HP LaserJet P1102W - no print output in Linux Mint 17.1 Cinnamon Desktop

I've just done a default install of Linux Mint 17.1 - as feared, no print output.
I'm guessing I need to install a driver - but I couldn't find anything easily on HP site, only Windows/Mac OS stuff. Are HP printers generally linux friendly? Where can I download drivers if they are? More over, I'm a total linux newbie, so any drivers need to be easily installed! I'm not currently familiar with Terminal windows and line commands!
My printer does have wireless enabled, but I have it connected via direct USB also.
Linux Mint did offer to run a diagnostic tool/debugging tool which gave a great deal of what means nothing to me. Debug output is below if it is helpful, but hoping a simple driver install will cure all ...
Debug Output:
Page 1 (Scheduler not running?):
{'cups_connection_failure': False}
Page 2 (Is local server publishing?):
{'local_server_exporting_printers': False}
Page 3 (Choose printer):
{'cups_dest': <cups.Dest HP-LaserJet-Professional-P-1102w (default)>,
 'cups_instance': None,
 'cups_queue': u'HP-LaserJet-Professional-P-1102w',
 'cups_queue_listed': True}
Page 4 (Check printer sanity):
{'cups_device_uri_scheme': u'hp',
 'cups_printer_dict': {'device-uri': u'hp:/usb/HP_LaserJet_Professional_P_1102w?serial=000000000W4037X5PR1a',
                       'printer-info': u'Hewlett-Packard HP LaserJet Professional P 1102w',
                       'printer-is-shared': True,
                       'printer-location': u'Leela',
                       'printer-make-and-model': u'HP LaserJet Professional P 1102w, hpcups 3.14.3, requires proprietary plugin',
                       'printer-state': 3,
                       'printer-state-message': u'',
                       'printer-state-reasons': [u'none'],
                       'printer-type': 167948,
                       'printer-uri-supported': u'ipp://localhost:631/printers/HP-LaserJet-Professional-P-1102w'},
 'cups_printer_remote': False,
 'hplip_output': (['',
                   '\x1b[01mHP Linux Imaging and Printing System (ver. 3.14.3)\x1b[0m',
                   '\x1b[01mDevice Information Utility ver. 5.2\x1b[0m',
                   'Copyright (c) 2001-13 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, LP',
                   'This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.',
                   'This is free software, and you are welcome to distribute it',
                   'under certain conditions. See COPYING file for more details.',
                   '\x1b[01mHP Linux Imaging and Printing System (ver. 3.14.3)\x1b[0m',
                   '\x1b[01mSystem Tray Status Service ver. 2.0\x1b[0m',
                   'Copyright (c) 2001-13 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, LP',
                   'This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.',
                   'This is free software, and you are welcome to distribute it',
                   'under certain conditions. See COPYING file for more details.',
                   '\x1b[01mDevice Parameters (dynamic data):\x1b[0m',
                   '\x1b[01m  Parameter                     Value(s)                                                  \x1b[0m',
                   '  agent1-ack                    False                                                     ',
                   '  agent1-desc                   Black toner cartridge                                     ',
                   '  agent1-dvc                    0                                                         ',
                   '  agent1-health                 0                                                         ',
                   '  agent1-health-desc            Good/OK                                                   ',
                   '  agent1-hp-ink                 False                                                     ',
                   '  agent1-id                     0                                                         ',
                   '  agent1-kind                   4                                                         ',
                   '  agent1-known                  False                                                     ',
                   '  agent1-level                  100                                                       ',
                   '  agent1-level-trigger          0                                                         ',
                   '  agent1-sku                    85A                                                       ',
                   '  agent1-type                   1                                                         ',
                   '  agent1-virgin                 False                                                     ',
                   '  back-end                      hp                                                        ',
                   "  cups-printers                 ['HP-LaserJet-Professional-P-1102w']                      ",
                   '  cups-uri                      hp:/usb/HP_LaserJet_Professional_P_1102w?serial=000000000W',
                   '                                4037X5PR1a                                                ',
                   '  dev-file                                                                                ',
                   '  device-state                  1                                                         ',
                   '  device-uri                    hp:/usb/HP_LaserJet_Professional_P_1102w?serial=000000000W',
                   '                                4037X5PR1a                                                ',
                   '  deviceid                      MFG:Hewlett-Packard;MDL: LaserJet Professional P          ',
                   '                                1102w;CMD:ZJSJS,URF,PCLm,PJL,ACL,HTTCLSLSRINTER;DEHPHP  ',
                   '                                LaserJet Presessional P 110;F;FWVER:20110826;             ',
                   '  duplexer                      0                                                         ',
                   '  error-state                   0                                                         ',
                   '  host                                                                                    ',
                   '  in-tray1                      1                                                         ',
                   '  in-tray2                      1                                                         ',
                   '  is-hp                         True                                                      ',
                   '  media-path                    1                                                         ',
                   '  panel                         0                                                         ',
                   '  panel-line1                                                                             ',
                   '  panel-line2                                                                             ',
                   '  photo-tray                    0                                                         ',
                   '  port                          1                                                         ',
                   '  r                             0                                                         ',
                   '  revision                      254                                                       ',
                   '  rg                            000                                                       ',
                   '  rr                            000000                                                    ',
                   '  rs                            000000000                                                 ',
                   '  serial                        000000000W4037X5PR1a                                      ',
                   '  status-code                   1000                                                      ',
                   '  status-desc                   Idle                                                      ',
                   '  supply-door                   1                                                         ',
                   '  top-door                      1                                                         ',
                   'Model Parameters (static data):\x1b[0m',
                   '\x1b[01m  Parameter                     Value(s)                                                  \x1b[0m',
                   '  align-type                    0                                                         ',
                   '  clean-type                    0                                                         ',
                   '  color-cal-type                0                                                         ',
                   '  copy-type                     0                                                         ',
                   '  embedded-server-type          0                                                         ',
                   '  fax-type                      0                                                         ',
                   '  fw-download                   False                                                     ',
                   '  icon                          HP_LaserJet_1012.png                                      ',
                   '  io-mfp-mode                   6                                                         ',
                   '  io-mode                       1                                                         ',
                   '  io-support                    10                                                        ',
                   '  job-storage                   0                                                         ',
                   '  linefeed-cal-type             0                                                         ',
                   '  model                         HP_LaserJet_Professional_P_1102w                          ',
                   '  model-ui                      HP LaserJet Professional P 1102w                          ',
                   '  model1                        HP LaserJet Professional P 1102w Printer                  ',
                   '  monitor-type                  0                                                         ',
                   '  panel-check-type              0                                                         ',
                   '  pcard-type                    0                                                         ',
                   '  plugin                        1                                                         ',
                   '  plugin-reason                 1                                                         ',
                   '  power-settings                0                                                         ',
                   '  pq-diag-type                  0                                                         ',
                   '  r-type                        0                                                         ',
                   '  r0-agent1-kind                4                                                         ',
                   '  r0-agent1-sku                 85A                                                       ',
                   '  r0-agent1-type                1                                                         ',
                   '  scan-src                      0                                                         ',
                   '  scan-type                     0                                                         ',
                   '  status-battery-check          0                                                         ',
                   '  status-dynamic-counters       0                                                         ',
                   '  status-type                   8                                                         ',
                   '  support-released              True                                                      ',
                   '  support-subtype               2202411                                                   ',
                   '  support-type                  2                                                         ',
                   '  support-ver                   3.12.6                                                    ',
                   "  tech-class                    ['LJZjsMono']                                             ",
                   "  tech-subclass                 ['NoAutoDuplex']                                          ",
                   '  tech-type                     3                                                         ',
                   '  usb-pid                       4138                                                      ',
                   '  usb-vid                       1008                                                      ',
                   '  wifi-config                   3                                                         ',
                  ['\x1b[35;01mwarning: No display found.\x1b[0m',
                   '\x1b[31;01merror: hp-info -u/--gui requires Qt4 GUI support. Entering interactive mode.\x1b[0m',
                   '\x1b[35;01mwarning: No display found.\x1b[0m',
                   '\x1b[31;01merror: hp-systray requires Qt4 GUI and DBus support. Exiting.\x1b[0m',
                   '\x1b[35;01mwarning: Unable to connect to dbus. Is hp-systray running?\x1b[0m',
 'is_cups_class': False,
 'local_cups_queue_attributes': {'charset-configured': u'utf-8',
                                 'charset-supported': [u'us-ascii', u'utf-8'],
                                 'color-supported': True,
                                 'compression-supported': [u'none', u'gzip'],
                                 'copies-default': 1,
                                 'copies-supported': (1, 9999),
                                 'cups-version': u'1.7.2',
                                 'device-uri': u'hp:/usb/HP_LaserJet_Professional_P_1102w?serial=000000000W4037X5PR1a',
                                 'document-format-default': u'application/octet-stream',
                                 'document-format-supported': [u'application/octet-stream',
                                 'finishings-default': 3,
                                 'finishings-supported': [3],
                                 'generated-natural-language-supported': [u'en-us'],
                                 'ipp-versions-supported': [u'1.0',
                                 'ippget-event-life': 15,
                                 'job-creation-attributes-supported': [u'copies',
                                 'job-hold-until-default': u'no-hold',
                                 'job-hold-until-supported': [u'no-hold',
                                 'job-ids-supported': True,
                                 'job-k-limit': 0,
                                 'job-k-octets-supported': (0, 476568600),
                                 'job-page-limit': 0,
                                 'job-priority-default': 50,
                                 'job-priority-supported': [100],
                                 'job-quota-period': 0,
                                 'job-settable-attributes-supported': [u'copies',
                                 'job-sheets-default': (u'none', u'none'),
                                 'job-sheets-supported': [u'none',
                                 'jpeg-k-octets-supported': (0, 476568600),
                                 'jpeg-x-dimension-supported': (0, 65535),
                                 'jpeg-y-dimension-supported': (1, 65535),
                                 'marker-change-time': 0,
                                 'media-bottom-margin-supported': [423, 547],
                                 'media-col-default': u'(unknown IPP value tag 0x34)',
                                 'media-col-supported': [u'media-bottom-margin',
                                 'media-default': u'iso_a4_210x297mm',
                                 'media-left-margin-supported': [423, 635],
                                 'media-right-margin-supported': [423, 635],
                                 'media-size-supported': [u'(unknown IPP value tag 0x34)',
                                                          u'(unknown IPP value tag 0x34)',
                                                          u'(unknown IPP value tag 0x34)',
                                                          u'(unknown IPP value tag 0x34)',
                                                          u'(unknown IPP value tag 0x34)',
                                                          u'(unknown IPP value tag 0x34)',
                                                          u'(unknown IPP value tag 0x34)',
                                                          u'(unknown IPP value tag 0x34)',
                                                          u'(unknown IPP value tag 0x34)',
                                                          u'(unknown IPP value tag 0x34)',
                                                          u'(unknown IPP value tag 0x34)',
                                                          u'(unknown IPP value tag 0x34)',
                                                          u'(unknown IPP value tag 0x34)',
                                                          u'(unknown IPP value tag 0x34)',
                                                          u'(unknown IPP value tag 0x34)',
                                                          u'(unknown IPP value tag 0x34)',
                                                          u'(unknown IPP value tag 0x34)',
                                                          u'(unknown IPP value tag 0x34)',
                                                          u'(unknown IPP value tag 0x34)'],
                                 'media-source-supported': [u'auto',
                                 'media-supported': [u'iso_a6_105x148mm',
                                 'media-top-margin-supported': [423, 547],
                                 'media-type-supported': [u'stationery'],
                                 'multiple-document-handling-supported': [u'separate-documents-uncollated-copies',
                                 'multiple-document-jobs-supported': True,
                                 'multiple-operation-time-out': 300,
                                 'natural-language-configured': u'en-us',
                                 'notify-attributes-supported': [u'printer-state-change-time',
                                 'notify-events-default': [u'job-completed'],
                                 'notify-events-supported': [u'job-completed',
                                 'notify-lease-duration-default': 86400,
                                 'notify-lease-duration-supported': (0,
                                 'notify-max-events-supported': [100],
                                 'notify-pull-method-supported': [u'ippget'],
                                 'notify-schemes-supported': [u'dbus',
                                 'number-up-default': 1,
                                 'number-up-supported': [1, 2, 4, 6, 9, 16],
                                 'operations-supported': [2,
                                 'orientation-requested-default': None,
                                 'orientation-requested-supported': [3,
                                 'output-bin-default': u'face-down',
                                 'output-bin-supported': [u'face-down'],
                                 'page-ranges-supported': True,
                                 'pages-per-minute': 1,
                                 'pages-per-minute-color': 1,
                                 'pdf-k-octets-supported': (0, 476568600),
                                 'pdf-versions-supported': [u'adobe-1.2',
                                 'pdl-override-supported': [u'attempted'],
                                 'port-monitor': u'none',
                                 'port-monitor-supported': [u'none'],
                                 'ppd-timestamp': u'*',
                                 'print-color-mode-default': u'color',
                                 'print-color-mode-supported': [u'monochrome',
                                 'print-quality-default': 4,
                                 'print-quality-supported': [3, 4],
                                 'printer-commands': u'none',
                                 'printer-current-time': u'(IPP_TAG_DATE)',
                                 'printer-dns-sd-name': u'Hewlett-Packard HP LaserJet Professional P 1102w @ Leela',
                                 'printer-error-policy': u'retry-job',

Hi @durandal,
I read your post and see that you need the drivers for the P1102w printer. I can provide the website for you.
Here is the link for the HP Linux Imaging and Printing website. HP Linux imaging and printing.
Here is the link for the P1102w drivers. HP LaserJet Professional p1102w Printer.
If you need more information, please post your questions at the Linux Distribution Forums.
If you appreciate my efforts, please click the Thumbs up button below.
Thank You.
Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
Click the “Kudos Thumbs Up" on the right to say “Thanks” for helping!
I work on behalf of HP

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    I got to this screen by going to the web interface by typing the printer's IP address into a web-browser's address bar.
    Sorry for the delayed response. I will do my best to assist you when I get home.
    Don't forgot to say thanks by giving "Kudos" if I helped solve your problem.
    When a solution is found please mark the post that solves your issue.
    Every problem has a solution!

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    Hi @stralins.
    I understand that after putting in your Encryption information the printer's Embedded Web Server is locking up. I can help you with this, but I will need some more information so I can provide you the proper steps.
    What operating system are you using?
    How to Find the Windows Edition and Version on Your Computer.
    Mac OS X: How Do I Find Which Mac OS X Version Is on My Computer?
    Print a configuration page to  see if the  printer has a IP address or SSID.
    If the wireless is still flashing on the printer, then restore the printer defaults.
    Turn the printer off, hold down the wireless button and cancel (x button) while turning the printer back on and don't release the two buttons until the printer stops making noise.
    Print out a configuration report and make sure the SSID and IP address are cleared.
    (hold down the x button and when the printer makes a noise let go)
    After the reset, disconnect the routers power cable, wait 10 seconds, then reconnect the power cable.
    Wait till it's ready.
    Try entering the Encryption information again. (if you are on a Mac, set Safari as the default browser)
    Have a nice day!
    Thank You.
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos Thumbs Up" on the right to say “Thanks” for helping!
    I work on behalf of HP

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    What am I missing???

    Csound1 wrote:
    John Blanchard1 wrote:
    Are you not able to select AirPrint from the menu that lets you select the PPD?
    Do you have the latest firmware?
    http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/softwareCategory?os=219&lc=en&cc=us&dlc=en&sw _lang=&product=4110396#N222
    Airprint is for IOS devices and thus has no relevance to this issue.
    Connect the printer to your Wireless Network and use Bonjour to detect nd connect it.
    That's wrong. AirPrint is not just for iOS devices. Since HP doesn't provide drivers for this printer, they say to use AirPrint:
    http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/document?docname=c03425022&cc=us&dlc=en&lc=en &os=219&product=4110396&sw_lang=

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    Hi firedude007,
    Welcome to the HP Forums!
    I see that your HP Laserjet P1102w stops printing files from your Mac but not on Windows, and I am happy to help!
    For further assistance, I will need to know the following information:
    The version number of the Mac Operating System. To find the exact version, visit this link. Whatsmyos.
    If the printer is connected, Wireless, or USB.
    If the printer is able to make copies by itself.
    In the meantime, I would try the following:
    Reset the printing system. Mac OS X: How to reset the printing system.
    Verify and repair disk permissions. Disk Utility 12.x: Repair disk permissions.
    Hope to hear from you, and thank you for posting!
    I work on behalf of HP
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos Thumbs Up" to say “Thanks” for helping!

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    Any help is much appreciated, 
    Thanks ! 

    Hi Anil_94,
    Welcome to the HP Forums, I hope you enjoy your experience!
    I understand you are unable to print on the Maverick.
    I will be happy to help you.
    If the printer is still setup on the wireless network with a valid IP address
    then make sure the Mac is on the same network as the Pc.
    Check to see what driver you are using.
    Click on the Apple, click system and preferences, click the print & scan icon,
    highlight the printer, on the right side it should say what driver is installed.
    (if the Airprint driver is being used it is the Apple preinstalled driver, delete it and add the printer's name)
    Try printing now.
    Please let me know if you are still having issues.
    Thank you for posting on the HP Forums.
    Have a good day!
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos Thumbs Up" on the right to say “Thanks” for helping!
    I work on behalf of HP

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    Thank you Advance23 for the reply, I installed using that link already, the problem is that, the software is Unable to locate the wireless hardware on the printer. I have used 3 computers and same result. If, however, i use a windows computer to get the wireless device working on the printer, i have success.. I had to barrow that computer, and since then have changed service providers and have to activate the wireless device in the printer again. i do not have a windows computer to complete the task at hand.
    that aside, all of the other items in the device manager work fine, and as long as i use a usb cable, i can print. I do not buy this printer for that reason, however, I wanted a wireless printer in my home. So there we are... kind of stuck right now. wishing the software would do what it claims to do.

  • HP Laserjet Pro P1102W not printing even though it's installed...

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    I'm trying to print from leafpad, just a simple text file with little in it other than "linux test print" in the file. The print queue states "Processing - Not connected?" then it fails and gives me the option to "diagnose" the issue. So I click Diagnose. Then it pops up with a message stating that the "print server not exporting printers". It tells me to enable  the "Publish shared printers connected to this system" through the printing administration panel which is in Gnome apparenetly (I'm in XFCE) under System>Administration>Printing from the main menu. In XFCE there is no such area.
    I have cups version 1.5.0-1
    hplip 3.11.7-2
    What else should I do? Apparently the printer was installed successfully. I tried installing it and selecting the HPlip driver which installed fine but wouldn't print. Then I removed that one and installed it using the Apple driver (airprint?) and it won't print either.
    I've tried searching for help but all I find is that it will work with hiplip installed... It isn't working with that installed.
    I can't access the cups server via a browser. Is that the problem? I've opened the cups config page but I don't understand it and it says allow,deny under localhost or ugh i dont know, something about which users can access the server. Should I remove the "deny"??
    Please help me if you can. I'm totally lost and have no idea what to do to get this printer working on my installation of arch. Arch is fully updated as of a few days ago.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

    I can't access the cups server via a browser. Is that the problem?
        If you are starting cupsd from DAEMONS in rc.conf is it starting correctly or failing?   If your not you should be.  if it failing does start manually work?   
    if it's running you should be able to access via browser.  localhost:631   
    also see/try
    $ hp-toolbox
    CUPS interface better option IMO tho.
    EDIT spelling.... to much scotch B4 posting
    Last edited by jwbirdsong (2011-10-20 00:42:38)

  • How to setup printer (HP LaserJet P1102w) on Wine?

    I have installed and working printer on my arch. But when I trying to print from Wine, got error that no printers installed. And this log in console:
    $ wine notepad
    fixme:winspool:WINSPOOL_EnumPrintersW We don't handle PRINTER_ENUM_CONNECTIONS
    According to wine help page all what I need is working CUPS configuration. I can print direct from linux and can print from lpr.
    Here is some CUPS output:
    # lpinfo -v
    network lpd
    network ipp
    network ipps
    network http
    network https
    direct hp:/usb/HP_LaserJet_Professional_P_1102w?serial=000000000W420ZDPPR1a
    direct usb://HP/LaserJet%20Professional%20P%201102w?serial=000000000W420ZDPPR1a
    network socket
    network smb
    direct hpfax

    Hi LUCK,
    The printing functionality for your driver is prodided by the HP Universal Print Driver.
    You may download the driver by clicking the Download button from the link below:
    If you may find it hard to understand any of the installation steps, you may find the full details below:
    Please let me know of any needed clarification.
    Say thanks by clicking the Kudos thumb up in the post.
    If my post resolve your problem please mark it as an Accepted Solution

  • How to Print Labels? - HP LaserJet P1102W

    I'm close to pulling my hair out here.  I recently purchased a LaserJet P1102W as a replacement for my LaserJet 1022n that finally gave out.  I am trying to print Avery file labels (template 5066).  I am using the old file document, I simply need to reprint.  So, I open the file and select 'Print' and then hit 'OK'.  On my old model, the Attention light would blink red until I hit what I guess is the ok/accept button (I think it was the button with the triangle and the ! inside, but I can't be sure now) - it would then send the print job for the labels though, allowing me to put the label sheet in first and then it would feed that through from the main tray.
    With this new model, I follow exactly the same steps but I can't get the document to print. Hitting the Power button on this unit only turns it off.  Hitting the Cancel button deletes the document from the queue and it won't print.
    I just spent nearly an hour and a half with HP Live Tech Support and they can't seem to give me a straight answer.  They're telling me they need remote access to fix the issue or they need me to delete and reinstall my drivers.  One thing the techs are sure of is that it is not a hardware issue, simply user error.  Even though I repeated the steps that I took and they say that everything is correct.  I was also told to "please the paper", whatever that means. 
    I was hoping that I could find a fellow user of the P1102w here, or at least someone knowledgable who isn't reading from a book.  It just feels like there's a step missing somewhere once I bring up the Print menu.  Do I need to manually change a setting or direct it to pull from a certain tray? I'm just trying to do everything possible before I actually uninstall/reinstall the drivers.  Also, all the software is current, no updates needed.
    Someone please help!  I'm losing it...or I've already lost it maybe.  lol
    Thanks in advance for any sanity that you might be able to bring.

    I realize this is an old thread, but it came up as one of the first Google search results and there was no solution.
    I was having this problem too.  The problem ended up being that I had turned off the status messages in the printer setup.  When I turned the status messages back on, a window pops up when I try to print a label.  I click "Continue" and it pulls the label from the manual feed.

  • Hp laserjet p1102w won't print within cloud server

    Please help! I have an HP LaserJet P1102w desktop printer connected via USB. It has worked fine until about a week ago when I had to have my computer wiped and the operating system reinstalled. I have Windows 7 64 bit OS. I reinstalled the printer, driver, and updated the firmware. It prints test pages and configuration pages just fine, as well as anything directly from my PC. This is an office computer connected directly to a private network using a cloud based server. I cannot print anything from within the cloud to my printer! I have looked through all of the forums and help sites and our IT people cannot assist me as this particular printer is on a list of hardware that they do not work with. As I mentioned, before the reinstallation it printed fine from the network, but now it doesn't seem to make the connection and I don't know what else to try, please help!

    Hi , Thanks for posting in the HP Forums, and welcome!  +I not sure I understand exactly how you are trying to print, but as this printer is wireless, I think having it connected wirelessly to your network rather than USB to a single computer, might make all the difference. I'd recommend trying the steps in this document to configure your printer wirelessly:HP LaserJet Pro P1102w - Wireless Printer Setup You'll also want to make sure your web services is enabled on the printer. 1. Print a Network Configuration Page.2. Type the IP address that shows up on your configuration page into the address bar of your browser on your computer.3. Click the tab at the top that says Web Services.4. You will have either a Setup or Enable button, click this. Hope this helps!

  • Resetting or Moving a HP LaserJet P1102W printer

    Moving or Relocating an HP Laserjet P1102w printer, resetting the wireless to defaults
    things you need...
    a. Smart Start software from HP (may not need)
    b. usb cord for connectivity to printer
    c.  some time
    1.  Reset the Printers wireless by unplugging the printer and hold down the Wireless and Cancel keys together and plug the printer back in.
    2.  Hold down for about 5 seconds after power then release, this setup the wireless part for DHCP.
    3.  uninstall the printer software from your PC or Laptop, if you have other HP products be careful with this part.
    4.  Reboot your PC or Laptop.
    5.  plug printer via usb which will start the installation wizard.
    6.  follow prompts.
    7.  make sure you choose "install software for wireless network" or something to that affect.  This will start the Network install using the USB.
    8.  The wizard will let you know when to disconnect the USB.
    9.  The wizard will walk you through the wireless setup while using the usb when finished it will ask you to disconnect the USB.
    10. follow the on screen prompts and printing the test page and you should be good to go.
    for this issue i was moving the printer from one wireless network to another.  I was trying to find some documentation, but could not find anything that was straight forward.  Hope this helps.

    Thanks for sharing that valuable information Rogerr777 .
    I did come across one document with different ways for setting up the printer over the wireless network, that you might want to take a look at also for future reference.
    Setting Up the Printer for a Wireless Network for the HP LaserJet Pro P1102w Printer.
    Have a nice day!
    Thank You.
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos Thumbs Up" on the right to say “Thanks” for helping!
    I work on behalf of HP

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