Xfce4-terminal, zsh, and tmux

I'm trying to get tmux to start automatically when I open xfce4-terminal in awesome. I tried
terminal = "xfce4-terminal -e \'zsh -l -c \"tmux -q has-session && exec tmux attach-session -d || exec tmux new-session -n$USER -s$USER@$HOSTNAME\"\'"
in my rc.lua but I can't open more than 1 xfce4-terminal at a time. if i press mod4+enter, it opens a terminal, but then if i do it again it the window thats already open just flashes. if i switch to a different tag and do mod4+enter, the xfce4-terminal that was open on the other tag switches to the tag i'm on, but a new terminal doesn't open.

Your code is correct in that it launches a terminal session w/ Tmux. As far as awesome I am not familiar. If you dumped into your .xinitrc less the terminal = and adding & at the end you should be set.

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    crew4ok wrote:
    goran'agar wrote:My suggestion is to uninstall xfce4-terminal and move to urxvt. Oh, well, that's what I did.
    If i don't get an answer, i'll do this way.
    My suggestion was serious. All vte terminals are slow and there's nothing you can do to speed them up. urxvt is way faster.

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    Last edited by cry0x (2008-02-07 07:17:24)

    venox wrote:
    You have to setup your color settings on the terminal preferences (Edit > Preferences).
    The screen thing might be something with your .screenrc... I'm really not sure on what you have to change, but you can try appending this to it:
    term screen
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    Well I can always move it to the Applications and Desktop Enviroments. If you feel a thread is not correctly placed you can use the Report link to let a moderator know

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    Last edited by NeoXP (2009-02-24 21:00:02)

    These are my most current bindkeys...
    case $TERM in (rxvt*) #urxvt
    bindkey "\e[7~" beginning-of-line
    bindkey "\e[8~" end-of-line
    bindkey "^A" beginning-of-line
    bindkey "^E" end-of-line
    bindkey '^?' backward-delete-char
    bindkey "\e[3~" delete-char
    Open a terminal, hit ctrl-V, and press delete.  It should print the key generated.  The first ^[ is escaped as \e.
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    I put bindkey "\e[3~" delete-char in my ~/.zshrc, and there you go.

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    Many thanks for any help!
    Last edited by josh000 (2010-04-20 07:27:55)

    josh000 wrote:I'm not 100% sure, but out of these I think only urxvt fits the bill, with aterm and mrxvt only supporting pseudo transparency. Is this correct?
    Urxvt does both real and pseudo transparancy, but this still needs your wm to have composite enabled. Also roxterm or evilvte may be an alternative. For urxvt set transparancy in .Xdefaults like this (I'm not too sure anymore what it all does but you can google it):
    URxvt*background: rgba:2500/2500/2500/cccc #for semitransparancy
    # or:
    URxvt*inheritPixmap: true
    URxvt*tintColor: white
    URxvt*shading: 40
    josh000 wrote:I also note in urxvt, mrxvt and aterm the home and end keys don't work, however they work in xterm just as they do on a tty.
    Try stuff like this:
    *VT100.Translations: #override \
    <Key>BackSpace: string(0x7F)\n\
    <Key>Delete: string("\033[3~")\n\
    <Key>Home: string("\033[1~")\n\
    <Key>End: string("\033[4~")
    josh000 wrote:4. I was wondering if it was possible to have the titlebar of a terminal show the current command or path? Something more unique than just every window open saying urxvt or whatever.
    I think this has more to do with shell than terminal. You have zsh and bash examples here
    As for your other issues: I never had them, don't know. Hope this helps a bit.
    Last edited by VCoolio (2010-04-22 09:45:56)

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    [gilmoreja@JamesPC ~]$
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    Last edited by gilmoreja (2014-08-06 18:36:28)

    I think that the shell started in a console is a login shell, and it is not the case in a graphical terminal.
    A login shell has a '-' at the start of $0; so you can test that and condition the execution of the setterm commands:
    if [[ $0 == '-bash' ]]; then
    setterm ...
    setterm ...

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    Im not sure about this but, why would you want those fonts in terminal? : i suggest to take a lot at the infinality repo that has a lot more fonts and tey are open source.

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    The first two images are using the Truetype hinter, whereas the third image is using autohinter.  Not sure how some of your programs could be using one, but others using the other one?  I would check your fontconfig settings.  Also, unless your DPI is set to 72, pt heights are different than px heights (points vs. pixels).  So, there may in fact be one size inbetween the two you mentioned if you're using 96 dpi.

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    http://img97.imageshack.us/img97/597/sc … 401753.png
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    and is always on top... (which is ... bad)
    this do not happend at start, only after a few minits terminal losts window borders etc...
    do you have any suggestions? or something, please....
    P.S: 3.1.5-1 kernel, Fluxbox 1.3.2 and terminal 0.4.8

    Well, as for A. I don't like it either, but sometimes it's not worth spending time on things that can be resolved in a different way.
    And for B.: here you have a comprehensive list of terminal emulators. If you wish to have something with similar layout / functionality / configuration style to XFCE4 terminal, you may pick up Roxterm for example, or Terminator. I for one have been using rxvt-unicode for a very long time, but it's just one of my idiosyncrasies.

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    Last edited by hangten (2013-01-04 11:21:31)

    hangten wrote:Anybody notice that the --hide-toolbars option is no longer plural (with s suffix)???  The plural form has been replaced by the singular (no s suffix) form.  The man for xfce4-terminal still shows the plural option.  This change occurred on the last xfce4-terminal update (Version 0.6.1-1).
    Will be fixed in the next release:
    http://git.xfce.org/apps/xfce4-terminal … e9b5f5314f
    Wilco wrote:Yes and I also noticed my keybindings are no longer working. I hate it when packages remove the possibility to set custom keybindings (or I am just missing it)
    The way to do that has changed. Have a look at "Editable Menu Accelerators" @ http://docs.xfce.org/faq.

  • [SOLVED] xfce4-terminal opened unfocused when called by exo-open

    xfce4-terminal opened unfocused when called by
    exo-open --launch TerminalEmulator
    Last edited by D101101 (2015-03-22 19:30:49)

    Thank you, this was driving me crazy.  When I went to open a xfce-terminal (not xterm), it would not "focus" on it.. it was driving me nuts.
    Needless to say, I checked, and rechecked, and rechecked my settings for focus.. probably messing something up in the process, all because exo was bugged (!!!??).
    (bump me, but now they got to fix Thunar.  Thunar is not updating files in folders.)
    Please see https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=194955
    Last edited by Kilzool (2015-03-23 04:42:48)

  • [SOLVED] xfce4-terminal doesn't tab-autocomplete with sudo commands

    Wondering if this is a limitation of xfce4-terminal or something that can be enabled.
    In xfce4-terminal, if I type pac and press tab key, it autocompletes to pacman. If I type sudo pac and press tab, it won't autocomplete. The same is true when trying to complete anything after starting with sudo as the first word of the command. Paths resolve fine though after sudo, just not program names or commands.
    Last edited by nLinked (2013-08-03 20:45:00)

    Thank you so much
    I went for the option to add it in my ~/.bashrc file instead of installing the bash-completion package. Rebooted and it works!

  • Remap alt+bksp/del to ctrl+bksp/del in shell / terminal (zsh)?

    I have noticed that most applications use ctrl+bksp/del to delete words. I would like to change this in my terminal from alt to ctrl. I have been looking for ways to do this but I am lost. Not really sure where to start. Just curious if any of you have done this and how you did it. Also, is there any problems drawbacks that may arise from doing so? I have noticed that ctrl+arrow takes me back and forward words. Would this be affected? Another question: Is this a system wide setting or is it terminal specific (I am currently using terminator as my terminal of preference)? If someone could point me in the right direction I would appreciate it. I will post the solution when / if I find one on my own in the meantime. Thanks.
    Last edited by dodo3773 (2011-11-24 23:21:46)

    dodo3773 wrote:
    roygbiv wrote:
    Well, I don't actually use zsh and I should mention that different terminal emulators parses input differently, hence the keycodes for backspace could be different. You can usually check the value of any key combo using Ctrl+V and then your combo.^H for backspace works in urxvt, but it doesn't seem to work in xterm. Hmm.. Have you tried:
    Ctrl+V and then my combo Ctrl+Back gives me  ^?
    But when I try:
    bindkey '^?' backward-delete-word
    backspace deletes a word without holding ctrl.
    I think you need to try
    bindkey '^?' backward-kill-word

  • What funtionality comes from Terminal.app and not bash (or other shells)?

    I am planning to write an alternative terminal program ( --mostly-- for aesthetics sake) and I want to make sure I cover all of the functionality that I want from Terminal.app in my program. What I'd like to know is what functionality is attributable to the Terminal.app program and not the shell it is using.
    Message was edited by: Camden Jared Narzt

    You should find the ANSI Terminal Escape Sequence standard, which evolved out of the Digital Equipment Corporation VT100 line of terminals. Getting the escape sequences implemented correctly is the hard task.
    Roughly speaking, the Terminal handles displaying the characters from the process(s) and sending keyboard characters (again based on ANSI standard) to the process(s)).
    The Terminal also handles text selection, copy and paste.
    The Terminal may also send mouse movement and click information (optional).
    You could start with an existing terminal emulator, such as the open source project iTerm <http://iterm.sf.net>, or just contribute to the iTerm project.
    There are also X11 based terminal emulators such as xterm, rxvt, etc... where the source code is available.
    As with all open source code bases, if you start with that code, you are most likely obligated to make your source code available as well, unless you only use the resulting terminal emulator for your own use.
    I do NOT know where the official ANSI standard can be found, but this is from the DTTERM Common Desktop Environment man page
    and will give you a flavor for the kind of stuff you will need to implement.
    As for what bash implements, start by reading "man bash", then read man sh, man ksh, man tcsh, man zsh, and you will start to get a favor for what a shell does.
    For the most part the terminal displays the text and sends keyboard input. The shell runs programs, and command line editing, command line recall, etc... A lot of the commands that are run by the shell are just separate programs of their own, so they are not part of the shell.
    Message was edited by: BobHarris

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