XFCE4.4.0: Anybody using Avahi Zeroconf?

I was just testing the Avahi Zeroconf Browser, that gets installed with XFCE4.4.0, and now I am wondering, if anybody can tell me, how use Avahi Zeroconf in a meaningful way in XFCE4.
The Avahi Zeroconf Browser just gives some output, but it seems just to be a tool to show, what the Avahi Zeroconf daemon finds on the net, and nothing else can be done with it, right?

Master One wrote:
The XFCE4.4.0 compositor is really working nicely on my ThinkPad T42p, but unfortunately it is causing problems with rdesktop windows. When I open a rdesktop connection, the content of the rdesktop window gets completely messed up (strange colors mixed with transparency). I tried several rdesktop options, but nothing helped, except reducing the connection color depth to 8 (instead of 16), but that's not really satisfying because everything looks ugly with just 8 bit colors.
Can anybody confirm this phenomenon?
Is there a cure?
Unfortunately I rely on connecting to WinXP machines with rdesktop (tested TightVNC as well, but it just is not fast enough for proper working), that's why I had to disable the XFCE4 compositor again.
You could try wine + mstsc (M$'s remote desktop client). It works much better than rdesktop.

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    Hello Thomas,
    You may want to download the driver again and install it again.
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    Hi Johns,
    BizTalk is OLTP system, yes. But latency is an issue in my case. I need <100 msec latency for the MessageBox round trip for most cases. In some cases I need <10 msec.
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