Xfce4, gnome, and my GTK apps???

What should I do here? So far I have done a fresh install of arch linux. I installed the light version of gnome, no extras. I did install a few gnome programs, like gnome-system-monitor, file roller, etc... functionality reasoning. I also have skype and audacious installed atm, pretty bare bones as u can see.
What I did was change DE's, I now am stuck on xfce4 and want to drop gnome from this arch install. What should I be worried about and how would you go about removing gnome without ruining the arch install? I really like my setup and my GTK apps, I do not wanna destroy it. Any advice???
Last edited by jacko (2007-12-02 19:34:43)

on another note, how do I get my desktop icons back??? I experimented with the alt + ctrl + esc keyboard shortcut and did a kill process command on my desktop which in turned deleted the icons. Now they won't come back...

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    Cornholio wrote:Hi,
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    *Which* GTK apps?  I suspect not all of them.  Do you have mounted filesystems on NFS or something similar?
    -- Thomas Adam

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    I used KDEmod, but normal KDE should work too.
    1.) Get the KFirefox theme here: http://ramonantonio.net/kde-firefox/ This will change the main look of Firefox. to integrate well.
    2.) Get gtk-qt-engine, and install. This will let you set a KDE style for GTK apps. Unfortunately, "Use my KDE style in GTK applications" does not work in some stubborn apps, like Firefox, and you're normally forced to "Use another style" that's not as nice as your main KDE4.
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    4.) Go to the KDE System Settings, Appearance, and GTK Styles and Fonts. Select "Use another style", and then 'kde4-oxygen'.
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    brainsqueezer wrote:
    MillTek wrote:I tried and it changed he size of the FFox 'personal toolbar' to half the screen in height.  I refer to the toolbar where you can drag'n'drop links and establish folders of links etc.  Any ideas???
    Hello I'm the creator of the theme. Could you provide more information and test latest version?
    Sure.  I am using Minefield 3.0 and I just loaded your theme and it seems to work fine. Looks like you got whatever was causing the problem to work properly.

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    Master One wrote:
    In the meantime I swapped over to KDEMOD again, but I am still not satisfied. I prefer a mix of QT and GTK+ applications, and whatever I tried, they just do not look the same if running them in KDE or XFCE4.
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    For the records, I'm not running a gnome session, I use gdm to start e17.
    Is anybody else experiencing this?
    Any thoughts?

    resi wrote:
    since I upgraded to gnome 2.30.0 a couple of days ago some applications pop up their menus in the wrong place.
    No matter on which of my monitors the app is running, the menu pops up on the primary one.
    I observed this behavior in nautilus, pidgin, gimp, gvim and gtk-demo, but for example firefox and thunderbird are not affected (I assume these are gtk apps, they look like they are).
    For the records, I'm not running a gnome session, I use gdm to start e17.
    Is anybody else experiencing this?
    Any thoughts?
    im replying to this to leave it as a reminder of reporting back when i get to my dualscreen setup.
    but things to have in mind.
    - i use compiz to place windows in a 'smart' way
    - i got gnome session

  • [Resolved] Adobe-AIR and some other GTK apps crash

    Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: “oxygen-gtk”
    HTMLLoader failed to initialize
    How its work? oxygen-gtk are installed and works good with other gtk+ apps.
    Help me pls.
    Last edited by sylion (2011-04-17 21:22:37)

    sylion wrote:problem resolved by installing this packages: lib32-libxslt, lib32-xcb-util
    That was brilliant.
    Thanks for sharing!

  • Xfce4-panel and gnome

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    2. Can I use xfce4 panel with gnome and if so how and how do I get it to start up when gnome is started?
    Any and all help is appreciated thanks in advance,

    Not sue I've correctly understood your problems but here goes:
    1) You wanna see all the windows open on all workspaces, kinda like Mac OS X's Exposé (http://www.apple.com/macosx/what-is-macosx/expose.html). What you do not want is to see the workspaces layout, as in Compiz's Expo plugin (http://wiki.compiz.org/Plugins/Expo). Or are you referring to something completely different? (Workstations???) If my assumption is correct: I think your best bet is Compiz's Ring  switcher plugin - but try out the various plugins under window management to see which one works for you.
    2) Yes, although right now, some people are having problems getting it to work (https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=111890) If it's already installed, just try running it with 'xfce4-panel' and setup a panel. Once that's done, go to System | Preferences | Startup Applications, click add, and enter 'xfce4-panel' under name and command.

  • [SOLVED] Gnome 3.4 / GTK / Firefox freezes

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    Basically this is rendering the computer almost unusable, or at least deeply painful and annoying to use.
    System details (if any other information would be useful then please let me know):
    $ lspci | grep VGA
    01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI Manhattan [Mobility Radeon HD 5430 Series]
    $ uname -a
    Linux arch-desktop 3.3.6-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Sun May 13 10:52:32 CEST 2012 x86_64 GNU/Linux
    I'm using the open source radeon driver. All packages are up to date.
    Last edited by john_h (2012-05-19 18:16:54)

    john_h wrote:I may be confusing correlation with causation , but the problem hasn't recurred since I removed this extension.
    Well good for you
    I've really been trying to make gnome shell a pleasant usable experience for myself, but I'm having these lockup issues frequently upon log in.  It may be due to the fact that I'm using fglrx graphics but I still don't think that should be an excuse.  I tried removing the extension and the correlation appeared to have less freezes - but I'm still in a bad position.

  • Ugly fonts in GTK apps on e17

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    And this my e17 desktop:
    http://img69.imageshack.us/img69/8717/2 … 400rm8.png
    What can I do?

    Davigetto wrote:
    Hello, I would want to know how I can change the fonts of GTK apps in e17, cause it looks really ugly compared with gnome...
    This is my gnome desktop:
    And this my e17 desktop:
    http://img69.imageshack.us/img69/8717/2 … 400rm8.png
    What can I do?
    can i be honest?!
    imo the fonts in e17 are looking better than on the gnome-shot!
    the fonts in gnome are blurred and letters like the "m" look like i'm squinting.
    this is my /etc/fonts/local.conf:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fonts.dtd">
    <!-- Info at http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Xorg_and_Fonts -->
    <!-- Replace Courier with a better-looking font -->
    <match target="pattern" name="family">
    <test name="family" qual="any">
    <edit name="family" mode="assign">
    <!-- Other choices - Courier New, Luxi Mono -->
    <string>Bitstream Vera Sans Mono</string>
    <match target="font">
    <edit name="rgba" mode="assign">
    <edit name="autohint" mode="assign">
    <edit name="antialias" mode="assign">
    <edit name="hinting" mode="assign">
    <edit name="hintstyle" mode="assign">
    <!-- Disable autohint for bold fonts, otherwise they look *too* bold -->
    <match target="font">
    <test name="weight" compare="more">
    <edit name="autohint" mode="assign">
    <!-- Reject bitmap fonts in favour of Truetype, Postscript, etc. -->
    <patelt name="scalable">
    Last edited by iggy (2008-01-11 20:22:03)

  • Improve gtk apps startup time.

    I wanted to do a little survery, on whether the "problem" that I have is specific to my computer, or this is how things should be.
    Starting a gtk app (like gedit or rox) takes about 1-2 seconds on my system. I know for some people this is not much, but when I work I don't want to wait 2 seconds for app like gedit to start. It is not a matter of wasting time, rather a matter of changing focus. If I press win+r I would like to have rox to be open instantly, so I don't start to think about something else.
    I know this is possible, as running uzbl is really fast. It seems like starting in the moment of issuing the command. I know it doesn't use lot of gtk, only some glib.
    So in summary:
    Do you think such situation is normal? Anyon knows how to decrease the delay?

    flamelab wrote:Gedit is bloated ? Since when ?
    I'm talking more the libraries/start up here then general usage.
    What are you running them on? A *box, GNOME, KDE? I've always felt that gtk apps on KDE (for example) take a little longer. More my opinion than anything else. Which is understandable, considering the QT bias. Mostly, though, I'd say it comes down to the app. For maximum speed you want something that's small and uses very few (or always loaded) libraries.
    NOTE: Gtk apps seem to start faster on my awesome setup than with GNOME. Do any of the GNOME processes (like gnome-settings-daemon) increase the load time? I feel as if they might.
    EDIT: Yes, gVim is gtk.
    ANOTHER EDIT: If you want a very fast, light, text editor then try mousepad.
    Last edited by Crows (2009-08-17 17:12:56)

  • X11 X Cursor on GTK apps

    I get the standard X cursor on GTK apps where it should be the normal arrow cursor (i.e. on file selection dialogs, buttons, etc.). I don't know what triggered the change, but it is a bit irritating. Any clues how to change it? (A possible solution I wouldn't mind would be to change the X cursor with the arrow cursor)
    BTW. I use xmonad directly, i.e. no gnome or kde session.

    Right, I had seen this page (I should have pointed it out in the first post) and tried with a couple of themes, but the issue persisted and sometimes I had issues with cursor scaling in my multi-monitor setup. I expect I could create a new theme overwriting the cross cursor, but probably there are easier solutions.

  • I don't want all those GNOME and KDE libs on my system!

    Kde Libraries/Base/Bindings - 80 megs
    Full KDE - 200 megs
    Full GNOME - 80 megs
    Base Gnome - 55 megs
    I hear so many people saying "Ew, it's using gnome-libs  I don't wanna install that"  I have said this many times.  It's seemed like a lot of usage on my hard drive with all those packages...  In reality, 50 megs for GNOME libs or 80 megs for KDE isn't a lot at all.. Heck, UT2004 is around 90 times bigger than installing base KDE and GNOME libs.  Thanks to modern technology, most PCs have 80 - 120 gigs on them..  Even with this 30 gig hard drive,  150 megs does not even put a dent.  Unless your using a floppy for your hard drive, it won't hurt to install gnome and kde libaries.  You need a gig and a half for just winblows stuff!  Just because it says:
    Targets: hal-0.2.97-2 libgsf-1.9.1-1 gnome-desktop-2.8.0-1 nautilus-2.8.1-1
    nautilus-cd-burner-2.8.1-1 libdvdcss-1.2.8-1 libdvdread-0.9.4-2
    libdvdnav-0.1.9-2 faac-1.24-1 faad2-2.0-5 hermes-1.3.3-1
    libmikmod-3.1.11-1 gtk-1.2.10-4 mjpegtools-1.6.2-1 gst-plugins-0.8.5-1
    Total Package Size: 11.5 MB
    Proceed with upgrade? [Y/n]
    It seems like a lot of depedencies, being on four lines and all... But it's really not that much.  I won't hurt to have it on your PC.
    Just my .2 for the day 

    xerxes2 wrote:
    kth5 wrote:hmm, i have exactly the same scenario on my laptop. it's only a Celeron 700  + 256MB ram. i run kde, mozilla thunderbird, several konsole session, xchat2, xmms plus some more konqueror session w/o any problem. only thing that is lagging behind is my GFX card which needs a share of the system memory. anway, my system in KDE w/ all these apps up needs only ~120MB the rest is filled up w/ diskcache or whatever. it's not bad for a desktop system that is not supposed to render 3D or viewing 100MB+ large files from memory. 
    I'm impressed!
    I havn't tried kde since 3.2.0 and it was totally unusuable due to bugs, crashes, bloat and so forth,
    the kde devs must been busy since then... 
    I was even quite impressed with KDE 3.3.x.  I use KDM for my default DM all the time.. GDM is too buggy..  WDM/XDM too ugly... I actually made KDM look pretty sexy.. People say you can't, but it's not that hard... I'll make some screenies if anyone want some

  • What about recompiling GTK apps?

    I'm having a lot of problems with GNOME and GTK apps since I upgraded from GTK 2.4.x to GTK 2.6.x. I'm sure others share my problems.
    Wouldn't it be possible to just recompile all the packages which depend on GTK and place new versions in repos? Maybe this would fix the problems.

    Xentac wrote:
    Pajaro wrote:I thought that there was a dedicated server to compile packages so the developers just have to upload the PKGBUILD and the package appears there.
    It really makes me wonder where you guys get this stuff from...
    We're looking to replace you with a BASH script.

  • Gnome-globalmenu only shows app name - no menus

    I installed gnome-globalmenu from the AUR, but it only shows the app name ("Thunar", "Mousepad", etc), but no menus. I have tried this with xfce4-panel and gnome-panel.
    What am I doing wrong?
    -- MrAllan

    which version of OS X is installed on your MacBook Pro?

  • Gtk apps not compiling

    I get the following when compiling gtk apps.
    It seams like every one does it.
    checking for pkg-config... /usr/bin/pkg-config
    checking for glib-2.0 >= 2.6.0 gtk+-2.0 >= 2.6.0 gthread-2.0 pango... configure: error: Cannot find glib2/gtk2/pango
    make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.

    i have the following installed from testing
    :: arts: local (1.5.0-4) appears to be newer than repo (extra/1.5.0-2)
    :: cairo: local (1.0.2-2) appears to be newer than repo (current/1.0.2-1)
    :: cmatrix: local (1.2a-2) appears to be newer than repo (extra/1.2a-1)
    :: control-center: local (2.12.2-2) appears to be newer than repo (extra/2.12.2-1)
    :: evolution-data-server: local ( appears to be newer than repo (extra/
    :: ghostscript: local (8.15.1-2) appears to be newer than repo (current/7.07.1-5)
    :: gimp: local (2.2.10-2) appears to be newer than repo (current/2.2.10-1)
    :: glut: local (3.7-5) appears to be newer than repo (current/3.7-4)
    :: gtk: local (1.2.10-6) appears to be newer than repo (current/1.2.10-5)
    :: gtk-theme-switch: local (1.0.1-2) appears to be newer than repo (extra/1.0.1-1)
    :: gtk-theme-switch2: local (2.0.0rc2-2) appears to be newer than repo (extra/2.0.0rc2-1)
    :: jasper: local (1.701.0-4) appears to be newer than repo (extra/1.701.0-3)
    :: kde-common: local (3.5.0-2) appears to be newer than repo (extra/3.5.0-1)
    :: kdeaccessibility: local (3.5.0-3) appears to be newer than repo (extra/3.5.0-2)
    :: kdeaddons: local (3.5.0-3) appears to be newer than repo (extra/3.5.0-2)
    :: kdeadmin: local (3.5.0-3) appears to be newer than repo (extra/3.5.0-2)
    :: kdeartwork: local (3.5.0-3) appears to be newer than repo (extra/3.5.0-2)
    :: kdebase: local (3.5.0-6) appears to be newer than repo (extra/3.5.0-4)
    :: kdebindings: local (3.5.0-3) appears to be newer than repo (extra/3.5.0-2)
    :: kdeedu: local (3.5.0-3) appears to be newer than repo (extra/3.5.0-2)
    :: kdegames: local (3.5.0-3) appears to be newer than repo (extra/3.5.0-2)
    :: kdegraphics: local (3.5.0-5) appears to be newer than repo (extra/3.5.0-4)
    :: kdemultimedia: local (3.5.0-4) appears to be newer than repo (extra/3.5.0-3)
    :: kdenetwork: local (3.5.0-3) appears to be newer than repo (extra/3.5.0-2)
    :: kdesdk: local (3.5.0-4) appears to be newer than repo (extra/3.5.0-3)
    :: kdetoys: local (3.5.0-3) appears to be newer than repo (extra/3.5.0-2)
    :: kdeutils: local (3.5.0-4) appears to be newer than repo (extra/3.5.0-3)
    :: kernel26- ignoring package upgrade (
    :: lesstif: local (0.94.4-4) appears to be newer than repo (current/0.94.4-3)
    :: libbonoboui: local (2.10.1-2) appears to be newer than repo (extra/2.10.1-1)
    :: libgtop: local (2.12.2-1) appears to be newer than repo (extra/2.12.0-1)
    :: libsm: local (1.0.0-1) appears to be newer than repo (current/0.9.9-1)
    :: libx11: local (1.0.0-1) appears to be newer than repo (current/0.9.9-1)
    :: libxcursor: local ( appears to be newer than repo (current/0.9.9-1):: libxext: local (1.0.0-1) appears to be newer than repo (current/0.9.9-1)
    :: libxi: local (1.0.0-1) appears to be newer than repo (current/0.9.9-1)
    :: libxinerama: local (1.0.0-1) appears to be newer than repo (current/0.9.9-1)
    :: libxklavier: local (2.1-2) appears to be newer than repo (extra/2.0-3)
    :: libxrandr: local ( appears to be newer than repo (current/0.9.9-1)
    :: libxt: local (1.0.0-3) appears to be newer than repo (current/0.9.9-1)
    :: mesa: local (6.4.1-2) appears to be newer than repo (extra/6.4.1-1)
    :: mplayer: local (1.0pre7-3) appears to be newer than repo (current/1.0pre7-2)
    :: openexr: local (1.2.2-5) appears to be newer than repo (extra/1.2.2-4)
    :: openldap: local (2.3.11-1) appears to be newer than repo (current/2.2.30-1)
    :: pango: local (1.10.2-2) appears to be newer than repo (current/1.10.2-1)
    :: qt: local (3.3.5-6) appears to be newer than repo (extra/3.3.5-2)
    :: sdl: local (1.2.9-2) appears to be newer than repo (current/1.2.9-1)
    :: smbclient: local (3.0.21a-1) appears to be newer than repo (current/3.0.20-1):: startup-notification: local (0.8-4) appears to be newer than repo (current/0.8-3)
    :: tk: local (8.4.11-2) appears to be newer than repo (current/8.4.11-1)
    :: udev: local (080-3) appears to be newer than repo (current/079-1)
    :: vlc: local (0.8.4a-3) appears to be newer than repo (extra/0.8.4a-1)
    :: wine: local (0.9.6-3) appears to be newer than repo (extra/0.9.6-1)
    :: xmms: local (1.2.10-5) appears to be newer than repo (current/1.2.10-4)
    :: xscreensaver: local (4.23-2) appears to be newer than repo (current/4.23-1)
    i also have the xfce4-svn packages from shadowhands repo and some the kde eyecand from the ikde one.
    I ran ldconfig and it didnt work.
    i have pkgconfig 0.19-1
    i tryed -syuing up and it asked
    :: avahi conflicts with nss-mdns. Remove nss-mdns? [Y/n] y
    it was going to install
    avahi-0.6.6-2 fontconfig-2.3.2-5 kernel26archck-2.6.15.archck3-1
             koffice-1.4.2-5 subversion-1.3.0-2 transcode-1.0.2-3
    but it said error
    this will break the following dependencies:
      nss-mdns: is required by kdelibs.
    im running makepkg so it should tell me if they arnt installed (and yes they are all installed)

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