XML or Send to color

hi im very new at this, i have gone over the manual and i see you can either export a XML or do send to Color im just wondering if one is better then the other and other part of this question is i also saw that you dont have to render an XML out you can just export it and then bring it back in to FCP is this true.

"Send to FCP" is a convenience. If you're having trouble with correctly re-linking clips back in FCP or the command just doesn't work, then move on to "Export > XML".
"Export > XML" generates a 'cleaner' or more tidy XML than the "Send to FCP" command. I've found that it will frequently work when the Send To command fails. I think this is because the Export command modifies as little of the original XML file as possible and is therefore more likely to correctly round-trip. I forget the exact details, but I noticed on one job where I moved media around and had to use the Relink command in Color - Send To FCP relinked properly but Export > XML was still pointing to the original directory of the source footage (only half the project was rendered out).
I've gotten into the habit of first doing an Export > XML and saving it until I've done a successful Send To FCP. When the Send To command fails it can sometimes cause Color to "forget" that it did an overnight render and lose those links. Doing Export > XML first saves that data no matter what happens later.
This explanation is a bit more lengthy than I intended. Hope it's not too confusing.
- pi

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    What video card are you using?
    On the project I just wrapped I noticed the same thing when pulling up still stores. The bottom 100 pixels or so seemed to have come from a previous image. Toggling the still store on/off fixed the issue. But every time I pulled up a new image on the SS I'd have to toggle it to fix.
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    - pi

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    I had the same problem and it was related to the clip being in a folder with an ampersand (&) in the folder name. If there is an ampersand in the file name or folder name that the clip is in Color will close right after opening.
    Dual 2.7 GHz G5 & MacBook Pro   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

  • Send to Color Error

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    New Hope Media

    "Have you checked that you don't have any nested sequences in your timeline?...and you have read the manual about preps for sending from FCP to Color right?"
    Yes to both of these questions and the 'send to Color' process was working correctly previously.
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    2) By right clicking on the sequence
    3) By Exporting an XML and loading it manually in Color.
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    Appreciate any help offered.
    New Hope Media

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    Got me then...post the question in the COLOR forum. More knowledgeable people there when it comes to COLOR.

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    It is multi-clip, but I did collapse it first.
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    Have you read the release notes for Color and made sure that there are no 'gotchas' in the sequence you are trying to send to Color?
    There's a chance that there's something in the timeline that Color doesn't like. Take that out or depending on what it is, 'bake' it in and you will increase your chances of getting the Send To to work.
    Good Luck!


    Hi all,
    When I use the function "send to color" in Final Cut 6, the sequences are sent to color, but they are totally messed up. I got wrong "ins" and "outs" in each sequence. Does anybody know the answer for this kind of bug?
    Thanks a lot.
    - Andrea

    Several reasons:
    I believe that that is referring to as directly IMPORTED media, not SEND TO COLOR sequences. The two are not the same thing. I could be wrong, but that's what that part of the manual is addressing (look on that section heading on the page before).
    Then, from page 41:
    "Step 3: Recapture the source media at online resolution if necessary If you originally captured your source media using an offline format, you’ll need to recapture the media used in your project at the highest available quality prior to
    sending it to Color. "
    "If your media was originally recorded using a compressed format (such as DV, DVCPRO-50, DVCPRO HD, or HDV), then recapturing it using the original source codec and resolution is fine; Color can work with compressed media, and automatically promotes the image data to higher uncompressed bit depths for higher quality imaging when monitoring and rendering."
    "Note: Some codecs, such as HDV, can be more processor intensive to work with than others. In this case, capturing or recompressing the media with a less processor-intensive codec, such as Apple ProRes 422 or Apple ProRes 422 (HQ), will improve your performance while you work in Color, while maintaining high quality and low storage requirements."
    Clearly they included HDV in the workflow and not in a transcoding sense.
    Also DV NTSC is approved on that list and it does the same thing.
    And if you media manage and transcode to Pro Res it still does it. That would make it one of the approved formats on the list. Problem is still there.
    In FACT, the ONLY way that you can get HDV in and out with the right in and out points IS the direct import method rather than send to Color, and its not even supported on according to the list you're quoting!
    Sorry its just not that simple. Its either broken or the documentation is faulty.

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    Any idea why?

    Yep - that's the way it works.
    You don't send cuts out off your tl.
    You send the seq out from the Browser by rt clicking your seq>Send to>Color
    or from the File menu.

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    Following are the interface mappings in use for the Purchase Order scenario from ERP to SNC
    1. create purchase order -> display PO (ERP to SNC)
    2. Create or change PO -> Display updated PO (ERP to SNC)      
    3. Confirm PO or change in web UI (SNC to ERP)
    4. Create or Change Purchase Order -> Receive and Display Purchase Order     (ERP to SNC)     
    Just configure the Integration scenario "MaintainPurchase_Order_Processing" from http://sap.com/xi/SNC/Global namespace present in SNC 5.1 SWC
    in your ID.
    In SNC Scenarios Idocs will be sent and received from ERP and ABAP Proxies (Client/ Server) used at SNC side. You do not have to code for the ABAP Proxies as the proxies will already be inmplemented in your SNC system.
    So 1. configure your SNC system for ABAP Proxy configuration
    2. Configure the Integration scenario "MaintainPurchase_Order_Processing" in ID
    3. Configure your ERP system for IDoc send/ receive
    You are done.

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    Currently, I have a 2010 Mac Mini with 4gb of RAM and it's hooked up to my monitor through the HDMI port.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    I just got the 2010 Mac Mini -- but my previous Mini was the early 2009 model with only 2gb of RAM and Color ran just fine.  Any help/suggestions?

  • "Send to Color" command yields dark clips in Color...

    HDV 1440 x 1080
    Send to Color = dark video
    Send back to FCP = still dark.
    I have made sure to send my video from FCP with out any filters (other than widescreen filter), but it shows up looking all dark.
    Why is that?

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    You may be elated at the possibility of negotiating peace in your life now as you stand between two opposing factions. It might be as simple as wanting to settle a family argument or as complex as working out the details to a major business deal. But as you get further into the process, it becomes apparent that finding common ground may not be so easy. Don't judge yourself harshly if you fail to broker a solution, for it may take longer than you expect.
    Brightening toward noon, darkness setting in about 7PM.
    The overall luminance drop in the non-corrected render has the feel of a gamma incongruity. I don't know how the "black & white" is being generated. Whether it is straight "Y" with CB,Cr multiplied by zero or what might be going on there.... COLOR expects full Y,Cb,Cr as incoming media and converts it to RGB... so in this case, if its only Y, then R must equal G must equal B or there will be a tint. This math can be inexact, and I have to wonder what else is going on in the render engine, which is a different path than the preview display.
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  • "Send to Color" Not appearing.

    When I installed Final Cut Studio, I opted to not install Color to save space on my computer; I had no need for it at the time.
    Since then, I have installed Color (I did not reinstall Final Cut Pro), but when I right click on a clip in my sequence, the option "Send to Color" does not appear. The option "Send to Motion" appears, and works. I installed Motion at the same time as Final Cut Pro.
    Do I need to reinstall Final Cut Pro and Color at the same time to get this to work? Or is there another solution?

    "Send to Color" appears in the browser when you have a sequence selected, not a clip in the timeline.


    HI All
    i've just clean installed my mac pro quad and the time line short cut send to color doesn't show up although it is present in the edit menu can anyone help? is this a bug in the latest update? i have reinstalled the entire suite FCS2
    thanks in advance for your help

    How's about selecting a sequence, have you tried that?

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