Zen V Plus pausing the audiob

So you know how in iTunes under song info you can tell the iPod to remember playback position in an audiobook you put on your iPod. Like not from iTunes or Audible. So is there a way to have the Zen V Plus remember the playback position of the audiobook I uploaded to it's I don't want to have to find my place every time!

Hold down the Menu button and choose Set Bookmark and select a slot to put it in. When returning to play the book again, select Bookmarks on the menu and select the saved Bookmark.

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    If the purchases you are talking about are DRM-protected files, which is mostly what the iTunes Store sells, they are not compatible with players other than iPod.
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    I cannot guarantee that this is the answer to your question (I'm not an electrical engineer), but the same thing happened when I tried once to charge my Zen V Plus at work. But after reading this forum for a while, I came to the conclusion that the Zen waits for a specific signal from the USB port that says it's okay to charge it. If it doesn't get the signal, it goes to "sleep" for a while, then wakes up to check again. If still no "okay" signal is received, it cycles back and forth between sleeping and checking. That's why the screen lights up, then goes off for a while, then lights up again.
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    HTH, Roger

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    No probs, we all have our gripes. I don't think Apple was in any way dishonest about the intel version. Heck they even 'lifted their kimono' for 1.1 at PMA and we all got to hear how much improved 1.1 should be. Lets be glad the company is listening and quickly getting good solutions to the first release issues. Many companies either do not listen or take 3 times as long to fix.
    As for the intel transition, i can't get steamed-up about it at all. I will be getting a MacBookPro soon so i'm listening to the forums and reviews. The engineering effort to do what they have done in the transition and with Rosetta has been very very smooth. And they are 6 months ahead of original plans ! Time will tell how FCP et al work out.
    Once Aperture 1.1 is released and you've played with it, please post your comments as i'm keen to sense how it runs on intel.

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    Thanks for any help.

    yo tambien tengo el mismo problema, y me acaba de ocurrir hoy de buenas a primeras, cuando lo encendi para escuchar musica no iva el back light.
    tendre que llevarlo a la tienda que lo compre para devolverlo.
    no hay alguna solucion por parte de creative.
    I also have he himself problem, and she finishes to me happening of today good to first, when start to listen to music not work back light. i will go to take it to the store that buys to give back it it. there is no some solution on the part of creative.

  • Creative Zen V Plus - Seeking your help with "Audio format is not supported" error

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    Here is what I mean by ?land?. For instance, there is a particular track (see the mp3 link below) that whenever I rewind to exactly 35 min 37 seconds, I get the error ?Audio format is not supported? and playback is stopped. If I fast forward to exactly 35 min 37 seconds, I also get the error. If I set a bookmark to exactly 35 min 37 seconds and I then go to that bookmark, I also get the error. But I don?t get the error if I play the track normally without any rewinding or fast forwarding: the track is played and passes the 35 min 37 seconds mark without any error.
    Creative Labs customer support wants me to return my player for repair, but I am not sure if the problem is with my player or if the problem would also be present on other Zen V Plus, thus my asking for your help.
    I would appreciate if someone of you could try one of my problematic tracks on their player. Here is what you could do to help me:
    1- Download and transfer to your Zen V Plus player the following audio file (it'ss a technology podcast and don?t worry, it'ss virus-free, it comes from CNET):
    2- Go to the 35 min and 37 seconds mark, press PAUSE and set a bookmark there.
    3- Go into the Bookmarks menu and go to the bookmark you just set.
    4- Do you see the error ?Audio format is not supported?, or the audio plays just fine? If the audio plays just fine, could you tell me what are the first words you hear
    when going to that bookmark, just so that I am sure we are indeed doing the same test on each of our side?
    5- What firmware version is your player at ?
    Thank you very much for any help you could bring me.

    never mind. figured it out!

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    Me 2... I bought 2 Zen stone plus and the two wont charge for long too... I leave it for 4hrs and still the battery bar is only one bar full. Hai~~sad... And to make things worse, one of them the volume button is faulty. Anyway does anyone of u haf creative support hotline?

  • Creative Zen Nano Plus Media Explorer only works for administra

    Creative Zen Nano Plus Media Explorer only works for the administrator account; for other users the message "The Zen Nano Plus is not connected. Please connect your Zen Nano Plus to the computer." is displayed, but it *is* connected and works under other programs.
    Version is .0.03.
    Thanks for any assistance.
    Edit: System is XPMessage Edited by zigkill on 0--2006 06:23 AM

    RMskater wrote:I think you need to change the permissions to "Everyone".
    How exactly do you do this? I checked this out tonight - when I logged onto my PC using my son's Limited User account (XP Home, BTW) I could connect his N200 and see it in Device Manager and Windows Explorer but both Creative pieces of software (CMS and N200 Media Explorer) did not see that it was there!
    I tried setting the Run As... properties for the CTMS.exe file to run as one of the Admin user accounts but kept getting an error about being unable to find a specific file (which is in the Media Explorer folder!). When I went back to using the current user the error stopped. Perhaps I need to set the Run As.. options on that file as well?
    As we don't use DRM'd music this isn't going to be a problem but it would be good to find out the cause of this once and for all.
    I'm going to see if WMP0 has problems as well or if it's just the Creative ap

  • Zen V plus 8 GB capacity -- How much free sp

    My new 8GB Zen V Plus shows the total capacity as 7660 MB. Is that to be interpreted as 7660,000,000 bytes or 7660 * 024 * 024 = 8000,000,000 bytes which is the marketed "8 GB".
    I am concerned because it filled up completely with just 6.95 GB (approx 7,460,000,000 bytes) from my computer.
    I assumed the marketing capacity 8GB meant 8 * 0^9 bytes, which is really 7.5 GB approx. But 6.9 GB seems to be somewhat unacceptable. Will reformatting free up any space Message Edited by pannayar on -28-20072:53 AM

    every computer memory (flash disks, hard drives) has some hidden space in it. if you buy 80GB hard drive, you will never get full space of it - you will have like 70-75GB. there are various informations hidden there (let's say, for example, that you can recover files that were deleted like 2 months ago - the hidden space is where the information about them is hidden). read about it on the internet if you're interested.
    you can recover this space (but i'm quite sure that below method works on ZEN), but you will surely lose your guarantee:
    you have also asked about files that actually take more space on ZEN than on computer. you are wrong. on computer, you also have two sizes. open Properties window of any file and you will see magic things.
    (i have opened random .jpeg file)
    Size: 8.60 KB
    Size on disk: 2.0 KB
    every program (operating system, image browser, itunes or whatever) will show 8.60 KB as a file size, but the actual size is 2.0 KB and that's what you should look onto. this is about the file system, clusters and so on. read this if you are interested:

  • Zen V Plus and USB Connect

    Hello everyone. First off... I love the look, feel, and design of the Zen V plus. I'm hoping to eventually get to compliment the actual functionality of it. It has been a long day of hurry up and wait since I sped off to Circuit City early this afternoon for the Zen V plus. I'm just DYING to test it out, but it seems there is a major stumbling block. Let me give you a step by step run down of what has gone on since I can't seem to find a solution in the other posts I've read:
    I put the installation disc and successfully installed the software on it.
    After installation, I connected the zen v plus to the USB port and it wasn't long before I saw the battery symbol, complete with lightning bolt to show that it was charging. I also noticed that it was "docked", and I saw the USB symbol on the screen of the mp3 player. The button lights were glowing on and off. No problems yet...
    I checked to see if you could sync songs while it charged - and it didn't recognize the player.
    Around the 4 hour later mark, it DID recognize the player, and allowed me to rip and sync my Maroon 5 CD. I decided to leave and let it charge fully before making any other attempts.
    I come home, and the mp3 player has been charging for approximately 6.5 hours. The lights are no longer flashing, and it has appeared to shut off, which I assumed meant it was done charging.
    I unplug - attempt to turn on - and nothing. It's dead. Now...it's not being recognized at all.
    I'm not good with electronics really, and never pretended to be, but something tells me the USB connection is weird. My brother owns a PSP - and sometimes it doesn't want to read *his* device either. I'm wondering if perhaps it did recognize the device long enough to give me confidence that it was charging, and then lost the usb connection at some point. (It's highly doubtful that my pc went into any sort of sleep/power save mode because there is almost always someone on the computer here.)
    For what it's worth, I am using WMP 0, Windows XP (service pack 2), and have tried ALL usb ports (front and back) to get some juice into this thing. The computer just won't recognize it now. I plug it in and hit the power button, and it won't show me so much as a sign of life.
    Any suggestions

    I had this exact same problem. you should see a little plug on the battery when its connected to the computer, you are seeing a lightning bolt because your V Plus has an old Firmware version on it. Head to the Support->Downloads section and download the latest (..03 I think). This fixed most of the problems I was having.

  • Deception with VIDEOS in Zen V Plus (Deceiv

    En espa?ol:
    Creative pretende que el ZEN V Plus sea el competidor directo del IPod Nano de Apple, y para mi humilde opini?n casi lo ha conseguido, supera en todo al Nano, pero falla en una cosa, LOS VIDEOS, la compresi?n y conversi?n es muy mala, el programa facilitado dobla el peso de los archivos, y solo soporta DIB de Microsoft. Este detalle le resta muchos puntos, y lo deja por debajo de su mayor competidor el NANO o cualquier otro MP4 mas barato de cualquier otra marca.
    Consejo, mejoren este aspecto en alguna actualizaci?n futura, hagan que sea capaz de reproducir formatos MP4, Xvid, Wav, u otro archivo AVI mas com?n. Tambi?n podr?a ser bueno alg?n formato de M?vil (Mobile). O por lo menos una actualizaci?n del ?Creative vides Converter? que permita seleccionar la calidad, el tama?o, peso,? de los archivos a transformar.
    Un usuario desilusionado y algo descontento por este detalle de GRAN IMPORTANCIA EN UN MP4, ya que para escuchar solamente m?sica me hubiera comprado un MP3, que espera que solucionen este problema lo antes posible.
    Posdata: Digan en las caracter?sticas del producto que el formato que reproduce es el DIB, y no el AVI, o por lo menos especif?quelo, porque si lo hubiera sabido no me lo hubiera comprado. Me siento algo enga?ado y estafado.
    In English:
    Creative tries that ZEN V Plus is the direct competitor of the IPod Nano de Apple, and for my humble opinion almost has obtained it, surpasses in everything to the Nano, but it fails in a thing, THE VIDEOS, the compression and conversion is very bad, the facilitated program doubles the weight of the archi'ves, and single it supports DIB de Microsoft. This detail reduces many points to him, and it leaves below its greater competitor the NANO or any other cheap MP4 it but of of any other mark.
    Advice, improves this aspect in some future update, causes that he is able to reproduce formats MP4, Xvid, Wav, or another file AVI commonest. Also some format of Moving body could be good (Mobile). Or at least an update of the ?Creative Converter grapevines? that allow to select the quality, the size, weight,? of the archi'ves to transform.
    A disappointed user and something displeased by this detail of GREAT IMPORTANCE IN a MP4, since to only listen to music a MP3 had bought me, that hope that they solve this problem as rapidly as possible.
    Subscript: Say in the characteristics of the product that the format that reproduces is DIB, and not the AVI, or at least it specifies it, because if had known to it to not me it had bought it. I feel something decei'ved and swindled.
    My English is not very good, for that reason there am traducio with Google. Excuse to the failures and misspelling.

    Bueno, pues he estado probando varios formatos... Y al final el reproductor ha hecho lo que le ha salido de los webos. Te cuento
    Prob? con un video de 200mb, algunos formatos consegu?an reducirlo hasta 90mb y se pod?a ver bien en el pc, con otros pesaba m?s. Pero siempre, al ir a meterlo en el reproductor, el convertidor hac?a lo que le sal?a de los cojones, con algunos formatos me pasaba de 200 a 300mb de peso, y algunas veces incluso de 90mb a 500!! 300mb m?s que el archivo original y 5 veces m?s que el archivo en otro formato! Sin embargo, con algunos archivos s? que consegu?a que me pesasen 0mb mas o menos pasando primero a formato Zen Vision.
    Qu? he hecho: de momento he ido a la tienda y me han devuelto el dinero. Estoy esperando a que traigan los Zen V Plus de 4gb (200e) porque en esos caben mas v?deos, porque si te vas a un mp4 de 300e no bajan.

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