Zen touch 20GB starup scr

Where can i get the right size pics for my startup screen i have been searching for hours and cant find nout
Thanks in anticipation

The only ones I know for download are for the Zen Xtra, which I think is a different size.
There used to be lots in the gallery at Nomadness.net, but they had to close it due to a security loophole

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  • Creative Zen Touch 20GB - Windows Vista

    (Creative Zen Touch 20GB - Windows Vista6 Hi folks,
    My old computer running XP recently gave up on me and I now have a new computer using Vista.
    I have lost the cd I got with my Zen Touch as it was over 5 years ago now but it still works perfectly!
    I want to set up Creative Media Player on Vista so I can start transferring music again but I have heard that if I download the firmwear I will lose all the songs that are currently stored. I really don't want this to happen as most of my music was contained on my old PC and it will be very hard to locate it all again so if there was a way I could just set up Creative Media Player the same way I had it before, without losing all my current music, that would be great!
    Any help much appreciated.

    Pob wrote:
    Hi folks,
    My old computer running XP recently gave up on me and I now have a new computer using Vista.
    I have lost the cd I got with my Zen Touch as it was over 5 years ago now but it still works perfectly!
    I want to set up Creative Media Player on Vista so I can start transferring music again but I have heard that if I download the firmwear I will lose all the songs that are currently stored. I really don't want this to happen as most of my music was contained on my old PC and it will be very hard to locate it all again so if there was a way I could just set up Creative Media Player the same way I had it before, without losing all my current music, that would be great!
    Any help much appreciated.
    This should get you going? http://mrinternet.wordpress.com/2007...ether-finally/

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    You can use either the left arrow or the right arrow to transfer, depending on whether you view the content of your MP3 player on the left or on the right. Creative MediaSource is so fliexible that it offers you to view your different music sources in different panels. Apparently, you you may not be aware that you can view the content of your MP3 player in the right panel. Just to to the View Menu and you can select what you want to view in the right panel.

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  • Major problem with my Creative Zen Touch 20gb pla

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    This is not the first time I've had a problem with this particular model - I've had complaints before on this forum about an earlier player I had (same model), a different problem but one that was never fixed - through my own error I misplaced the receipt and was unable to have the player fixed (it was within warranty at the time), so I had to pay ?50 for a replacement - to find that this player is now essentially broken as well has left me disgusted, in honesty. Details of the earlier problems with my former player are at the following link:
    As if this wasn't enough, I actually experienced problems with my newer player almost from the off - the data folder malfunctioned, to the extent that files I'd placed in there were unable to be removed - eventually I had to format the player, not only losing important data from the data folder, but also experiencing the inconvience of having to spend many hours putting all my music back onto the player once it had been formatted. This was not a massi've issue, more a minor irritance, but again it's left me wondering what the problem is...is this model notoriously poor performance-wise? Three major errors on two separate players, two of them seemingly fatal to the use of the player, inside the space of just over a year is utterly ridiculous, I think.
    At this point, I'd like to know what I can do to get a reimbursement on the cost of my current player, as opposed to a replacement - although I have found the performance of the Zen Touch 20gb to be generally very good, I'm not willing to put up with having each new replacement fail within a year of receiving it. I have lost all confidence in Creative providing me with a player I can rely on, to be honest.
    If anyone could point me in the right direction with regards to finding out how I can go about receiving a refund on the price of my player, I'd be very grateful.
    Thanks in advance for any help.
    Simon O'Brien

    Simon, this is actually a common problem with the touch. Mine did it about a year after purchase, so I was safe to open it up and fix it. It is actually a really simple fix and is due to a loose connector. I know alot of other people on nomadness.net were having this problem, so I posted a solution here. Hope this helps!

  • Zen Touch 20gb update h

    I have a Zen Touch 20gb since years and I haven't ever updated it (firmware, drivers, software etc.)
    I don't really understand which applications I should get from the downloads page. I just want to update its firmware, and install the newest tool to transfer music to it. I have Windows XP SP2.
    Which should I get from this list
    1. Creative ZEN and Jukebox Driver 2.0.00 .86 MB)
    2. Creative Zen and Jukebox Driver Upgrade version .30.03 .3 MB)
    1. Creative Zen Touch PlaysForSure Firmware 2..0 2.46 MB)
    2. Creative Zen Touch Firmware Upgrade version .0.03 968.00 KB)
    1. Creative ZENcast Organizer 2.0.0 Suite 2.28 MB)
    2. Creative ZEN and NOMAD Jukebox Plugin 5.00.22 for Creative MediaSource 5 Player/Organizer 6.24 MB)
    3. Creative PlaysForSure Devices Plugin 5.00.36 for Creative MediaSource 5 Player/Organizer 27.90 MB)
    4. Creative CD Burner Plugin 5.0.3 for Creative MediaSource 5 Player/Organizer 9.9 MB)
    5. Creative MediaSource Player/Organizer 5.0.38 39.77 MB)
    6. Gracenote Update for Creative applications 4.00 MB)
    7. Creative Zen and NOMAD Jukebox plugin 2.00.20 for Creative MediaSource 9.72 MB)
    8. Creative Software Suite for PlaysForSure-enabled Creative Zen Touch Players 43.44 MB)
    9. Creative MediaSource Plugin for CD Burner 3.0.8 .5 MB)
    10. Creative MediaSource Player/Organizer 3.30.2 52.2 MB)
    11. Creative NOMAD Explorer (Version 3.0.0) .22 MB)
    Please help!

    Are you sure? This definitely doesn't happen to my zen touch. When I plug it in to the mains charger, it just switches on very briefly, with only the backlight coming on with a blank screen and music playing for around to 2 seconds. After this it seems to switch itself off and the charging battery sign shows up on the top left corner of the screen with the blue LED on the power button flashing periodically.
    Are you sure the zen is switched off completely, before you plug it in? Can't you switch it off whilst charging? Otherwise you may have a defecti've unit or something wrong with the built in charger. In any case if music is playing while the zen touch is charging, the zen should continue charging and not run out power as quickly as it charging. The mains charger provides enough power to charge and play music simultaneously. Although I think the USB charger can't do this, it can only charge the player, which is why you should also attach the mains charger whilst transferring music to the zen.

  • Zen Touch 20GB.nicht berechtitgt ?!?! HI

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    ich freue mich auf antwort
    Boris Holzknecht

    Mixed up sounds indicates a faulty hard disk unfortunately, which sounds even more likely if you're having problems copying back to the PC.
    Make sure you have the latest drivers and software though, and try transferring back with MediaSource.

  • Which is best, Zen Touch 20gb or Zen 2

    I am looking to buy one or the other but cannot decide which.
    What do you recommend?

    The Zen 20 GB is better - in terms of size, weight and features.
    The Zen 20 GB has:
    -FM tuner and recorder within the player itself. Zen touch, on the other hand, has a FM tuner on its remote control (sold separately in certain regions).
    -Removable disc function (which means you can plug it into ANY computer and start transferring data files for storage etc.). Zen touch, also has that function, except that in order for it to be able to start transferring data between device and PC, the PCs which you want to transfer data must have some drivers installed first before that can take place.
    Well, in some ways, the zen touch is better, like in terms of the material it is made of - you can feel it's toughness and "solidness" when you touch it. It's pure metal! Zen 20GB, on the other hand is just magnesium alloy, which is not very tough (i happened dropped my badge on it, and i found a very very small, barely visible dent at the top end of the corner. Though it's very small, but it roughly shows how tough it is). Definitely, the toughness came with a price: bulkier and heavier than the Zen 20GB.
    Overall, i am still very happy with my Zen 20GB. Sound quality is fabulous. Huge capacity. Excellent and useful features. Size factor is okay. Reasonable pricing. What more can I ask for?

  • Making the Zen Touch 20gb into a Plug and Pl

    Is there anything I can do to make my Zen Touch Plug And Play. (Where it automatically installs the hardware on a different PC, much like a USB stick and an iPod.
    This is because I haven't any money to invest in a USB stick, and have alot of college work on my home PC, with no way of printing it off or taking it to school
    It would also help with games for those boring Computing lessons, and the dreaded ITC lessons

    The closest you're gonna come to "plug & play" is the MTP/Janus firmware upgrade, but only for WinXP SP and up with WMP 0. Per the sticky thread on the upgrade (where all discussion of it should be confined), the Touch upgrade is expected sometime this month--but Creative has been missing release dates for it all year.
    Touch users have also asked for a "removable disk" mode (which the Micro, Sleek, and Zen 20GB have), which activates a data-only partition that acts as a "plug & play" dri've on WinMe/2000/XP (and needs only a widely-available generic driver for Win98SE). It's unknown if this will be included in the MTP/Janus upgrade. (There have also been requests to make the entire player MSC, or dri've-letter "plug & play"; but that's highly unlikely as it would conflict with the "Zen Patent" library system as well as MTP/Janus.)

  • ZEN TOUCH 20GB - Stuck in Recovery Mode, during Firmware upgrade. HEL

    Ooooh dear.
    Me and my Zen Touch are completely stuck. Decided to upgrade the Zen's Software and Firmware and am now in deep trouble. Here are the steps I took.
    First I sensibly backed up the 2000 songs on the player to my computer. Then I updated the MediaSource software and restarted the computer. Then I decided to go for the big change and downloaded the new PlayForSure firmware installation and that's where the problem starts - It never completed the installation, which I had to manually stop. I knew as part of puting this new Firmware onto the player, the Zen would be wiped clean, which it has. However, I now cannot get it out of recovery mode and it will not respond to attempts to download the new (or any) Firmware onto it.
    What I now get is:
    -Plug the Zen in, the computer recognises that there is plug and play equipment attached and makes the appropriate noise.
    -The Zen will switch itself on as a response (or I can do it manually), with a normal-looking startup. It then briefly flashes a screen saying "Firmware Problem" before going into recovery mode.
    -If I choose Clean Up, it takes a few seconds to clean the now empty disk, and returns to the recovery menu
    -If I choose Format All, pretty much the same as Clean Up
    -If I choose Reload Firmware, it warns me that the firmware will be erased. And asks if it should reload it via USB. You say 'yes' and it briefly flashes up "Start firmware update now" before returning to the recovery mode menu.
    And finally, if I select Reboot, that's exactly what it does; the computer recognises that it's turned off, makes the noise, and recognises when it's turned on again.
    Trying to download the Firmware from the computer, however, has turned into a nightmare. I've tried downloading the PlayForSure firmware and old Firmware from the files on my computer (running XP, by the way). And I've also tried prompting the Zen starting up the Media Source software, BUT they all claim that the player is NOT connected! Even though it is! The Zen switches on and Windows makes a sound every time I connect or disconnect it!
    So what to do? I'm stuck in this vicious circle and no matter what random tricks I try, I can't get out. The player needs Firmware, but the software on the computer claims the player's not connected.
    The player is now more than a year old, so I can't return it, and Creative's less-than-generous telephone support is not an option, so I'm left to any imaginati've and kind-hearted subscribers to this list to offer suggestions.
    Mark in the UK

    My son?s Zen simply turned on one morning and refused to do anything except enter recovery mode, giving a firmware problem error and Creative Zen v0.0.58After an hours research I solved the problemI hope this helps someone out, but remember anything you do is your responsibility not mine, continue at your own judgment
    Creative site SingaporeDownload driver and firmwarehttp://sg.creative.com/support/downl...ype=0&x=30&y=6
    download driverCreative Zen and Jukebox Driver Upgrade version .30.03
    firmwareCreative Zen Firmware .00.02
    Install driver, connect Zen, should show up in my computerAnd yes, when you open the Zen from there it WILL say not correctly connectedBecause the firmware is corrupted! But it is connected Go to the firmware file and double click, the firmware software will connect to the ZenAnd overwrite the firmware. Follow the on screen instructionsYou may get a warning that the firmware is the same version etc. just do it, as at the moment the Zen is useless. Good luck and if it works repay me by helping someone

  • Zen Touch 20gb, uploading tracks "an unknown error has occurr

    Hi all,
    This is my first post here. I have searched for solutions and found a few similar problems, but none the same as mine.
    I have been using creative software successfully for several months to vopy music and audio books to my Touch 20gb, but recently had a problem.
    i was trying to copy 3 albums to it, I copied them all and then pasted into the nomad explorer. The first 2 copied fine, then the 3rd one didn't work and I got the "an unkown error has occurred" eetc and the operation could not be completed.
    I did not change the firmware or software. Now all attempts to copy anything to the player result in this same error message.
    In my household we have 2 20gig touch players, and I now get the same problem with the second one as well!
    I have bought a new usb cable, re-installed the driver and the nomad explorer software, and tried using windows xp roll back to before the problem started.... and no success, I still get the error messaeg when I try to copy onto the player (from tracks ripped from my cds mainly).
    I'm at a loss and have run out of ideas, and would be very grateful for any help that could be offered.
    I'm on firmware .0.03 and nomad explorer 3.0.0, oh, and the player works just fine other than that so still listening, but can't add more.
    John T

    Sorry I see you are experiencing the problem with CDs. Uninstalling MediaSource and reinstalling the latest version for your firmware might help, as if the problem is happening with two players it is more likely a software fault rather than a fault with the players.

  • Zen Touch Blank Blue scr

    Okay, I just recieved my new Creative Zen touch 20gig mp3 player. I took it out of the box and stuff and decided to try it out w/o charging. I turn it on and it works good but all of a sudden it freezes. I see you can reset it so I reset it with a pin and i turn it back on but all I get is a blank screen with blacklight on for the standard 5 seconds. I could hear music being played and hear the scrolling action but just saw nothing but blue. Anyone know if I can fix this or did I happen to get a dud :x, Thx Feel free to PM me or email me If you have a solution or similar problem

    If reset didn't solve it it sounds like the player is faulty unfortunately. You need to contact where you bought it from for a replacement, or contact Creative Support.

  • Creative zen touch 20gb installation proble

    i've had a look through the forum for help, so apologys if this has been posted else where. Ive just got myself a new laptop and have installed or should i say tried to install the software for my zen touch from the installation disc, bearing in mind this worked perfectly on my old laptop. i've?installed it from the disc, the problem im having is its saying my music libary is corrupt, but i've not got any music libary loaded on the pc, also is says i should download Microsoft Jet 4.0 Database Engine Service Pack 8 :smileyindifferent: any idea what thats for ? it wont even recognise my touch is connected !?i have got windows media player installed where as i had wmp 0 on my old laptop, could this be a problem ??im at a loss as what to do, i thought installing from the disc should be straight forward like it was the last time i did it, but alas no ?any help very appricated.

    Pob wrote:
    Hi folks,
    My old computer running XP recently gave up on me and I now have a new computer using Vista.
    I have lost the cd I got with my Zen Touch as it was over 5 years ago now but it still works perfectly!
    I want to set up Creative Media Player on Vista so I can start transferring music again but I have heard that if I download the firmwear I will lose all the songs that are currently stored. I really don't want this to happen as most of my music was contained on my old PC and it will be very hard to locate it all again so if there was a way I could just set up Creative Media Player the same way I had it before, without losing all my current music, that would be great!
    Any help much appreciated.
    This should get you going? http://mrinternet.wordpress.com/2007...ether-finally/

  • Getting a zen touch (20gb) today. Anything I should keep in mi

    as the title says i am planning on purchasing the 20gig zen touch today. Is there any thing i should do as soon as i get it's any pointers? any problems i should learn how to deal with? any reply is much appreciated

    OK...here is some advice:
    Charge it completely (4 hours). Know that the blue light stops flashing after about 3 - 3-/2 hours while it trickle-charges. On the first three charges, try to completely discharge the battery for improved battery life.</LI>
    Load the latest firmware, if does not come with it. Do this while the ZT is plugged into the AC adapter.</LI>
    If want to load songs to it when you first get it, do it while the AC adapter is plugged in (it can be charging at the same time. Plug the USB cord into the unit first, then your PC (hopefully with USB 2.0).</LI>
    If you want to play it in your car, cassette adapters, in my opinion, sound better than FM transmitters. A straight line-in is best though.</LI>
    Plan on the fact that you will have to reset it occasionally. It only takes 0 seconds. I have had mine since Christmas, and have had to reset it about 4 times now. I had to reset it initially, and in the other cases, it seems to be when the battery is very low and right after I recharge it.</LI>
    You will not get 24 hours battery life if you are loading songs without the ZT being plugged into the AC adapter. Once you have all your songs loaded, you will get excellent battery life.</LI>
    If you have problems, there are lot of folks here who can help you out. If your ZT is defecti've, that will be very frustrating for sure, but folks here will guide you through some tips, or help you with your return.</LI>
    Some people are frustrated with CL's MediaSource. I have used WMP 0 exclusi'vely for burning and syncing with no issues. Keep it simple.</LI>
    Good luck!

  • Why I cannot charge my Zen Touch 20gb on the US

    I have the Zen Touch 20 GB
    in the manual was written, that the Zen can be loaded by the USB !
    But it doesn't works...
    Can someone explain me why not ?
    thanks a lot

    It seems to vary. Some report that it takes the same time as the adapter, others find it takes longer. I think it must depend a little on how much current the PC gives over USB which is supposed to be 500mA, but perhaps it varies.

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