is moving too quickly.
    Well, you don't have to write down anything. Just click on the message and copy it. Then paste it here, or in a text editor (eg, TextEdit). And you can enter a string like "Audio CD" (w/o the quote marks) in the filter and see only messages containing it.
    mds[71]: (Error) Server: Failed to register path "/Volumes/Audio CD"
    That's the metadata server, used by Spotlight. AFAIK, Spotlight does not index audio CDs, so what is this about? I don't know. Maybe it's the cause of what you observe; or maybe it's another symptom. Thinking again of the network issue… have you maybe installed some third-party software related to both Spotlight and the network (Searchlight perhaps)?

  • S20 Lan Network drops out after Windows 10 upgrade

    Upgrade went ok and everything seems to work ok, but the network drops out after some downloads. Adapter gets disabled and cannot be enabled unless i perform a reboot. The network adapter is a Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet. Installed the latest Lenovo System Update but that did not find any new drivers.

    The network speed went down from approx 50 Mbps to 1.8 Mbps after the upgrade! So it is surely a network driver problem.

  • Informatica services dropping frequently on linux

    Hi all,
    I've installed Informatica 9.0.1 version recently on my linux machine and it worked for couple of days. Now I've rebooted my linux server but my informatica services are dropping frequently. So my infa adminconsole is not working now.
    Can you please me to get resolve this issue?

    I would suggest you to go thru the logs , however there are chances that there are some other software updates that happened on this box. There might be a chance that Java got updated and as Informatica is completely SOA based it is not supporting this Version..... we can help you more if you post you log here

Maybe you are looking for