[wsgen] No bean for: [uri: /depuri]???

hi,everyone.using ant1.41 downloaded from apache.org,built successfully,but "[wsgen]
No bean for: [uri: /depuri]" ???
here is my build.xml
<!-- edited with XML Spy v3.5 NT (http://www.xmlspy.com) by durrenlee (ricobest)
<project name="department" default="webservice">
     <target name="webservice">
          <ant dir="." antfile="build-ejb.xml"/>
          <ant dir="." antfile="build-ws.xml"/>
here is my build-ejb.xml
<!-- edited with XML Spy v3.5 NT (http://www.xmlspy.com) by durrenlee (ricobest)
<project name="ejb-basic-statelessSession" default="all" basedir=".">
     <!-- set global properties for this build -->
     <property file="examples.properties"/>
     <property name="src" value="."/>
     <property name="build" value="${src}/build"/>
     <property name="dist" value="${src}"/>
     <property name="WL_HOME" value=""/>
     <target name="all" depends="clean, init, compile_ejb, jar_ejb, ejbc"/>
     <target name="init">
          <!-- Create the time stamp -->
          <!-- Create the build directory structure used by compile
and copy the deployment descriptors into it-->
          <mkdir dir="${build}"/>
          <mkdir dir="${build}/META-INF"/>
          <copy todir="${build}/META-INF">
               <fileset dir="${src}">
                    <include name="*.xml"/>
     <!-- Compile ejb classes into the build directory (jar preparation) -->
     <target name="compile_ejb">
          <javac srcdir="${src}/webservice" destdir="${build}" includes="depSession.java,depSessionBean.java,depSessionHome.java,depModel.java"/>
     <!-- Make a standard ejb jar file, including XML deployment descriptors -->
     <target name="jar_ejb" depends="compile_ejb">
          <jar jarfile="${dist}/depsession.jar" basedir="${build}"/>
     <!-- Run ejbc to create the deployable jar file -->
     <target name="ejbc" depends="jar_ejb">
          <java classname="weblogic.ejbc" fork="yes">
               <sysproperty key="weblogic.home" value="${WL_HOME}"/>
               <arg line="-compiler javac ${dist}/depsession.jar ./depwebservice.jar"/>
                    <pathelement path="${WL_HOME}/lib/weblogic_sp.jar;${WL_HOME}/lib/weblogic.jar"/>
     <target name="clean">
          <delete dir="${build}"/>
<!-- edited with XML Spy v3.5 NT (http://www.xmlspy.com) by durrenlee (ricobest)
<project name="depart-webservice" default="copy">
     <!-- set global properties for this build -->
     <property file="examples.properties"/>
     <property name="module" value="depwebservice"/>
     <property name="jar.path" value="${module}.jar"/>
     <property name="ear.path" value="${module}.ear"/>
     <taskdef name="wsgen" classname="weblogic.ant.taskdefs.ejb.WSGen"/>
     <target name="wsgen">
          <wsgen destpath="${ear.path}" context="/depart">
               <rpcservices path="${jar.path}">
                    <rpcservice bean="statelessSession" uri="/depuri"/>
     <target name="copy" depends="wsgen">
          <copy file="${ear.path}" todir="${APPLICATIONS}"/>
thanks, littlehill

hi,everyone.using ant1.41 downloaded from apache.org,built successfully,but "[wsgen]
No bean for: [uri: /depuri]" ???
here is my build.xml
<!-- edited with XML Spy v3.5 NT (http://www.xmlspy.com) by durrenlee (ricobest)
<project name="department" default="webservice">
     <target name="webservice">
          <ant dir="." antfile="build-ejb.xml"/>
          <ant dir="." antfile="build-ws.xml"/>
here is my build-ejb.xml
<!-- edited with XML Spy v3.5 NT (http://www.xmlspy.com) by durrenlee (ricobest)
<project name="ejb-basic-statelessSession" default="all" basedir=".">
     <!-- set global properties for this build -->
     <property file="examples.properties"/>
     <property name="src" value="."/>
     <property name="build" value="${src}/build"/>
     <property name="dist" value="${src}"/>
     <property name="WL_HOME" value=""/>
     <target name="all" depends="clean, init, compile_ejb, jar_ejb, ejbc"/>
     <target name="init">
          <!-- Create the time stamp -->
          <!-- Create the build directory structure used by compile
and copy the deployment descriptors into it-->
          <mkdir dir="${build}"/>
          <mkdir dir="${build}/META-INF"/>
          <copy todir="${build}/META-INF">
               <fileset dir="${src}">
                    <include name="*.xml"/>
     <!-- Compile ejb classes into the build directory (jar preparation) -->
     <target name="compile_ejb">
          <javac srcdir="${src}/webservice" destdir="${build}" includes="depSession.java,depSessionBean.java,depSessionHome.java,depModel.java"/>
     <!-- Make a standard ejb jar file, including XML deployment descriptors -->
     <target name="jar_ejb" depends="compile_ejb">
          <jar jarfile="${dist}/depsession.jar" basedir="${build}"/>
     <!-- Run ejbc to create the deployable jar file -->
     <target name="ejbc" depends="jar_ejb">
          <java classname="weblogic.ejbc" fork="yes">
               <sysproperty key="weblogic.home" value="${WL_HOME}"/>
               <arg line="-compiler javac ${dist}/depsession.jar ./depwebservice.jar"/>
                    <pathelement path="${WL_HOME}/lib/weblogic_sp.jar;${WL_HOME}/lib/weblogic.jar"/>
     <target name="clean">
          <delete dir="${build}"/>
<!-- edited with XML Spy v3.5 NT (http://www.xmlspy.com) by durrenlee (ricobest)
<project name="depart-webservice" default="copy">
     <!-- set global properties for this build -->
     <property file="examples.properties"/>
     <property name="module" value="depwebservice"/>
     <property name="jar.path" value="${module}.jar"/>
     <property name="ear.path" value="${module}.ear"/>
     <taskdef name="wsgen" classname="weblogic.ant.taskdefs.ejb.WSGen"/>
     <target name="wsgen">
          <wsgen destpath="${ear.path}" context="/depart">
               <rpcservices path="${jar.path}">
                    <rpcservice bean="statelessSession" uri="/depuri"/>
     <target name="copy" depends="wsgen">
          <copy file="${ear.path}" todir="${APPLICATIONS}"/>
thanks, littlehill

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    <!--               path="/product"-->
    <!--               type="org.apache.struts.actions.ForwardAction"-->
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              <forward name="failure" path="loginRendererDef" />
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         <set-property property="secure" value="false"/>
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                   <forward name="failure" path="/organization.do?method=createOrUpdateOrganization"/>               
              <action path="/exportOrganization" type="org.springframework.web.struts.DelegatingActionProxy"
              name="exportOrganizationForm" parameter="method" scope="request" >
              <forward name="failure" path="loginLandingDef" />
         <!-- Register Support Portal RequestProcessor -->
              <set-property property="processorClass" value="com.harcourt.supportportal.struts.common.action.SupportPortalRequestProcessor" />
         <!-- Message Resources -->
         <message-resources parameter="com.harcourt.supportportal.resources.ApplicationResources" />
         <!-- tiles plugin -->
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    If your EAR has actually started, try this:
    If you are not on z/OS, the link is actually under server->server infrastructure->Java and process management->environment entries
    for setting the property

  • My problem in Weblogic and Message Driven Bean for Topic

    Hello to all
    I used this page (http://www.ecomputercoach.com/index.php/component/content/article/90-weblogic-jms-queue-setup.html?showall=1)
    for setup JMS Server, Queue, Connection Factory on Weblogic Server
    and I created a Message Driven Bean ,I used those Queue , and all things was OK
    But I wanted to setup a Topic and use it in this manner
    I created a Topic like previous steps for setup Queue
    Except in Step 3  ,I selected Topic instead of Queue
    then I created a Message Driven Bean in JDeveloper , my Message Driven Bean is like this:
    @MessageDriven(mappedName = "jndi.testTopic")
    public class aliJMS1_MessageDrivenEJBBean implements MessageListener {
        public void onMessage(Message message) {
          if(message instanceof TextMessage ){
            TextMessage txtM=(TextMessage) message;
            }catch(Exception ex){
    When I deploy the Application , Weblogic shows me this error:
    +<Aug 30, 2011 11:32:28 AM PDT> <Warning> <EJB> <BEA-010061> <The Message-Driven EJB: aliJMS1_MessageDrivenEJBBean is unable to connect to th+
    e JMS destination: jndi.testTopic. The Error was:
    +[EJB:011011]The Message-Driven EJB attempted to connect to the JMS destination with the JNDI name: jndi.testTopic. However, the object with+
    the JNDI name: jndi.testTopic is not a JMS destination, or the destination found was of the wrong type (Topic or Queue).>
    And when I send message to the topic The Message Dirven Bean dosen't work
    But when I create an ordinary Java application like this (it uses that Tpoic) :
    import java.io.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.transaction.*;
    import javax.naming.*;
    import javax.jms.*;
    public class TopicReceive implements MessageListener
        public final static String JNDI_FACTORY =
        public final static String JMS_FACTORY =
        public final static String TOPIC = "jndi.testTopic";
        private TopicConnectionFactory tconFactory;
        private TopicConnection tcon;
        private TopicSession tsession;
        private TopicSubscriber tsubscriber;
        private Topic topic;
        private boolean quit = false;
        public void onMessage(Message msg) {
            try {
                String msgText;
                if (msg instanceof TextMessage) {
                    msgText = ((TextMessage)msg).getText();
                } else {
                    msgText = msg.toString();
                System.out.println("JMS Message Received: " + msgText);
                if (msgText.equalsIgnoreCase("quit")) {
                    synchronized (this) {
                        quit = true;
            } catch (JMSException jmse) {
        public void init(Context ctx, String topicName) throws NamingException,
                                                               JMSException {
            tconFactory = (TopicConnectionFactory)ctx.lookup(JMS_FACTORY);
            tcon = tconFactory.createTopicConnection();
            tsession = tcon.createTopicSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
            topic = (Topic)ctx.lookup(topicName);
            tsubscriber = tsession.createSubscriber(topic);
        public void close() throws JMSException {
        public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
            InitialContext ic = getInitialContext("t3://");
            TopicReceive tr = new TopicReceive();
            tr.init(ic, TOPIC);
            System.out.println("JMS Ready To Receive Messages (To quit, send a \"quit\" message).");        
            synchronized (tr) {
                while (!tr.quit) {
                    try {
                    } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
        private static InitialContext getInitialContext(String url) throws NamingException {
            Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
            env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, JNDI_FACTORY);
            env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, url);
            env.put("weblogic.jndi.createIntermediateContexts", "true");
            return new InitialContext(env);
    It's OK and shows messages When I send message to the Topic
    Now I want know why the Message Driven Bean doesn't work for those Topic
    I want create a Message Driven Bean for Topic in the same way I created for Queue
    I don't know what is problem , please advice me

    Could you try adding a activationconfig to the message-driven bean, for example,
    @MessageDriven(mappedName = "jndi.testTopic", activationConfig = {
            @ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName = "destinationName", propertyValue = "jndi.testTopic"),
            @ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName = "destinationType", propertyValue = "javax.jms.Topic")
    public class aliJMS1_MessageDrivenEJBBean implements MessageListener {
        public void onMessage(Message message) {
          if(message instanceof TextMessage ){
            TextMessage txtM=(TextMessage) message;
            }catch(Exception ex){

  • How to layout beans for single page design

    Hey guys. I'm designing a site that uses the Icefaces framework. I've been reading a book called Real World Java EE patterns. I'm kind of confused how to layout the pages. Normally I would have just a POJO class implement serializable for a bean. This bean would then back each page. With a single page design I'm going to have a bunch of elements on the page. Datatables, trees, inputs, calendars etc. Is it normal or best practice to have separate beans for each datatable, calendar, etc or put that all in one bean? I'm not sure how to approach this. Right now each element is a bean and I'm using the @Inject annotation to have the data table talk to the tree and vise versa. This creates really bad code and if I put this as a member of the class I will get a circular reference because the data table bean has to inject the calendar and the calendar has to inject the data table.
    Thanks for any help.

    'best' practice is to not follow blindly what other people say, but to reason yourself what works best for you. It has been stated many times before and I will state it again: best practice does not exist. Only personal opinions about what is best exist. Personal opinions are not facts.
    So choose what works for you. Is the code easy to maintain? Is it readable? Can you perhaps re-use parts of it? Then I'd say you have a winner.
    I'll give you my personal favorite. When working with a page that has input elements, I tend to have two or three beans. Replace XXX with a logical and context sensitive name.
    XXXForm - this is a simple request scoped bean that has the action and event methods and will hold some data for reading purposes for the view, possibly taken from a database.
    XXXStorage - this is a session scoped bean that holds information from the form; if it is an editing function I initialize it with the current state first. Storing this stuff in a session bean makes it very easy to do Ajax stuff and create input cycles that span multiple requests. Also when data is split in multiple pages, the storage class is the one to remember which page is being displayed.
    Optionally, I also have an XXXSearch object, which is a session scoped bean that stores search/sort/filter parameters. I make this session scoped so the information is remembered for the duration of the user's visit, meaning he can navigate away from the page in question, come back and all his choices will still be in place.
    So no, I don't have beans specifically for each component, although I might make simple POJOs to hold information gathered from several sources (for example, information gathered from several database tables). These beans are generally used to fill the rows of a datatable and are just created from within the form class, for example in a @PostConstruct annotated method.

  • Creation of CMP bean for a Composite Primary key????

    i am having a composite primary keys in one of my table in the database.
    I am trying to create a new entity bean for this table but i don't know how to create one in case when there is a composite primary key for a table.
    Can anybody let me know is it possible to do it.
    what is the procedure to be followed for the creation of the Entity bean in case of a composite primary key.
    I am using MySql as the database .Creating CMP type of Entity bean.
    Any help in this regard will be greatly useful to me as this is very urgent.
    Thanks & Regards
    Vikram K

    Hi Nikola,
    There are several problems with your CMP bean.
    1. Fields of a Primary Key Class must be a subset of CMP fields, so yes, they must be either a primitive or a Serializable type.
    2. Sun Application Server does not support Primary Key fields of an arbitrary Serializable type (i.e. those that will be stored
    as BLOB in the database), but only primitives, Java wrappers, String, and Date/Time types.
    Do you try to use stubs instead of relationships or for some other reason?
    If it's the former - look at the CMR fields.
    If it's the latter, I suggest to store these fields as regular CMP fields and use some other value as the PK. If you prefer that
    the CMP container generates the PK values, use the Unknown
    PrimaryKey feature.

  • What bean for date selection should I choose?

    I need bean for date selection with folowing features:
    1) Period selection
    2) Internatioanization
    I foung some components:
    1) http://www.java-calendar.com/
    (+) supports all need features
    (-) 50$ :(
    2) http://www.toedter.com/
    (+) free, interationalization
    (-) no period selection
    3) http://sourceforge.net/projects/jdatechooser
    (+) free, supports all need features
    (-) project is too young, i'm searching more mature project
    I have no time for long searches, so advise me component please.

    From your own findings it's between 1 and 3, but 3 is "too young" so it looks like 1. Spend the 50.

  • Errors wcu-015: your form must contain the following bean for this function to be available : oracle.forms.webutil.file.filefunctions;

    my technical
    1_ Oracle
    Entreprise Manager version
    2_ Forms [32
    Bit] Version (Production)
    3_ Oracle
    JInitiator: Version
    4_ WebUtil
    Version 1.0.2(Beta)
    5_ window xp
    service pack 2 build 2600.
    Explorer 8 Version 8.0.6001.18702
    I m developping
    a form txt.fmb
    The obejective
    of this form is to open metars.txt file loctated in “c:\metars.txt”,
    through which read climate data for exapmle (temperature =25, humudity = 60) to
    finaly insert them into metars table in my data base.
    For recall
    while i m developing this form this step is well achieved:
    i open the
    WEBUTIL.olb, in  a window so different tabs is displayed and then i drag
    the webutil-object group into my forms object group-node. until I have the
    following items under the object group-node in my form test.fmb
    -- as alert style: stop
    -- as a block
    at run time I
    have the following message error which is come out form the function CLIENT_TEXT_IO.FOPEN(file_name,
    'W') and written through a  trigger fired
    on “ when new form instance”. 
    wcu-015: your form must contain the following bean for this function to be
    available : oracle.forms.webutil.file.filefunctions; 
    also i would like to inform that  at run time,
    java console didn't show me any of errors loading java files, which mean
    that all configuration required, to getting webutil work  with oracle 9i form builder,  are well executed.
    JInitiator: Version
    Using JRE
    version Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
    User home directory = C:\Documents and
    Settings\wwProxy Configuration: no proxyJAR cache enabled
    Location: C:\Documents and Settings\ww\Oracle Jar Cache
    from JAR cacheLoading
    http://wissam-773df302:8888/forms90/jars/jacob.jar from
    JAR cacheLoading
    http://wissam-773df302:8888/forms90/jars/demo90.jar from
    JAR cacheLoading
    from JAR cacheLoading
    from JAR cacheLoading
    from JAR cacheLoading
    from JAR cacheRegister
    WebUtil -
    Loading Webutil Version 1.0.2 BetaproxyHost=nullproxyPort=0connectMode=HTTP,
    native.Forms Applet version is : 90290
    Finally  still i m facing the same problem about the
    error message mentioned earlier; I appreciate any support and I will be very
    thankful for helping me to find  a suitable solution!!

    1.) Please don't double post:Urgent message : oracle9i form builder read  txt file error
    2.) As for your original post: don't post urgent questions over here. If they are really urgent call oracle support. See How To Ask Questions The Smart Way
    and after all:
    wcu-015: your form must contain the following bean for this function to be
    available : oracle.forms.webutil.file.filefunctions; 
    are you certain, 100% positive, and absolutely sure you have a bean item with above implementation class in your form? I'd double check that...
    JInit and IE8? I am not 100% sure, but I am almost certain that this combination didn't work at all. And please don't tell us you used that stupid hack where you replace the jvm.dll of JInit with one of a current JPI installation.
    The Oracle Versions you have in place are rather ancient as well, you really should think about upgrading your database and your forms installation. As you already are on webforms moving to the current version of forms shouldn't require much changes in your forms.

  • Duplicate file: Module bean for MD5 / SHA

    writing my question...

    bad keyboard... bad web connexion... thread deleted!
    see new thread [Duplicate file: Module bean for MD5 / SHA (digital signature)|Duplicate file: Module bean for MD5 / SHA (digital signature);
    sorry for disturbing.

  • One Managed Bean for a set of pages

    Can I have one Managed Bean (request scope) for a set of pages using Creator? Or should I have one Managed Bean for each page?
    Thanks in advance,

    Please take a look at the following threads:
    Hope this hepls

  • Create Java bean for a http session

    how can i create a java bean for an http session. also is it possible to access it from another java class within that session

    Try the following forum (about JSP technology)

  • Java Bean for Marquee or scrolling text

    Can anybody help to make the simple java bean for scrolling a text in ORacle forms 10g?
    Omama Khurshid

    Please help me and send it to my mail.
    [email protected]

  • Getnode returned null for uri error for caldav server

    I am trying to install the Oracle UCS ( SUN 7 update 2 ) server.
    So far, I have successfully:
    Checked the installation requirements
    Installed Communications Suite 7 Update 2 Software
    Installed and Configured the Directory Server
    Prepared the Directory under ( Configuring Communications Suite Components )
    Configured Delegated Administrator and Communications CLI
    Configured Messaging Server
    Configured MYSQL Server
    Configured Calendar Server
    I have just installed a caldav server. I checked that it was enabled by running:
    # asadmin list-components -p <admin-port> --type=web
    davserver <web-module>
    Command list-components executed successfully.
    # asadmin show-component-status -p <admin-port> davserver
    Status of davserver is enabled.
    Command show-component-status executed successfully.
    that was from this page:
    In Firefox, I try to hit the suggested pages under "Testing Calendar accounts". However, this errors out every time for me.
    wheremyDdomain.com is my actual domain that I will not list here
    and myUsername is my actual username which I will not list here
    ( I edited both of these in the logs below )
    I checked my log in /var/opt/sun/comms/davserver/logs:
    INFO [2012-02-11T11:46:02.729-0500] <...DavServer.<init>> Server Startup succeeded
    INFO [2012-02-11T11:46:02.730-0500] <...DavServer.loadBackend> Loading backend defaultbackend with backendid defaultbackend
    INFO [2012-02-11T11:46:02.730-0500] <...DavServer.loadBackend>      JDBC JNDI Name = jdbc/defaultbackend
    INFO [2012-02-11T11:46:09.033-0500] <...DavServer.loadBackend> Loading backend ischedulebackend with backendid ischedulebackend
    INFO [2012-02-11T11:46:09.033-0500] <...DavServer.loadBackend>      JDBC JNDI Name = jdbc/ischedulebackend
    INFO [2012-02-11T11:46:09.427-0500] <...DavServer.loadBackends> iSchedule enabled
    INFO [2012-02-11T11:46:09.439-0500] <...DavServer.loadBackends> modified ischedule collection at /ischedule/
    INFO [2012-02-11T13:33:18.967-0500] <...URIInfoManagerImpl.getEntryFromSearchFilter> found 0 corresponding to: (uid=caldav)
    INFO [2012-02-11T13:33:59.844-0500] <...URIInfoManagerImpl.getEntryFromSearchFilter> found 0 corresponding to: (uid=caldav)
    FINE [2012-02-11T13:42:39.157-0500] <...DavServerServlet.service> [REQ] GET /davserver/browse/h/myDomainName/myUserName/calendar myDomainName
    FINE [2012-02-11T13:42:39.808-0500] <...LDAPSingleHostPool.getConnection> got connection from getConnection() for pool Pool number:0. Host=myDomainName
    FINE [2012-02-11T13:42:41.441-0500] <...LDAPSingleHostPool.getConnection> got connection from getConnection() for pool Pool number:0. Host=myDomainName
    FINE [2012-02-11T13:42:41.460-0500] <...LoginModuleHelper.checkIfUserInAdminGroup> user: admin; isMemberOf = cn=Service Administrators, ou=Groups, o=isp
    FINE [2012-02-11T13:42:41.684-0500] <...DavBrowserServlet.service> Got a non standard condition: getNode returned null for uri /davserver/browse/h/myDomainName/myUserName/calendar
    FINE [2012-02-11T13:42:41.684-0500] <...DavServerServlet.service> [RES] [404] Command execution time: 2.527 secs
    I can hit this page from the browser:
    From my understanding, that is the admin port. That brings up the GlassFish server admin page.
    I do not remember creating a calendar account anywhere is my first thought. I followed the example deployment step by step so far and nowhere does it have me create a calendar user account. So, maybe there is no account at this point?
    So, my first question would be:
    How can I verify that I have a calendar account to begin with? ( or is this what I am doing by trying to log into the sites suggested under 'Test Calendar Accounts').
    My next question would be:
    What does this error mean: "getnode returned null for uri error for caldav server"?
    Spin off question from that:
    What should I do to fix that error?
    Thanks in advance!

    I did not put a slash at the end of the uris I was testing
    Once I put the slash at the end of the uri, the configuration page appeared and the error was not displayed about getNode anymore:

  • Error 404: No target servlet configured for uri

    hello there..
    this error start comming suddenly, i dont know why??
    when i try to run html page then IE7 display the following error
    Error 404: No target servlet configured for uri: webpage uri
    if any one already know this then please post any solution to fix it.

    thanks Mr evenafets for ur quick reply
    i m sorry not to post the html page i have problem in.
    below is mypage.html
    and i m accessing it trough uri http://localhost:9080/myproject/mypage.html
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="theme/Master.css" type="text/css">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
    <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Rational Application Developer">
    <!-- HTML CONVERTER -->
        classid = "clsid:8AD9C840-044E-11D1-B3E9-00805F499D93"
        codebase = "http://java.sun.com/update/1.6.0/jinstall-6u20-windows-i586.cab#Version=6,0,0,6"
        WIDTH = "300" HEIGHT = "200" >
        <PARAM NAME = CODE VALUE = "myclass.class" >
        <PARAM NAME = ARCHIVE VALUE = "RegistrationApplet.jar" >
        <param name = "type" value = "application/x-java-applet;version=1.6">
        <param name = "scriptable" value = "false">
                type = "application/x-java-applet;version=1.6" \
                CODE = "myclass.class" \
                ARCHIVE = "RegistrationApplet.jar" \
                WIDTH = "300" \
                HEIGHT = "200"
             scriptable = false
             pluginspage = "http://java.sun.com/products/plugin/index.html#download">
    <APPLET CODE = "myclass.class" ARCHIVE = "RegistrationApplet.jar" WIDTH = "300" HEIGHT = "200">
    </html>and below is web.xml file
         <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <web-app id="WebApp_ID" version="2.4" xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee/web-app_2_4.xsd">

  • Error 404: No target servlet configured for uri  exception in RAD6.0

    Hello there,
    I have recently migrated from WSAD5.1 to RAD6.0. I have created a servlet in my client Web project. I have configured the deployment descriptor correctly to define a url-mapping for the servlet as follows:
    However, whenever, I try to run my servlet:
    I get the error:
    Error 404: No target servlet configured for uri
    I am not sure what this error means. Could someone please tell what I might be missing or what might be going wrong?
    Thanks in advance!

    If your EAR has actually started, try this:
    If you are not on z/OS, the link is actually under server->server infrastructure->Java and process management->environment entries
    for setting the property

  • How to scope beans for a JSF Confirmation Page

    I have a web form with corresponding backing bean for each input field. I have two buttons on the form. Here is some of the page:
    <h:inputText id="clientName" value="#{clientBean.company}" required="true"/>
    <h:inputText id="clientContact" value="#{clientBean.contact}"/>
    <h:commandButton id="btn_Submit" value="Submit" action="#clientBean.save}"/>
    <h:commandButton id="btn_Cancel" value="Cancel" immediate="true" action="cancel"/>
    Navigation rules display a confirmation page with the inputs the user has entered, and the cancel button brings them back to a simple menu screen (where they can click a link and re-visit this web form).
    IF THE MANAGED-BEAN-SCOPE for clientBean is set to REQUEST, I cannot use the bean attributes to populate outputText elements on a confirmation page (they are no longer in the current request). (I'm OK with this....)
    IF I SET THE MANAGED-BEAN-SCOPE for clientBean to SESSION, I can use the attributes of the managed-bean to drive the confirmation page, HOWEVER... if the user fills in the form and clicks CANCEL, then re-visits the web form, the values they entered prior to clicking Cancel are pre-populated in the web form.
    I've even gone as far as to have the Cancel button fire a cancel() method on the clientBean where I set all backing attributes to empty strings. That doesn't work either.
    Is there a way I can remove a managed-bean instance from the session scope entirely when the user clicks Cancel? Or is there a preferred method of ensuring that form values make it to the confirmation page using request scoped beans?

    I'd the same problem ever.
    It's not a good way to do these clear in the cancel button,
    for users maybe not click the cancel button, but click others links on the page
    and quit, after a while, then goto the form, there will be the previous data
    displayed as click back on the confirm page.
    at last i resolve the problem by adding a page before the form page.
    all links to the form page are linked to the new page,
    in the new page,
    1st, clear the state of the managed-ben(clientBean),
    there were a few ways to do this,
    (1), change all the properties of the clientbean to a default value.
    (2), remove the clientbean from the session(JSF will create an new instance when it remove from the session)
    2nd, redirect the request to the form page.
    You may write only one page (the clear-state and forword page) for all form in the application by passing the managed-bean to be cleared as a parameter.
    Hope be helpful for you.

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