XP install appears to work but no coffee cup or java

I have tried a number of times to install java through internet explorer, firefox, and the offline download file. The installation appears to work completing OK. However java apps still don't work and there is no coffee cup in control panel. Sites that require java tell me I need to download it.
If I try to reinstall I get a message saying java is already installed. Java is listed in add / remove programmes. I have uninstalled it and removed every reference of java on the PC and in the registry and I still haven't been able to get it working.
What else can I try?

I seem to have the identical problem. Here's my post from another site.
I've used Java succesfully under Win 2000, but now that I've switched to XP I can't seem to install it properly. I've run the installation .exe and Java appears in Control Panel Add/Remove Programs, but not in the Start/All Programs area nor does it work in either of my browsers (Firefox and IE). The browsers don't see that it was installed either. Applets don't run, but I can see the JavaScript Console. I have a project management program that requires Java and it will not run either. Help!!!
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    hot sync appears to work but doesn't transfer info! Options      dee20002
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    Palm Z22
    Message 1 of 7
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    hot sync appears to work but doesn't transfer info! Options      dee20002
    Regular Visitor
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    Registered: 09-10-2008
    Palm Z22
    Message 1 of 7
    Viewed 449 times
    I admit, it's been awhile since I synchronized.  Just did so, and all appeared right with the world, the handheld made the appropriate noises and showed the appropriate actions and same on the computer (XP, connect as always have through USB).  In other words, they appeared to "talk" and said they were synchronizing.  But my data (like important calendar entries) is simply not there.  Nothing.  Nada.  Nothing recently added.
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    Basic troubleshooting steps oultlined in the User Guide are restart, reset, restore from backup, restore as new device.
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    Site URL:
    Administrator Credential:
    Thanks for any input,
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    Gordon College
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    Sorry -- I should have specified that. The files are all MP3s.
    They were captured from a Logitech USB microphone using Audacity 1.2.4b (http://audacity.sourceforge.net/) and exported using the LAME library for Mac OS X (http://spaghetticode.org/lame/) on an Intel iMac running Mac OS X 10.4.6.
    The ID3 tags of the files were then edited using iTunes 6.0.4 on a PowerBook G4 running Mac OS X 10.4.6.
    The problem files (you can see them in our site as "ITS Coffee Break for 62806" and "ITS Coffee Break for 61906" do not display the following track information within the site:
    * Name (displays file name instead)
    * Artist
    * Album (overwritten with the tab name "Course - ITS Coffee Break", presumably because of the default track preferences"
    If I do a "Get Info" on the file from the track list, I see that the following meta information is not available:
    * Name
    * Artist
    * Year
    * Album (same as above)
    Interestingly, the "disc number" field, which was not entered in our metadata, appears with the value "1" on the site.
    In the file that did upload properly -- "ITS Coffee Break for 6/13/2006" lost its "Year' meta data, but the rest of the fields display their information properly.
    One final note -- if I download one of the problem tracks, some of the meta information comes back -- on "ITS Coffee Break for 61906", the Artist and Year fields were filled in, but the name field was incorrect.
    I hope this helps. I plan on experimenting with an AAC file next to see if it makes a difference.
    Kenneth Newquist
    Lafayette College

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    Nvidia Geforce 6800GT
    Old system:
    ASUS A7N8X
    Athlon XP2400+
    ATI Radeon 9700
    All the latest drivers installed.

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    I admit, it's been awhile since I synchronized.  Just did so, and all appeared right with the world, the handheld made the appropriate noises and showed the appropriate actions and same on the computer (XP, connect as always have through USB).  In other words, they appeared to "talk" and said they were synchronizing.  But my data (like important calendar entries) is simply not there.  Nothing.  Nada.  Nothing recently added.
    I tried repeating it several times.  Yes, I have the system set up so that desktop overrides handheld.  So what's up?  Used this a lot in the past, never had this happen.
    Thanks for any help.
    Post relates to: Palm Z22

    First, let me say I am using the same hotsync program that originally came with this same palm handheld and which has previously worked.  So there shouldn't be any incompatability issues.
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    Thanks again,
    Post relates to: Palm Z22

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    Hi JD,
    Do you know what version of flash you were upgrading from?  I want to try to reproduce this.
    In the meantime, if you really need the flash right now, I would suggest downloading google chrome browser.  It comes with its own package of flash and should work despite it not working with your safari.

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    Rich Dutton
    [email protected]

    Hi Rich;  The PDF has to be filled out using Adobe Reader/Acrobat - it really won't work right embedded in a web browser since you can't guarantee Reader/Acrobat is used to fill and submit.  In the case of Google Chrome it has it's own PDF viewer that will certainly not submit. 
    You can provide a simple link to download the PDF instructing users to fill out in Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat.
    Your PDF form would not be too difficult to re-create using our authoring tools from what I saw once you copy and paste most of the initial text into it.  Our HTML form (which also gives you the ability to send out as PDF) would be your best option.

  • HT201210 Restore appears to work, but then it starts setup over

    I'm migrating from a first-generation ipad to an ipad air.  I looked up on line to learn how to do this, so I:
       - updated to the latest itunes
       - updated to the latest ios on my old ipad
       - did a complete backup
    now I'm ready to go to the new ipad, right?
       - I go through the setup stuff, picking language and country and a lot of assle wen it can't find my network when I'm three feet from the router.
       - it tells me to comnect to itunes, which I do
       - in itunes, I select 'restore from backup'.  There's only one backup to restore from, so I'm fairly sure I chose the right one.
       - itunes appears to be working for three or fur minutes, and the ipad says it's restoring
       - itunes finishes wht it's doing without any error messages
       - the ipad air restarts at the setup screen as if I had not done any of the above
    Any idea what has gone amiss?

    How to Transfer Everything from an Old iPad to New iPad
    iOS: Transferring information from your current iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch to a new device
    Moving Content to a New iPad
    How to Transfer App Data and Game Saves from One iOS Device to Another
    http://lifehacker.com/5891964/can-i-transfer-app-data-and-game-saves-from-my-iph one-to-a-new-ipad
    How to transfer data from your old iPad to your new iPad
    http://www.imore.com/how-transfer-data-your-old-ipad-your-new-ipad-air-or-retina -ipad-mini
    Transferring your prepaid cellular data account depends on your carrier. AT&T lets you move it yourself when you go to Cellular Data in Settings and log into your account with your previous AT&T user name and password. For iPads with Sprint service, you can set up an account on the new iPad and contact Sprint Customer Care (888-211-4727 and go through the menus) to deactivate the old plan and get credit for unused service. For Verizon, call the company’s customer service number for mobile broadband support (800-786-8419) and ask to have your account transferred.
     Cheers, Tom

  • Suspend appears to work, but monitor won't go back on

    When I suspend my machine using gnome-power-manager, the computer seems to go into suspend mode exactly as it should, and pressing the power button brings it back on as expected. However, the monitor stays in power-save mode as long as the computer remains on after it has been brought out of suspend. As far as I can tell, the only way to get the monitor working again is to restart, which defeats the purpose of using suspend.

    bneate wrote:
    I had the same thing with my laptop with a intel graphics card.  To solve it I had to add acpi_sleep=s3_bios,s3_mode to the kernel line in my menu.1st for grub.
    i.e. changed:
    kernel /boot/vmlinuz26 root=/dev/hda1 ro
    kernel /boot/vmlinuz26 root=/dev/hda1 acpi_sleep=s3_bios,s3_mode ro
    Not sure if it's the same problem for you but it's worth a try.
    Okay, my monitor works fine now.
    Unfortunately, I've discovered that eth0 bombs out when I go into suspend mode, and nothing short of rebooting seems capable of bringing it back up. Here's the log:
    suspend2ram initiated: 2006-11-21 21:37:01
    Debug info follows here, please include in your bug reports. Thanks.
    Loaded modules:
    Module Size Used by
    capability 3592 0
    commoncap 5632 1 capability
    tsdev 6336 0
    ppdev 7556 0
    lp 9604 0
    snd_seq_oss 29440 0
    snd_seq_midi_event 6528 1 snd_seq_oss
    snd_seq 47184 4 snd_seq_oss,snd_seq_midi_event
    usbhid 47776 0
    rtc 10292 0
    parport_pc 35684 1
    psmouse 35720 0
    serio_raw 5636 0
    parport 31432 3 ppdev,lp,parport_pc
    i2c_viapro 7828 0
    i2c_core 17280 1 i2c_viapro
    via_ircc 19348 0
    irda 113976 1 via_ircc
    crc_ccitt 2304 1 irda
    ehci_hcd 29576 0
    snd_pcm_oss 39072 0
    snd_mixer_oss 14592 1 snd_pcm_oss
    ide_cd 35616 0
    cdrom 34464 1 ide_cd
    ppp_generic 24084 0
    slhc 6656 1 ppp_generic
    shpchp 33444 0
    pci_hotplug 28616 1 shpchp
    snd_ens1371 20768 1
    gameport 11656 1 snd_ens1371
    snd_rawmidi 19488 1 snd_ens1371
    snd_seq_device 6924 3 snd_seq_oss,snd_seq,snd_rawmidi
    snd_ac97_codec 87456 1 snd_ens1371
    snd_ac97_bus 2432 1 snd_ac97_codec
    snd_pcm 67972 3 snd_pcm_oss,snd_ens1371,snd_ac97_codec
    snd_timer 19204 2 snd_seq,snd_pcm
    snd 42724 12 snd_seq_oss,snd_seq,snd_pcm_oss,snd_mixer_oss,snd_ens1371,snd_rawmidi,snd_seq_device,snd_ac97_codec,snd_pcm,snd_timer
    soundcore 7776 1 snd
    snd_page_alloc 7816 1 snd_pcm
    via_rhine 20488 0
    mii 4992 1 via_rhine
    evdev 7936 1
    uhci_hcd 21004 0
    floppy 53796 0
    via 42208 2
    drm 60436 3 via
    via_agp 8192 1
    agpgart 25944 2 drm,via_agp
    usbcore 110980 4 usbhid,ehci_hcd,uhci_hcd
    ext3 122376 2
    jbd 55592 1 ext3
    mbcache 7044 1 ext3
    ide_disk 13440 3
    via82cxxx 8580 0 [permanent]
    ide_core 109256 3 ide_cd,ide_disk,via82cxxx
    Memory info:
    total used free shared buffers cached
    Mem: 320964 161356 159608 0 8184 60032
    -/+ buffers/cache: 93140 227824
    Swap: 0 0 0
    /proc/cmdline: root=/dev/hda1 acpi_sleep=s3_bios,s3_mode ro
    ========we are going to sleep, preparing.========
    == checking runlevel ==
    no shutdown/reboot in progress, good.
    == Unmounting FAT/NTFS filesystems: ==
    none found in /etc/mtab
    == FAT/NTFS filesystems unmounted ==
    Stopping services: ('netfs network cups alsa' configured)
    stopping network:
    ## stty: standard input: Inappropriate ioctl for device
    ## stty: standard input: Inappropriate ioctl for device
    ## [1;34m:: [1;37mStopping Network[1;0m [-9G [1;34m[[0;36mBUSY[1;34m][1;0m [-9G [1;34m[[1;37mDONE[1;34m][1;0m
    stopping cups:
    ## stty: standard input: Inappropriate ioctl for device
    ## [1;34m:: [1;37mStopping CUPS Daemon[1;0m [-9G [1;34m[[0;36mBUSY[1;34m][1;0m [-9G [1;34m[[1;37mDONE[1;34m][1;0m
    stopping alsa:
    ## stty: standard input: Inappropriate ioctl for device
    ## [1;34m:: [1;37mSaving ALSA Levels[1;0m [-9G [1;34m[[0;36mBUSY[1;34m][1;0m [-9G [1;34m[[1;37mDONE[1;34m][1;0m
    ejecting PCMCIA cards...
    Unloading modules: ('prism54 ' configured)
    checking prism54
    prepare_sleep finished for suspend2ram
    /usr/sbin/s2ram not found, falling back to echo.
    ==== finished, return code 0 ====
    ========we are back from suspend, cleaning up.========
    == restore_after_sleep: restart and reload everything ==
    switched back to console: ' 7'
    reactivating ACPI fan FAN
    Reloading modules:
    inserting PCMCIA cards...
    Restarting services:
    starting alsa:
    ## stty: standard input: Inappropriate ioctl for device
    ## [1;34m:: [1;37mRestoring ALSA Levels[1;0m [-9G [1;34m[[0;36mBUSY[1;34m][1;0m [-9G [1;34m[[1;37mDONE[1;34m][1;0m
    starting cups:
    ## stty: standard input: Inappropriate ioctl for device
    ## [1;34m:: [1;37mStarting CUPS Daemon[1;0m [-9G [1;34m[[0;36mBUSY[1;34m][1;0m [-9G [1;34m[[1;37mDONE[1;34m][1;0m
    starting network:
    ## stty: standard input: Inappropriate ioctl for device
    ## [1;34m:: [1;37mStarting Network[1;0m [-9G [1;34m[[0;36mBUSY[1;34m][1;0m [-9G [1;34m[[1;31mFAIL[1;34m][1;0m
    Remounting filesystems:
    not necessary.
    restore_after_suspend_to_ram: finished

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