Wrt54g security

I am trying to secure my wireless router so that others are not able to use my network. Please help!

hi !
         I can help u in securing ur wireless n/w
open the setup page for the router
click on the wireless tab
u will c sub tab as "wireless security"
Click on wireless security & select security mode as "WEP "
WEP Encryption as 64 bit 10 hex digits
do not type any thing in Passphrase
U will c key 1,key 2, key3 n key 4
now next key 1 entered asny 10 digit numbers which u can remember
save setting
                         Now u done with the wireless security !
Network Security Administrator (EC Council)

Similar Messages

  • I changed my WRT54G security settings from WPA to WEP

    I changed my WRT54G security settings from WPA to WEP and now one of my latops (Dell 5100) will not connect wirelessly. It is using a linksys wireless-B notebook adapter. I am at a loss at how to reconnect this to my wireless network.

    Go to the setup page of the router on the wired computer and click on the Wireless tab,check the network name(SSID),change the Wireless Channel to 11-2.462 GHz,Keep the SSID broadcast enable and click on save settings...Click on the subtab Wireless Security and change the Security mode to WEP or WPA as per your requirement.If you are using WEP then,note down the KEY1 as the network key(case sensitive)...
    Now,on the laptops,delete the preferred network and then,try to connect the Wireless Network.

  • Instructions for setting WRT54GS security to WPA2? Can't find them anywhere.

    I'm an amateur at this, so please excuse this load of ignorant questions.
    I have 2 PC clients, both Dell Dimensions 3.2GHz 1GB RAM, Wireless-G adapters. OS is Windows XP SP2
    The router is a Linksys WRT54GS. I'm using the wireless ports only, at least when I'm not modifying the security settings. Then I use a temporary cable to connect one of the PC's to the router.
    I also have a TiVo DVR series 3 with a wireless adapter.
    The router came with a copy of Linksys Advisor. When I ran this software I was able to set the security level to WPA-Personal. However I could find no option to set the level to WPA2.
    I know the TiVo supports WPA2 because I saw the option when I was configuring it for WPA-personal.
    My question(s):
    Why doesn't EasyLink Advisor have an option to set the security level to WPA2? Is it just deficient, or does it check to see if the client PCs support WPA2 and disable the option if they don't?
    How would I go about checking if my PCs support WPA2?
    Finally, if I have to set the security to WPA2 manually, what is the procedure for doing this?
    It's pretty easy to see how this can be done on the router's little web server pages; but as soon as I set the security to WPA2 there, I'm going to lose wireless connections to the PCs and I won't be able to access the router.
    I know I can get there via a cable connection, but then what do I do? How do I set up my clients for WPA2?
    What's a real pain about all this is that the EasyLink Advisor gives hints on how to optimize performance on secured wireless systems. It advises going to WPA2! But its Wizard doesn't give the option to do that. Its offline help file is minimal - it just says "use the wizard" and that's it.
    The online help describes how to manually configure WPA but not WPA2. And the instructions for WPA are incomplete. They explain how to set up the router, but then do not explain how to use the enccryption keys when reconnecting client PCs. They just say to select the SSID in the wireless icon's connect menu, then click on connect. Where does the key go?
    Thanks for your time in reading this,
    Big Al Mintaka

    First of all, Windows XP SP2 can do WPA2, however it requires a patch.   Go to Microsoft Knowledge base, article ID=917021 and it will direct you to the patch.
    Sadly, the patch is not part of the automatic Windows XP updates, so lots of people are missing the patch.
    Additionally, be sure to give your network a unique SSID. Do not use "linksys". If you are using "linksys" you may be trying to connect to your neighbor's router. Also set "SSID Broadcast" to "enabled". This will help your computer find and lock on to your router's signal.
    As to why EasyLink Advisor works the way it does - I just don't know.
    To setup WPA2, you will first need to patch Windows XP, then, using a computer that is wired to the router, go into the router and change the encryption to "WPA2 - personal"  with  "AES".  Reboot modem and router.  You are correct that you will now loose your wireless connections until you update the settings in your wireless devices.
    Next go into your computers and likewise change the encryption to "WPA2 - personal"  (= WPA2 = PSK2 ).   (Note:  You do not necesarily need to specify "AES" in your computers (or Tivo), but if you are given a choice between TKIP and AES, choose AES.)
    To find these settings for your computers, go to the wireless software in your computer, and go to "Preferred Networks"  (sometimes called "Profiles" ).  There are probably a few networks listed. Delete any network named "linksys". Also delete any network that you do not recognize, or that you no longer use.  Delete your current network  (this will clear any old settings).  Reboot computer.  Return to "Preferred Networks" and enter your network info (SSID, encryption, and key). Then select your current network and make it your default network, and set it to automatic login. You may need to go to "settings" to do this, or you may need to right click on your network and select "Properties" or "settings".  Reboot computer.
    You will need to check the Tivo manual for how to change the Tivo to WPA2.

  • WRT54G Security setup

    I hope no one minds a question from an amateur.
    In the setup for my WRT54G, on the "Wireless" tab, under "Wireless Security," I'm not sure what to choose from the dropdown box for "Security Mode." It defaults to "Disable" and the choices are WPA-Preshared Key, WPA RADIUS, RADIUS and WEP.
    Should I choose one of these options? Am I running a security risk by leaving this set to the default?
    It appears that an explanation for this option was left out of the manual on the CD. The topics go from "Wireless Settings" on one page directly to "Wireless MAC Filter" on the next. Dang.
    Thanks in advance.

    In answer to some of your original questions:
    You are taking a risk if you don't secure your wireless system.  If your wireless is not secured, anyone in the area can log into your router and use your DSL line.  At a minimum, this wastes your bandwidth.  At a maximum, someone could send spam, visit child porn sites, distribute viruses, and give away copyrighted music  ---  all from a DSL account with your name on it!  So my advice is ... secure your system.
    RADIUS is a system designed for businesses, and requires special software, so home users do not normally use this.
    The general rule is that you should use the highest level of security that is supported by all the devices on your wireless network.
    For more information and suggestions about setting up wireless security, please see my previous post at:
    Message Edited by toomanydonuts on 10-28-200602:20 AM

  • WRT54G Security setting for an HP iPAQ 210 wireless

    I'm try to setup an HP iPAQ 210 wireless to connect to a WRT54G (Version 8.00.2)
    If the PDA and modem are set for WEP and a simple key, then the PDA connects OK.
    If I set the modem to WPA Personal + TKIP and set the PDA to WPA-PSK + TKIP, then the PDA fails to connect. I've tried other modes like WAP2 but to no avail.
    HP says it's the LinkSys WRT54G?
    Any ideas?

    When I checked out your iPAQ manual, I see that it was published just 10 days ago.  Since HP apparently just finished (or is still working on) the manual for your device, it would not supprise me if they were still working on the software for your device also.
    My first suggestion is to make sure you have all the latest updates and drivers for your iPAQ, especially any wireless drivers.
    Next, make sure that if the iPAQ has a software firewall, that you temporarily turn it off, and see if that will allow you to connect wirelessly.
    Next, make sure your WPA or WPA2 password or passphrase does not have any spaces in it.  Some Linksys routers have had trouble with spaces.
    Make sure the iPAQ is set to "Obtain an IP address automatically"  (sometimes called "DHCP automatic" )  and also set to "Obtain a DNS server address automatically".
    If the above does not fix your problem, then the next step would be to download and install (or re-install) the latest firmware into your router.  After a firmware upgrade, you must reset the router to factory defaults, then setup the router again from scratch.  If you saved a router configuration file, DO NOT use it.
    If you still cannot connect, then the next step would be to set your iPAQ to a fixed LAN IP address.  Try the following settings in the iPAQ:
    IP address:   (this assumes that your router is and that you are not using the .2  address elsewhere in your network)
    Subnet Mask:
    Default Gateway:
    DNS server:  (if this does not work, then use your true Internet DNS server address  -- this info can be found in your router.)
    Hope this helps.
    Please report back with your results.
    Message Edited by toomanydonuts on 01-31-2008 02:11 AM

  • WRT54GS Security Question

    Hi;  We currently have connected:  Our Server (just a desktop computer) connected to WRT54GS Wireless router, which is connected to a 16 port Switch.  I am trying to find out if we can just have someone access the wireless router for internet without being able to access our server? 

    Your router will not block any Wireless Computer to access your server if you have File and Printer Sharing Enabled...If you want the Wireless Clients to prevent accessing your server you have to setup permissions on your Server(it depends on your server/OS)...
    If you disable File and Printer Sharing on your server then no wireless client would have access to your server...

  • WRT54G Security Mass Confusion

    I'm very advanced computer wise, but very confused by wireless security. I have read countless instructions on securing my wireless connection, even a couple from Linksys, but each and every darn time, the instructions don't match my screen. That, or some error or warning stops my progress.
    I changed my SSID and passwords. Now none of my other computers can get Internet. I disabled SSID Broadcast (went back and enabled as well) trying to get other computers on board. I went through he Mac filter instructions, got lost some how, and I've even used the instructions from Linksys "Configuring a Non-Linksys Wireless Adapter with a Linksys Wireless Network." I couldn't get those instructions anywhere close to what was on my other computers screen (ncpa.cpl). That process went no place.
    Can someone please help here? Pointing me to Linksys instructions is not helping. I guess products change, but when it says to click on something that does not exist, DEAD in the water.
    I just don't know what I'm missing here. This should not be so freaking confusing.
    Please, please, can someone give me some step by step, SIMPLE instructions? Yes, setting up my Linksys for a secure connection, but my girls are going nuts because I've changed my settings and they can't get a connection. Crapppppollla!!
    Thank you,

    Well, the wireless security you can use depends on what clients you want to connect and what security they are able to use. The best is to setup WPA2...
    First: make sure you are running the most current firmware on your router. Check the download pages on the linksys website. Select your router model and hardware version (printed on the label underneath the router). It shows you a page with all available downloads for this router. Click firmware. It shows you the firmware version which you can download. Go to The router firmware is shown somewhere in the upper right corner. Other firmware version may be different and it is somewhere else if it is not there. Check the status tabs or the administration tabs and look for the firmware version. If you are not running the current version, download the current version from the server and upload the .bin file to your router through the firmware upgrade function in the administration tab.
    Second: setting up wireless security consists of several steps, some are optional:
    1. change the router password, i.e. the password for the router web configuration. This password is request when connecting to You can change it on the administration tab. You don't want anyone else access or change the configuration. For instance, the wireless encryption keys can be read in the configuration in plaintext. (O.K. This was not about wireless security, but the overall security of the router). Save the setting.
    2. Wireless tab. Change the SSID from linksys to something unique. It prevents a lot of confusion in case your neighbor buys a linksys router, too, and runs it out-of-the-box with the same SSID. Save the setting. (Leave the SSID broadcast enabled for the moment).
    3. Wireless security tab. Choose security mode "WPA2 Personal". Choose algorithms "TKIP+AES" unless all your clients can do AES. Enter a good preshared key into the field. 8-63 characters long. Leave the key renewal interval as it is. Save the setting.
    Now try to connect your wireless clients to your network. If you are using Windows Zero Configuration for your wireless card you simply have to connect the wireless to your SSID network and it will automatically ask you for the preshared key. Enter it twice and you should get connected. If not, please check that the wireless card in the computer is actually compatible with WPA/WPA2.
    After you verified that all computers in fact work, you may also do the following:
    4. turn off the SSID broadcast. You network name is not broadcasted. This is not really a security measure as the SSID name is always transmitted when there is wireless communication in your network. So the bad guy quickly finds the SSID anyway. It hides the network (the existence of the network ) from your neighbors, though, which use a normal wireless adapter. This may be a good or bad, depending on how you see it. It will prevent your neighbor from finding out which wireless channels are used in his proximity and select a channel which is free. Two access points running on channel 11 can cut down the maximum bandwidth well below half of the theoretical 54Mbit/s of a 11g router. It is thus good to know what channels are used. But then again, hardly anyone will bother checking the channels of other routers around you but will rather simply complain about the limited bandwidth...
    5. Wireless MAC address filter. This is another "security" measure. Again, as the MAC address is used for addressing in plaintext, it is quickly to pick up. You can configure all mac addresses of all wireless clients which are supposed to connect to your router in this list. The mac address is usually printed on the adapter or on the computer if it is built-in. You can use the list function in the wireless mac address list window and select all clients which are currently connected to add them to the list. If your network is protected with WPA2 and a good preshared key I would not bother with the MAC address filter. People cannot connect without the key anyway.

  • WRT54G security key??

    Yesterday, the wireless internet was fine until it suddenly disconnected. When I tried to connect, windows said the security setting was incorrect so i made sure it was WPA personal, tkip and when I entered the security key it said that the security settings were still incorrect!! How do i reconfigure my wireless internet?

    First check the Wireless Settings on your Router - Follow this link
    Once you know the Wireless Settings - 
    Assuming you have Windows Vista - Click Start >> Control Panel >> Network and Sharing Center >> Manage Wireless Networks, here remove all the networks present and close the Window...
    Click on Connect to a Network and try to re-connect to your Network, it should ask for your Network Key/Password, enter the correct password/network key and click Connect...
    It should connect...Once you are connected you should restart the computer, it should connect to Internet...

  • WRT54G Security question

    Hi everybody,
         So I have aquestion about wireless security and if I need to set up encryption. I am a cable internet subscriber so I am using the DCHP configuration on my router. I had to clone my mac address and I clicked the option to permit only the PC's whose MAC addresses are on the list. Since I couldn't get on to the internet with my laptop until I put in my MAC address for wireless use, does this mean that my network is already secure or do I need to set up WEP or some other authentication.

    You still need to setup your security.  Use WPA2 as it is more secured than WEP.
    Greetings from Northern Ontario, Canada

  • Wrt54gs & secure easy setup.

    For some time I had problems getting my router to see my WUSB54GS but after a couple of months  laying in the wardrobe I decided to dust it down and try again.
    reluctantly after a few hours it gave up and let me connect my two PCs together.  HAPPY DAYS.  The Internet was a bit slow on the second PC but it was working.  this PC could see and view the shared folders on the other but alas it couldnt see this one.
    I persisted until this morning when suddenly the 2nd PC could not connect.  I tried everything but it could see 3 or 4 other networks but not it's own.
    I eventually traced it down to the fact that the SSID was changed and the encryption method and key.  How did it change overnight with both PCs off?
    I ended up running the installation software again but when it asked for easy secure to be pressed then the lights all flashed, the yellow LED went out and now refuses to come on again!  the USB device says that the easy secure is not available.
    What have I done?  I'm used to working on PCs but networking is relatively new to me.  Switching firewalls off only reduced the internet to an absolute crawl and they still couldnt see each other.  all I wanted was a wifi connection to allow me to transfer files between PCs and maybe even run a LAN to game with but it's getting so difficult that I'm once again thinking of the wardrobe again or better still eBay.

    That means the SES feature of your router is active. Your router wireless settings are randomly generated by the router and not personalized. For example, your wireless network name (SSID) might be linksys_SES_187498 ......

  • WRT54G Security Problem

    When I secure my network connection it somehow resets to it being unsecured.

    Access the setup page of router ....
    Click on the Wireless tab on the Setup page- Here Wireless Network mode
    should be mixed- Provide any non linksys network name ....
    Name (SSID) box- Set wireless channel to 11- And wireless SSID
    broadcast should be Enabled and then click on "Save Settings" >>Now
    Click on the Sub tab under wireless > "Wireless Security" Change the
    Wireless security mode to "WEP/WPA"...have a note of the key ... click save settings ...

  • Toshiba laptop with Atheros AR5008X won't connect to Linksys WRT350N

    Please excuse the level of detail, but I believe you need a reasonably complete picture if you are to understand the problem well enough to give a complete answer.
    I have three N-compliant devices and several G-compliant devices on my network. I also have two routers, one being used an an access point. The first is a Linksys WRT350N; the second is a Linksys WRT54G. I have the G router connected as an access point so that I can reserve the N router for the N devices and achieve N speeds.
    N devices:
    Toshiba laptop; network adapter is Intel 4965AGN.
    Toshiba laptop; network adapter is Atheros AR5008X
    Lexmark Wireless printer
    Router settings:
    WRT350N: Security Mode WPA2 Personal; Encryption AES; Network Mode N-only; Radio Band 40MHz.
    WRT54G: Security Mode WPA Personal; Encryption AES; Network Mode Mixed
    The best I can recall, I set the WRT54G to WPA Personal instead of WPA2 Personal because one of the G-compliant devices did not list the WPA2 Personal setting -- but this is based on memory only.
    To reserve the WRT350N for the N devices and achieve N speeds, I set the Wireless Mode to N-only and Radio Band to 40MHz., and each router broadcasts its own unique SSID. Once I set everything up, I saw a substantial increase in the link speed reported by the Toshiba Connectivity Doctor (I realize there are issues about taking these numbers at face value, but let me continue). The Toshiba Connectivity Doctor reported WRT350N link speed at 130 Mbps and everything appeared to be working well.
    Until recently, no problems were apparent; the Toshiba Connectivity Doctor indicated the two laptops connected to the WRT350N at 130 Mbps, the printer connected to and printed via the WRT350N, and all G devices connected through the WRT54G. Recently, however, network performance declined and the Toshiba Connectivity Doctor indicated erratic link speeds ranging from 1 Mbps to 130 Mbps.
    I found through a little research that my quest to reserve the WRT350N router for N devices lacked one element: according to Linksys help for the router, setting the N Transmission Rate to anything other than Auto results in denying access to B/G clients.
    I set the N Transmission Rate to 270 Mbps (the highest setting). The Linksys printer works fine and the Toshiba Connectivity Doctor indicates a solid 130 Mbps link speed for the Toshiba laptop with the Intel 4965AGN adapter card.
    The other Toshiba (with the Atheros AR5008X adapter card), however, is now only able to connect to the WRT54G (the Toshiba Connectivity Doctor indicates a solid link speed of 54 Mbps to the G SSID). If I reset the WRT350N N Transmission Rate to Auto, the Toshiba with the Atheros card can once again connect to the N Router -- but the erratic link speeds and the network degradation returns also.
    I have verified that the Atheros AR5008X network adapter is N-compliant. There aren't many settings on the Atheros AR5008X adapter card configuration, but I can find no documentation on the Internet for this card.
    As far as I can determine, all firmware is up to date for both routers and all drivers are up to date for both adapter cards.
    I'd love to know what changed in the first place, but I'm more concerned with fixing this problem. Anyone have any ideas as to how I can get the Atheros adapter card to connect to the WRT350N with the N Transmission Rate set to something other than Auto?

    Atheros adapters using windows drivers wont work with N routers, ive read somewhere
    Download drivers at: http://www.atheros.cz.
    Updating wless adapter sometimes can affect your pc sound quality for some reason.
    Best call atheros for your concern
    or call Toshiba: TOSHIBA: 800-316-0920
    Example of adapters with windows driver that wont work with N routers:
    Atheros AR5008 Wireless Network Diver Windows 7(32/64-bit)
    Atheros AR5008 Wireless Network Diver Windows 7(32/64-bit)
    Atheros AR5008X Wireless Network Diver Windows 2000/XP(32/64-bit)
    Atheros AR5008X Wireless Network Diver Windows Vista(32/64-bit)
    Atheros AR5008X Wireless Network Diver Windows 2000/XP(32/64-bit)
    Atheros AR5008X Wireless Network Diver Windows 2000/XP(32/64-bit)
    Atheros AR5008X Wireless Network Diver Windows 2000/XP(32/64-bit)
    Atheros AR5008X Wireless Network Diver Windows 7(32/64-bit)
    Atheros AR5008X Wireless Network Diver Windows 7(32/64-bit)
    Atheros AR5xxx Series Wireless Network Driver Windows 2000/XP
    Atheros AR5xxx Series Wireless Network Driver Windows 98SE/Me/2000/XP
    Atheros AR5xxx Series Wireless Network Driver Windows 2000/XP
    Atheros AR5xxx Series Wireless Network Driver Windows 98SE/ME/2000/XP
    Atheros AR5xxx Series Wireless Network Driver Windows 2000/XP

  • How to set up a password or security using wireless g broadband router wrt54g

    Hello Everyone I have had my router for a while and a friend mentioned I should password protect my connection so other people can't lech off of my wireless connection. My roter is installed and connected to my main office computer and I only bought it so i could use my laptop around the house. Everytime I go to profile then secuirty settings and try to imput any password and hit ok. Well after I connect to my wireless profile it comes up with my router has no secuirty turned on at this point. Yet I read from many sites that my router which is model wrt54g has secuirty features. Could someone please help me figure out how to password protect my wireless connection. THank you

    Hit there exiledone1!
    If there'd be any computer which is working through the router, you could get into the router's User Interface without any problems then. You need to get to this page so that you'd be able to do necessary changes on it's wireless settings. would be the address, type this on the Address Bar of your Internet Explorer browser or Mozilla Firefox browser. If you'll be prompted for a login page, simply leave the username blank (or don't write anything on it) and your password would be admin. You'll be able to see the Wireless Tab once you'll be inside the page and below the Wireless Tab would be subtabs and one of them is Wireless Security. Just click on Wireless Security and you can choose WPA for your Security Mode. Just type in anything right on the WPA Pre-shared key field and this will then serve as your wireless password (a.k.a network key). Just make sure the length of the key would not be less than the count of 8 characters.

  • Network security - using two wireless WRT54G Routers

    I have lots of  ports on my router open for numerous family software applications that are all on one computer and I would like to isolate these risky activities from the rest of my network.
    I recently read I could use two routers, plug one router into another,  assign each a different starting IP address (such as and Then attach my at-risk PCs--to the router that's directly connected to my broadband modem, and all  other computers to the second router.
    Internet traffic to and from the unsafe PC area would then not reach my secure subnetwork at all.
    I currently use a WRT54G V5...does buying a second one and using it as described make sense? It sounds like a rather inexpensive way to add security to my network.
    I assume the second router gets connected from it's internet jack to one of the port jacks on the first router? Is there anything else that would need to be changed or set in either router to make this work?
    Can I please ask if u respond to try and keep your response at a level that a non expert could understand.....I would really appreciate it!
    Thanks for everyones advice!

    Thanks for the quick response....it is disappointing to see that I would lose the ability to share files......I  assume this is also true for printers as well??? Do you have another solution that you think would do a better job?
    Anyway I did get a rather detailed response on how to make it work and it's in a fashion that even I could understand.
    I thought I would share it in case anyone else had a interest to isolate a computer.
    With regards to your concern, the setup that you suggested does address your concern. With this setup, we are somehow creating two networks on your location. In this manner, the computer that needs the set of ports will not be part of the network of the second router thus, it will not be able to affect the other computers.
    With this type of setup, we will just have to leave the current settings of the WRT54G v5 (as long as its working properly this time). All we have to configure is the second router wherein we will have to change its LAN IP Address and also, configure its wireless settings in order for the said router to provide wired and wireless connection to all computers connecting to it. Please allow me to give you the steps.
    Once we have the second router available, please connect one of the computers straight to the second router using one of the four ports (Ethernet port). With the configuration, only the second router and the computer will be connected with each other.
    Before setting up the second router, I suggest that we do a hard reset on the router to make sure that it is on default settings and that we have a stable connection during the setup.
    Here’s how to do a reset:
    1. Locate the reset button of the router at the back panel.
    2. Hold the reset button for 30 seconds using a pen or a paper clip.
    3. Release the reset button.
    Configuring the Second Router:
    1. Go to your desktop and double click on Internet Explorer (Located on the Start Menu in Windows XP).
    2. When "Internet Explorer" opens type into the "Address" bar and click on Go.
    3. The "Enter Network Password" window will appear.
    4. Skip user name and type admin (admin is the default password) as the password, and click OK.
    5. Go to Wireless Tab.
    6. Change SSID (e.g. Vic or your name or last name).
    7. Change channel to 11.
    8. Hit save Settings.
    9. Click on the sub tab Wireless Security.
    10. Set the Security Mode to WEP.
    Using pass phrase Encryption Level 40/64bit (10 hex digits):
    1. Type a pass phrase.
    2. Click Generate.
    3. Copy key1 on a piece of paper (10hex character).
    4. Hit Save Settings.
    For using manual key entry Encryption Level 40/64bit (10 hex digits)
    1. Under Key 1 type a 10 digit character from A-F and 0-9 (e.g.: A0B3F58C9E, 0123456789, ABCDEFABCD).
    2. Hit Save Settings.
    3. Click on the Setup Tab.
    4. Change the Local IP Address to "".
    5. Click “Save Settings”.
    Finishing the Connection:
    1. Shut down all computers.
    2. Unplug the power from the back of both routers.
    3. Unplug the power from the modem.
    4. Wait for 30 second.
    5. Connect the WRT54G v5 router (using its Internet Port) to the Cable Modem.
    6. Connect the WRT54G v5 (using one of the four Ethernet ports) to the second router (using its Internet/WAN port).
    7. Power up the modem.
    8. Wait for the lights to stop blinking.
    9. Power up the routers.
    10. Start up your computer.

  • Unable to change wireless security settings on WRT54GS v5.1

    I'm using a WRT54GS v.5.1 with the latest firmware (v1.50.9).
    Set this up this weekend - all was fine until last night when the router stopped broadcasting the signal. I've reset the modem countless times and powered it down and back on again.
    The router is now working fine - but I'm unable to change any of the wireless security settings. When I try to change the setting under Wireless > Wireless Security to WEP, it just jumps back to Disable and no changes can me made. Same situation when trying to enable a Wireless MAC Filter?
    Any ideas? I don't want to use the router without any security in place!

    you can try to upgrade the firmware of your.
    try this link :
    make sure to select the correct model and version of your router. if you cant see the model # of your router as one of the downloads, you will need to have the router replace (hope you'll not).
    hope this help.
    ~ lyf_R_foeittee ;o) ~~

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