Zen Vision M Vs. GoGear HDD6330 what do you thi

http://www.p4c.phili<br />
<br />
com/consumer/catalog/product.jsp?acti'veCategory=&language=en&country=U S&catalogType=CONSUMER&productId=HDD6330_7_US_CONS UMER
I am planning getting on getting the Zen Vision M but I just ran acrosss this Philips player at Best Buy.
Does anyone have any experience with this one?Message Edited by TimT on 0-05-2006 03:38 PM

TimT wrote:
I am planning getting on getting the Zen Vision M but I just ran acrosss this Philips player at Best Buy.Does anyone have any experience with this one?Message Edited by TimT on 0-05-200603:38 PM
I wouldn't touch the Philips one with a bargepole. My brother has one. The menus are sluggish, your music can vanish without warning (it shows up in Windows Media Player but not on the player itself) so you end up retransferring EVERYTHING and the photo quality is terrible. Please avoid.

Similar Messages

  • NOT so happy CONCLUSION after all -- Installation of my ZEN Vision M (30 G

    Sunday 2/3/06
    Let's see, I had a problem with losing my AUDIO. Finally, I had to do a full re-install on my S.B. Audigy 2zs. I even moved it to a different PCI connector on the MB. After a full re-installation... sweet sound again.
    As to the Zen itself, I keep having problems.... I am trying to update all the applications (C MediaSourde and C Media explorer) and even there I am finding problems.
    When I download the upgrade file to my PC ([color="#ff3300">CMS5_PCAPP_LB_5_0_38.exe), and?try opening it, it HANGS... that's it... so I have not been able to upgrade it. And if I don't upgrade it, then I will have the same erratic behavior will all these applications. They work sometimes and sometimes they don't.
    If I really force the issue, opent the explorer and the MediaSource, where I have my "library" of songs... and WHEN the ZEN is recognized by everyone (This is ramdon condition, sometimes yes, many times no), I am able to drag and drop some songs from my "library"?to the ZEN.... but I?still don't have a clear path to do this consistently... ?
    Tuesday report 2/26/06:?
    [color="#ff0000"](I?don't want anybody to get the ideal all is well now... I thought it was... Yesterday, but not today)
    Today I?was able to?to Rip a couple of CDs and "transfer" them to the ZEN. Some of the songs?have noises?though... I don't know what causes that. But the applications are still buggy, they don't work consistently all the time. I just "sense" something is not right with my PC.
    [color="#ff0000"]No only that... This installation knocked off my Audio!... even though I have a Creative Sound Blaster Audigy 2zs platinum! (Audio Card)... So I have NO SOUND right now?and therefore I can not use WMP-0 to rip cd's because it tells me I have not audio and I am not in the mood to deal the WMP now. So I had to use the Creative MediaSource 5, to do the ripping and the synchronizing. It did the job ok, except for the noise...
    I tried everything to re-install my Audio. Tried the latest dri've...Nothing. Went back to my old one (before this installation) and it DID NOT work either!? Amazing how complicated this has become....
    Monday report 2/25/06: I did not do much on the Zen today. But I did notice the WPM 0, still goes crazy (crashed) when trying to find the Zen. The WMP0 crashed today once. Also, there seem to be some conflict among certain programs... It almost seems as if more than one applications is biding for the Zen when they see it. (i.e. if the WMP is open and try opening the Creative Explorer app... it will not open... but only until I close the WMP...then the apps springs up just like that. That's it. - Good night.
    I SO, IT seems like I am not out of the woods yet... I wonder if I ever will.
    <font face="Times New Roman" size="5" color="#ff3300">?
    <font face="Times New Roman" size="5" color="#ff3300">Quick Tips (I see people asking the same questions)
    If your ZEN seems "dead" then you need to RESET it. How? insert a "clip" (or other sharp tool. Clip works best) in the hole for RESET, located at the bottom of the ZEN (by the "dongle" connector)<?
    Connect your ZEN to a "USB-PORT" (not to a "hub")?A USB-PORT is located on your computer (the box). A "Hub" is a little box connected to one USB-PORTS and it "splits" this port into several USB-Connectors... ideally useful for "devices" that do not required lost of information or current (i.e. mouse, drawing table, keyboard, etc). Devices that required a continuous or heavy amounts of information (i.e. External Hard Dri'ves, Camcorders, Webcams sometimes, required an individual USB-PORT)<?Two things here:?- This link is for the original messagehttp://forums.creative.com/creativel...essage.id=7293?[size="+2"][color="#ff0000"]2- Happy Conclusion installing the ZEN Vision M (30 Gig)<i>(I am writing this for several reasons. Mainly, because it was a difficult installation and I wanted to summarize the 200 or 300 steps/actions I did that led me to solve the problem successfully. I always do this when I have a difficult installation and then I save it for the next time I need it (i.e. changing computers). I certainly don?t want to waste all that effort. One thing I learned about ?technology? is hard to learn it but it can be forgotten so easily, if you don?t take notes.)</i>
    <p align="center">---------------------------------------
    [size="+2"][color="#ff3300">What was causing the problem?
    Two things:
    First, problems with Windows and the computer itself.
    Second, the Creative applications were horrible at first, they would not open right away and when they did? sometimes 5 or 0 seconds later? they would crash just by clicking on something? and so Windows kept giving me those Error boxes and I kept sending them to Microsoft?(I must have sent at least 00 if not more!) I was also having problems with my graphics, every time an application would crash, then all kind of weird graphics would take place when dragging things around. I also had problems at one time with my Anti-virus/fire-wall Icon going dark after several re-boots, so I had to kick it to get it working?. Oh well, I just want you to get a flavor for how bad things were yesterday.
    When I first installed the software, nothing worked!... My computer was noticeably SLOWER and SLUGHISH? Actually I was worry about my computer itself because I have never seen it this bad!... I thought a virus the size of an elephant had gotten into the pc somehow, no kidding so I ran the anti-virus, anti-spy, just to make sure. Sometimes if you firewall is down, you can get viruses in an instant!... I hope you people know this by now. And if the firewall fails and viruses get in, is just at moments like these? when you are trying to get things to work and downloading stuff from the Internet and so on.
    The computer was just sloooowww? sluggish?.. and crashy (new word?)?.
    I must have rebooted my system from 40 to 50 times, and I am not exaggerating. At some point I even had trouble turning off the PC. There were like three time where it would just sit there in ?limbo? (hung/crashed), so I had to actually switch the?PC OFF on the back of the box, the only way to turn it off? And of course, when you do that, you can be sure you will have all kinds of interesting things when you try to boot up again! (like all kinds of funny displays on my screen, or Windows giving me the ?black screen and white text? asking me to choose a way to boot up, like ?boot up normally? or ?boot up using the last configuration that worked,? (I did this like?7 times all together).
    [size="+2"][color="#ff3300">So how did?everything go?from ?so bad? to ?so wonderful?? <i>I don?t really know exactly!</i>
    But I suspect three things happened:
    - Windows sent me a couple of upgrades (I get them automatically)? I have NO IDEA what they were, but whatever they were, helped!
    ?2 - As I read and read, things began to come back to my brain. Especially a post reply that gave me the hint (Reformatting the dri've in the Zen) would finally let me ?transfer? my stuff to the Zen
    ?3 - An lastly, after I have ?cleaned, reformatted the dri've, got rid off the ?firmware? (not a good thing to do), Then I could not make Windows see the ZEN no matter what I did!? I did what worked before (connecting and disconnecting the USB cable from the white adapter (dungle?) connected to the ZEN). Usually when you do this, Windows being a ?plug and play? OS, it usually ?sees? when a new ?device? is plugged in one of the USB ports, or disconnected from a port, as well. In other words it ?recognizes? the device (connectivity) and if the software and driver are already install, the device should come ali've and work! That is the reason you always install the software and drivers first, and usually re-boot the system once, so that when you connect the ?device? (ZEN), it should work!
    [size="+2"][color="#ff3300">Let me recap I what happened:
    ?- I installed the s/w and as I already said, it was horrible.
    ?2- The Windows updates, somehow were helping a little bit.
    ?3- I also downloaded the latest updates from Creative.com (downloads/upgrades). I downloaded the ?firmware? (the ?upgrade,? <i>which is the OS=Operating System for the ZEN. Just like ?Windows? is to the PC)</i> and other ?patches? for?the ?creative media source 5? and ?Zencast organizer? (3 updates). I am sure this upgrades helped some, as well.
    ?4- After trying so many times, I was finally able to open the ?Zen Media Explorer? (Icon looks like a picture of the Zen). When this opens, it shows you everything inside the Zen just like in the ?explorer? (nice). That meant I had connectivity! (good).
    ?5- Since I had ?connectivity? (access) to the ZEN, My next attempt was to ?transfer? some files down to the ZEN? but this proved impossible!... Somehow, at some?point, by accident (I?did not even notice it)? I was able to transfer ONE song to the ZEN, which gave me hope. After all, if you can do it once, you should be able to do it again. BUT, I couldn?t
    ?6- Then a nice lady?who responded to my first post, told me she had basically the same problems and the solution was to ?Clean and re-format? the ?Disk dri've?in the ZEN. She said that once she?did that, everything would sort of fall into place? and she was right!
    ?7- I unplugged the ZEN from the PC and read somewhere how ?to clean, reformat, upgrade or replace the ?firmware,? Not sure still, but it'ss something like ?resetting (with a clip) the Zen and holding the ?power? slide in the ON position? something like that, and that brings a special screen with 4 choices:
    Reformat dri've (erases everything!), <
    Replace firmware (careful here!), <
    Reboot. <
    Then it'ss pretty easy?to do a lot of ?damage? in a few seconds!... ([color="#ff3300">careful here if you are not used to the sensitivity of the "touch-pad")In my case I did not care since I had not put anything there yet. I erased EVERYTHING!... (not a good thing). I should have been more careful and simply use option 2 (reformat the dri've). Chances are this would have been enough to transfer songs to the ZEN. But since I get crazy when doing stuff like this, I went ahead a cleaned everything.
    ?8- Then I realized I had erased the ?firmware. As you already know this is the ?heart? of the Zen. (like Windows to the PC). Finally I went to Creative.com/downloads and downloaded it (the full version). But if you remember in #3, I had also downloaded the ?firmware? upgrade as well. The reason this is significant, is, that when I finally recovered ?connectivity? to the ZEN, I? tried both files, but the one that ZEN accepted was the upgrade! (I found this interesting? since I would have thought the full version would have been the correct choice? see?... little things you learn.
    ?9- As I already gave you a hint in #8, once I had the ?firmware? ready to install, the system kept telling me it could NOT see the ZEN. I connected and disconnected the USB cable several times? rebooted the pc? this helps sometimes, but nothing!... FINALLY, I read somewhere, I should go to the ?device manager? and check what was going on.. ? EUREKA ? indeed I found the ZEN with a ?Yellow mark? on the side, which always means trouble. Basically, I used the ?uninstall? option (based of the principle that simply ?un-installing and installing back something? sometimes this works. In other words, the ZEN was ?stucked. So when I ?removed? It from the ?Device Manager? list (I don?t recall if I rebooted here? but it never hurts!), then all of the sudden? a little icon in Windows (on the small tray=bottom right corner (with the clock and Date),? acknowledged?a new deviced had been connected to Windows. (connectivity back again! Yeahhh).
    ?0- Now that had ?connectivity? (Big step), I could try installing the ?firmware. And as I already explained, the ?upgrade? was the one that ZEN took. As soon as you clicked on the file, a box opened and asked if you wanted to install the ?firmware. I said yes and voila!... The Zen started accepting it's and when it ended, just like a PC, the ZEN rebooted itself and I was able to see the familiar interface (the same folders as before) but not contents at all? empty!
    ?- At this?point?I opened the ?Creative Media Source organizer,? went to my ?playlist? and from there, just click and drag some songs and dropped them on top of the Zen Icon (just like dropping files in a folder). And yes, the files were finally ?transferred? to the ZEN. Unplugged the USB cable from the Zen (or the Zen does not play anything). The songs were there and I was FINALLY able to listen to them from the ZEN!... Wonderful. Oh yes, using the same technique (drag and drop), I put a wmv video and was able to watch it as well... Now I know why people rave about the little screen... nice!
    ?2- In the mean time, without noticing? Just like the nice lady?from the post said, everything seemed to have fallen into place!
    ?In Summary: The applications ( the creative programs=icons)?were opening normally and quickly now, and many of the errors I got before when clicking on certain things, disappeared. I am sure I will still find some problems here and there, but basically the thing works now the way it is supposed to.
    ?Just a matter of clicking, dragging and dropping items?into the Zen?.yes, that simple!
    ?Good luck!
    Message Edited by em2253 on 2-26-2006:39 AM
    Message Edited by em2253 on 2-3-20060:32 AM
    Message Edited by em2253 on 2-3-200602:26 PM
    Message Edited by em2253 on 0-02-200702:3 AM

    [url="http://web6.streamhoster.com/em2253/ZEN/ZenDeviceManager.wmv]See Movie[/url]?Hi, take a look at the movie... hopefully I answer to your question is there. [b]Let me know if you can NOT see it... [/b]and I will send you a picture. [color="#ff0000"]and if you can see the movie, give me feedback on it. Did it look ok in your computer? (it changes with all computers depending on your setting and player!). [color="#ff0000"]Was the sound ok?I almost wish I had not titled this post as "Happy Conclusion." It was happy but only a day or two... then I started having other problems... unbelievable. So, If I gave the wrong impression, sorry!

  • Odd Zen vision m question: double track list

    i recently got a zen vision m and love it. i've had this odd issue crop up twice now and i'm not sure how to take care of it.
    all of the files in my music albums are being listed twice, but there is only one copy of the media on the player. i'm not sure if this is being caused by using the windows media player sync option or what.
    any advice?
    thanks ahead of time

    Even when I go to the album and hit the play button it still doesn't play them in order. The strange thing is in the upper left corner while it plays it has numbers like /2, 2/2, etc. so it knows the order the songs came on the album it just doesn't want to play them that way for some reason. So is there a way to tell it to play them in order by those numbers?
    Also, does anyone else find the touch pad maddening to use? I think I just accidentally bought some music I didn't want because I was having trouble controlling the touch pad.

  • Investigating ZEN Vision: M hang prob

    Hello all..
    I, along with many others have had at one time a ZEN Vision: M that would go to a blank screen after showing ZEN logo, that never recovered. Thankfully, I, along with many others have been able to procure a replacement. But my question is, what is causing this hang that kills the ZEN? How do we prevent it in the future?
    I have done some minimal testing with 2 identical ZEN Vision: Ms and can verify that the HD is not the problem. I also have reason to think that it is something overwriting the firmware.
    If it was a motherboard issue, the ZEN logo would not show, but it does. It does not, however, show the Vision: M logo on the next screen.
    If anyone else has done any testing or has any ideas, please share them!!!
    Thanks in advance!!

    I understand that Creative frowns upon consperacy theorys, but I do have a question.. One person said that the think it might be possible to infect an MP3 to damage the firmware of the ZEN Vision: M.
    Now, as far as i know, this should not be possible, but i am not discounting it.
    I am hoping if the admins have any ideas, I would be interested too, because I am sure they have heard enough of this same issue..
    What are the chances someone could flash the EPROM via USP, and not just the firmware? That might solve problems for many people.

  • Zen Vision M 30gb FROZE

    Help! my Zen Vision M keeps freezing I restarted it but this problem keeps happening. I thought it was a virus so i checked and no virus I've tried everything! Is there a software that i can download to help me with this problem?

    File system and even file corruption can cause the units to freeze up. Often people find the device will freeze on teh same song. This can be caused by corruptions on the file system on the device or a bad file. You can try going into recovery mode and doing a repair, which is the basic equivilent of running chkdsk on a windows system. And it will go through and check the file system on the device and repair any problems.
    If a specific song/video keeps freezing would try retransfering the file or possibly reconverting the song/video as that often fixes the problem. Some of the devices (old stock) that come of retailers shelves are running really old firmware that often had bugs in them as well that would cause lock ups and "freezes" so its a good idea to try to run a fairly new firmware on your device.

  • Nexxtech USB Wall Charger compatible with Zen Vision

    I was wondering if the?Nexxtech USB Wall Charger (http://http://www.circuitcity.com/ss...oductDetail.do) would work with the Zen Vision M. I'm going on a trip this week and need a cheap wall charger (less than $20)?that I can go to the store and get it (no online orders). Thanks,

    hey thanks for the fast reply!
    that sounds good. one more qs:
    is there a cable available that allows to sync & charge directly from player to usb without using the little dongle attachment thingy. I find it ridiculous that Creative went with a propriety connection! I don't fancy lugging that around everywhere...
    thanksMessage Edited by jayneemac on 0-2-200705:00 PM

  • Wind 2000 with Zen Vision

    I?have windows 2000 and i'v brought creative Zen vision M. The Cd doen not work on this windows.How can i use windows 2000 with this MP3... Can i use??ThanksMarta Castro

    djambas wrote:
    I have windows 2000 and i'v brought creative Zen vision M. The Cd doen not work on this windows.How can i use windows 2000 with this MP3... Can i use?ThanksMarta Castro
    The System Requirements for the Zen Vision:M are:
    Microsoft? Windows? XP (Service Pack or higher) / XP 64-bit
    Intel? Pentium? II 350MHz or AMD K6?-2 450MHz
    64MB RAM (28MB RAM recommended)
    USB . port (USB 2.0 recommended for faster transfer)
    70MB free hard dri've space
    [url="http://forums.creative.com/creativelabs/board/message?board.id=pmc&message.id=2839&page=">This thread might help though for a work-around with Windows 2000[/url]

  • What version does this refer

    When you go into recovery mode, the first line says:
    Creative Zen Micro v0.0.58.
    What version is this referring to It can't be the firmware, since my firmware comes up as .02.05.

    du musst versuchen die firmware von einem anderen pc aus zu installieren. ich hatte heute genau das gleiche problem. der player hat sich beim upgraden aufgeh?ngt und dann war nur die halbe firmware drauf. du musst die firmware l?schen bevor du die neue von einem anderen pc l?dst. das doofe ist nur, dass der player an meinem pc nicht richtig erkannt wird, im ger?tmanager von win xp steht zwar der player drin, aber ich kann weder ?ber den windows explorer, media player 0 oder eben media source organizer auf den player zugreifen. schlie?e ich den player nun an dem anderen pc an, wird der creative sofort erkannt. windows media player 0 will ihn sofort mit musik f?ttern und auch ?ber den windows explorer ist er nun per drag&drop bef?llbar. ich habe mittlerweile schon mein komplettes system neuinstalliert, aber auch das hat nichts gebracht. ich wei? nicht mehr was ich machen soll und warum der player nur an meinem pc nicht mehr funktionieren will. wenn er kaputt w?re oder so, dann w?rde er ja auch nicht an dem anderen pc funktionieren.

  • ZEN VISION:M What happened to the Album art???/What do you use to transf

    I've had my zen vision m since last summer and absolutely love it. Recently though I reformatted and added my entire library with the zen vision m media explorer like I always do. I have always tagged my music with musicmatch jukebox so that the album art shows up on my zen. This time however there is no album art. What's going on, is it the new firmware?
    How do the rest of you add your tracks? There's at least fi've different ways I've discovered to do it, but in the past the media explorer was always the best.

    I think you're in fullscreen mode. Press F11 to turn it off/on.

  • What has changed in the Playlist Creation on the Zen Vision:M compared to the older Ze

    Hi, I have a Zen Micro for a year now. It works flowlessly and I have have a lot of good time with it. But yes , there ist now the Zen Vision:M (sadly :-)).
    I have read that the way to create a playlist on the vision:M is somewhat different compared to the Zen Micro for example. Can somebody explain what has been changed. In the review was said that it is more advances , but it is not as friendly as it it on the older Zens.
    And one more thing: is the radio reception on the vision:m really a lot better than on the Micro? ( is was said in the article I read, just can't figure out where it was...) I really anticipated to be able to listen to radio with the micro, but hier in Hamburg (Germany) I can get a relati'vely clear reception of just TWO senders (from time to time). This is the point where the Micro dissapoints (my opinion ofcourse).
    Thank you!Message Edited by plam_mk on 02-04-2006 02:38 PM

    Hi Wupperbayer,
    Danke f?r die Antwort. Ja , die hat mir geholfen eine bessere Vorstellung von dem Player zu kriegen.
    Tja, ich habe echt gehofft , dass man auch die option haben w?rde, Lieder zu einem beliebigen Playlist hinzuf?gen zu k?nnen, und nicht nur zu dem, der gerade abgespielt wird. Der Radioempfang, sagst Du also ist besser. das ist f?r mich eigentlich noch wichtiger, da ich gerne ab und zu Radio h?ren will, was mit dem Micro nicht wirklich gelingt.
    Ich m?chte dich noch gerne Fragen, ob du die Videofunktion brauchbar findest, ob Du ggf nach einer Konvertierung deine Filme auf dem Player gut abspielen kannst. Wie ist die Qualit'st der abgespilten Filme? Ja, da ich es noch nicht gesehen habe, kann ich es mir nur sehr schwer vorstellen, einen Film auf dem Player in der S-Bahn zu richtig zu geniesen. Findest Du pers?nlich, dass sich die Anschaffung vom Player gelohnt hat?Der Kostet letzt?ndlich ?ber 300 Euro, und ich bin halt nur ein Student, und an Geld komme ich sehr schwer ran (daf?r bin ich aber ein gro?er Fan von Music, Filme und Fotografie :-( )
    Ja , ich bedanke mich bei Dir, wei? nicht ob ich etwa zu viel gafragt habe...
    kannst ja uch nicht alles beatnworten, oder gar nicht beantworten. Viele Gr?e
    Hi guys, I will translate in a concise manner the obove writing. I aksed whether I can take a movie. convert it propely and play it on the player. And that is not all: I just want to get most of the information from the picture as I do it on he PC, read very good quality. I have also hoped, that the possibility to add a song to every playlist, not just the one that is being played, would become a reality. But one very important thing however, is that the radio reception have been improved.

  • What's your Zen Vision M the

    What is your Zen Vision: M theme?
    Do you have a custom wallpaper? If so what is it's
    What brightness do you have set?
    Reply if you have this great mp3 player.
    I have the Marine Blue theme with %60 brightness, default wallpaper.

    i like to switch up my wallpapers from time to timesometimes i have it with a red Gaara background so i use the Pink Theme (it actually looks really nice)i'll use my Gundam SeeD Destiny background which i would use Pearl White?right now i have a Britney Spears background so i'm using the Pearl White?i use which ever theme makes it easiest to read the font, they all look good

  • What type of hard drive do I need for a Creative Zen Vision

    Hey everybody.
    I have a Creative Zen Vision:M, and unfortunately after dropping it, the hard drive has decided to pack up!
    I have decied to replace the hard dri've, but wondered which hard dri'ves are compatible with the Zen Vision:M? I know the hard drive is a .8" drive, but that's all I know what to look for so far...
    Any help would be much appreciated.

    It uses a standard 2.5" HDD. You can find them around in any good computer shop. You can use larger (capacity) as well. If you wish to find exactly the same one please try:
    (a) Open Device Manager,
    (b) Expand Disk drives item
    You can see brand and model of the current HDD on your computer. If it failed already, pull it out and check.
    **Click the KUDOS thumb up on the left to say 'Thanks'**
    Make it easier for other people to find solutions by marking a Reply 'Accept as Solution' if it solves your problem.

  • What happened to STARBUY for Zen Vision M 60 GB scheduled for today Dec 2 @10

    Hey everyone,
    I participated in Nov's starbuy, didnt manage to get anything and after it, I checked back a couple of days later and saw that Dec starbuy was scheduled for today 2 Dec at 0pm for Zen Vision M (Black) 60GB. But just logged onto Creative Online Store and didnt see the link for Starbuy. Anyone know what happened to it's? Does this mean no more starbuy from now on?

    I also was eagerly watching for the starbuy that you have referred to on Dec 2 at 0pm. I must say I'm disappointed with what Creative has done. Sure, they have every "right" to withdraw their offers but they did not bother to inform the public about it. I personally checked the website patiently from 9pm to 030pm thinking that maybe they were getting ready to upload the website with the starbuy. But NO the stupid link kept going back to the creative homepage. And they sneakily removed all the advertisements to the starbuy.
    What p**ses me off even more is that if you check today, they have sneakily changed it to some "SoundWorks 500DAB" which is a new item but nobody's ever heard of before or is probably interested, compared to the ZVM 60GB. It's quite big (it's not a mobile player, .92kg, looks more like a mini-compo) and only plays "Digital Audio Broadcast" (what's that?) and FM Stereo. Hello Creative? What era is this? Who wants to buy this only to leave it at home to listen to the radio or DAB? It's not mobile, it can't play MP3s or video or photo. Or even CDs.
    Check it out at sg.store.creative.com/starbuy
    Why they decided to pull the ZVM beats me. I have no idea. And why Creative has started selling what looks like basically an expensi've radio (ie, they are going back in time) beats me even more. As echoed by many Internet reviewers, compared to Apple Ipod, Creative's MP3 players are pretty good and they should focus their attention on that, try to make them even smaller and longer battery life, more functions, more codecs, better screens, BUT what we see is Creative di'versifying and designing/manufacturing so much new products that they may not have a market for.
    EDIT: Ok I just checked, about DAB: from Wikipedia
    Digital Audio Broadcasting or DAB is a technology for broadcasting audio programming in digital form that was designed in the late 980s but which is now being introduced in many countries. The original objecti'ves of converting to digital systems were to enable higher fidelity, more stations, less inteference, mobile services and additional information such as text, although in practice the vast majority of radio stations on DAB sound worse than on FM.
    In Singapore, MediaCorp's SmartRadio was launched on 9 November 999. Using the Eureka 47 DAB system, SmartRadio provides six digital-only stations and eight simulcast FM services, along with images and text to supplement the audio. Singapore was the first country to reach full DAB coverage.
    My response: I still think that Creative should work on their mp3 players. They could try introducing this DAB technology into their MP3 players, maybe be the first in the world to do it. Sooner or later another company's gonna do it.Message Edited by fourseven on 2-04-200602:30 AM

  • Zen Vision M 30Gb Plz Help Me Out I Dont Know What To

    i bought the zen vision m about 9 months ago adn everything worked fine but now i try to charge it via USB and the wierd part is windows doesnt detect de player but the players blue lamp is flikking and sometime the battery shows up but it wont charge plz help me out!Message Edited by Mudahedin on 02-5-20080:06 PM

    Is your iPhone jailbroken?
    Which version of Cydia do you have - the one with the
    blue icon?

  • What software do I need for my 30 GB Zen Vision

    Basically my problem is that I'm away from my home computer and?I want to transfer music into my Zen from this computer. However, I lack the original software that came with the Zen. I need to know what software or drivers I need to install to make it work.

    Well, that's not all I have to do. I have to be able to create and?edit playlists besides just adding music, and manually doing that is incredibly inconvenient. I tried downloading Creative MediaSource Player/Organizer 5.0.38?to be able to make it work, but I plugged in my ZV:M several times and the software gave me an error saying that my player wasn't connected to the computer.

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  • Missing and duplicate entries in the calendar

    I'm a long time (1997) Palm user who's moved to a BB 8330 last month. I can't seem to get calendar syncing to work correctly. In some instances, I am missing items on Outlook. I often have duplicate entries on the handheld. I've searched the forums a

  • Item level ststus not showing search list for agent inbox

    Hi, while selecting item level ststus in agent inbox it is not showing records in search list.so many records existed in system based on item leval ststuses. currently working on crm 7.0 can u please help me out to solve this issue Thanks & Regards k

  • Adding a button to a shreapoint page

    Hi, Is it possible to add a button to a sharepoint page, on click of which I want some emails to go to some people and a field gets updated in a list. How can I create such a button. Also do we have to use a workflow and attached it to button click e

  • IPhone in Ocean.

    Hello everyone. I know this is a long shot, but I am trying to get my iPhone working again after I went into the ocean with it. I also had my Sony Cyber Shot in my pocket and after a replacement lens assembly & new battery it is just fine. I took the

  • AppleTV + iPhone randomly stops playing music.

    My dad bought a appletv a few days ago and i set it up in his living room, about 40 feet from the wireless router, and it has 4 bars in the wireless settings menu. Everything is working fine, except when playing music to the appletv over airplay, it