WRT54G V7 (WLAN issue)

I have my desktop pc connected to this router, eveyrthing works fine. when i connect a laptop (USB adaptor from LinkSys) the laptop says it can find the access point, but no connection, then in a few secs, it says internet found, but then what happens is the connection breaks...desktop loses the connection to the router resulting in no internet, and the WLAN LED on the router also turns off.. I have Static IP on the desktop(before i had automatically get IP), but now i changed... please help!

i tried this...but the same problem...
the wirless network was found the internet works for 40 sec then stops...also the desktop stops communicating with the gateway's IP...
like if i ping the laptop..its...ok..but if i ping the router's ip from desktop or laptop..it says time out..
it seems that for some specific time the router stops broadcasting the internet...because the desktop can access the laptop and vice versa...
also the default router page stops top open..until i trun the router off and back on again
if see the status on the laptop...he actovoty shows constand send and recive in the packets...and the small monitor icon is on constantly...
what about?

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    Having checked my router I noticed the Power light is on for 5-10 secs and then flashes  causing with it the WLAN light to go out until the power light comes back on. Because this happens the network connection cannot connect.
    Can anyone help and tell me how to resolve this problem?

    Had you experienced any power outage or a power surge before the problem occurred? You can also try resetting the router by pressing the reset button at the back of the router for 30 seconds. After reseting the router powercycle the router for 30 seconds and then reconfiguring it for your internet connection.

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    But since the iOS6 upgrade the WLAN connects itself in about 5 seconds from that I wake the iPhone from "sleep".
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    I dont think it works correctly GSPEARSON as changing my BTID password had no effect on my email password.  The BTID password was changed on numerous occasions during trouble shooting with no effect.  The only way to actually change my email password I found was using the password change feature under manage emails after switching my default email address to another.  This password change feature is not available to the default email account only other owned addresses.
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  • N97 mini WLAN-Issues after 12.0.110-Update

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    I can usually connect once, for a short time, for one action. (Like synch Favourites with OVI-Maps). After that no chance any more for several minutes.
    When i go to connectivity-wlan it says "no wlan available", even after rescan.
    I simply have to wait for half an hour, then i can connect again, for one action.
    Anybody having the same issue?
    Go to Solution.

    Same problem here.  Just upgraded to the N97 Mini from the E61.
    I first noticed it in the pre-installed Podcasting (which I listen to 2+ hours a day).  Downloads seem to hang after about 10-15 meg of the download is complete.  I then noticed it in Ovi when trying to download a video and it would hang during the download as well.
    In Podcasting, I have to keep the connection manager open so I can disconnect the connection, then reconnect again in Podcasting.  It is very frustrating as an hour long podcast takes three cycles to complete!  Please help us Nokia!
    In Ovi - you just can not download large files.
    BTW - I have a D-Link Router in case there seems to be some type of compatibility issue?  No way to test on another WLAN connection at this point.
    This is the only major issue that I have identified so far since owning the phone (unless one counts that the phone is absent an automatic polisher/fingerprint remover).
    Patient for now - waited to buy this phone instead of getting an eye-moan.  Please fix the WLAN issue.

  • E-70 WLAN Issues

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    Firmware: 1.0610.05.07 30-05-06 RM-10 Nokia E70
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    Nokia E-70 Firmware ver 1.0610.05.07 30-05-06 RM-10

    Just to confirm that there _IS_ something wrong with the E70 and Linksys AP's
    I've got myself E70 UK edition yesterday, the firmware claims: 1.0610.05.07 30-05-06 RM-10.
    To describe the problem:
    At work I have a Linksys WAG54G (Firmware ver 1.02.1 apparently newest), connectivity works, but it takes a good 10-15minutes to get logged in. Since when the E70 starts to try and access the (WEP 128 encrypted AP) I see the MAC in the Linksys's ARP table, while the phone does not respond on any Wifi Applications. To see when it works typically for me I would use the browser and make it try it will get stuck on "Connecting" and after about 10-15minutes the page would show up, from then on the VOIP, etc. would work without a problem.
    At home I have a DD-WRT (newest SP1) flashed Linksys WRT54GS v.4 with no encryption, I have _exactly_ the same behaviour logging in to it as above. I also have a WAP54G (v3.1) Firmware v3.05 (dec 28 2005) which has _exactly_ the same symptoms.
    I also have a Belkin Wireless G (model: F5D7230-4) and at Firmware ver F5D7230v4_UK_6.00.21 at home which lets my E70 log in about 3 seconds (including displaying of a webpage).
    All 3 AP's at my home are Open (no WEP), on the same LAN and uses the same DHCP server, etc, all of them work fine (tested individually) with multiple machines connecting to them without a hitch, I'm blaming the E70 not being "happy" with the Linksys gear.
    I read today on http://www.voip-info.org/wiki/view/Nokia that the modified WRT54G can be "fixed" by making the router ignore packets in a invalid state, I can only think that the E70 sends malformed packets which the Linksys routers usually drop, it is strange though that after 10-15minutes it _does_ log in and it seems pretty much usable from then onwards.
    So, IMHO I hope Nokia will look into this and come out with some firmware after they fixed their wifi ip stack issues.

  • Linksys WRT54G v5 - Connection issues

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    I picked up a new WRT54G (v5) the other day to replace an old BEFW11 router, and so far have been far less than impressed.  I have one computer on the wired connection, and one on wireless.  It seems, though, that if the wireless system is running any P2P software (Limewire, in this case), or anything else which creates a large number of simultaneous connections (BitTorrent for d/ling CD images, for instance), the router simply dies.  Although any existing TCP connections are fine (e.g. MSN Messenger switchboard connections, though not _new_ conversations), it is virtually impossible to generate any new TCP connections.  They appear to connect immediately, and then disconnect less than a second later.  This occurs for HTTP, SSH, Telnet, IMAP, and SMTP connections, so far as I've tried.
    A hard reset of the router seems to be the only thing that helps. 
    I ran into similar issues with the BEFW11, and ended up using it only as an access point, and relying on an old D-Link DI-704P to take care of NAT -- and this worked fine.  But in this case, I want to take the DI-704 with me when I move, not leave it here ... and so I would really prefer if the Linksys could, uh, do what it's supposed to in the first place. 
    I tried upgrading the firmware to v1.00.9, but after sitting there for a few minutes I ended up with a "this page cannot be displayed" error from I E.  I'm going to give it another shot, but am a little hesitant to reboot the router at this point because I have no idea if it will be toast at that point or not. 
    EDIT: Now upgraded to v1.00.9.  Apparently this doesn't work over HTTPS, but it worked fine via HTTP itself.  We'll see if this has made a difference ...
    I see some similar reports from other people.  Any suggestions?
    Message Edited by tibbbsa on 07-08-2006 09:00 PM

    tibbbsa wrote:
    I see some similar reports from other people. Any suggestions?
    yeah use a WRT54GL instead. my website is unindated with wrt54g/GS v5 and v6 router problems. how linksys has been able to ignore this problem is beyond me. the WRT54GL is by far the better router. (linux based)
    Regards Simon
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  • Zbook wlan issues

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    1) The Wlan is not working in my home. Windows is complaining over no Internet connection.
    All my other devices are working at home, so there is definately no issue with my connection.
    I can't even surf locally to my router with IP , so its some other issue with WLAN towards my router/access points.
    The WLAN in my Zbook is working ok on other accesspoints, like the iPhone internet sharing service etc...
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    2) Also there is an issue if I enable BIOS setting LAN/WLAN switch to automatically change between LAN and WLAN. If I enable it, Windows will not boot corretly. It gets extremely slow and makes noise from the speaker. 
    Any suggestions?

    Hi Peter_thule,
    To get your issue more exposure I would suggest posting it in the commercial forums since this is a commercial product. You can do this at Commercial Forums.
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos, Thumbs Up" on the bottom to say “Thanks” for helping!

  • E71 wlan issue after firware upgrade

    I just upgraded by E71 to the latest software version. The upgrade went without any issues. After the upgrade I realised that t had removed all my contacts - so I had to restore my backup(I restored the SETTINGS as well). I was using a app for my 'WiFi' (for prioritizing my access points) and after the firmware upgrade - I could not see this app at all. The following are my issues now:
    1. I cannot connect to my home wifi(WEP) - it was fine before the upgrade. The first time it says - 'Connection not available' and every subsequent time it irritates by showing 'WLAN already active. Please close the connection and retry'.
    2. I have tried to restore the factory settings and it still does not work.
    3. I have renamed my Access point to the ones that the app was using - still no luck.
    So, what are my options now? Can somebody please help? I never thought a small software upgrade could spoil my whole evening!

    I have just had EXACTLY the same problem.
    I have a Nokia E71 and it was working OK before the upgrade. I just used the latest Nokia Updater and latest nokia pc suite to upgrade to 500.21.009.
    The upgrade performed perfectly, and after the upgrade I restored my backed up data.
    I have the exact symtpoms as psankar. I have factory reset the phone and tried again. Same problem.
    Connection not available, and then connection already active. Small Wireless icon appears at top right of screen, and stays there, but there is no active connection in connection manager.
    The only way to remove the wifi icon and to get the phone to attempt to reconnect is to power off the phone, but then on reconnectig then you get connection not available and then the whole cycle begins again.
    Help appreciated

  • WRT54G v6 Connection issue

    The firmware that was shipped with this router (WRT54G v6) seemed to have a corrupt web GUI. So I decided to upgrade and fix the problem as well as get some added features.  I successfully flashed DD-WRT micro Generic v23 SP1 onto the router using TFTP and have had it running smoothly for about 2 months now. 
    Side note: In the process of flashing the firmware I had several problems, but I found the router had a boot-wait automatically setup. Eventually resolved the issue.
    Apparently my roommate came to it one day and saw it had no connection. (Not knowing what to do) He hit the "Secure Easy Setup" button on the front, with no results.  I'm not sure if this button has any affect on the router since the firmware had changed.  Now I can't seem to access to router at all.  All 4 Ethernet connection lights steady on as well as the power light.
    I can't seem to ping the router (using static IP and 10base half-duplex or otherwise).  I've tried power-cycling a number of different ways (including holding reset, power off, power on while still holding reset)  Although when I first start the router, the power light blinks for ~8 seconds for the boot-wait sequence.  I can't get TFTP to flash anything onto my router as I did before (from command prompt or GUI mode).  After trying these methods repeatedly and varied, I've about run out of options.
    I'm sorry for the length of my post; I felt I should describe the situation.  I'd appreciate any help you guys could provide.  Let me know if there is any info I've neglected to post.
    Message Edited by FatherMerrin on 06-09-200706:24 AM

    Well you can just send it to Linksys and see what they do and if they do it under warranty. Either they simply reflash the firmware with tools they have available and never notice or they notice and let you know that they won't do it for free. In the latter case you just let them know that they can keep it. As you are planning to buy a new router anyway you don't really loose anything except a bricked router (O.K. some spare parts maybe...).
    I am not aware that all v6 routers have a broken GUI. Maybe your router was bad from the beginning...Message Edited by gv on 06-09-200710:53 PM

  • WRT54G wierd connection issue

    this problem just started the other day... i am unable to connect to Internet explorer or AIM, it tells me no connection. but the wierd thing is, is i have connection, i can log into Ventrilo, i can play Counter strike Source Online, but World Of Warcraft tells me no connection, so half of my online things work, half dont.  I am able to write this post because if i plug the modem directly into computer it works fine, but it doesnt fix all the other computers we have that are wireless.
    The router i have is the WRT54G, the modem is SurfBoard SB3100 Cable Modem, internet service is Adelphia (now time warner), not sure if you guys want to know that.
    but it seems to be a direct issue witht he router as i can do everything fine normally
    oh, and the router is passworded, not sure the correct term, but to get on my wireless you need to enter a set IP and stuff
    thanks for any help (i d/led new firmware, havent tryed it yet though) a friend told me that may help

    Your friend may be correct.  Flash your firmware then reset the router to Factory Default settings, then reconfigure it for your ISP and wireless network.  Let us know how that turns out.
    Richard Aichner (Ikester)

  • WRT54GS WEP Security Issues

    I have used a WRT54GS for a few years with MAC filtering but no other security.  A few months ago, I decided to add WEP security.  While using WEP security, my wireless connection would go from an excellent signal to dropping randomly.  Additionally, internet browsing would be very slow at times to the point of being unusable.  When I disabled WEP, these issues went away.  What should I look at to troubleshoot this issue?

    What wep did you use?
    encryption level/
    OS of PC and wireless utility?
    "Give them nothing... But take from them everything..."
    -Leonidas "300"

  • Portege M400 - WLan issues connecting Orange Livebox

    My landlord recently upgraded our WLan by introducing an Orange Livebox. I have tried everything possible to connect wirelessly to the router but to no avail.
    All the other machines have connected with no/little issue/s. I have installed Configfree again, tried connecting through the Windows system as per instruction by Orange website, re-typed the WEP code several times. Tweaked the network connections, Installed the new Intel drivers and installed the Orange Livebox software. I'm running out of options very fast.
    The wireless connection is found, it tries to connect but will not give me a network address, even with the lights flashing (as per Orange instructions), yet when connected through an Ethernet cable there is no problems what so ever.
    I have had a look through the forum and found nothing that exactly matches my problem and tried to implement those suggestions that sound familiar but nothing has worked. Failing any advise, I will just have to phone either Toshiba, or Orange up for advice, however, I would like to be spared long conversations with people in Technical support.
    I have a Portege M400 with an Intel(R) PRO/Wireless 3945ABG built in adapter.
    Any suggestions anyone?
    Many thanks

    In such cases its not easy to say why it happens.
    One of my notebooks is not able to connect the WLan router because the router supports Wlan 802.11 BG mode and my Wlan card support A and B mode.
    But you should firstly check if the Windows firewall was disabled. Then disable the encryption on the router and try to connect the notebook without the encryption.
    Sometimes the MAC address filtering was set on the WLan routers. In such cases only the registered WLan cards can connect to the WLan router.
    I would recommend disabling all filters, encryptions and then trying to connect to the wireless LAN. If you will be able to connect the router then you could enable the encryption again.

  • Helix2 - WLAN issues after connected standbay

    Hello,since I have bought my Helix 2 in February, I constantly have problems with the WLAN connection after the Helix resumes from connted standby. I already installed all driver updates, however non of them was able to completly fix the problem. Either the Helix shows limited connectivity or no networks can be found. Depending on the installed update the former or latter issue occurs. In order to fix these problems I need to deactivate and reactivate the intel wirless device. Thank you for your help!

    We did make some mileage on this issue in the past week.  After replacing motherboards (which didn't help) and even depoting a unit, the fix below appears to be working. Do the following: 1)  Install the latest drivers from Lenovo directly (not using the automatic update utility)   
    https://download.lenovo.com/ibmdl/pub/pc/pccbbs/mobiles/n1gw202w_64.exe 2)  During that install, choose repair.  You will notice that several files that were missing will be detected and installed, including a few .dlls 3)  After that install you will notice that the lenovo update utility will detect that you need to update the software. Go ahead and let it do the update. 

  • WLAN issues

    got my C3-00 last week.  First day, it saw Wlans, connected to one, saved it. It worked fine for a couple days.   Setup a new WLAN at home.  Then I added my bluetooth to the phone.  Now it cannot see ANY WLAN's.  When I search, it just runs and runs and returns nothing.  I know there are a dozen here, can see them on my Laptop. 
    Also, now it will connect to the original WLAN I saved.  Also, will not pull down my email.
    I though perhaps Bluetooth caused a problem, so I turned off bluetooth.   Still nothing.

    Hi @waleedahmed,
    Thank you for your inquiry.
    I understand that you are unable to connect to your personal network but can to hot spots.
    You did a recovery back to Windows 8.  When I checked the specifications for your notebook I noticed it came with Windows 7.  If you did a HP recovery back to factory setting you would have reinstalled Windows 7. 
    Did you mean you did a Windows refresh which installs Windows 8?
    Have you done all your Windows updates?
    If you check in Device Manager is there any error messages on the network adapters?
    Here is a link to HP PCs - Troubleshooting Wireless Network and Internet (Windows 8) that should guide you through some steps to resolve this difficulty.
    Best of Luck!
    I work on behalf of HP
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos, Thumbs Up" on the bottom right to say “Thanks” for helping!

  • WLAN issues with N8

    Hi All,
    I have developed an issued with my N8 where I'm unable to browse with a WLAN Connection. I'm able to see WLAN connections and connect the device to the WLAN. But when I start a browsing session (trying to access Google), it gives an error. Also, tried connection to other websites but the same error pops up. I have also checked the WLAN is connected all the time. I have tried chaning the priority settings in the Access Point, chaning the access points in the bookmarks but to no avail.
    I was able to connect to WLAN previously until after I updated to ANNA. I'm unsure where and what settings I had changed after that (as it was automatically connecting to packet data causing my phone bills to shoot) which is now causing the issue.
    If anyone has a solution to this (except a hard reset), please reply to this post. I would not prefer to go for a hard resetting as there is a lot of data in the phone and I have already used up the 1 yr free subscription of OVI.
    Thanks in advance,
    Manish K.

    babis3g wrote:
    the latest update is 14.02 but i think even that firmware has not fix for wlan problem bug
    i dont know why the nokia updater does not show you the update
    you need to go here
    and type at the end of page your mobile serial product code and see if you can update
    My N8 is now on PR1.2 - I think I got an OTA notification of it being available.
    Haven't made any changes to config - have WLAN scanning off. But does seem to connect to my home WLAN / WiFi in a sort of random way. Not sure whether to think it's any more robust, or not, really, I just think it's something of a shame that other devices (Blackberry phone, 1st gen iPod touch, and other WiFi devices) have no trouble, whereas a fairly new phone has.
    I guess I just wish WLAN / WiFi worked reliably, really (WPA2, fairly long PSK - that I shouldn't have to change just because of one new-ish device).
    The other question I had is what's the purpose of the small, white LED on the side of the case - just above the USB port. I've not read any description or explanation of it, so wondered whether anybody knew?

Maybe you are looking for