Wrt54g v4 lost communication every day

Hi ,
Some help please!!.
I have two cases both usung router WRT54G V4 in different places. Both routers lose communication any time during the day, the solution unplug ad plug again the power in the router. After seconds everything works normally. But is not normal the communication gets lost  and either I need restart the router to recover it. One of them is critical because it is losing communication every 2 or 3 hours, the other only one time during the day. What can I to do before to think in the idea of changing my wireless router for other brand???
Any idea is welcome!!

You can try upgrading the router's firmware.Check this link for how to upgrade the router's firmware.

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    Did you check for History > Recently Closed Tabs/Windows ?
    You need to place sessionstore.js in the profile folder and thus have to rename sessionstore.bak to sessionstore.js
    Firefox copies sessionstore.js to sessionstore.bak at the start of a session to make it possible to use "History > Restore Previous Session" to restore that session at any time.

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    Maybe you changed your router settings(Access Restriction or so)...Just reset the router to factory defaults...
    Press and hold the reset button for 30 seconds...Release the reset button...Unplug the power cable from your router, wait for 30 seconds and re-connect the power cable...Now re-configure your router...
    Also disable any firewalls, security softwares on the computer before trying to access the setup page...

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    For PC it is important the wireless has names that are compatible.. short.. like 10 characters.. but 2-20 is fine. no spaces.. and pure alphanumeric.
    Use WPA2 personal only.. with pure alphanumeric password .. again 10-20 characters should be fine.
    The latest firmware is a dud. Go back to 7.6.1
    Open the airport utility.. click on the TC and holding the option key click the actual version number..
    Go back to 7.6.1 is simple.. just select it and away it will go.. ignore future requests for upgrade.. you can also tell the utility not to check weekly for updates. You will need 5.6 utility for this I think..
    So do the firmware downgrade.
    Then do a factory reset and follow the name information above.. for TC name as well btw.. wireless name/s and disk share name.. which by default is data and that is fine.
    So some instructions in...
    The Factory Reset.
    Power down the TC.
    Hold in reset. and keep holding it in. Be Gentle! It is a tiny surface mount switch with a plastic lever.. Attempting to push it out the other side of the TC will not make the switch turn on better.
    (I fix TC and have several reset levers bent over and jammed or broken off).
    Power on the TC.. remember with the reset held in.. this needs three arms.. a friend or power switch you can get to with your feet..
    Keep holding in reset for about 10sec until the front LED flashes rapidly.
    Release reset and wait .. the boot will be slow as it deletes previous setting.. only from router side and pulls out the factory defaults. No files are deleted on the hard disk.. but the name of the TC may change.
    How to load 5.6 into ML.
    1. Download 5.6 for Lion.
    Click to open the dmg but do not attempt to install the pkg.. it won't work anyway.
    Leave the package open on the desktop so you can see the file. AirportUtility56.pkg
    2. Download and install unpkg.
    Run unpkg on the desktop.. If your Mac refuses to run the software, because it wasn’t downloaded from the Apple store, go to security in preferences and allow other software to work.. this is limitation of trade methinks. You can set back later if you like.
    Now drag the AirPortUtility56.pkg file over to unpkg.. and it will create a new directory of the same name on the desktop.. in finder, open the new directory, drill down.. applications, utilities .. there lo and behold is Airport utility 5.6 .. drag it to your main utilities directory or just run it from current location.
    You cannot uninstall version 6 (now 6.3 if you updated) so don't try.. and you cannot or should not run them both at the same time.. although I have had no problems when doing so.
    You can also load airport utility into a pc and get access to all the settings.  Untick the box for firmware updates.. it will still bug you occasionally.. regardless of the setting.. just ignore it..
    You might still need to do the occasional reboot of the TC as well.

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    with user, who has mailbox 1,5 Gb and about 3-5 min with user, who has mailbox 150 Mb.
    When outlook hangs, owa logon also hangs and then they start working simultaneously.
    It doesn't depend on the server where I try to run owa. I tried to move mailbox to new database, but it didn't resolve my problem.
    There are no any scheduled tasks on exchange servers at this time. No performans issues. Maybe some problems of connectivity with AD, but I don't see any suspicious event.

    It sounds like mailbox curroption. I'd suggest you move those two mailboxes to another mailbox database, and then try againt to see if this works.
    We may also try New-MailboxRepairRequest. For more information, please refer to:
    Hope it is helpful.
    Fiona Liao
    TechNet Community Support

  • My app seems to consume an enormous amount of API calls every day? Please help!

    I am tired and sad and frustrated here, and feel like a total moron. I am very sorry if my post is too long and not very well put together, but im beggin anyone with some experience here to please give me some advice.
    I am currently testing out a app I have created to let people add events, search for events, comment on and get notified about changes in events they have signed up for. I have used Azure Mobile Service for this, and it all seems to have worked well. This is
    mostly a learning app for me, since I am very much a noob.
    Now we are nearing launch of the app, and I have started to look at the numbers in Azure. I am on the free version right now, where 16k api calls a day are free (will move to priced tier on launch) - but the numbers look completely off the hook here!
    Every day 2-3 devices seem to run up 600-700 API calls. I do run the testing app hard, of course, but I guess some user might do that to.
    So - 4% of the daily free calls are consumed by 3 devices. That means 33 users could fill the quota, and the first paid tier only gives room for 300 users.
    Am I reading something wrong here? Is my app then not viable? I think it, even with my noobness, has a potentil to get a few thousand users. Does that mean Im gonna have to go to the top tier? Because I can not afford that.
    Over to the stack part of the question:
    I log the user in, I create the tables, and then when they hit search I do something like this:
    eventenItemList = await eventenTable.Take (200).Where (item => item.Dateandtimeend >= DateAndTimeIn).
    Where (item => item.Dateandtime <= DateAndTimeInEnd).
    Where (item => item.Fylke == fylke).
    Where (item => item.Pris <= MaksPris).ToListAsync ();
    I would expect that to be a single API-call, but it seems to run up tens of calls - just there? How is that possible?
    When the user is not in the app, I run a background service in Android that goes through a local db of events the user has created and then checks against the db for any changes to them. I do that like this:
    var table = db.Table<MyEvents> ();
    foreach (var e in table) {
    eventenItemList = await eventenTable.Where (item => item.Id == e.EventId).ToListAsync ();
    if (eventenItemList.Count == 0) {
    } else {
    //I here notify the user that something new is up - and what it is. Time changed, comments or whatever.
    Im guessing this is stupid of me, since it probably makes one API call for each loop here? But in the numbers it just seems to do 2 calls - like I expect it to.
    I am horribly lost here, people. I ran around a hundred random clicks around the app this evening - and racked up over 1500 api calls. I have been cold sweating since that. Any advice or info about how this api call-system works would be very much appreciated.

    Replying here in case someone else stumbles upon this post. This question was handled on SO:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/28685710/app-consumes-an-extreme-amount-of-api-calls-in-azure

  • Disconnecting roughly at the same time every day.

    I hope I have posted this in the right forum.
    I have a homehub 5 and I am currently on BT Infinity 2.
    Every day between 17:00-17:20 my router disconnects and reboots itself. I've noticed in the Boot section of the Hub's Event Log the words "Watchdog Reset". Is there a problem with my router?
    The disconnects happen whether I'm using the internet or not.
    Below is an small portion of the HH5 boot log.
    Time and date Message
    18:21:52, 11 Feb.
    ( 37.750000) System up, firmware version: (Type A)
    18:21:32, 11 Feb.
    ( 18.040000) System start
    18:16:36, 10 Feb.
    ( 36.530000) System up, firmware version: (Type A)
    18:16:17, 10 Feb.
    ( 17.700000) System start
    18:16:17, 10 Feb.
    ( 17.700000) Boot reason: watchdog reset
    18:05:55, 08 Feb.
    ( 38.090000) System up, firmware version: (Type A)
    18:05:35, 08 Feb.
    ( 17.820000) System start
    18:00:35, 07 Feb.
    ( 36.460000) System up, firmware version: (Type A)
    18:00:16, 07 Feb.
    ( 17.750000) System start
    17:55:09, 06 Feb.
    ( 36.290000) System up, firmware version: (Type A)
    17:54:50, 06 Feb.
    ( 17.600000) System start
    17:49:22, 05 Feb.
    ( 36.900000) System up, firmware version: (Type A)
    17:49:03, 05 Feb.
    ( 17.540000) System start
    17:43:40, 04 Feb.
    ( 37.050000) System up, firmware version: (Type A)
    17:43:20, 04 Feb.
    ( 17.110000) System start
    17:38:10, 03 Feb.
    ( 37.450000) System up, firmware version: (Type A)
    17:37:50, 03 Feb.
    ( 17.910000) System start
    17:32:59, 02 Feb.
    ( 34.710000) System up, firmware version: (Type A)
    17:32:40, 02 Feb.
    ( 15.230000) System start
    Any ideas what is causing this and how I can fix it?
    I've also put router info at the end of this post.
    Ian Brooks
    1. Product name:
    BT Home Hub
    2. Serial number:
    3. Firmware version:
    Software version (Type A) Last updated 16/01/15
    4. Board version:
    BT Hub 5A
    5. DSL uptime:
    0 days, 02:43:45
    6. Data rate:
    20000 / 78563
    7. Maximum data rate:
    21879 / 78549
    8. Noise margin:
    6.3 / 6.6
    9. Line attenuation:
    9.7 / 10.8
    10. Signal attenuation:
    9.6 / 10.8
    11. Data sent/received:
    7.4 MB / 61.8 MB
    12. Broadband username:
    [email protected]
    13. BT Wi-fi:
    14. 2.4 GHz Wireless network/SSID:
    15. 2.4 GHz Wireless connections:
    Enabled (802.11 b/g/n (up to 144 Mb/s))
    16. 2.4 GHz Wireless security:
    17. 2.4 GHz Wireless channel:
    Automatic (Smart Wireless)
    18. 5 GHz Wireless network/SSID:
    19. 5 GHz Wireless connections:
    Enabled (802.11 a/n/ac (up to 1300 Mb/s))
    20. 5 GHz Wireless security:
    21. 5 GHz Wireless channel:
    Automatic (Smart Wireless)
    22. Firewall:
    23. MAC Address:
    24. Modulation:
    G.993.2 Annex B
    25. Software variant:
    26. Boot loader:

    mr_maximus wrote:
    I dont have an answer for you unfortunately. But I am experiencing the same kind of problem. Maybe sharing this may help.
    Last week I noticed that my router was disconnecting every night at around 9:00pm. 
    Since last weekend it has changed its routine and now disconnects at around 11:00pm. I have also had the watchdog reset message in the log but only once.
    see my post https://community.bt.com/t5/BT-Infinity-Speed-Connection/Night-time-disconnections-and-watchdog-rese...
    Around the time of the disconnection, my hub also seems to go back by an hour, and then resets the time to the correct time after NTP sync. see below. Does yours do this?
    00:06:09, 11 Feb.
    ( 129.030000) NTP synchronization success!
    23:07:13, 10 Feb.
    ( 176.200000) CWMP: session completed successfully
    23:07:12, 10 Feb.
    ( 176.020000) CWMP: HTTP authentication success from https://pbthdm.bt.mo
    23:07:11, 10 Feb.
    ( 174.270000) CWMP: Server URL: https://pbthdm.bt.mo; Connecting as user: ACS username
    23:07:11, 10 Feb.
    ( 174.260000) CWMP: Session start now. Event code(s): '4 VALUE CHANGE'
    23:07:10, 10 Feb.
    ( 173.890000) CWMP: Initializing transaction for event code 4 VALUE CHANGE
    23:06:34, 10 Feb.
    ( 137.410000) CWMP: session completed successfully
    23:06:34, 10 Feb.
    ( 137.230000) CWMP: HTTP authentication success from https://pbthdm.bt.mo
    00:05:56, 11 Feb.
    ( 116.150000) CWMP: Server URL: https://pbthdm.bt.mo; Connecting as user: ACS username
    Also, do you see any of the CWMP messages like the one in my log, happening at around the same time?
    I suspect that these CWMP are somehow triggering the disconnections, and it has something to do with the last firmware update that happened mid-January.
    Someone suggested that I should perform a factory reset of the hub.
    I'm a little reluctant to do so as this turns the openwifi service back on as default, and in the past I have had problems restoring my backed up settings. as the saved config file was corrupted.
    I am considering giving the factory reset a go when I have some time at the weekend.  
    You may want to give it a go also.
    Yes, it seems I have the CWMP messages as well.
    I have just done a factory reset on my home hub 5 and will keep an eye on it over the next few days.
    Thanks for your reply.

  • The new firefox twitter app is great - except it disappears every time I shut down the computer and I have to remove and then reinstall it every day!?? I am working on an iMac - if that is causing the problem ...? Thanks.

    The new firefox twitter app (mini tab on left of page) is great - except it disappears every time I shut down the computer and I have to remove and then reinstall it every day!?? It won't appear on the page until I do. I am working on an iMac - if that is causing the problem ...? Thanks.

    Eustace, thank you so much for writing back.  I will try what you suggested!!
    thx for your reply - apparently when I went to the Apple store a long time ago, they restore maybe photos and itunes etc from my external hard drive (passport).  I guess at that time they reinstalled an earlier operating system than my macbook came with and that somehow corrupted FileVault.  apparently there was no sparse bundle (whatever that is) for my old admin account and they said that ever since the install of the older OS that it was actually NEVER backing up anything in my admin account.
    Then, I bought Time Capsule and starting backing up to that instead.  I started having problems with it being slow etc and then StartUp Disk full errors and didn't know what to do, so I "Restored" from Time Capsule and that's when I lost everything in my Admin account and was locked out when I tried to log in - it said File Vault error ..."
    anyway - that's THAT sad story.  I was told to create a new admin account and I've basically been trying to start over - even though I have a partial save of my computer in Crash Plan and I DO see a sparse bundle listed in there, but I just don't know enough about computers to know if it's something I can get back or if I am just totally doomed. 
    I'm afraid to reinstall anything because if there is even a remote shot that the other files are still floating around in my computer, I feel like that chance will be shot forever.  I need to hire McGee from NCIS, I just KNOW he could get those files back for me!!!

  • I'm losing 2GB of free disk space every day. How can I prevent this?

    Every day this week I notice that I lose about 2GB of free disk space on my MacBook Pro. I'm now down to 20GB. When I started the week, I had over 30GB. I haven't installed any new programs of signficance. I store my large documents (photos, music, movies) on an external hard disk. While the MBP is not giving me problems, performance-wise, I'm concerned about the constant loss of free space.
    I checked the size of my sleepimage and swapfile in /private/var/vm and they appear to be normal. The sleepimage size remains constant at 4.29GB and there is only one swapfile that is using 67.1 megs.
    I don't seem retain disk space even after clearing the User and System caches, repairing permissions, and restarting my computer.
    I checked my recent Console messages and here is a short snippet:
    5/13/10 9:49:04 AM com.apple.launchd.peruser.514[285] (com.shirtpocket.backuponmount) Throttling respawn: Will start in 9 seconds
    5/13/10 9:49:13 AM osascript[3781] Error loading /Library/ScriptingAdditions/Adobe Unit Types.osax/Contents/MacOS/Adobe Unit Types: dlopen(/Library/ScriptingAdditions/Adobe Unit Types.osax/Contents/MacOS/Adobe Unit Types, 262): no suitable image found. Did find:
    /Library/ScriptingAdditions/Adobe Unit Types.osax/Contents/MacOS/Adobe Unit Types: no matching architecture in universal wrapper
    5/13/10 9:49:13 AM com.shirtpocket.backuponmount[3781] osascript: OpenScripting.framework - scripting addition "/Library/ScriptingAdditions/Adobe Unit Types.osax" declares no loadable handlers.
    5/13/10 10:31:20 AM PreferenceSyncClient[4405] Preference plist was NOT a dictionary.
    I reviewed my Login Items and there doesn't seem to be anything out of the ordinary there that could be chewing up disk space.
    Rogue Amoeba Schedule Helper
    VMware Fusion Helper
    Lastly, I did a search in Finder using the following criteria and came up empty:
    Kind is Any
    File visibility = Visible or Invisible
    Last modified date is within last 5 days
    Size is greater than 10 MB

    Yes, I'm running TechTool Pro 5 and it definitely looks like the Data Recovery feature is causing the disk space to be lost. I see lots of recent dates under the Directory Backups list. Looking at the Help guide, I haven't yet found how to turn this feature off.

  • I have to log in EVERY DAY to use Office

    Office 365 used to work fine.
    Now, it makes me log in every day. It always says my computer is added to my account.
    I only have two computers, and use both every day.
    This problem only occurs on my Win8.1 machine.
    My Windows 7 machine works fine.
    John Marvin

    It always says my computer is added to my account.
    It will be great that if you can provide the complete error message/alert here, so that it will be easy for us to understand the issue.
    Are you using a Microsoft account or an Origanization account for your Office 365?
    Ethan Hua
    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
    Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT), which is developed by Microsoft Support teams. Once the tool is installed, you can run it at any time to scan for hundreds of known issues in Office

  • Restart every day time capsule (DHCP)

    My time capsule worked pefect until a few days ago. From now on I have to restart almost every day my "time Capsule". Because it lost the connection with my provider.
    After the restart it works again perfectly for about 24:00 hr.
    I thought it could be due to the IP. I have a DHCP connection. But the IP of the provider changes only every 06 months and on my capsule i still have the correct IP.
    Aditional information I upgraded the firmware also a few day ago.
    Is there some one who have the same problem?

    My time capsule worked pefect until a few days ago. From now on I have to restart almost every day my "time Capsule". Because it lost the connection with my provider.
    After the restart it works again perfectly for about 24:00 hr.
    I thought it could be due to the IP. I have a DHCP connection. But the IP of the provider changes only every 06 months and on my capsule i still have the correct IP.
    Aditional information I upgraded the firmware also a few day ago.
    Is there some one who have the same problem?

  • Why does a "Today" smart folder appear in Mail and How do I Keep it from Reappearing Every Day?

    I use two Macs daily, each running 10.9.2. On my home machine, every day at 12 AM, a smart folder called "Today" appears in Mail. I delete it, and the following midnight, another instance appears; lather, rinse repeat. I can see no control that will prevent its zombielike reappearance. I never asked for it or sought it out, it just keeps reappearing. On my work machine, which is left on 24 x 7 (as my home machine is five days a week), nothing of the sort occurs.
    Why, Apple, why? Why, Apple community, why? I can find no documentation And why is the behavior different on two machines, both updated to 10.9.2 from previous versions, on none of which did this brain-eating behavior occur?
    For what it's worth, I have an Exchange IMAP account and two (2) POP accounts on each machine.

    I recently moved most of my accounts to another mail client, deleted all my mail related stuff from Library including the entire V2 folder, restarted fresh then just have icloud account in there. I have the smart box. Maybe it is an icloud smartbox? Do you have icloud in Mail?

  • EA6500 - hangs every day, must power cycle

    I bought a EA6500 a few weeks ago, and so far this has been a terrible experience.
    Physical setup
    At home, I have a cable modem working as a bridge. No NATing, just a media conversion from Coax to RJ45 ethernet. Thus the EA6500 has an official IP on it's WAN interface.
    On my first attempt to install it I had to give up after an hour. The fancy setup program on the CD never found the router, and I had some work to do. Thus, I reconnected my old router to get reconnected to the internet.
    Five days ago I finally found the time to give it another go. Once again, the setup program on the CD had a hard time finding the router. When it finally found it, I could never finish the configuration routine. I supplied all the information needed, and the progress bar grew to 60% and then the setup program said it couldn't finish the install. This happened on every attempt. I disabled my antivirus and firewall, but no success. I tried to connect using a cable instead of WLAN - no success. It appears that the Setup program relies on WLAN only to get access to the router.
    The first time I got a successful connection between my PC and the EA6500, the router asked me to download and install an updated firmware. This worked OK, even though the config was not 100% successful. Thus I guess the router is running the most current firmware. I can't verify this right now as I am at work.
    After a while I tried to access the router's web interface directly without completing the setup program. This way, I was finally able to finish the router config and get access to the internet. During the web config the connection to internet came and went several times.
    After finishing the config, I downloaded the Smart WiFi app to my iPhone 4s and could connect to the router. This seem to work OK when I do have an internet connection. The problem is that the router freezes every day, sometimes 2-3 times a day and all internet connection is lost for my entire home network.
    When this happens, all LAN lights kind of dim down without disappearing completely, and the router is nonresponsive. The link light on my cable modem (a bridge, not a router) dies, indicating that the link was lost. I have to use the power switch to turn the router off/on for it to wake up and resume it's work.
    More often than not, the router has frozen when noone has used the network. As net use is usually limited to afternoons and evenings, the router is more often than not just idling when it freezes.
    The router can not be said to be stressed or working hard. So far I have only used it to surf for news (2 iPads, 2 phones, three PCs) and stream a couple of movies using Netflix. No torrents or other connection intensive programs have been used. No USB-disks are attached.
    What to do?
    Can anyone give me a hint as to where I should start looking. I don't have the time for days of diagnostics work. If I can't get the router to work anytime soon I will return it and my more than 10 year long Linksys relationship is most likely over. Trust is a  fresh commodity, and my trust in Linksys is about to pass it's best before date due to several bad experiences the last year...

    I believe your router is acting that way because the initial installation was not successful. I've had the same issue having a modem-router connected with my Linksys router. It is possible that even if your modem-router is already set to bridge mode, it is still using a Private IP (which is the WAN IP of the router). If the modem-router is using a Private IP, it will cause a conflict with the Private IP Address of the Linksys router. I would suggest you reset the router to factory defaults and reconfigure it manually by accessing the router page.
    You check this link. You will need to agree and continue with an open network before you can open the Router password page.
    If you have wireless dropping connection in your network, I suggest you check this link.
    Hope this helps!

  • Payent reminder emails every day. Please stop

    When someone cancels their phone service, it is probably because they don't want it anymore.  STOP FREAKING SENDING ME EMAILS.   I know I canceled my service and I do not need a "reminder" every day from you freaking people.  IF you continue to do this, I will totally cancel ALL MY SKYPE  accounts, delete it from my computer and suggest to all my friends to do the same.  You are freaking out of your mind if you think I need to be told EVERYDAY  that I don't have a phone number anymore.  GET REAL

    Please try cancelling your payment agreement with Skype:
    Sign in to your Skype web account page at http://www.skype.com/go/myaccount
    In the "Account details" section in the middle of the page follow the link "Billing & Payments"
    Click "Stored payment details"
    Cancel your payment agreement there
    Follow the latest Skype Community News
    ↓ Did my reply answer your question? Accept it as a solution to help others, Thanks. ↓

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