Xcelsius URL Button limitation

We are using URL button to pass varibles from Xcelsius model to WAD templates but we have a problem, we are not able to pass more than five variables because it looks like there is a limitation in number of characteristics that can be passed using a URL Button.
Is it true if yes do we have any work around?
Thanks for any input

The length of the URL depends on what web browser and what server software you are using.  Some information follows:  IE 7 with Tomcat: limit of about 740 characters (because "Get" is used, and more characters are added onto the URL in processing causing IE to reach the max of @1083 characters).  With IE7 and IIS, the url can be a lot more characters (I haven't found the limit yet).  Also, with Firefox and Chrome and Tomcat, the url can be a lot more characters.  Hope this is helpful.  The main thing to do is use preview mode and save your snapshot as an excel file.  Then you can open the excel file and copy and paste your url into a web browser in order to debug.  Hope this is helpful.

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    When you run a SWF file locally (not in the Xcelsius designer) by default Flash security settings do not let you call a URL or access files.
    Refer to the Adobe Flash Player Security Restrictions section in the Xcelsius 2008 SP3 User Guide: http://help.sap.com/businessobject/product_guides/xcelsius2008SP3/en/Xcelsius2008SP3_user_guide_en.pdf

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    Thanks for u rely firoz but it s not working
    Case SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_LOST_FOCUS
                        objForm = objAddOn.objApplication.Forms.Item(FormUID)
                        If pVal.ItemUID = "62" Then
                            objForm.DefButton = "52"
                        end if
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    Thank you!

    Hello Sunny,
    Once you deploy the html and swf files to a web server and view, does it work as you expect?
    The restrictions you see should only be with preview and when you open the html as a file in a web browser.
    Ted Ueda

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    I am using Xcelsius Engage 2009, SP1, FP1  and FlashPlayer 9
    Thank you

    Hi Suzanne,
         For your first question, you need to add the folder to the trust location on Adobe Flash Player Settings Manager web page. Here are the steps:
                       1) Open your exported model
                       2) Right click and select "Settings..."
                       3) Adobe Flash Player Settings dialog opens
                       4) On Privacy page, click "Advanced..." button to open Flash Player Settings Manager
                       5) Click Global Security Settings Panel
                       6) Add the folder where your files located to the trusted locations
         You need to open your exported model again to double check the settings taking effect.
         For your second question, Iu2019m so sorry in the current version the blank web page cannot disappear. Sorry for the inconvenience. Iu2019ve submitted a bug and hope it will be fixed in the future version.
    Best wishes,

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    You tap and hold down in the URL field until you get the option to select all. Then you choose the option to select all. An option to Copy appears and you select that and then you should be able to paste that URL into a text field.
    Safari copy url button doesn't work
    I Realize that you must know the steps but I am just double checking. If that is not working for you, and you are not having copy and paste issues elsewhere in other apps, I would try clearing Safari, force close it and then reset your iPad.
    Go to Settings>Safari>Clear History and Website Data
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  • Web Service URL length limits, LV2013 vs LV2012

    (* CROSS POST: http://lavag.org/topic/18435-web-service-url-length-limits-lv2013-vs-lv2012/ *)
    (* Please reply in this forum.  I have marked the other thread to put replies here. *)
    Has anyone noticed a reduction to the limit on URL length for Web Services between LV versions 2012 and 2013?
    Under LV2012, a RESTful web service appears to accept URL with lengths at least as long as 4096 characters.  With LV2013, the max URL length appears to be 511 characters for both RESTful and Project Item web services. Unfortunately for me the project I just converted trips over this issue. My goal with posting this query to here is to improve my understanding of this limitation before I decide how best to modify my code.  Certainly using POST rather than GET with a long URL is an option, but again, I'm looking to understand the change in limitation before I choose a solution.
    To illustrate I have attached three mostly identical projects which demonstrate the issue.  In each case the project contains a webservice consisting of a single VI, "ComputeLength", which takes a String as an input parameter and which outputs the length of the string.  The three projects are as follows.
    1. LV2012 RESTful web service.
    2. LV2013 RESTful web service.
    3. LV2013 Project item web service.
    The web service contains a single VI.  For the RESTful examples, the web service is started by selecting Deploy from the Build specification right click menu.  For the Project Item example, the web service is started by selecting Start from the MyComputer/WebService right click menu. The use of this example is demonstrated with the following URL: 
    (note that the port is 8080 for the two RESTful examples and is 8001 for the Project item web service if used in Debug mode, which is the default for the above instruction.)
    And the output looks like this.
    To see the issue, extend the string parameter such that the URL contains more than 511 characters beyond the port number.  For example something like this, http://localhost:8080/webservice/computelength?string=1234567890123456789012345678901234567890....(keep repeating)
    For the LV2012 example the string parameter may be at least as long as 4000 characters, which I've demonstrated using Chrome as my browser.  For both of the LV2013 examples the URL is limited to 511 characters after the localhost and the port number.
    Anyone know whether this is a bug or this is an intentional design change?  How about whether the URL length limit is configurable? 
    I am also consulting NI tech support and will report back their response.
    Any advice appreciated.
    Go to Solution.
    mywebservice.LV2012.RESTful.zip ‏12 KB
    mywebservice.LV2013.RESTful.zip ‏12 KB
    mywebservice.LV2013.ProjectItem.zip ‏11 KB

    Solution found.  Apparently starting in LV 2013, there is a default limit of 512 to the URL length.  The default limit may be overridden as described below.
    This is Brian in Applications Engineering from National Instruments. I am following up regarding the 511 character limit in your Web Service HTTP request following the port number. After some research I've figured out that the issue is related to a default web server setting called "LimitUri," which limits the maximum length of a URL. The default setting is 512 characters which is why we are seeing this issue.
    There are multiple ways of changing the URL length limit depending on how you are using your web service. If you are publishing the web service using the Application Web Server then modify "C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\Shared\NI WebServer\NIWebAppServer.conf" and add "LimitUri 4096" to the end of the file without the quotes.
    If you are running the Debug Web Server by just clicking start on the web service then modify "C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2013\resource\webserver\niwsdebugserver.conf" and add "LimitUri 4096" to the end of the file without the quotes.

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    Hi Nikhil,
    did you solved your problem ??
    best regards

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    Is there a solution to accomplish this?

    What you want to do the url button,just create a URL and paste in excel sheet and link the cell to URL button.But you need to split the URL syntax and palce into 2 cells. one cell contains the server details and another one contains the prompt values and concatenate these two cells.use the concatenated cell as URL button destination cell.
    please let me know...

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    I'm trying to set up a service URL button that will allow users to logout of extension mobility without having to go into the Services button.
    I setup the following Phone Logout service:
    http://<IP Address>/emapp/EMAppServlet?doLogout=true&device=#DEVICENAME#
    If I access this from the services button, it works, but if I hit the URL line key it fails.
    I did an Ethereal trace, and found out it is sending the wrong device ID when it fails.
    bad logout url: SEP00016CEADFF0
    good logout url:SEP0013CED06212 (correct device name)
    Any ideas what might cause this? This is CCM 4.1(3)sr3b
    Thanks, Randy

    Check the registry entry of the Cisco CallManager Extension Mobility:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cisco SystemsInc.\DirectoryConfiguration\AppUsers\CCMSysUser.
    Make sure that an entry for "Password" exists and that the "UserID" is "CCMSysUser"
    If everything is set up correctly, perform a Stop and restart of Internet Information Service (IIS).

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    Thanks in advance.
    Best regards
    Søren Bessermann

    Hi Søren,
    I know this feature only from release SolMan 4.0. There you had to activate three services in SICF:
    /default_host/sap/bc/solman/defaultUser (and all activities below)
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    login/create_sso2_ticket = 2 (from default 0)
    Did you try this?
    Regards, Alexander

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