XFCE4 terminal and colors

I'm not really sure why I'm trying so hard to make the xfce4 terminal operate like urxvt, but whatever.
XFCE4 terminal doesn't seem to pick up my color settings from .Xdefaults (probably because they are for urxvt ) but what is interesting is that the colors are different once again while in screen. If I open up vim or whatever while in the bare terminal, I get one set of colors (that aren't too bad, honestly) and when I open it up while in a screen I get another set of colors (which are awful.)
Any ideas on how to make things more consistent?
Last edited by cry0x (2008-02-07 07:17:24)

venox wrote:
You have to setup your color settings on the terminal preferences (Edit > Preferences).
The screen thing might be something with your .screenrc... I'm really not sure on what you have to change, but you can try appending this to it:
term screen
Looks like I've got to manually set the colors individually. Should be fun. Thanks.

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    Well, as for A. I don't like it either, but sometimes it's not worth spending time on things that can be resolved in a different way.
    And for B.: here you have a comprehensive list of terminal emulators. If you wish to have something with similar layout / functionality / configuration style to XFCE4 terminal, you may pick up Roxterm for example, or Terminator. I for one have been using rxvt-unicode for a very long time, but it's just one of my idiosyncrasies.

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    Last edited by buntolo (2012-01-05 23:44:52)

    karol wrote:
    xterm -hold -e "cd ~/test/ && ls"
    works too.
    I don't know what $command do you mean, but this will list th ~/test directory.
    It works also for me.
    With urxvt and xfce4-terminal don't work.
    But xterm is too minimalist, is there an advanced terminal based on it?
    And I don't unerstand why it doesn't work for xfce4-terminal but for it does for xterm...
    man xfce4-terminal:
    -H, --hold
    Causes the terminal to be kept around after the child command has terminated
    -e, --command=command
    Execute command inside the terminal
    man xterm:
    Turn on the hold resource, i.e., xterm will not immediately destroy its window when the shell command completes. It will wait until you use the window manager to destroy/kill the window, or if you use the menu entries that send a signal, e.g., HUP or KILL.
    -e program [ arguments ... ]
    This option specifies the program (and its command line arguments) to be run in the xterm window. It also sets the window title and icon name to be the basename of the program being executed if neither -T nor -n are given on the command line. This must be the last option on the command line.
    What the ...?
    Is only my opinion that there aren't differences between:
    terminal -H -e "cd $dir && $command"
    xterm -hold -e "cd $dir && $command"
    Last edited by buntolo (2012-01-06 13:11:58)

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    Last edited by andre.ramaciotti (2010-12-22 00:15:09)

    So what do lines 57 and 69 of your .zshrc file say specificially?
    It's hard to tell what the line numbers are from what you posted, so.....
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    [gilmoreja@JamesPC ~]$
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    I think that the shell started in a console is a login shell, and it is not the case in a graphical terminal.
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    Last edited by ShinChyn (2009-03-15 13:16:27)

    By white-black style I assume you mean grayscale? I noticed if xfdesktop isn't running the background is grey, but I don't think is what you're talking about. Right click on the desktop and click "Desktop settings" and then make sure "Saturation:" is set to 1.0, you probably have it set to 0.0.
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    Last edited by hangten (2013-01-04 11:21:31)

    hangten wrote:Anybody notice that the --hide-toolbars option is no longer plural (with s suffix)???  The plural form has been replaced by the singular (no s suffix) form.  The man for xfce4-terminal still shows the plural option.  This change occurred on the last xfce4-terminal update (Version 0.6.1-1).
    Will be fixed in the next release:
    http://git.xfce.org/apps/xfce4-terminal … e9b5f5314f
    Wilco wrote:Yes and I also noticed my keybindings are no longer working. I hate it when packages remove the possibility to set custom keybindings (or I am just missing it)
    The way to do that has changed. Have a look at "Editable Menu Accelerators" @ http://docs.xfce.org/faq.

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    Last edited by D101101 (2015-03-22 19:30:49)

    Thank you, this was driving me crazy.  When I went to open a xfce-terminal (not xterm), it would not "focus" on it.. it was driving me nuts.
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    Last edited by Kilzool (2015-03-23 04:42:48)

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    Last edited by nLinked (2013-08-03 20:45:00)

    Thank you so much
    I went for the option to add it in my ~/.bashrc file instead of installing the bash-completion package. Rebooted and it works!

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    Hi Matthew,
       Shells are case sensitive and the option for Apple's default BSD ls utility, /bin/ls, that turns on colored ls output is "-G". You can check to see which ls utility you're using with the command "which ls". If the output isn't colored with the "-G" option, post the output of that command. You can also get colorized output with this utility by setting the CLICOLOR environment variable. It doesn't matter to what you set it.
       The BSD ls utility will only produce colored output if the value of your TERM variable indicates that your terminal supports color. For instance, xterm-color works, among many others. You can check the value of that variable with the command "echo $TERM". You can set the value of that variable for all new shells in the Terminal Preferences window with the dropdown menu. It applies to new shells only, not to ones already opened.
       Help fight continental drift.

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