WRVS4400N QuickVPN Netmask of Hardwired

It appears that, when using my WRVS4400N with QuickVPN, the NetMask of the network created by the WRVS4400N is always expected to be While QuickVPN is connecting, it creates a file named vpnserver.conf in the program directory, which contains settings given by the WRVS4400N for connecting. Although, in this file, the network address is always correct, the net mask is always
For example, when the network address for my WRVS4400N is (network, netmask, the vpnserver.conf file created directly from the request for network settings of the WRVS4400N contains for the network, which ISN'T A VALID NETWORK. Thus, communication with any device through the VPN Tunnel isn't possible.
Also, when the network address is (network, netmask, the vpnserver.conf file contains (network, netmask, which does permit communication directly to the devices connected to my WRVS4400N through the VPN Tunnel, but broadcast requests to would fail, as the correct broadcast IP for the network should be
More restrictive Netmask Filters fail in the same way.
Also, please note that I am using the latest Firmware for the WRVS4400N, and I am using the latest version of QuickVPN (v1.1 downloaded off another product page, as I cannot connect whatsoever with v1.0.x; for some reason the QuickVPN download hasn't been maintained/updated on the WRVS4400N page).
So, besides the obvious solution of just using a network with a Netmask of, is there another way around this? Also, can others reproduce this problem, or is this just a quirk with my own router?
Thanks in advance, -Harrison N.

The computer that works has an IP that matches the router IP, which is also shown in System preferences: and respectively. The computer not working has another IP altogether. Where would this have come from? The DHCP cannot be working properly. It does not show a router IP.
It is strange, as it was working OK on another home connection, all the time on automatic, using DHCP, and worked at my home fine before that.
Manually setting an IP won't work, as the wireless base is giving out IP via DHCP. I want to keep it automatic for convenience, and in any case, as you say, there is clearly something wrong that needs to be fixed.

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    I have been using QuickVPN to connect through my WRVS4400N to a RV042 for several weeks. It then stopped connecting. After troubleshooting -> problem hardware is the WRVS4400N. I re-flased the current firmware and double checked all configurations. QuickVPN says it is connected for a short time, then pops the message about the remote gateway no longer responding. When using Command Prompt to ping over VPN, message says "negotiating security".
    I have switched to a backup WRT54G using 3rd party firmware to QuickVPN to the RV042 and it works perfect.
    Anyone have an idea of what I should check?

    I apologize for the lazy way I went at describing the problem. Thank you for your suggestions.
    The modem is bridged to a linksys product. And using Dyndns.org on the other dynamic public.
    The vpn client is now working. What I believe happened is that when changing and saving configurations, they do not always immediatly take effect. I had to re-boot. BTW, the 2 minute boot cycle on the wvrs4400 seems a bit silly.

  • WRVS4400n, QuickVPN, Server's certificate doesn't exist on local computer

      I bought a new WRVS400n recently because it had Gigabit speed, wireless n and a built in VPN server.  The device works perfect except for the Quick VPN client.  I'm a system engineer so I thought I could set it up quite easy just like any other device I configured in the past.  Painfull but it isn't like this.
      I set up the VPN on the WRVS4400n and generated a certificate.  I saved both the client and admin certificate to my pc, I gave them a name to easily make up the difference between both of them.  When placing the certificate in the installed QuickVPN folder, it doesn't seem to get recognised by the QuickVPN software.  When I try to connect, it says 'Server's certificate doens't exist on your local computer'.  I guess the naming convention must meet some kind of format, is that correct?  If so, this should have been described in the documentation.
      Besides that I checked if the required ports used by the VPN server are open on the public port of the device, that is the case.  So It seems I'm quite close to get it working.
      The version of QuickVPN I used is  The WRVS4400n has the latest firmware loaded.
    Kind regards,

    >I set up the VPN on the WRVS4400n and generated a certificate.  I saved both the client and admin certificate to my pc
    The "certificate for client" should be saved as a .pem file and copied into the install directory of QuickVPN client.
    The "certificate for admin" is used as a backup, which can be used to re-provision the router in case admin needs to reset the router to factory default for any reason. 

  • WRVS4400N quickvpn Vpn client accounts

                       Hello everyone, i'm new to cisco forum and i salute you all.
         Now lets get to business...hahaha
         Well i configured client account on the wrvs4400n v2 to use with quickvpn.
         3 of the 5 users created works fine when connecting to router but the other ones doesnt connect good.
         They all got the same client .pem install in Quickvpn.
         Let's say i try connecting with user num.2 with quickvpn it doesnt want to connect, it says connecting, for long time but noting happens.
         But when i look in VPN Summary on router it shows as connected?
             Any clue on whats going on?
         Thanx Pastload.

    Hello mpyhala, thanks for the quick reply.
    Yes i did try it on different PC. I can connect with no issue with my account on both PC with the same config. But not with user 2 and user 3. There is one error message about certificat, but if you click 'no' it will connect anyway, it works for the 3 users but not with the other 2's.
    And yes i did uninstalled quickvpn twice (clean uninstalled). And no change, still can not connect with user 2 and 3. I have deleted user 2 and 3 and created different user with different password and still the same.
    But if i look in vpn summary it shows user 2 as connected. But the quickvpn still showing ' connecting ' and it give me nothing.
    Does someone knows how is this possible? Do you need Logs.
    I notice that when establishing connection with my user the wget.exe make the connection and disconnect after connection is made.
    But the 2 other users the connection establishes with wget.exe but it doesnt close connection. It stays connected until i close it my self.
    Dont know if it could help.      
    User 1
    2013/07/10 20:05:13 [STATUS]OS Version: Windows 7
    2013/07/10 20:05:13 [STATUS]Windows Firewall Domain Profile Settings: ON
    2013/07/10 20:05:13 [STATUS]Windows Firewall Private Profile Settings: ON
    2013/07/10 20:05:13 [STATUS]Windows Firewall Private Profile Settings: ON
    2013/07/10 20:05:13 [STATUS]One network interface detected with IP address
    2013/07/10 20:05:13 [STATUS]Connecting...
    2013/07/10 20:05:13 [DEBUG]Input VPN Server Address = xx.37.1.xx
    2013/07/10 20:05:13 [STATUS]Connecting to remote gateway with IP address: xx.37.1.xx
    2013/07/10 20:05:14 [WARNING]Server's certificate doesn't exist on your local computer.
    2013/07/10 20:05:18 [STATUS]Remote gateway was reached by https ...
    2013/07/10 20:05:18 [STATUS]Provisioning...
    2013/07/10 20:05:28 [STATUS]Success to connect.
    2013/07/10 20:05:28 [STATUS]Tunnel is configured. Ping test is about to start.
    2013/07/10 20:05:28 [STATUS]Verifying Network...
    2013/07/10 20:05:34 [WARNING]Failed to ping remote VPN Router!
    *This user is connecting to router  (Working)*
    2013/07/10 20:07:03 [STATUS]Disconnecting...
    2013/07/10 20:07:09 [STATUS]Success to disconnect.
    User 2
    2013/07/10 20:07:25 [STATUS]OS Version: Windows 7
    2013/07/10 20:07:25 [STATUS]Windows Firewall Domain Profile Settings: ON
    2013/07/10 20:07:25 [STATUS]Windows Firewall Private Profile Settings: ON
    2013/07/10 20:07:25 [STATUS]Windows Firewall Private Profile Settings: ON
    2013/07/10 20:07:25 [STATUS]One network interface detected with IP address
    2013/07/10 20:07:25 [STATUS]Connecting...
    2013/07/10 20:07:25 [DEBUG]Input VPN Server Address = xx.37.1.xx
    2013/07/10 20:07:25 [STATUS]Connecting to remote gateway with IP address: xx.37.1.xx
    2013/07/10 20:07:26 [WARNING]Server's certificate doesn't exist on your local computer.
    2013/07/10 20:15:34 [WARNING]Failed to connect.
    *This user doesnt connect why?*
    * It hangs on Connecting in QuickVpn*
    Same machine, same setting
    https:// User 2: *password*@xx.37.1.xx :60443/StartConnection.htm?version=1?IP=*password*?USER=User 2
               => `C://Program Files//Cisco Small Business//QuickVPN Client//vpnserver.conf'
    Connecting to xx.37.1.xx:60443... connected.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response...
    Read error (Unknown error) in headers.
    Giving up.

  • WRVS4400N QuickVPN

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    Well,  i have to say i give up.  I have been a linksys user for over 5years. After a month of messing with this wrvs4400n, i would not recommend it to my worst enemy!  The interface is buggy, it locks up when saving settings and have to power cycle to recover,  its lost its config twice when changing settings,  getting the remote mgt working has been buggy, the remote access client vpn which was one of the major features i wanted just does not work under vista/nor xp in a real world setting,  did not even work with another tool called quickvpnplus, it takes forever to reboot(3min-5min), does not seem to generate an ssl certificate that browsers dont complain about hostname mismatch, and the list goes on.
    Don't get me wrong, i love linksys products.  But i did not buy this product to make a career out of trying to get it to work.  I've waited too long to get my money back, it will look good sitting on the shelf i suppose.   Perhaps down the road newer firmware will solve these issues.  Until then, i'll have to find a replacement product. Thanks for all the suggestions all over the internet and in this and other forums.

  • WRVS4400N QuickVPN and DHCP

    I just purchased a WRVS4400N with the intention of giving myself a secure way to remotely access my local network from anywhere via VPN. I created a local VPN account and had a friend install the QuickVPN client on his system. He gets connected (I can see it) but he doesn't get an IP so he can't really do anything once connected. How do I make the QuickVPN client get an IP upon connection so I can use it for remote access?
    As an FYI - I don't want to do an IPSec tunnel since the point is connecting from anywhere (restaurants, houses, client offices, etc.) and I won't know the remote IPs of where I'm connecting from.

    Quick VPN is not like most VPN Client software. It dosn't add a second network addapter it modifies the Windows IP Stack information for DNS and routing. When the QVPN Client connects it connects with its current IP address. That is why it is important that the Client IP subnet doesn't match the destination IP subnet.
    Router Requirements:
    •1.       Depending on the device Remote Management needs to be on.
    •2.       Users need to be created and enabled.
    •3.       Only One Connection per User Account.
    •4.       Local Network Subnet must be different than Remote Network Subnet.
    •5.       If using Certificate the .pem file needs to be exported and placed under the “C:\Program Files\Cisco Small Business\QVPN Client” folder.
    Microsoft XP SP3 (until 2014)
    •1.       Must be running Service Pack 3
    •2.       Must have the Windows Firewall Off (You can have the firewall on but we do not support Microsoft or any other 3rd party Firewalls. ICMP Echo Requests are required inbound through the software Firewall for a connection to establish.)
    •3.       Must have IPSec Services Running
    Windows Vista/ 7
    •1.       Must running Vista Service Pack 2 or run in Vista Service Pack 2 compatibility for Windows 7.
    •2.       Windows Firewall needs to be on. (3rd party Firewalls will not be supported.)
    •3.       Must have IPSec Services Running.
    Cisco Small Business Support Center
    Randy Manthey
    CCNA, CCNA - Security

  • Classless netmask in Cisco RV 120 W

    I need to assign the mask in the LAN interface but the web configurator does not allow it.
    The web configurator only permit assign the netmask.
    My LAN segment is greater than 254 network devices and I cannot understand how a new Cisco device can have this kind of limitation.
    I would like to know if the problem could be solved in a new firmware version or via command line tool.

    Hi Victor,
    The Small Business routers can only have a LAN netmask of This is by design and is unlikely to change. You can add a second VLAN to provide more addresses (in another subnet), but if you have 254+ connected devices you may want to consider using an Enterprise class router.

  • Netmask and IPMP configuration question...

    Hello all,
    I have two questions.
    Question 1.
    I changed ip address on Solaris 10 server.
    The ip address was and netmask was
    the /etc/netmasks file was "" and it worked fine.
    Today. I got new ip address and netmask that is and
    Now, what shoud I update in /etc/netmask file?
    I updated it with "" but it does not work.
    Question 2.
    IPMP needs 3 ip addresses (primary + secondary + virtual)
    Usually, hostname links primary ip address.
    For example
    ########## /etc/hosts ############ localhost sis01 sis01. loghost sis02 sys03
    ########## /etc/hostname.ce0 #######
    sis01 group production netmask + broadcast + up
    addif sis03 netmask + broadcast + deprecated -failover up
    ########## /etc/hostname.ce1 ########
    sys02 netmask + broadcast + group production deprecated -failover standby up
    In this case, hostname is sys01, primary ip is 122, secondary is 124, and virtual is 123.
    But what I want to do is to make "hostname is sys01, primary ip is 123, secondary is 124, and virtual is 122".
    Is it possible?

    sun929 wrote:
    I changed ip address on Solaris 10 server.
    The ip address was and netmask was
    the /etc/netmasks file was "" and it worked fine.I would have expected is the first address in the /24 that contains
    Today. I got new ip address and netmask that is and
    Now, what shoud I update in /etc/netmask file?
    I updated it with "" but it does not work. is not in the /28 with The first address that it's in would be So:
    Question 2.
    IPMP needs 3 ip addresses (primary + secondary + virtual)
    Usually, hostname links primary ip address.
    For example
    ########## /etc/hosts ############ localhost sis01 sis01. loghost sis02 sys03
    ########## /etc/hostname.ce0 #######
    sis01 group production netmask + broadcast + up
    addif sis03 netmask + broadcast + deprecated -failover up
    ########## /etc/hostname.ce1 ########
    sys02 netmask + broadcast + group production deprecated -failover standby up
    In this case, hostname is sys01, primary ip is 122, secondary is 124, and virtual is 123.
    But what I want to do is to make "hostname is sys01, primary ip is 123, secondary is 124, and virtual is 122".
    Is it possible?I believe so. I think it was even recommended back when a bug caused the current method to have problems. I'm not sure if there are any problems with doing so.

  • Netmask under WRT54G

    Hi all, I have a WRT54G version 7.0. My problem is that I can't set my netmask as I can use only the netmask, presented in the web interface. I can belive it!!! Ho can I resolve my problem?? Thank you Paz

    The net mask has nothing to do with the LAN connection.
    A LAN in your case is an ethernet LAN. It consists of ethernet devices and ethernet switches/hubs which connect these devices. Everything which is connected in this way belongs to the LAN. IP addresses per se have nothing to do with what belongs to the LAN and what not. Whatever belongs to the ethernet LAN belongs to the LAN. It does not matter what IP address it uses.
    In general, in each individual ethernet LAN you run a unique IP address subnet, identified by an IP address together with the subnet mask. IP uses this combination to decide which IP addresses belong to the LAN and which not. for instance means that all IP addresses belong to the LAN. Each IP address which belongs to the LAN is addressed directly using ARP and the MAC address of the recipient. Each IP address which does not belong to the LAN is forwarded according to the routing table, usually to the default gateway.
    Changing the netmask therefore does not change anything in regard what is part of the LAN and what not. If you have two separate LANs and, connected by your server (which is the router between those two subnets) changing the netmask won't "join" those subnets. They are still two separate LANs and still have the router in between.
    If you want all computers in a single LAN you must connect them to the same ethernet LAN.
    If you have more then 254 devices or for whatever reason want to use a LAN subnet with a subnet larger then (for instance it is not possible with your WRT. The WRT only supports LAN sizes up to
    If you need a larger LAN I would suggest you use your server machine as internet gateway and set up the WRT as wireless access point. Connect everything to a single ethernet LAN and then you are free to use any subnet mask you like in your LAN.

  • I cannot route to remote subnets from cisco vpn client and pptp client

    Hi guys,
    I've a big problem, I configured a 877 cisco router as a cisco vpn server (the customer use it to connect to his network from pc) and a pptp vpn server (he use it to connet to the network from a smartphone).
    In this router I created 2 vlan, one for wired network ( and the second one ( for wireless clients and I use fastethernet 3 port to connect these to the router.
    this is the issue, when the customer try to connect to a wireless network from both of vpn clients he cannot do this, but if he try to connect to a wired network client all working fine.
    following the addresses taken from the router.
    - encrypted vpn client -
    ip address.
    Default Gateway. none (blank)
    - pptp vpn client -
    ip address.
    Default Gateway.
    Is possible that I cannot reach the remote subnet because the clients doesn't receive a gateway (in the first case) or receive the wrong subnet/gateway (in the second one)..?
    There is anyone can help me..?
    Thank you very much.
    Many Kisses and Kindly Regards..

    The default gateway on your PC is not the problem, it will always show as the same IP address (this is no different when you dial up to an ISP, your DG will again be set to your negotiated IP address).
    The issue will be routing within the campus network and more importantly on the PIX itself. The campus network needs a route to the VPN pool of addresses that eventually points back to the PIX.
    The issue here is that the PIX will have a default gateway pointing back out towards your laptop. When you establish a VPN and try and go to an Internet address, the PIX is going to route this packet according to its routing table and send it back out the interface it came in on. The PIX won't do this, and the packet will be dropped. Unless you can set the PIX's routing table to forward Internet packets to the campus network, there's no way around this. Of course if you do that then you'll break connectivity thru the PIX for all the internal users.
    The only way to do this is to configure split tunnelling on the PIX, so that packets destined for the Internet are sent directly from your laptop in the clear just like normal, and any packet destined for the campus network is encrypted and sent over the tunnel.
    Here's the format of the command:

  • How to setup apple time capsule with FIOSinternet and VZ router?)

    I have Apple time capsule and the VZ Router MI424WR. I current set up:
    1. VZ router - wireless off, the rest is standard
    2. Time capsule: Wireless on in Bridge mode
    Result: Internet works but the wireless network is very in-stable. Airtunes is nearly not usable.
    I searched in the Internet and there was several comments that is is not a good combination. Therefore it is recommended to convert the VZ router in a modem mode and use only the Time capsule as the router. I tried this several times I do not get it to work. I followed this procedure (http://data.agaric.com/node/2160) but then I need the PPPoE Account number and password. But there do I get this? The Verizon support was not really helpful.
    Please, is there a good and complete description to solve that issue?
    Thanks in advance

    Go back to your first setup ...
    Verizon router with wireless turned off
    Apple Time Casule with wireless turned on
    Method 1:
    With the Time Capsule in "Bridge Mode", if I remember correctly, you should connect the WAN port to one of the open ports on the Verizon router (I believe bridge mode also turns off the DHCP server on the Time Capsule, if not, find that and turn if off as well).   Change the addressing mode for the Time Capsule to "static" and assign it an address on the LAN which is not in use (choose something you know is out of the way but on the LAN -- I suggest to start -- you can change it once you get everything working).
    If it doesn't work this way for you, move the cable from the WAN port on the Time Capsule to Port 1 and try again.
    Method 2:
    This results in a router behind a router setup, but unless you have devices connected directly to the Verizon router, it shouldn't be a problem.  
    With the Time Capsule disconnected from the Verizon router, turn on "Connection Sharing" (not bridge mode) and make sure DHCP is enabled on the Time Capsule.  You need to change the address range being used by the Time Capsule (which I think defaults to 192.168.1.x to another network -- I suggest, 192.168.2.x with a netmask of and give the router an address of on the LAN side.  Now, connection the WAN port to one of the Verizon router LAN ports.  If you had anything connected to the Verizon LAN ports, move those over to the LAN ports on the Time Capsule and reboot them.
    Method 3:
    This is the least desirable of the scenarios because it relies on Verizon's crappy radio in their router (the Time Capsule has a much better radio and support 802.11n as well as b and g) whereas Verizon's only support b/g.    Go back to the configuration for Method 1, but also turn OFF wireless on the Time Capsule and turn on wireless on the Verizon router.   Try both bridge scenarios described -- using the WAN port first and if that didn't work, then moving the connection to port 1.
    There is no scenario where you can place the Verizon router behind the Time Capsule -- since I believe Verizon is using all MoCA connections for the WAN side of their connection (you'd have to get Verizon to convert you to ethernet WAN and then they would not support you most likely for any STB issues with your FiOS if the Time Capsule was between the ONT and their router ... so don't even bother wasting time there ... more headaches than it would be worth.
    If you're still not sure exactly what each configuration screen on the time capsule should say, post some screen snaps (or the configuration settings/choices which you are unsure about and someone will likely know the answer here).

  • How do I get list of client IP Addresses using new Airport Utility v6.3?

    I have purchased and Airport Time Capsule 3TB (newest model).  Previous models were still compatible with Airport Utility 5.6 and I could use "manual" mode to get a list of client IP addresses attached to the device.  The new Airport Time Capsule is only compatible with Airport Utility 6.3 and I cannot figure out how to get a list of client IP addresses with this new model. Does anyone know how to do this?

    Try a ping broadcast - for example if your network were 192.168.1.xxx (netmask of try this from a Termnal.app window (located in /Applications/Utilities):
    If you have a different type netmask, you need to put 255's where the 0's are in your netmask.
    Everyone on the local network (the 192.168.1.xxx network) should reply that is up and running unless you have them setup to not respond to pings (the WAN port on your TC should not reply cause it's in a different network) and you have your list of clients on the network. If you setup the TC to dedicate a range of addresses for WiFi clients you can even identify which of them are wired and which are wireless.
    good luck.

  • DHCP Client does not send host name to DHCP Server

    I installed Solaris 10 on VirtualBox and I cannot ping/ssh/telnet the virtual machine by its host name (even from the host computer) but only by it's ip.
    I tried everything I could find on internet with no success (I don't want to add the hostname in every hosts file on every computer because it's not really professionnal)
    I followed what said here: http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E26505_01/html/E27061/eyhuv.html#scrolltoc
    Can someone has an idea of what I can do or why this does not work.
    I installed a virtual Windows7 and an Ubuntu, and it worked perfectly.
    Any help would be grantly appreciated.
    Thank you
    Here is my current configuration:
    Oracle VM VirtualBox 4.3.8 (I choose "Oracle 10 10/09 and later (64 bit))
    Oracle Solaris 10 1/13
    Network: bridge with RealTek interface
    NB: I don't have access to dhcp server on my netgear router (access is disabled by my ISP)
    Files in /etc:
    dhcp.e1000g0 (empty)
    nodename (contains "thorgal")
    nsswitch.conf has following lines:
    hosts: files dns # Added by DHCP
    ipnodes: files dns # Added by DHCP
    networks:   files
    protocols:  files
    rpc:        files
    ethers:     files
    netmasks:   files
    bootparams: files
    hostname.e1000g0 (contains "inet thorgal")
    ::1             localhost       localhost loghost    thorgal # Added by DHCP
    I also try "ifconfig e1000g0 dhcp release" with no success
    the debugging of dhcpagent:
    # pkill -x dhcpagent
    # /sbin/dhcpagent -d1 -f &
    # ifconfig e1000g0 dhcp start
    /sbin/dhcpagent: debug: insert_pif: e1000g0: sdumax 1500, hwtype 1, hwlen 6
    /sbin/dhcpagent: debug: set_packet_filter: set filter 805869f (DHCP filter)
    /sbin/dhcpagent: debug: get_smach_cid: getting default client-id property on e1000g0
    /sbin/dhcpagent: debug: in state INIT; allowing start command on e1000g0
    /sbin/dhcpagent: debug: ipc_action_start: started start (command 4) on e1000g0
    /sbin/dhcpagent: debug: set_smach_state: changing from INIT to INIT_REBOOT on e1000g0
    /sbin/dhcpagent: debug: dhcp_selecting: host thorgal
    /sbin/dhcpagent: info: configure_v4_lease: setting IP netmask to on e1000g0
    /sbin/dhcpagent: info: configure_v4_lease: setting IP address to on e1000g0
    /sbin/dhcpagent: warning: configure_v4_lease: no IP broadcast specified for e1000g0, making best guess
    /sbin/dhcpagent: info: configure_v4_lease: using broadcast address on e1000g0
    /sbin/dhcpagent: info: configure_v4_timers: e1000g0 acquired lease, expires Fri Mar 21 21:33:05 2014
    /sbin/dhcpagent: info: configure_v4_timers: e1000g0 begins renewal at Fri Mar 21 09:33:05 2014
    /sbin/dhcpagent: info: configure_v4_timers: e1000g0 begins rebinding at Fri Mar 21 18:33:05 2014
    /sbin/dhcpagent: debug: set_smach_state: changing from INIT_REBOOT to PRE_BOUND on e1000g0
    /sbin/dhcpagent: info: added default router on e1000g0
    /sbin/dhcpagent: debug: set_smach_state: changing from PRE_BOUND to BOUND on e1000g0
    /sbin/dhcpagent: debug: configure_bound: bound e1000g0
    /sbin/dhcpagent: debug: ipc_action_finish: finished start (command 4) on e1000g0: 0

    During the Solaris installation process, you told it what the hostname was going to be and that you wanted that environment to exist with a dynamic IP address instead of a specific address that you desired.
    When Solaris boots it broadcasts that hostname and waits for a DHCP server to be quasi-intelligent enough to award an IP address based upon a pre-configured list inside that DHCP server.   Hostname ABC would always get IP address 123 on subnet rst, hostname DEF would always get IP address 456 on subnet xyz, and so on and so on.
    That's the fundamental process for proper (and thus secure) DHCP.
    All your other environments (Windows, Debian, Ubuntu) are what might be thought of as "hacked for convenience" to get around that sort of network configuration.  They take the lazy way to exist.  That partial networking setup is good enough for a home network but would be miserably insecure in a corporate environment.  Those choices are operating environments that are nice for end-user desktops but aren't Enterprise Class.
    My suggestion?
    Review the IP address range in your Netgear router's setup.
    It is likely something like through and can be customized.
    You probably don't have 50 devices on your network and probably will never have 50 simultaneous devices on your network.
    ... just do a reconfigure reboot and set your Solaris to use a static IP of
    Then reboot and I predict your issue that prompted this forum thread will be gone.
    That's how I've done it at home for many years, even when installing Solaris to bare metal (no virtualization).

  • Unable to get connectivity to ACE

    i am trying to get ip connectivity to my ace-module from the 6509.
    In the switch i enter;
    svclc multiple-vlan-interfaces
    svclc switch 1 module 3 vlan-group 1
    svclc vlan-group 1 505
    There is an ip-adress on vlan 505 in the 6509. In the admin context of the ACE-module there is a vlan 505 up and running. Why can i not ping between the modules?
    The sh arp in the ace displays;
    IP ADDRESS MAC-ADDRESS Interface Type Encap NextArp(s) Status
    10.x.x.x vlan505 GATEWAY - * 2 req dn

    I assume you ment from the ACE, here it is..
    sh int vlan 505
    vlan505 is up
    Hardware type is VLAN
    MAC address is 00:1f:ca:7b:7d:e3
    Mode : routed
    IP address is 10.x.x.x netmask is
    FT status is non-redundant
    Description:not set
    MTU: 1500 bytes
    Last cleared: never
    Alias IP address not set
    Peer IP address not set
    Assigned from the Supervisor, up on Supervisor
    82 unicast packets input, 2916134 bytes
    42798 multicast, 4 broadcast
    0 input errors, 0 unknown, 0 ignored, 0 unicast RPF drops
    4 unicast packets output, 5696 bytes
    0 multicast, 85 broadcast
    0 output errors, 0 ignored
    sh arp
    Context Admin
    IP ADDRESS MAC-ADDRESS Interface Type Encap NextArp(s) Status
    10.x.x.2 vlan505 LEARNED - * 2 req dn
    10.x.x.10 00.1f.ca.7b.7d.e3 vlan505 INTERFACE LOCAL _ up
    Total arp entries 2
    Yes, ACE is located in a 6500 VSS-pair.

  • Configuring wireless card Cisco Aironet 350 PCI

    I'm not a newbie in linux but now faced with a trouble. I could not manage to set up the card properly. I just installed Arch 0.8 and it's not quite clear to me how to do this with Arch. I've read all available Arch's docs on this topic.
    So my situation's the following:
    I have the wireless card Cisco Aironet 350 PCI and I've been using it with Slackware for a year. It works quite fine. But now, when I decided to move to Arch - I cannot set it up. My card's using `airo` module and it is loading well. All the present network devices are recognized. I can see this by ifconfig -a.
    I have 2 NICs in my system:
    1) simple Ethernet card - eth0. Is switched off in rc.conf
    2) wireless. There are 2 different devices for it in my system: eth1 and wifi0 (and it's correct). I don't know why is it so and how about this with other wireless cards.
    For example I placed here network configs from my Slackware which works well with them and expect your advice on how to do the same with Arch.
    ##IPADDR[0]="" #wired NIC is off
    # Config information for eth1:
    # Default gateway IP address:
    # Cisco/Aironet 4800/3x0
    # Note : MPL driver only (airo/airo_cs), version 1.3 or later
    KEY="xxxx-xxxx-xx open"
    Here  is the ifconfig and iwconfig output in Slackware:
    eth1 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:0F:F8:4D:EF:2A
    inet addr:xx.xx.225.8 Bcast:xx.xx.225.255 Mask:
    RX packets:9384 errors:128278 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:128278
    TX packets:1714 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
    collisions:785 txqueuelen:1000
    RX bytes:3023621 (2.8 MiB) TX bytes:224182 (218.9 KiB)
    Interrupt:10 Base address:0xb800
    lo Link encap:Local Loopback
    inet addr: Mask:
    inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
    UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:16436 Metric:1
    RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
    TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
    collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
    RX bytes:0 (0.0 b) TX bytes:0 (0.0 b)
    wifi0 Link encap:UNSPEC HWaddr 00-0F-F8-4D-EF-2A-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00
    RX packets:9384 errors:128278 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:128278
    TX packets:1714 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
    collisions:785 txqueuelen:100
    RX bytes:3023621 (2.8 MiB) TX bytes:224182 (218.9 KiB)
    Interrupt:10 Base address:0xb800
    eth1 IEEE 802.11-DS ESSID:"MoyEssid" Nickname:"user"
    Mode:Managed Frequency:2.427 GHz Access Point: xx:xx:xx:5C:E5:00
    Bit Rate:11 Mb/s Tx-Power=20 dBm Sensitivity=0/65535
    Retry limit:16 RTS thr:off Fragment thr:off
    Encryption key:****-****-** Security mode:open
    Power Management:off
    Link Quality=63/100 Signal level=-64 dBm Noise level=-96 dBm
    Rx invalid nwid:11287 Rx invalid crypt:0 Rx invalid frag:0
    Tx excessive retries:0 Invalid misc:10331 Missed beacon:0
    wifi0 IEEE 802.11-DS ESSID:"MoyEssid" Nickname:"user"
    Mode:Managed Frequency:2.427 GHz Access Point: xx:xx:xx:5C:E5:00
    Bit Rate:11 Mb/s Tx-Power=20 dBm Sensitivity=0/65535
    Retry limit:16 RTS thr:off Fragment thr:off
    Encryption key:****-****-** Security mode:open
    Power Management:off
    Link Quality=63/100 Signal level=-64 dBm Noise level=-96 dBm
    Rx invalid nwid:11287 Rx invalid crypt:0 Rx invalid frag:0
    Tx excessive retries:0 Invalid misc:10331 Missed beacon:0
    Who is aware - please describe or give me a link on this, how the two devises eth1 and wifi0 are connected to each other and how to set them up in Arch.

    Excellent! It works! Thank U very much.
    My conclusion - /etc/network-profiles/ is much more suitable way/place to set your wireless network parameters even it's quite steady.
    And now I have a couple of extra questions:
    1) What should I do with actual network parameters in rc.conf? Currently they looks like:
    #eth0="eth0 netmask broadcast"
    INTERFACES=(lo !eth0)
    gateway="default gw"
    and that looks and works OK. What about gateway? Should I comment it here or not?
    2)Though everything works fine now, I can see that wifi0 device is not listed by ifconfig now (only by iwconfig), but in my Slackware system it is. Don't have I to mention my wifi0 device in network profile's section:
    #WIFI_INTERFACE=wlan0   # use this if you have a special wireless interface
                            # that is linked to the real $INTERFACE
    And sorry for ugly English

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