Zen micro hi-capacity batter

Now that Apple introduced its second generation ipod minis the reviewers got 8-26h playtime, i think these same kind of gains could be had if creative or some other company would sell for example 000mah batteries for this device, and this would be very easy for users because these batteries are easily replaceable.
So basically what do you think of this possibility?

It's a great idea. I posted something like this earlier in the "users wanting list" thread, here's a paste:
"2. An optional bigger battery! Maybe one with the micro's back cover plate built on it so you could increase it's size slightly and thus pump it up to 2000 mAh instead of the 680 mAh of regular batteries (so we would get like 30 hours of play). Even if you doubled the thickness of the current battery and added a custom back to it it wouldn't be much bigger and we would get alot more battery life!"

Similar Messages

  • Zen Micro Song Capacity?????

    I have a white 5gb zen micro purchased december 2004.
    Currently I have 909 songs that are taking up 3.88gb. I have 28mb designated for my removable disk. So that only leaves me 77mb of free space. This is not right.
    All my songs are in mp3 format and i am nowhere close to the advertised 2500 song capacity.
    Has anyone else had this problem or know of a way to fix it. Should I change all my files to WMA's (I thought they were bigger file sizes though)
    Not sure what to do.

    Whoa whoa whoa. We're all just trying to help here.
    Nothing out of the ordinary is going on. You have an approriate amount of disk space left for the number of tracks you have on your player. It's all relati've because the length of the tracks also affects the number of tracks you can fit on the player. If you listen to house music, techno, or concertos your average number of tracks on the player will go down because the songs, on average, will be longer.
    If you listen to nothing but punk then every song is 2 minutes long and you'll easily fit many more than the quoted number of tracks on the player.
    You aren't missing any space on the dri've from what I can tell by your posts. The things quoted here are standardized but no music collection is standardized. There is a huge array of lengths, bitrates, and file types in most people's collections so a perfectly uniform standard that applies to everyone is hard to achieve.

  • Use a Zen Micro without the batt

    hello, i would like to know if there is any way to use a zen micro without the battery inserted via usb cable, because i have a 6gb micro that i don't use, the battery died, and i would like to connect it to my amplifier, but all the micros i have came without the power adapter,wich would work. My computer's motherboard suplies power trhough usb even when the pc is off, so i woudn't even had to turn it on to hear music, but, unfortunely, micro's don't work without battery when plugged to the usb cord, right?. i like to know if i can tweak something in the micro to do this...please help me...

    It remembers as long as it has power. This kind of thing has been discussed before, but not in this situation, but it's still the same....
    If you unplug your Micro before it's gone into it's deep sleep slumber mode, then it will forget, and start back from it's LAST deep sleep mode. However, if you let it go into the deep sleep mode, then you can unplug it, and put your battery into it, and it will be at the same point it was when you just turned it off.
    (by the way, not to thread jack, but this is my 50st post. Wow).

  • ***Zen Micro Owners sign in! v. ineedadvice***

    hey guys...
    i've been on various forums searching for the right mp3 player for me.
    i am currently stuck between the m:robe, and the zen micro. however, in this thread i wish to have some things clarified about the zen micro (and if you know anything about the m:robe, please do share )
    just to make it easier to answer here are my questions:
    . headphone jack issues, is this a prominent problem on the zen players? i would like to have a solid player, and the m:robe seems to be build very well.
    2. firmware updating. i have windows 2000, and i read somewhere on the forums that the firmware needs to be updated on a computer with windows xp? can anybody clarify this?
    3. restore os / firmware problems, it seems like a lot of people on here have problems with their computer not recognizing their ZM which in turn, leads to an RMA or return to the factory. i do not want to deal w/ any hassles
    4. button problems, i also read a thread about the buttons only working well with the headphone plugged in / buttons only sometimes responding? is this a big issue with the players?
    5. batteries, do all the new units come with 2 batteries? i also read that some ZM's still eat batts even when the unit isnt in operation?
    and lastly
    6. anything else you think i should know before buying this unit's (buying mrobe instead?, or any common problems that i might wanna know)
    thanks very much for reading

    mrobenoob wrote:. headphone jack issues, is this a prominent problem on the zen players? i would like to have a solid player, and the m:robe seems to be build very well. 2. firmware updating. i have windows 2000, and i read somewhere on the forums that the firmware needs to be updated on a computer with windows xp? can anybody clarify this? 3. restore os / firmware problems, it seems like a lot of people on here have problems with their computer not recognizing their ZM which in turn, leads to an RMA or return to the factory. i do not want to deal w/ any hassles 4. button problems, i also read a thread about the buttons only working well with the headphone plugged in / buttons only sometimes responding? is this a big issue with the players? 5. batteries, do all the new units come with 2 batteries? i also read that some ZM's still eat batts even when the unit isnt in operation? and lastly 6. anything else you think i should know before buying this unit's (buying mrobe instead?, or any common problems that i might wanna know) thanks very much for reading mrn
    Silver Zen Micro Limited Edition, bought in the US almost 2 months ago.
    . No headphone jack issue over here.2. I wouldn't know. I run WinXP.3. XP recognized it pretty well after installing the drivers. Then swiched to MTP (PlaysForSure) Firmware, now it's recognized on computers that don't have the drivers installed too.4. Buttons work great. Scrolling can be a bit difficult at first, you'll get used to it.5. If you're planning on getting a free 2nd batt, hurry. I bought mine almost 2 months ago and got a Limited Edition. If possible, check whether you'll be getting a LE or not before buying (Extra batt ~40$) The Zen Micro does eat batt power while turned off (about hour playtime for the first 24 hours it's off... if you leave it off longer, it'll eat less batt power), but if you can recharge it everyday, this won't affect you much. (If you take the batt out, you'll have no problems with this issue)6. Some people have had troubles with Napster2Go service. If you're planning on using that, check with other users of the service!

  • Zen micro photo batt

    I have heard that the zen micro and the zen micro photo have the same battery size, but the photos has a higher capacity. Would it be possible to buy a photo battery and put it in say a zen micro 5gb?

    yes you can

  • Zen Micro....when transfer duplicate found, memory capacity l

    I tried to copy a large folder into my Zen Micro with Creative Mediasource. Turns out it was already in my Micro. So I said skip for all. It skipped....but the storage space in the Micro was still allocated for it! I lost about 500mb capacity in my Micro! How do I reclaim it!

    I don't know what your using... but the easiest way I've found to get rid of a file that I don't want on my micro is to delete it using windows explorer... You simply go to my computer... and the micro comes up as a device... you open the media/music folder and then delete the folder... I hope this works for you.

  • Zen micro batt

    hi guys ..
    i am new at this forum...
    i am italian and so..sorry for my bad,bad english..
    i am a owner of a zenmicro 5gb i hear about the performance of the battery...and the problem can be solved with the firmware upgrade...
    i have fear on doing this because i dont want to trow the new zen micro of 2 days in the trash can..
    so can someone be gentle to explain step by step how to upgrade the firmware(i have the .0.03)like Zen micro For DUMMIES
    thanks everybody

    Take a look of the site below:
    Hope this help...All the info are in there...What version of your firmware?...if it's ..0, I would recommend to leave it alone. Unless you want PlaysForSure firmware. Otherwise, don't do it.
    Any more question just ask...good luck.

  • External charger for Zen Micro batt

    I just got my new Zen Micro and so far it is the best looking mp3 player I have seen but I just hope (knock on wood) tha is doesn't run into any of the issues posted. The one thing that I thought was the best feature about the Zen Micro is that I can remove the battery from the unit but to really make it usefull I should be able to have one battery in the Zen MIcro while the other is charging. This way I can have non stop tunes. Is there an external battery charger for the Zen battery?
    Also, how do I know if I have an older unit that had all the problems with the headphone jacks?
    One more question, when I try to pause I sometimes have to pres the pause/play button two or three times. I have the touch pad setting to medium. Should I start to worry or is this normal.

    There's no external charger. The low volume of sales will likely make it a high cost item, so Creative have presumably decided it's not worth it. If you really want you can always buy another player I'm guessing this won't be far off the likely cost of an external charger. There are some third party Lithium Ion chargers out there, but you need to have a special plate designed for the battery terminals. You'll have to Google to find them as I don't have the link to hand.
    I find with pause that sometimes there's a delayed response, as if the player is busy. Wait a few seconds and try again, rather than say mashing the controls

  • Zen Micro Crashes on low batt

    I purchased my Zen Micro 5gig last May, and had no problems til January, when while listening the battery went to 0 bars and froze and wouldn't turn off. Took the battery out and it would start, but would freeze on the main screen. I cam on here for advice and I ended up having to reformat. It was running fine since then, and I finally managed to get most of my lost songs back on. And then today, the battery was running low, so I decided to charge it from the computer while listening. I had bar left, was listening fine, hit the pause for a second, and have since not been able to do anything. It appears frozen on that screen. All the buttons still make a sound when hit, but it won't lock or turn off, and appeared to still be charging. After about 45mins the screen went blank, and will now not turn on and will not charge through USB. It was updated with new firmware in Feb. So I was wondering if other experience this problem. What should I do to get it to turn back on? Is it a bug with mine? Do you think I will have to reformat and loose all my files again? :-(?Thanx for your help

    so last night, i installed the latest firmware and did the disc cleanup.
    this morning, the zen micro crashed/froze again!!
    - turned it on
    - creative splash screen (this screen now scares me)
    - zen micro splash screen... frozen, started playing song then became bzzzzzzzzzz sound
    - removed battery
    - started back up in recovery mode
    - did disc cleanup
    - rebooted
    - creative screens again
    - rebuilding library
    worked after that. of course i had to add all the songs back into the now playing.
    if i'm going to have to do this all the time, then i'm going to start to regret buying this player.
    will reformating the disc help?
    do creative techs ever visit this forum?

  • Zen Micro draining batt

    Is it normal for the battery on the Zen Micro to drain while connected to a computer downloading songs? It seems it should be charging while connected. Especially since mine Zen didn't come with an A/C adapter and the only way I have to charge it is by connecting via USB or purchasing an 'optional' A/C charger for $25.

    anastasia3a wrote:
    Is it normal for the battery on the Zen Micro to drain while connected to a computer downloading songs?
    Good question. It does charge, but the downloading process uses a LOT of battery power. I doubt that the charge rate can keep up with the rate of power consumption.

  • Creative Zen Micro batt

    Hi. I wanted to by an Ipod Mini a while ago. But there was one thing stopping me, The battery!!!! It lasts for -2yrs, then you have to give it to apple (costs 500kr, and the battery itself costs 500kr)this is about 00euros. I wonder, how much does the battery for zen micro costs (since you can change it yourself). If you dont know, what do you think?

    Lithium Ion battery life is a much confused subject. The typical peak performance lifespan is 3 years or 300-500 charges, and chances are the battery will continue to work for several more years at reducing performance.

  • ZEN Micro - Did your box include a 2nd batte

    Just curious if everybody got a spare battery in their Zen Micro box?
    That was the extra incenti've i needed to actually purchase the Micro.

    I got a Limited Edition one with extra battery. The extra battery DID push me off the fence about whether or not I wanted to get one. I had been eyeing it for a little while then I saw that the extra battery was still available so I placed teh order right then and there. I was kind of dissapointed when the white Micro I recieved was not Limited Editionnor did it work. I went to my local CompUSA and picked up one and I lucked out it had an extra battery.

  • Zen Micro Photo (batter

    Does anybody knw anything about if the battery will last longer or be removable on the photo. will there be any new option (specs?). When is coming (i hope soon) or Ipod mini. I CANT WAIT!

    I hope that Creative will change the pricing of the Zen Micro line to this:
    5GB Micro: $40
    6GB Micro: $60
    4GB Photo: $90
    5GB Photo: $20
    6GB Photo: $230
    This is of course if Creative will still make a profit selling the Micros at those prices. I mean, with all the competition in the mp3 market those prices may even be average. But I do not expect for the Zen Micro Photo to be priced the same as the iPod Photo. That would be a bad move on Creative's part.

  • Some questions about the correct way to recharge the zen micro batt

    Ok..i don't think this is convered in the FAQs.
    I copied this from the FAQ----At the present moment, the only possible way to avoid the standby loss is removing the battery after you finish listening to music. Gi'ven the wear and tear resulting, this is not really an option. It will help, though, if you prime your battery correctly, recharge it often (topping it up, not only resorting to full recharges),
    Ok...my question--
    ) to preserve battery life span, shouldn't we wait for the player to die off complete, for example when it starts to display "low battery" before we recharge it's Does this post mean that we shouldn't actually wait for the battery to be complete;y drained off before a recharge? Does it mean we should always recharge, say when there's one bar left?
    2) Before doing any music transfer using the computer, should we always make sure the zen micro was fully charged first before the transfer since USB port also serves as a charger. I tried using a completely drained player before music transfer and the player stops charging after 3 hours, which shouldn't be the case because USB always take a longer time to charge (i was told twice as much) and true enough, after deplugging from the USB port, the player starts charging again. Note that this always happen, meaning i can never get a complete 5 hours charge using the USB. What is wrong? And after such charge from USB, i noticed that the battery life the next day is like one third of what it usually last when i charged it through a charger...
    I know this is a long post but can someone tell me the correct way of charging?

    immunophilic wrote:
    Ok..i don't think this is convered in the FAQs.
    I copied this from the FAQ----At the present moment, the only possible way to avoid the standby loss is removing the battery after you finish listening to music. Gi'ven the wear and tear resulting, this is not really an option. It will help, though, if you prime your battery correctly, recharge it often (topping it up, not only resorting to full recharges),
    This is from JazzMC's FAQ right? (I added a link to this a day or two ago from the main FAQ post) I hadn't spotted this before and I don't agree with most of this. The wear and tear is minimal, but it's more a case of practicality that removing the battery is a pain. Also priming is not really that important with Lithium Ion, and topping up won't make any difference to the battery drain.
    ) to preserve battery life span, shouldn't we wait for the player to die off complete, for example when it starts to display "low battery" before we recharge it's Does this post mean that we shouldn't actually wait for the battery to be complete;y drained off before a recharge? Does it mean we should always recharge, say when there's one bar left?
    Look in my Nomad Primer, which is essentially a distilled version of the information from BatteryUni'versity.com. Top-up charges prolong the life of a Lithium Ion battery. These are all reference in the FAQ.
    2) Before doing any music transfer using the computer, should we always make sure the zen micro was fully charged first before the transfer since USB port also serves as a charger. I tried using a completely drained player before music transfer and the player stops charging after 3 hours, which shouldn't be the case because USB always take a longer time to charge (i was told twice as much) and true enough, after deplugging from the USB port, the player starts charging again. Note that this always happen, meaning i can never get a complete 5 hours charge using the USB. What is wrong? And after such charge from USB, i noticed that the battery life the next day is like one third of what it usually last when i charged it through a charger...
    Because of the Micro's design there will always be a difference in the amount of power it can pull via USB vs. the drain when copying files to it. USB is slower to charge than the mains adapter, but it should charge fully given time (which could be twice as much as using the mains adapter).
    There is a known issue with the battery draining on the Micro, but you should know this having read JazzMC's page. This is the reason the battery is so low the next day.

  • Zen Micro vs. MicroPhoto Batter

    I want to buy a backup battery for my Zen Microphoto. I saw several Zen Micro batteries for sale on ebay for around 20$ but they are generic brand vs. the Creative brand which costs double. My questions:
    a) is the generic brand inferior to the Creative brand in terms of batterie life?
    b) are the Zen Micro batteries the same/are they compatible with the MicroPhoto batteries?

    Does anyone know since it doesn't appear to be a wise idea to use a Zen Micro battery in a Zen MicroPhoto, when the standalone batteries for the Zen MicroPhoto would be available? I have not checked in stores, but it is not on any of the international Creative.com Shop websites nor I have I heard it mentioned anywhere since reading that the Zen MicroPhoto battery is indeed different from the original Micro one.

Maybe you are looking for