Xoscope on Arch vs linux mint [SOLVED]

I installed xoscope from AUR (https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/xoscope/) and the application ran well. From title and PKGBUILD file it is pkgver=2.0, pkgrel=4.  Out of curosity I installed the same program in linux mint also. The deb file installed is named xoscope_2.0-3.1ubuntu2.1_i386.deb and it seems to be actually one release older than the one in Arch AUR.  But it has a different (and better) screen format than the one in Arch (different version, not any screen resolution problem). Is it possible to have the that version installed on Arch. I checked the website of the application (http://xoscope.sourceforge.net/) and the latest available for download is version 2.0 only (http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/xosc … pe-2.0.tgz). I checked in some posts regarding installing deb files in Arch and it does not seem to be a good idea. Any help will be appreciated.
Last edited by rnarch (2012-11-21 17:07:47)

Thanks for a clear explanation.  I read other posts regarding making a PKGBUILD to install deb files and also checked PKGBUILD files of some packages in AUR.  Will following modification of xoscope PKGBUILD work to make a pacman-installable package from the deb file of xoscope?
# Contributor: Vladimir Cerny <[email protected]>
pkgdesc="A digital oscilloscope using input from a sound card or EsounD and/or a ProbeScope/osziFOX."
arch=("i686" "x86_64")
build() {
ar x xoscope_2.0-3.1ubuntu3_i386.deb
mkdir -p xoscope-temp
tar xf data.tar.gz -C xoscope-temp
cp -r xoscope-temp/* $pkgdir
rm -rf control.tar.gz data.tar.gz debian-binary
package() {
cd "$srcdir"
for i in *deb; do
ar xv "$i" data.tar.gz
mv data.tar.gz "$i-data.tar.gz"
cd "$pkgdir"
for i in "$srcdir"/*-data.tar.gz; do
tar -xzf "$i"
I am not sure whether to use build() or package().  Thanks for your help.
Last edited by rnarch (2012-11-19 17:37:43)

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    -/+ buffers/cache: 764 176
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    -Edit 2-
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    -/+ buffers/cache: 693 248
    Swap: 188 166 21
    Ps. Englisch is my third language (After, Dutch, German) so please don't flame me for my grammar errors.
    Last edited by Xacky (2014-01-18 20:05:37)

    cjazz wrote:
    Xacky wrote: ... please don't flame me for my grammar errors.
    I won't if you won't :0
    That's a lot of memory use. I wonder if there's more than one issue at work here. I don't know if you're aware of the issue with cairo. It seems that nvidia drivers use extra memory when cairo is used with gl enabled.
    There are two workarounds that I know if. One is to recompile cairo without gl enabled, probably using ABS. The other, which I've opted for,  is to use one of the appropriate versions of cairo in AUR, such as cairo-nogl or cairo-small. This has saved me more than 100 mb memory. Hope this helps a little.
    I won't ,
    Thnx for your quick en very well detailed respond. I will try this when I really need the closed source drivers and hope this answer will help a frustrated Googleling user who will find this topic . For now I will stay on the nouveau drivers.

  • HP LaserJet P1102W - no print output in Linux Mint 17.1 Cinnamon Desktop

    I've just done a default install of Linux Mint 17.1 - as feared, no print output.
    I'm guessing I need to install a driver - but I couldn't find anything easily on HP site, only Windows/Mac OS stuff. Are HP printers generally linux friendly? Where can I download drivers if they are? More over, I'm a total linux newbie, so any drivers need to be easily installed! I'm not currently familiar with Terminal windows and line commands!
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    Linux Mint did offer to run a diagnostic tool/debugging tool which gave a great deal of what means nothing to me. Debug output is below if it is helpful, but hoping a simple driver install will cure all ...
    Debug Output:
    Page 1 (Scheduler not running?):
    {'cups_connection_failure': False}
    Page 2 (Is local server publishing?):
    {'local_server_exporting_printers': False}
    Page 3 (Choose printer):
    {'cups_dest': <cups.Dest HP-LaserJet-Professional-P-1102w (default)>,
     'cups_instance': None,
     'cups_queue': u'HP-LaserJet-Professional-P-1102w',
     'cups_queue_listed': True}
    Page 4 (Check printer sanity):
    {'cups_device_uri_scheme': u'hp',
     'cups_printer_dict': {'device-uri': u'hp:/usb/HP_LaserJet_Professional_P_1102w?serial=000000000W4037X5PR1a',
                           'printer-info': u'Hewlett-Packard HP LaserJet Professional P 1102w',
                           'printer-is-shared': True,
                           'printer-location': u'Leela',
                           'printer-make-and-model': u'HP LaserJet Professional P 1102w, hpcups 3.14.3, requires proprietary plugin',
                           'printer-state': 3,
                           'printer-state-message': u'',
                           'printer-state-reasons': [u'none'],
                           'printer-type': 167948,
                           'printer-uri-supported': u'ipp://localhost:631/printers/HP-LaserJet-Professional-P-1102w'},
     'cups_printer_remote': False,
     'hplip_output': (['',
                       '\x1b[01mHP Linux Imaging and Printing System (ver. 3.14.3)\x1b[0m',
                       '\x1b[01mDevice Information Utility ver. 5.2\x1b[0m',
                       'Copyright (c) 2001-13 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, LP',
                       'This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.',
                       'This is free software, and you are welcome to distribute it',
                       'under certain conditions. See COPYING file for more details.',
                       '\x1b[01mHP Linux Imaging and Printing System (ver. 3.14.3)\x1b[0m',
                       '\x1b[01mSystem Tray Status Service ver. 2.0\x1b[0m',
                       'Copyright (c) 2001-13 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, LP',
                       'This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.',
                       'This is free software, and you are welcome to distribute it',
                       'under certain conditions. See COPYING file for more details.',
                       '\x1b[01mDevice Parameters (dynamic data):\x1b[0m',
                       '\x1b[01m  Parameter                     Value(s)                                                  \x1b[0m',
                       '  agent1-ack                    False                                                     ',
                       '  agent1-desc                   Black toner cartridge                                     ',
                       '  agent1-dvc                    0                                                         ',
                       '  agent1-health                 0                                                         ',
                       '  agent1-health-desc            Good/OK                                                   ',
                       '  agent1-hp-ink                 False                                                     ',
                       '  agent1-id                     0                                                         ',
                       '  agent1-kind                   4                                                         ',
                       '  agent1-known                  False                                                     ',
                       '  agent1-level                  100                                                       ',
                       '  agent1-level-trigger          0                                                         ',
                       '  agent1-sku                    85A                                                       ',
                       '  agent1-type                   1                                                         ',
                       '  agent1-virgin                 False                                                     ',
                       '  back-end                      hp                                                        ',
                       "  cups-printers                 ['HP-LaserJet-Professional-P-1102w']                      ",
                       '  cups-uri                      hp:/usb/HP_LaserJet_Professional_P_1102w?serial=000000000W',
                       '                                4037X5PR1a                                                ',
                       '  dev-file                                                                                ',
                       '  device-state                  1                                                         ',
                       '  device-uri                    hp:/usb/HP_LaserJet_Professional_P_1102w?serial=000000000W',
                       '                                4037X5PR1a                                                ',
                       '  deviceid                      MFG:Hewlett-Packard;MDL: LaserJet Professional P          ',
                       '                                1102w;CMD:ZJSJS,URF,PCLm,PJL,ACL,HTTCLSLSRINTER;DEHPHP  ',
                       '                                LaserJet Presessional P 110;F;FWVER:20110826;             ',
                       '  duplexer                      0                                                         ',
                       '  error-state                   0                                                         ',
                       '  host                                                                                    ',
                       '  in-tray1                      1                                                         ',
                       '  in-tray2                      1                                                         ',
                       '  is-hp                         True                                                      ',
                       '  media-path                    1                                                         ',
                       '  panel                         0                                                         ',
                       '  panel-line1                                                                             ',
                       '  panel-line2                                                                             ',
                       '  photo-tray                    0                                                         ',
                       '  port                          1                                                         ',
                       '  r                             0                                                         ',
                       '  revision                      254                                                       ',
                       '  rg                            000                                                       ',
                       '  rr                            000000                                                    ',
                       '  rs                            000000000                                                 ',
                       '  serial                        000000000W4037X5PR1a                                      ',
                       '  status-code                   1000                                                      ',
                       '  status-desc                   Idle                                                      ',
                       '  supply-door                   1                                                         ',
                       '  top-door                      1                                                         ',
                       'Model Parameters (static data):\x1b[0m',
                       '\x1b[01m  Parameter                     Value(s)                                                  \x1b[0m',
                       '  align-type                    0                                                         ',
                       '  clean-type                    0                                                         ',
                       '  color-cal-type                0                                                         ',
                       '  copy-type                     0                                                         ',
                       '  embedded-server-type          0                                                         ',
                       '  fax-type                      0                                                         ',
                       '  fw-download                   False                                                     ',
                       '  icon                          HP_LaserJet_1012.png                                      ',
                       '  io-mfp-mode                   6                                                         ',
                       '  io-mode                       1                                                         ',
                       '  io-support                    10                                                        ',
                       '  job-storage                   0                                                         ',
                       '  linefeed-cal-type             0                                                         ',
                       '  model                         HP_LaserJet_Professional_P_1102w                          ',
                       '  model-ui                      HP LaserJet Professional P 1102w                          ',
                       '  model1                        HP LaserJet Professional P 1102w Printer                  ',
                       '  monitor-type                  0                                                         ',
                       '  panel-check-type              0                                                         ',
                       '  pcard-type                    0                                                         ',
                       '  plugin                        1                                                         ',
                       '  plugin-reason                 1                                                         ',
                       '  power-settings                0                                                         ',
                       '  pq-diag-type                  0                                                         ',
                       '  r-type                        0                                                         ',
                       '  r0-agent1-kind                4                                                         ',
                       '  r0-agent1-sku                 85A                                                       ',
                       '  r0-agent1-type                1                                                         ',
                       '  scan-src                      0                                                         ',
                       '  scan-type                     0                                                         ',
                       '  status-battery-check          0                                                         ',
                       '  status-dynamic-counters       0                                                         ',
                       '  status-type                   8                                                         ',
                       '  support-released              True                                                      ',
                       '  support-subtype               2202411                                                   ',
                       '  support-type                  2                                                         ',
                       '  support-ver                   3.12.6                                                    ',
                       "  tech-class                    ['LJZjsMono']                                             ",
                       "  tech-subclass                 ['NoAutoDuplex']                                          ",
                       '  tech-type                     3                                                         ',
                       '  usb-pid                       4138                                                      ',
                       '  usb-vid                       1008                                                      ',
                       '  wifi-config                   3                                                         ',
                      ['\x1b[35;01mwarning: No display found.\x1b[0m',
                       '\x1b[31;01merror: hp-info -u/--gui requires Qt4 GUI support. Entering interactive mode.\x1b[0m',
                       '\x1b[35;01mwarning: No display found.\x1b[0m',
                       '\x1b[31;01merror: hp-systray requires Qt4 GUI and DBus support. Exiting.\x1b[0m',
                       '\x1b[35;01mwarning: Unable to connect to dbus. Is hp-systray running?\x1b[0m',
     'is_cups_class': False,
     'local_cups_queue_attributes': {'charset-configured': u'utf-8',
                                     'charset-supported': [u'us-ascii', u'utf-8'],
                                     'color-supported': True,
                                     'compression-supported': [u'none', u'gzip'],
                                     'copies-default': 1,
                                     'copies-supported': (1, 9999),
                                     'cups-version': u'1.7.2',
                                     'device-uri': u'hp:/usb/HP_LaserJet_Professional_P_1102w?serial=000000000W4037X5PR1a',
                                     'document-format-default': u'application/octet-stream',
                                     'document-format-supported': [u'application/octet-stream',
                                     'finishings-default': 3,
                                     'finishings-supported': [3],
                                     'generated-natural-language-supported': [u'en-us'],
                                     'ipp-versions-supported': [u'1.0',
                                     'ippget-event-life': 15,
                                     'job-creation-attributes-supported': [u'copies',
                                     'job-hold-until-default': u'no-hold',
                                     'job-hold-until-supported': [u'no-hold',
                                     'job-ids-supported': True,
                                     'job-k-limit': 0,
                                     'job-k-octets-supported': (0, 476568600),
                                     'job-page-limit': 0,
                                     'job-priority-default': 50,
                                     'job-priority-supported': [100],
                                     'job-quota-period': 0,
                                     'job-settable-attributes-supported': [u'copies',
                                     'job-sheets-default': (u'none', u'none'),
                                     'job-sheets-supported': [u'none',
                                     'jpeg-k-octets-supported': (0, 476568600),
                                     'jpeg-x-dimension-supported': (0, 65535),
                                     'jpeg-y-dimension-supported': (1, 65535),
                                     'marker-change-time': 0,
                                     'media-bottom-margin-supported': [423, 547],
                                     'media-col-default': u'(unknown IPP value tag 0x34)',
                                     'media-col-supported': [u'media-bottom-margin',
                                     'media-default': u'iso_a4_210x297mm',
                                     'media-left-margin-supported': [423, 635],
                                     'media-right-margin-supported': [423, 635],
                                     'media-size-supported': [u'(unknown IPP value tag 0x34)',
                                                              u'(unknown IPP value tag 0x34)',
                                                              u'(unknown IPP value tag 0x34)',
                                                              u'(unknown IPP value tag 0x34)',
                                                              u'(unknown IPP value tag 0x34)',
                                                              u'(unknown IPP value tag 0x34)',
                                                              u'(unknown IPP value tag 0x34)',
                                                              u'(unknown IPP value tag 0x34)',
                                                              u'(unknown IPP value tag 0x34)',
                                                              u'(unknown IPP value tag 0x34)',
                                                              u'(unknown IPP value tag 0x34)',
                                                              u'(unknown IPP value tag 0x34)',
                                                              u'(unknown IPP value tag 0x34)',
                                                              u'(unknown IPP value tag 0x34)',
                                                              u'(unknown IPP value tag 0x34)',
                                                              u'(unknown IPP value tag 0x34)',
                                                              u'(unknown IPP value tag 0x34)',
                                                              u'(unknown IPP value tag 0x34)',
                                                              u'(unknown IPP value tag 0x34)'],
                                     'media-source-supported': [u'auto',
                                     'media-supported': [u'iso_a6_105x148mm',
                                     'media-top-margin-supported': [423, 547],
                                     'media-type-supported': [u'stationery'],
                                     'multiple-document-handling-supported': [u'separate-documents-uncollated-copies',
                                     'multiple-document-jobs-supported': True,
                                     'multiple-operation-time-out': 300,
                                     'natural-language-configured': u'en-us',
                                     'notify-attributes-supported': [u'printer-state-change-time',
                                     'notify-events-default': [u'job-completed'],
                                     'notify-events-supported': [u'job-completed',
                                     'notify-lease-duration-default': 86400,
                                     'notify-lease-duration-supported': (0,
                                     'notify-max-events-supported': [100],
                                     'notify-pull-method-supported': [u'ippget'],
                                     'notify-schemes-supported': [u'dbus',
                                     'number-up-default': 1,
                                     'number-up-supported': [1, 2, 4, 6, 9, 16],
                                     'operations-supported': [2,
                                     'orientation-requested-default': None,
                                     'orientation-requested-supported': [3,
                                     'output-bin-default': u'face-down',
                                     'output-bin-supported': [u'face-down'],
                                     'page-ranges-supported': True,
                                     'pages-per-minute': 1,
                                     'pages-per-minute-color': 1,
                                     'pdf-k-octets-supported': (0, 476568600),
                                     'pdf-versions-supported': [u'adobe-1.2',
                                     'pdl-override-supported': [u'attempted'],
                                     'port-monitor': u'none',
                                     'port-monitor-supported': [u'none'],
                                     'ppd-timestamp': u'*',
                                     'print-color-mode-default': u'color',
                                     'print-color-mode-supported': [u'monochrome',
                                     'print-quality-default': 4,
                                     'print-quality-supported': [3, 4],
                                     'printer-commands': u'none',
                                     'printer-current-time': u'(IPP_TAG_DATE)',
                                     'printer-dns-sd-name': u'Hewlett-Packard HP LaserJet Professional P 1102w @ Leela',
                                     'printer-error-policy': u'retry-job',

    Hi @durandal,
    I read your post and see that you need the drivers for the P1102w printer. I can provide the website for you.
    Here is the link for the HP Linux Imaging and Printing website. HP Linux imaging and printing.
    Here is the link for the P1102w drivers. HP LaserJet Professional p1102w Printer.
    If you need more information, please post your questions at the Linux Distribution Forums.
    If you appreciate my efforts, please click the Thumbs up button below.
    Thank You.
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos Thumbs Up" on the right to say “Thanks” for helping!
    I work on behalf of HP

  • Firefox running under Linux Mint (based on Ubuntu) 12 (KDE) won't install extensions for Firefox

    Linux Mint (based on Ubuntu) 12, KDE desktop
    Firefox 10.0
    Started up Firefox right after Mint was installed. On the add-ons page video download helper was shown as a featured extension and I installed it, then rebooted when prompted. After that, Firefox would never install another extension again. Just gives download error.
    I google searched and in a forum I found a post about uninstalling and reinstalling Firefox. I tried it. First time I started it up, it installed video download helper again, but then would not install any other extension after that. I tried numerous extensions I '''KNOW''' are working in Firefox 10.0 because they are working in Firefox over on my Win 7. Everytime I get a download error, either from the addons site or from the Add-ons Manager in Firefox.
    Someone told me on the Mint forums that I needed to add a subdirectory on a certain directory, so I did that. Didn't work.
    It seems Ubuntu disables the root, or cripples it, and I guess Mint does too. You can still use sudo when doing things in Ubuntu (and Mint I would assume, since it's based on Ubuntu) but you can't get true 'superuser' access as I understand it. But, I don't think this would have any bearing on the problem, or my search of the Mint forums would have come up with all kinds of threads screaming about this.

    Problem solved - it was caused by an add-on called "PDF Download
    To fix - in Firefox :
    Click on '''Tools''' command (top of screen)
    Select '''Extensions'''
    click on "'''disable''' button beside '''PDF Download'''
    Close Firefox and restart it.
    Clicking on any pdf file should open a new tab now and the document will appear there.

  • Firmware Update for HP Hotspot Laserjet Pro m1218nfs through Linux Mint

    I have tried as many permutations & combinations as possible to fix this, but I am not able to do so.
    I run Linux Mint 16 KDE.
    I have the latest HPLIP Tool installed & working in my system.
    I tried connecting the MFP via USB as well as Wi Fi - printer DOES CONNECT to the system using both methods - I tried Printing the test page, which was succesful.
    However, i get the error "No internet connection" when I try to Enable the HP e-Print via the Web interface of the Printer.
    The supposed solution for this as I saw across the internet fora, was to upgrade the Printer firmware.
    My Printer firmware is dated 20130211. Whereas the latest available is 20130930.
    When I went to the drivers download page on HP, I was asked to select my Printer model & the OS.
    I selected both & was redirected to the HPLIP site to download the drivers. However, there was no Firmware upgrade tool available.
    A bit more researching led me to try the command "hp-firmware" in my Command line box in Linux Mint 16 - this command is meant to upgrade the Printer to the latest firmware.
    However, on running the command, I get the error "No devices that support firmware download found".
    I tried these things via USB as well as Wi Fi. I tried changing the Preferred DNS too, as mentioned in some other HP Help Topics. I tried turning the HP Hotspot On/Off as well.
    To sum up, it seems that I am in a loop. I am not able to use the e-Print function for lack of Firmware upgrade. And I am not able to upgrade the firmware for some totally unkown reasons.
    Please someone help me break the loop somewhere, so that I can start using e-Print.

    Hi @Brent0341,
    I read your post and see that the printer's display is stuck on a blue screen with the HP logo. I will certainly do my best to help you.
    I can send you the correct reset for the printer in a private message.
    In the forum beside your handle name just click on the envelope to view it.
    If you appreciate my efforts, please click the Thumbs up button below.
    Thank You. I look forward to hearing from you.
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos Thumbs Up" on the right to say “Thanks” for helping!
    I work on behalf of HP

  • EFI partition deleted after removal of dual boot of OSX10.8 and Ubuntu/Linux Mint - using rEFIt

    so, i recently installed ubuntu to check out the advances in the linux world since i last looked into them 10+ years ago... very impressed, but when i tried to delete ubuntu and remove the various partitions (which i was able to do just fine using gparted) reFIT still displayed the **** linux logo from the install i deleted....
    OSX still boots fine... a install of Linux Mint i have on another partition(s) still boots fine ... everything appears to work... but i want to know what the possible issues are so i can be prepared...
    this is frustrating...
    so i went in and looked around with the remaining partitions and noticed the EFI partition which hadn't shown before i mistakenly tried to install another distro over ubuntu after wiping the partition it was on...
    so i erased the EFI partition hoping that this would remove the g-damned hold out linux boot logo in reFIT... it didn't... now i suppose i can go back in and create a new EFI partition through gparted but that stupid linux logo will still be there... and i'll have another problem of getting the proper information back onto the EFI partition, which i am unsure of how to do, or where to even dig up the proper information...
    i want to edit my boot mbr or grub or whatever the eff apple comps use as a boot record so that (or i am using as a boot record since i'm using reFIT) to get rid of this **** logo, so i can install another distro of linux and probably windows without having the **** supernumerary logo...
    i would rather not wipe the whole drive (aka the primary partition the recovery partition) and do a fresh new install of os x (mountain lion) because i have OSX set up just the way i want it for personal use and work use... all my various tools and so on...
    i don't use time machine and can't do a "restore" from a previous back up...
    some one please help me out here, what are my options? am i going to have to bite the bullet and do a wipe of the entire drive and all its partitions to get my MBP back to 'normal'???
    PS - using a macbook pro late 2011, standard specs, 13"...

    stqn wrote:
    Expi1 wrote:Thanks, I'm mostly struggling with how to partition for Arch and then how to do the bootloader. I'm using Win8 64-bit and from what I understand a Legacy BIOS bootloader. I'm not entirely sure what I should be partitioning the C: into, I've done partitions before, just not for Arch and then I'm not sure whether to use GRUB or syslinux, or if I even need those. Or if I need to use GPT or MBR?
    Your disk is already partitionned so you don’t have to choose between GPT or MBR, the choice is already made.
    You don’t partition “C:”, that is the name of a Windows partition. You partition a drive.
    Grub or syslinux, use whatever the beginners guide tells you to. Personally I think syslinux is simpler which is why I’m using it (but I’m not dual-booting, if that matters).
    You’re not saying what your problem is with partitionning, so it’s hard to help.
    Thanks for getting back to me, I'm not sure if I just create one large partition for Archlinux or if I have to create multiple? Where I'm also confused is with the Creating Filesystems part of the guide. I don't understand how I'd do this in Windows, or what /dev/sda1 is referring to.
    As for the bootloader part, the Beginner's Guide gives you a choice between syslinux and grub, what I'm not sure about is which to use considering I'm dualbooting. How it will affect my windows bootloader, do I disregard that and use GRUB now? I'm unclear on how that works.
    I'm also aware I need to disable Secure Boot, I just searched my BIOS options and couldn't find anything remotely relating to that, so I'm assuming it's not an issue since this computer was originally on Windows 7 anyway?
    Thanks again, Expi.
    Last edited by Expi1 (2014-03-06 19:54:30)

  • AMD Catalyst with Linux Mint

    Dear all,
    I ahve a Lenovo G10 laptop, which has an AMD RADEON R5 M230 graphic card. I have downloaded the linux drivers  AMD Catalyst for my OS (Linux mint 17.1) from their site but when I start the installation process said that "hardware doesnt support the drivers". If anyone has a solution let me know

    It's up to you to decide wheter it's enough or not ! If it works for you...
    As mentioned above you can use vgaswitcheroo to verify. For this you need to enable _early_ KMS. (Forgot the _early_ in above post.)
    What would be the advantage?
    Please learn to use the wiki etc. for your own research before asking! https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/ke … de_setting
    Don't forget to mark the thread solved, when this issue is resolved.[1]
    [1] Edit: I meant the basic issue from your title. The thing is, I think, we try to have one issue per thread. Feel free to open another thread, when another problem/question arises (Of course after searching and trying hard to solve it by yourself first ).
    Last edited by rebootl (2014-03-10 19:48:38)

  • Shockwave doesn't work on firefox under linux mint 17, qiana

    I use Firefox 33.0 Mozilla Firefox for linux Mint: mint - 1.0
    I use linux mint 17, qiana. Cinnemon, 32-bit.
    As extensions for Firefox I use Adblock Plus 2.6.6.
    As plugins I use: DivX webplayer, Iced-Tea webplugin 1.5, OPenH264 video codec provoded by Cisco systems, Inc. 1.1, Quicktime plug-in 7.6.6. , Shockwave Flash, VLC Multimedia plugin (Compatible videos, 3.10.1), Windows Media Player plugin (compatible Videos 3.10.1)
    When I surf on a page http://www.jkp.com/media/wysiwyg/MindReading/demo/content/dswmedia/loader.html
    I get the information: "a plugin is needed to play this content"
    Since this url was under a button "View shockwave Demo" on page http://www.jkp.com/uk/mindreading/demo/ I presume that the pluging that is needed is a "Shockwave Flash" plugin, but I have installed that.
    So what do I have to solve the problem?

    It is looking for the Shockwave (director) player and not the Flash player.
    Adobe does not provide Shockwave player for Linux, only on Mac OSX and Windows. Besides it is more for few games and learning stuff and it used very little compared to the Flash Player for most users.
    As you can see it is only for Windows and Mac OSX.

  • Arch 64Bit inside VirtualBox [solved]

    Hello guys,
    I run a 64Bit version of Linux Mint 10 on my laptop with VirtualBox 4.0.4 installed. My Core 2 Duo T5870 supports the VT-x technology. However I can't install a 64Bit version of Arch. During the boot process I always get the following message:
    This kernel requires an x86-64 CPU, but only detected an i686 CPU.
    Unable to boot - please use a kernel appropriate for your CPU.
    Who can help me out?
    Last edited by orschiro (2011-03-18 12:31:59)

    You created a 64-bit virtual machine, not just 32-bit right?
    How would I create a 64-bit machine? I just created a new one based on Linux and Arch, assigned a hard disk and that's it. There was no possibility to set or define the architecture.
    You may give me a hint.
    do you have the VT-x extensions enabled in your BIOS? I think OEMs usually disable them by default
    Can I check if VT-x is enabled during runtime? I think it should be enabled, but I'm not completely sure. And unfortunately I didn't find any setting in the BIOS of my Lenovo SL500.
    Last edited by orschiro (2011-03-17 00:01:01)

  • How do I install Linux Mint 17 from USB on Flex 10?

    Hello everybody,
    I want to install Linux Mint 17 on my Lenovo Flex 10 device.
    I tried to make two different bootable installation USB sticks using the Rufus software but when I try to boot from them, the boot menu show only Windows. It seems that Flex 10 doesn't like my USB sticks. One is former Mandriva USB, the other is ADATA S102/8GB USB 3.0. Should I try another USB stick?
    I've read several threads relating to this; someone suceeded, more people didn't get any answer.
    One suspicious thing is that Rufus says that I need an EFI ISO image when I choose the UEFI MBR or UEFI GPT partition scheme. Isn't the Mint ISO an EFI ISO image? So the only option that remains is "BIOS or UEFI" scheme. I think that should work but it doesn't. They say that Mint 16 already supports UEFI. So Mint 17 should too.
    Other thing is that there might be an issue with 32/64bit UEFI. How do I switch between 32 and 64 bit UEFI?
    Am I missing something? What am I doing wrong?
    --CIgydd Bach
    Go to Solution.

    So I'm going to answer my question myself. * Edit: An ironic note to Lenovo removed. They don't deserve it. *
    For everybody who wants to boot or install Linux to Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 10:
    Flex 10 has a 64-bit processor but a 32-bit EFI (UEFI) firmware!
    Therefore I guess most of us have 32-bit Windows pre-installed for it.
    Because Microsoft is so poor that they cannot provide us with a 64-bit system with a 32-bit bootloader. Oops, they cannot provide Lenovo with that combination.
    And Lenovo, you guys prepared me a hell solving the riddle why only my Flex 10 doen't boot Linux, neither 32-bit distros nor the 64-bit ones.
    * Edit: Not removing this one. Yes, you prepared me a hell but it was also a big fun solving the riddle. *
    Because the 32-bit distros don't count with UEFI at all (they suppose older firmware, so called BIOS) and the 64-bit ones don't count with a 32-bit UEFI.
    So I had to download a bootloader one guy precompiled for others to boot the USB with the installation ISO image for Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit. Here is the bootloader file:
    The next post was very helpful to me. There I discovered that I have to download or compile a 32-bit UEFI bootloader:
    And here I finally followed the instructions how to boot to the USB stick and it helped me a lot in the overall process and progress:
    There you will see that you have to follow these steps:
    Shrink your C drive in Windows and create a new partition to be deleted and re-used by Linux (Windows doesn't like surprises).
    Turn off the Windows Fast Boot option (or Windows could damage your Linux partitions). 
    Compile or download (see above) a bootloader for the USB stick.
    Boot the stick, make sure the live image runs.
    Run the installation from the live system and install your Linux to the space you created previously (by deleting the new partition and creating root, home and swap partitions there).
    Boot to the newly installed system using the USB stick (you still aren!t able to boot to Linux from disk).
    You can skip the step of compiling WiFi drivers. On Flex 10, they work perfectly out of the box.
    Following the instructions on the last linked page, compile Grub for 32-bit EFI and install it onto your disk. Here I suggest a slight change against the instructions. Don't name the compiled Grub "grubx64.efi" but leave the name "grubia32.efi". I don't know why but after leaving this name, my Flex started to boot Ubuntu from disk.
    Edit: You don't have to compile Grub. In your newly installed system, issue the three following commands (this will install the Grub version for 32-bit UEFI, remove the 64-bit UEFI version, and clean up possible mess caused by removing it):
    sudo apt-get install grub-efi-ia32
    sudo apt-get remove grub-efi-amd64
    sudo grub-install
    Don't forget to change Grub settings in /etc/default/grub. Also do not forget to run the command "sudo upgrade-grub".
    You can skip the step with compiling new kernel with Flex. Hardware support seems already pretty good (except of touchpad).
    The touchpad interprets a single tap with a finger as a right click. You can disable tapping and get used to the buttons as a temporary solution. It doesn't swap the buttons if you set so. If you are left-handed as me, you can force the swap of the buttons by issuing xmodmap -e "pointer = 3 2 1" from a terminal or from a script that you can run automatically on startup.
    I followed exactly the same steps with Linux Mint with a full success.
    On the start, I thought that Linux installation on Flex 10 was impossible.
    As you can see, it is possible. And if you want, you will succeed and reach that goal.
    --CIgydd Bach

  • T410S and Linux Mint 17

    for the past few months, I have been struggling with my T410S improperly loading my touchpad and onboard keyboard, attached is my thread on Linux Mint Forums:
    For a brief period of time I tried Ubuntu14.04.1 LTS, the driver issues most definitely disappeared but I really dislike the Ubuntu distro so I made a jump back to Linux Mint. The problem with my keyboard and touchpad persists.
    I have been looking into understand if possible, to implement the drivers from Ubuntu onto my Mint OS.
    So far I haven't been successful at all. I know how to fix the mouse problem after boot but it's a checkmate when my computer boots without the keyboard.
    I have tried different kernel versions, apparently identical kernel did not solve my problems either.
    I have spoken to a Masters student in Comp-sci and he recommended getting IBM/Lenovo module and modify the kernel which I am very inexperienced in.
    Any help would be much appreciated at this point.
    Thank you for your time

    I tested Linut Mint 17 out of my live USB drive when I got my T510 and W510 (similar generation as yours) and it worked perfectly.  The T510 was later running Debian for weeks without any keyboard/mouse/touchpad/trackpoint issue. 
    What happens if you try any other Linux distro out of a USB or DVD? Does it work? I'm trying to rule out a hardware defect
    Comunidad en Español  English Community  Deutsche Community   Русскоязычное Сообщество

  • Linux Mint 13 and Upcoming Win 8 Dual boot

    Will it be possible to run Linux Mint with the up coming Win 8 distribution.  I have a Thinkpad E530 Edge with Win 7 preinstalled and am thinking of "upgrading" for 15 bucks to Win 8.  Will this disable my Linux Mint 13?
    Go to Solution.

    miriamlaskey wrote:
    I am a complete newbie.  I do not really know what you are saying.  I have a separate partition for Mint and run it out of a Grub loader (?) at startup, with windows as the second operating system.  (54 year old female social worker not equal to a IT type.)
    OK, no problem with that - the description is OK
    My question was if on your system GRUB is in the first sector of the disk vs. in the first sector of the Linux partition - which can be determined in a number of ways:
    a) when you power-on your Thinkpad, is the bluish ThinkVantage button (with a special shape and I believe to the left of the power button) take you to Lenovo Recovery?
    b) the menu used to select Linux / Windows - how many entries does it have? (if it has more than 2 probably it is the GRUB menu, which for this would be installed in the first sector of the disk, also called Master Boot Record or MBR); if this is the case then installing Win8 (or even reinstalling Win7) might create certain boot problems since GRUB might need a re-installation!

  • HPLIP (Linux Mint 14.1): hp-algin next button doesn't work at the step "E"

    Hi everyone ,
    the hp-algin tool can't go to the end on my Linux Mint 14.1 with printer HP 3420.
    it stops at the step asking me the E1 - E11 best alignment : i click on the next button and nothing happens.
    the terminal told me what's follow :
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/usr/share/hplip/ui4/aligndialog.py", line 451, in NextButton_clicked
      File "/usr/share/hplip/ui4/aligndialog.py", line 481, in nextSequence
      File "/usr/share/hplip/ui4/aligndialog.py", line 732, in setXBowValues
        maint.alignType4Phase2(self.dev, self.zca, self.b, self.c, self.d, self.e)
      File "/usr/share/hplip/base/maint.py", line 977, in alignType4Phase2
        dev.printData(ldl.buildSetPrinterAlignmentPacket(k_bidi, hort, vert, cmy_bidi))
      File "/usr/share/hplip/prnt/ldl.py", line 258, in buildSetPrinterAlignmentPacket
        'k_bidi' : k_bidi,
      File "/usr/share/hplip/prnt/ldl.py", line 164, in buildLIDILPacket
        0, 0, operation, 0x0f, *b)
    struct.error: ubyte format requires 0 <= number <= 255
    on Launchpad, another user report it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/hplip/+bug/841084. We can see bug exist since HPLIP 3.12.2..
    I try on windows XP(with drivers on CD with printer) and all work fine. Small note, page printing for alignment on windows is completely different from the printed page on linux. I use HPLIP 3.13.11
    Problem of HPLIP? or Python version?
    this printer is really good and I need to make this alignment. With the alignment carried out (under the windows where I was able to complete the transaction) it prints perfectly ..
    I hope to find a solution or by contacting an HP support

    Hello TeHoDenN,
    I have located the only links available for the support you would need for this issue. Please see them below.
    HP Linux Imaging and Printing
    Linux Forums
    How to install a printer under Linux Operative System with CUPS web utility
    I hope this helps
    R a i n b o w 7000I work on behalf of HP
    Click the “Kudos Thumbs Up" at the bottom of this post to say
    “Thanks” for helping!
    Click “Accept as Solution” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution!

  • My windows computer died,it now has linux mint 9.I installed itunes on a new windows computer.Purchased new songs but it wont let me download or dispaly my old music.But it did transfer 3 movies over to new itunes account.

       My windows computer died installed linux mint 9.(will not use for itunes)
    Purchsed another windows computer and installed itunes.
    Purchased songs  howeverwould not let me sync with new computer or transfer old library.
    However it did transfer 3 movies.
    I authorized new computer and home sharing.
    Do not want to lose old library and keep mgetting warning.
    thanks Dave

    Hello hallefrompa,
    Thanks for the question, and welcome to Apple Support Communities.
    The following article provides an answer to your question:
    Using iPhone, iPad, or iPod with multiple computers
    iPod shuffle and iPhone are intended for use with a single computer. You cannot load music from multiple computers or iTunes libraries onto iPod shuffle and iPhone like you can with other devices.
    You'll need to setup your iPod to sync to this new iTunes library:
    iOS: Syncing with iTunes
    Matt M.

  • Problems setting up WiFi in Linux Mint 6

    Hey Guys,
    I'm running a 32bit version of Linux Mint 6 on my T60. I need a hand setting up my wireless connection. It boggles my mind, I am able to see the wireless network in my 'available networks' option. I am just not able to connect to it. Anyone else have this problem. I know my Atheros wireless device has caused problems for others...
    T60w 8743-CTO Linux Mint 6, M55 8808-94u XP

    Also check whether your wireless router has some security keys like WEP or WPA-PSK, then set that too in your system....
    Y410-160GB HDD,T5550,2GB RAM
    Ubuntu 9.04 -Gnome, Win Vista(not used much) Ubuntu rocks...
    Final Year BTech(CSE) Student

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