Zen V: Stuck in Recovery Mo

I've D/L the firmware, but when I try to load it, the program says my player isn't connected!
Pressing the reset button results in a brief message saying "Firmware problem", it then enters "Recovery Mode" (with the 4 options) before entering "Recovery Mode" with no options on the screen!
I'm at the end of my tether here, and have lost all patience with customer support - please help.
Thanks in advance!

I've the same issue. Somebody please help.

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    Okay, so my zen is stuck in recovery mode. I've tried taking the battery out for hours, and i've tried each option in the recovery mode, all of which do nothing. I've plugged it into my computer and it's recognised, but when i run the Creative recovery tool, it says my zen is not connected and so nothing can be done. I don't know what else to do...
    I'm going insane, and getting really impatient. I'm pretty computer illiterate so you'll have to talk dumb to me

    Mine is doing the exact same thing. I have tried everything (and, unlike Jellypigs , I am an advanced computer user / system designer/builder).
    Whenever I choose any of the options ("Clean up", "format" "Reload firware" "reboot" ) It says that it is doing it, but nothing actually happens (I left it "reformatting" overnight last night and nothing happened). If I try to initiate a firmware reload from the pc (windows does detect the player) the program asks me to plug in the player even though it already is.
    Message Edited by hedgesjulie on 03-27-2008 06:25 PM

  • Creative Zen Touch stuck in Recovery M

    Bear with me please since my english is not the best, but I'll try to explain my problem as good as I can.
    Both me and my girlfriend have Creative Zen Touch mp3-players, and yesterday we were gonna update the firmware on both of them. We went to the Creative support page download-section and downloaded the latest one. When we were gonan install it it gave us the message that all data would be removed and that was fine with us since we already had plans about removing most of the music and replace it with new tunes. But when we were installing the firware it statrted out just fine but then when it said "Player is being rebooted, please wait..." (or something like that) it just was like that for a long time. After 20 minutes my patience ran out and I unplugged my device and tried with my girldfriends instead. Same thing happened with hers so now both our players are stuck in recovery mode with no firmware what so ever in them. I tried installing the firmware once again on both of them but now it can't the firmware just says my device isn't plugged in even though it is and my computer finds it as soon as I plug it in.
    I contacted support and they told me to uninstall everything that has to do with the player and also remove Windows Media Player and all of its components. The reinstall the drivers and restart my computer. Then I should wait until my device told me to updtae the firmware to press the language selection on the firmware update. I did all of this but the firmware upadate still says my player isn't connected. This happens with my girldfriends player too, so it can't be any defect on the device.
    So right now we're sitting on two mp3 players that are useless since they are stuck in recovery mode with no firmware. Please help me if you can and please keep in mind to not use too difficult english words. Thanks in advance!
    Worth mentioning is that I've tried both the old and new firmware updates just to get it going and no one worked.
    LukinMessage Edited by Lukinx on 07-7-200706:0 AM

    Can't believe no ones answered this, check this thread ttp://forums.creative.com/showthread.php?=94247 then look for Rich's post in the thread, check his link for more info.
    Basically uninstall wmp, and it's run time and reboot
    Be using XP
    try to install creatives latest plays for sure software suite (it will fail)
    Don't unplug the player just reboot
    Player should be found, ignore all messages of any kind
    Go to FW update and double click it
    Hopefully breathe a happy sigh of relief.
    Creative you really are a bunch of toerags
    Message Edited by Del369 on 07-7-200702:23 PM

  • [Zen Xtra] Stuck in Recovery Mode after updating Hard Dr

    This is a long post, but I thank you in advance if you read it and think you have any ideas for me. Parts of this post were originally posted on the Nomadness.net forums and parts of it come from my personal email correspondence with one of the experienced users on that site.
    Here goes:
    I just installed a new HD on my Jukebox, and now I am unable to get it to download the Firmware (current or otherwise) and it remains in a state of rescue mode.
    Here is how I posted my dilemma on the nomadness.net forums:
    My computer is running Windows XP. I have a Nomad Jukebox Zen Xtra 40GB that I have had for about 2 years, and have had no problems with it, using it at least 8 hours/day 5 days/week (I run it at my desk while I work). I mention that just to give you an idea of how much regular continuous use it has been getting, if that matters. I have regularly downloaded all the latest appropriate firmware, etc. from the Creative website, using the auto updater service. I have one other Creative product connected to this computer, a SoundBlaster Audigy. This will come up again in a minute.
    Over time I have accumulated so much new music that I knew I had to either get a new Jukebox or upgrade the HD. Since the Xtra is no longer available new, and upgraded ones are SO expensi've on eBay, I thought I would install a new HD myself. I read the instructions posted here on nomadness.net, and purchased an 80 GB 5400 RPM Momentus 5400.3 Ultra ATA/00 Internal Hard Dri've (that's Seagate).
    Ok, now. The installation went easily enough, but now I cannot get the Firmware to reload. My computer recognizes that the unit is connected - it makes the appropriate sound when I connect or disconnect the JB, and under My Computer, there is the icon for the Nomad Jukebox Zen Xtra, under the "Other" category.
    When I installed the HD and powered up, I got the rescue menu as expected and started with the "FORMAT ALL". I got the confirmation that it was reformatted and the expected GB of memory showed as available. SO...then I went to "RELOAD OS" and selected the "yes" option to verify that I wanted to reload via USB --BUT-- it only showed the "Start Firmware Update Now" for a second and then went right back to the menu. I have tried using the reset, and every combination of unplugging, replugging, removing the battery, putting it back in, reformatting, etc. and nothing changes. It just goes right back to the rescue menu every time.
    I have the Firmware files (old and new) saved on my computer's HD, but when I try to launch any one of them, I get the same annoying message: "Your player is not connected, please connect your player". Well, if the computer thinks it's connected, then why doesn't the firmware file? I don't get it.
    If I go back to the Creative auto updater on the website, it still recognizes the SB Audigy being connected, but no longer recognizes the JB.
    How can I get the Firmware into the JB if I can't get it to recognize the player being connected? And why is that my computer shows it, if the Firmware file itself doesn't see it's
    I received only one response that suggested I check the instructions on the Nomadness FAQs and also the great upgrade guide by Mr. Cheow, also on Nomadness.net.
    This was my follow-up post:
    Since I posted this earlier today, I have tried everything, and I mean everything, suggested by all of these "guides" to upgrading a hard dri've.
    The problem remains that my computer recognizes the Jukebox as a portable device that is connected, but I am unable to get the Firmware file to load because it always says that my device is not connected. It should also be noted that the Nomad Explorer and other applications also will not recognize it (Notmad, JBHTTP, etc.)
    Furthermore, I will add that we have two of the exact same model Jukeboxes and two of the same Dell computers running XP, etc. and in every possible combination we have tried, my Jukebox, with the new HD is the one that can not be accessed. So, I know that the connections, drivers, ports, etc. are not defecti've. The only thing that has changed since this morning is that I installed the new HD in my Jukebox.
    I would love for any of you who have done this kind of upgrade to offer suggestions, as I am willing to try anything at this point.
    After my last post, as a last ditch effort, my boyfriend suggested swapping the hard dri'ves in my Jukebox and his, thinking that perhaps we could get the firmware to download into his, and then switch the hard dri'ves back. Well, it looked as though it was going to work, and then the firmware update stopped almost as soon as it started and so, we are back to the same impasse. It?s the strangest thing, considering that both of us have been using our respecti've JBs daily, and have had no other problems? until I tried this.
    We both racked our brains trying to think of a way we could get the firmware from the computer into the jukebox since it won?t load as long as it doesn?t recognize the player. Is there any workaround for this? By that I mean, is there any way at all to get the firmware into the Jukebox with out just launching it as a self-executing file? I know you can't just ?put? the file into the Jukebox, but is there any other means to extract it into the Jukebox so that I can use it's?
    Any help you can offer would be most appreciated. I am worried that I have ruined my Jukebox and wasted $75 on a HD that I can never use?.
    ***Note on the Hard Dri've I chose:
    I specifically chose this HD based on information posted by others on Nomadness
    In particular, the newer instructions for upgrading a Zen Xtra hard dri've that were posted by an individual who used a 5400 for his own upgrade. I even emailed him with questions before I went ahead with this HD. As someone who has done this before, he felt that since this HD fits the specs of size and type being used by others doing this type of upgrade, including his own, that it would be fine. I honestly don?t think that it is the HD itself.
    Since trying the swapping of HDs and Jukeboxes last night, we now have not one, but two, that are stuck in recovery mode and flash ?Firmware Problem? when rebooted. I don?t see how the HD itself could have done this. In fact, I am certain that the HD did not ?cause? the problem.
    I have been reading forums about Jukeboxes (including here), anything I can find, looking for possible solutions. I have discovered that there are many people out there with the same dilemma, even those who simply updated their Firmware and nothing else, but now are stuck in the same frustrating place that I am.
    ***Note on the versions of the Firmware Update files I have tried:
    I was going to use the newest one, but then after reading comments on Nomadness, I decided to try the older version that everyone was saying was less problematic. (see below) One of the posters had provided a link to it, and I copied it from there. I also had two other newer versions of the Firmware Update, including the newest one that has supposedly caused all the problems for others, but none of them would launch anyway ? I just kept getting that same message saying that the ?player is not connected?. Actually, to be more accurate, as I think I described in my original post on Nomadness, when I first tried to upload the firmware, it seemed as though it was going to go through with it, but never got further than one segment on the file progress display. On the screen of the player, it said it was upgrading, but after a few hours, it had gone nowhere.
    Oldest - ZenXtra_PCFW__03_02_L6
    New-ish - ZenXtra_PCFW_LA__20_08
    Newest - ZenXtraP4SAudible_PCFW_LB_2_0_03
    If you have read this far, then please know that I appreciate it very much. If you have any further ideas or suggestions, please reply.

    Amazing that someone noticed this post and took a stab at it after over a year... Actually, I found my answer long ago, and have tried to go back and post?it'son several boards where I had been looking for the answer. It seems to be such a common problem that I figure someone else can surely use this solution as I did. I would suggest that anyone?who is experiencing the frustration of not?getting their computer to recognize their device?read the very enlightening and helpful page that I am linking to here:
    http://www.misticri'ver.net/forums/showthread.php?t=30939? (this is from a forum for iRi'ver, but the info and fix are uni'versal)
    This simple solution involves correcting the ENUM keys in the Registry (not as scary as you might think) and deleting all instances of your player from the Device Manager and then reinstalling so that Windows and other applications will all recognize your player again. It's so simple, and once I tried it, I was amazed that's all it took to fix the problem.
    ?I?suggest you read the whole page and follow the instructions as they are given. I deleted and re-installed my player several times and then rebooted a couple of times before it took effect, but then it did, and I was able to download the Firmware and have had continued success with my original player that I posted about as well as others I have acquired since I first posted that message in 2006. For reasons I have not yet identified, this problem still happens every now and again, sometimes when I switch between players to synchronize. It may well be that when I use my registry cleaner or some other utility that "fixes" my registry, that it resets this particular key - but as long as it's easy to fix, it's not a problem. Hope this helps others who may stumble upon this odd little problem with the Zen Xtra.Message Edited by TrixieInDixie on -05-200709:28 PM

  • Zen touch stuck in recovery mode, anyone who can hel

    My creative zen touch is stuck in recovery mode and says there is a firmware problem. Anyone no how i can solve this? or what to do about firmware?

    Hi, As you can see from earlier I had the same problem. Caused by trying to upgrade to download the free book from the Times. There is a message and reply on about page 3/4 called "Zen Touch - Firmware". The advice in there pointed to the Devi've Driver in there I enabled my Zen and rebooted PC. I then downloaded 2 upgrade files from NOMAD and it now works. I can't remember the exact sequence of events as it seemed a bit of trial and error but I got there. GOOD LUCK

  • Nomad zen xtra stuck in recovery mode...he

    i have had this player (nomad jukebox zen xtra) for like a year with no problems and yesterday it froze up so i let it turn off and turned it back on today only to be stuck in recovery mode....when i try the format all or reload OS options i am prompted with "harddisk error"...i tried to reset and the same thing happened...im stuck in this mode!!! anyone know what to do? thanks so much!

    You can try the advice here in the Zen FAQ at Nomadness.net at your OWN RISK. If you don't want to try this or are under warranty then contact Creative Support.
    If you aren't under warranty you can contact Creative Support to see if they will repair it. If you want to try repairing it yourself, taking the risk the hard disk is at fault, then you can follow Rudi Cheow's excellent guide. There's also a thread here at the Zen Nomadness.net forum on compatible dri'ves, and the last page of Rudi's guide also has information on this.

  • Zen micro stuck in recovery m

    today i decided to try to upgrade firmware on my Zen Micro for the first time. It was on .00.06 (I think) and i tried upgrading to the PlaysForSure 2.2.02 update. It was doing alright during the installation process at first, but then my Micro was supposably rebooting and...never came back. It said the installation was suppose to take no longer than 5 minutes. I waited at least 0-5 minutes, still nothing, so i cancelled it. I ended up formatting the micro completely, and I'm stuck in recovery mode. USB will not recognized it being connected. I even try uninstalling the creative zen micro software on my computer and i get some error and it won't allow me to do so. I don't know what else to try, any suggestions?I leave town for a week tomorrow afternoon, so i would really really appreciate any quick help!?Thanks in advance

    well let me be the first to tell u there is a way to fix this. I found out yesterday by reading some old forums and found something called the caveman method. All you have to do is hit one of the rounded corners on the bottom of the zen micro against a hard surface (such as a table).
    I know it sounds simple and destructi've but it worked for me and pretty much every one on the forum don't believe me heres the link: http://forums.creative.com/creativelabs/board/message?board.id=dap&message.id=36568&view=by_date _ascending&page=
    It has pages of people stating that it has worked for them. I was so happy that it worked for me since my player has been broken for about 7 months. They say that the micro disk stopped spinning, and by hitting it on a hard surface a few times gets it spinning again. Based off of my experience with the caveman technique, go a little crazy with it. Your going to need to use quite some force.
    Unfortunately, after i got mine working i now hear some kind of grain moving inside whenever i shake the player (guess i over did it). Don't let this discourage you though because once again the player is unfrozen and loads pass that dreaded creative copyright and you can now use it.
    I do give you one warning, once you get the player working try not to be an idiot like me and reload the firmware. That just brings up a whole other problem.
    Good luck Cavemen s lol

  • Zen Touch stuck in recovery mo

    My zen touch is stuck in recovery mode. I tried to install an update on ot it, and when i disconnected it it just went to recovery mode, and stayed there. I've tried all four options on-screen and nothing works. I've tried downloading firmware as the zen says "firmware problem" but the installer just says "player disconnected", even though it has come up on My COmputer.
    This is really irritating me - i thought my Zen was a piece of technology that would be reliable - but i was wrong.
    I tried contacting the support, but they take until the apocalypse to get back to me, and when they do, they send me links to updates and downloads that don't work.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    I am having the same exact problem with my Zen V. I am going to call them myself and try to get some results. I spent too much money on this thing for them not to replace it.

  • Zen Micro - Stuck in recovery; can't connect; can't upgrade firmw

    I sent a request to customer service, but since I purchased my Zen 3 months ago, I'm not eligible for email support. SO, if anyone can help, I would appreciate it...since I can't do anything with my Zen right now.
    I just bought into a subscription service and my 4Gb Zen Micro is stuck in recovery mode after upgrading to PlaysForSure firmware.
    Here's what happened:
    . Downloaded and installed Creative Zen Micro PlaysForSure Firmware update 2.2.02. Zen restarted after installation stalled. Displayed "Firmware Problem"
    2. Zen connected to PC and only recognized by XP as an MTP Device MTP Device Properites:
    Model Name: Creative Zen Micro
    Manufacturer: Creative Technology Ltd
    Firmware version: 2.2.02_0.00.65
    3. Downloaded and installed Creative Zen Micro Media Explorer Web Update (ZENM_PCAPP_LB_MTP_PDE.exe) -- install failed because it never recognized my Zen, which was connected
    4. Downloaded and installed Creative PlaysForSure Devices Plugin 5.00.36 for Creative
    MediaSource 5 Player/Organizer (CMS5_MTP_PCAPP_LB_5_00_36.exe) -- install successful, but it never recognized my Zen, which was connected I think I need to reload the firmware but I can't get any of the firmware updates to work. None of the creative software, including firmware updates, recognizes that the Zen is connected. I have not been able to figure out a way to have XP (SP2) recognize the device so that Ican reload the firmware and use the Creative Software. WMP 9, 0 and (I tried them all) do not recognize the device when it's plugged in. I also plugged in the Zen into two different computers. Same results.
    5. Tried directions on Solution ID # 4275 MP3 player not detected. Same results.
    6. I've followed the registry edits suggested on Solution ID # 0053 MTP players not recognized in Windows XP and that did not fix the problem either.

    It took a while, but I finally have my Zen Micro working again. I did some searching in the forums on "Firmware Problem" and that gave me some great ideas. Here's what I did.
    . Uninstalled WMP and 0. Rolled back to WMP 9.
    2. Edited my registry. I searched for anything related to the Creative software and deleted the entry. I just searched for the word "Creative". Restarted my PC.
    3. When I plugged in my Zen, Windows recognized it, without using the MTP driver. Problem was that I wasn't be able to load a driver to use the device. So, I went and installed WMP0.
    4. After installing WMP0, I plugged in my Zen and Windows recognized the device and installed a driver.
    5. I ran the firmware upgrade from Creative and I was back in business.
    Hope this hel

  • Zen micro stuck in recovery mode

    zen micro frozen in recovery mode and i downloaded new firmware on to my pc
    but it wont even open im at a loss at what to do any help much appriceated

    Have you tried to reset it using a pin of some sort? Or something sharp? Or try taking the battery out and put it back if it doens't have a reset button. It'll do the same thing
    I did have a problem like this though, and it seems to be common when in Recovery Mode.
    Before connecting to USB, first open the firmware update (Don't connect it before hand). When it says to connect, do so, but not before, and then select Update.
    I hope this helps Message Edited by flame on 02-09-2006 :39 AM

  • Zen touch stuck in recovery mode after usual update attempt.HE

    I like many others on the forum have attempted to carry out the firmware update only to be left in the same position as many others.My zen touch is now stuck in the recovery mode with no firmware and my pc wont recognise the player. The o/s on my pc is windows xp professional version 2002 service pack 2. I have wiped the hard dri've and installed a copy of windows 2000 but still no luck. I re-installed windows xp and now in device manager i have a creative zen touch showing and also a pci modem both with yellow ? marks next to them with a message of re-install drivers code 28,however the drivers are already installed with the latest driver from the creative web site. It appears that the pc wont recognise the player because there is no firmware installed. I have tried almost everything that has been mentioned on the forum and am now at my wits end. The player was working perfectly well before trying the firware update and i think that it is disgusting that a company as large as creative has not helped more with this problem ,looking at the amount of people that has had this same thing happen to them.Any help from you good people out there would be much appreciated. Thank you.Paul.

    I too tried the 'upgrade' and now my Zen is history. I will not give up - I just do not have the hours that it will take to fix available to me right now.
    I am very serious, Creative People, I have 2 suggestions:
    ) remove the faulty upgrade from your website
    2) Fire the person who initiated the upgrade.
    I certainly wouldn't have a job if I created an upgrade like this.

  • Zen Micro stuck in recovery mo

    I have had my Zen Micro for sevral months and it recently just froze on the recovery mode screen. i cant turn it on or off but i can do the functions on the recovery mode. BUT none of the functions do anything. i tried reinstalling the firmware, but it freezes my computer halfway through the insallation, reboot just turns it off the back on again t the same screen, clean up freezes the player and the other option does nothing either. what can i do, as the uk customer support services doesnt work and i have only been sent an automated email telling me to do what i already have done. is this like the problems the other people discribe and they havd to bin theres, but mine does not seem to be makeing the humming noise.

    ok it does make the humming oise but stops after a while and then goes to the recovery mode screen

  • Creative ZEN Micro - Stuck in Recovery M

    My firmware got corrupt so I tried to load the new firmware - that was a mistake. When I turn on the zen it says "firmware error" briefly and then goes to the recovery mode screen.
    I downloaded the ZenMicroP4S_PCFW_L6_2_2_02.exe file and when I execute it says the player is NOT connected.
    I have tried this is safemode on my pc with everything disabled. Removed the creative driver and updated it. I am able to run the clean up and format all from the menu.
    Windows XP sp2
    USB and 2 - tried multiple ports
    Tried another Windows XP SP2 workstation without any software and it still doesn't work.

    Thanks for the replies regarding the recovery mode but have already done disc cleanup and nothing has happened am i running out of options? is reformat the only option? If i plug in my mp3 to the computer can i transfer all of my songs onto the computer, then reformat so i dont lose all the data completey? I dont have the songs on the computer, transferred them straight from cds.

  • Zen Sleek stuck on 'Recovery Mode' - firmware reinstallation quest

    Yesterday I was having playback problems with my player, and now, after it working perfectly last night, it froze this morning. I reset, it 'rebuilt the library' and then I kept getting 'Firmware Problem'. Now it's always on Recovery Mode when I turn it on. Tried disk clean-up and rebooting but no joy. Should I reinstall my firmware, and how do I do that? Also, if I need to format it do I need to reinstall things to get it working again?

    This is what I got from Customer Support dude :-
    Drain the battery to empty.
    Hit the reset button.
    Charge the Zen sleek for 5 - 6 hours.
    Hit the reset button
    Please do a cleanup and reboot via rescue mode:
    Power down the Zen. Press and hold the Play button, then gently insert a
    paper clip into the Reset hole. (Do not release the play button yet,
    hold the play button for a while)
    A screen with the following options should appear.
    . Clean Up (Performs a scan disk on the HDD)
    2. Format All (All contents will be lost, including pre-installed
    3. Reload OS (updates the firmware for the Zen)
    4. Reboot (Reboots the Zen)
    If problem still persists, do a format and reload OS via rescue mode, is
    there any error?
    Does it help?
    For me, I had to follow option 2 the format and reload to get my sleek working again, good luck with yours.

  • Zen Touch stuck on recovery mo

    I tried clicking "Clean-up" and nothing happens and when click "Reinstall Frimware"? I get a Harddisk error. Is there any hope for my Zen Touch?

    Hello JBScout2,
    Welcome to Creative forums!
    I'm afraid you have a problem with the harddisk. Can you recall an incident where you accidentally drop your Zen touch? As you know, this device is a hard dri've-based MP3 player and is fragile. One bad fall is enough to cause damage on the hard disk specially if device is processing.

Maybe you are looking for


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