Associate Name to IP - RV220W

Is there anyway to associate a name to an IP in the RV220W?  I am coming from a WRVS4400N v2.  Folks are complaining that they can't connect, for example via Real VNC, via the PC name any longer.  They have to use the IP address.  In the past I put the names of the PCs in the WRVS4400N when I reserved IPs via MAC addresses (some call this assigning static IPs).  There isn't any place in the RV220W to put the name.  Even when I look at the DHCP list a lot of them show up as "unknown".  I am sure this is a NETBIOS thing but I'd rather fix this in the router as I have always done in the past.

Hi Curtis,
Thank you for posting. Are you able to reach the devices that do show up in the DHCP list by name? There is a known issue with the DHCP leased clients table not showing all devices according to the Release Notes for
The DHCP Client Table does not show all clients. (CSCtq44404)
I'm not sure if this is related or not.

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              theObjectAccessedByTheString"object" .setText(text);          

    If you want to associate names with objects, then use a java.util.Map.
    Don't try to use the variable names, because they go away when you compile.

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    NMDB is part of the samba networking package that OS X uses to connect to windows machines over the network. NetBIOS is a way for computers to properly associate names on a network, so you can enter the computer name to connect to it instead of having to type the ip address. It appears the windows networking functions are trying to connect to netbios in attempt to resolve network names. You can try toggling windows networking on and off to see if this fixes the problem. If you're not on a network with windows machines then you can turn off windows networking altogether and hopefully get rid of the problem. Do all this in the "sharing" system preference.

  • Query to get the total effort Projectwise

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      projID varchar(10),
      projName varchar(20),
      associateID number,
      associateName varchar(10),
      allocationStartDate Date,
      allocationEndDate Date,
      allocationPercent number
      PRIMARY KEY(associateID,associateName)
    insert into Allocation values ('123','Mr.A','Prj1','Green Computing','to_date('05/15/2011', 'mm/dd//yyyy')','to_date('07/15/2011', 'mm/dd//yyyy')','50');
    insert into Allocation values ('123','Mr.A','Prj2','Cloud Computing','to_date('05/31/2011', 'mm/dd//yyyy')','to_date('06/30/2011', 'mm/dd//yyyy')','70');
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      projID varchar(10),
      projName varchar(20),
      StartDate Date,
      EndDate Date,
      PRIMARY KEY(associateName)
    insert into Project values ('Prj1','Green Computing','to_date('05/01/2011', 'mm/dd//yyyy')','to_date('07/31/2011', 'mm/dd//yyyy')');
    insert into Project values ('Prj2','Cloud Computing','to_date('05/15/2011', 'mm/dd//yyyy')','to_date('08/31/2011', 'mm/dd//yyyy')');I want to select the project wise efforts. i.e. The number of working days multiplied by the 9hrs for each day for all the associates under a project. The result should look something like this
    Project ID     Project Name     Associate ID     Associate Name     Effort
    Prj1             Green Computing     123                Mr.A            100
    Prj1             Green Computing     1234                Mr.B            120Oracle version : 9i 10g/11g

    I have made my attempt at mind reading (to correct for errors in script). Do you mean the following:
    CREATE TABLE Allocation
       associateID           VARCHAR (10),
       associateName         VARCHAR (100),
       projID                VARCHAR (10),
       projName              VARCHAR (20),
       allocationStartDate   DATE,
       allocationEndDate     DATE,
       allocationPercent     NUMBER,
       CONSTRAINT pk_allocation PRIMARY KEY (associateID, ProjID)
    INSERT INTO Allocation
         VALUES ('123',
                 'Green Computing',
                 TO_DATE ('05/15/2011', 'mm/dd/yyyy'),
                 TO_DATE ('07/15/2011', 'mm/dd/yyyy'),
    INSERT INTO Allocation
         VALUES ('123',
                 'Cloud Computing',
                 TO_DATE ('05/31/2011', 'mm/dd/yyyy'),
                 TO_DATE ('06/30/2011', 'mm/dd/yyyy'),
    INSERT INTO Allocation
         VALUES ('1234',
                 'Green Computing',
                 TO_DATE ('06/15/2011', 'mm/dd/yyyy'),
                 TO_DATE ('07/31/2011', 'mm/dd/yyyy'),
    CREATE TABLE Project
       projID      VARCHAR (10),
       projName    VARCHAR (20),
       StartDate   DATE,
       EndDate     DATE,
       CONSTRAINT pk_project PRIMARY KEY (projID)
    INSERT INTO Project
         VALUES ('Prj1',
                 'Green Computing',
                 TO_DATE ('05/01/2011', 'mm/dd/yyyy'),
                 TO_DATE ('07/31/2011', 'mm/dd/yyyy'));
    INSERT INTO Project
         VALUES ('Prj2',
                 'Cloud Computing',
                 TO_DATE ('05/15/2011', 'mm/dd/yyyy'),
                 TO_DATE ('08/31/2011', 'mm/dd/yyyy'));
    SELECT a.projid "Project ID",
           p.projname "Project Name",
           a.associateid "Associate ID",
           a.associatename "Associate Name",
              WHEN a.allocationenddate - a.allocationstartdate >= 0
                  /*if project begins and ends on the same day,
                    we still want to allocate 9 hrs,
                    so we use a "1 + " to account for the first day*/
                  to_char((1 + (a.allocationenddate - a.allocationstartdate) * 9))
              WHEN a.allocationenddate is null or a.allocationstartdate is null
                 /*if project is still underway*/
                 'Project is in progress'
              WHEN a.allocationenddate - a.allocationstartdate < 0
                  /*begin date is later than end date*/
                 'Invalid data - begin date must occur before end date'
      FROM allocation a
      JOIN project p
      ON a.projid = p.projid;

  • Needed details on Workflow context ?

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    Associate Name :  ?
    Associate Manual Start:  ?
    Associate Manual Start Required Permission:  ?
    Associate Start on Item change:  ?
    Associate Start on Item Creation:  ?
    Associate Start to Approve Major version:  ?
    Associator:  ?
    Current item URL:  ?
    Current site URL:  ?
    Current User:  ?
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    The answer to this is a couple steps:
    Add the properties to your Custom Activity .cs
    Link the properties in your .actions file (so SPD knows how to map to your properties)
    Use the properties in your code
    STEP 1: Here is the code for the properties (my class is named GetEmails which you will need to rename to be your class):
    public static DependencyProperty __ContextProperty = System.Workflow.ComponentModel.DependencyProperty.Register("__Context", typeof(WorkflowContext), typeof(GetEmails));
    [Description("The site context")]
    public WorkflowContext __Context
    return ((WorkflowContext)(base.GetValue(GetEmails.__ContextProperty)));
    base.SetValue(GetEmails.__ContextProperty, value);
    public static DependencyProperty __ListIdProperty = System.Workflow.ComponentModel.DependencyProperty.Register("__ListId", typeof(string), typeof(GetEmails));
    public string __ListId
    return ((string)(base.GetValue(GetEmails.__ListIdProperty)));
    base.SetValue(GetEmails.__ListIdProperty, value);
    public static DependencyProperty __ListItemProperty = System.Workflow.ComponentModel.DependencyProperty.Register("__ListItem", typeof(int), typeof(GetEmails));
    public int __ListItem
    return ((int)(base.GetValue(GetEmails.__ListItemProperty)));
    base.SetValue(GetEmails.__ListItemProperty, value);
    public static DependencyProperty __ActivationPropertiesProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("__ActivationProperties", typeof(Microsoft.SharePoint.Workflow.SPWorkflowActivationProperties), typeof(GetEmails));
    public Microsoft.SharePoint.Workflow.SPWorkflowActivationProperties __ActivationProperties
    return (Microsoft.SharePoint.Workflow.SPWorkflowActivationProperties)base.GetValue(GetEmails.__ActivationPropertiesProperty);
    base.SetValue(GetEmails.__ActivationPropertiesProperty, value);
    STEP 2: Then in your .actions file add to your block the mappings for those properties (note the entries for __ListID, __ListItem, __Context, and __ActivationProperties):
    Assembly="[yourDLLName], Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=0bfc6fa4c4aa913b"
    Category="[Your Category Goes Here]">
    <RuleDesigner Sentence="[blah blah blah]">
    <FieldBind Field="PeopleFieldName" Text="people field" Id="1"/>
    <FieldBind Field="Output" Text="emailAddress" Id="2" DesignerType="parameterNames" />
    <Parameter Name="__Context" Type="Microsoft.SharePoint.WorkflowActions.WorkflowContext" Direction="In" />
    <Parameter Name="__ListId" Type="System.String, mscorlib" Direction="In" />
    <Parameter Name="__ListItem" Type="System.Int32, mscorlib" Direction="In" />
    <Parameter Name="PeopleFieldName" Type="System.String, mscorlib" Direction="In" />
    <Parameter Name="Output" Type="System.String, mscorlib" Direction="Out" />
    <Parameter Name="__ActivationProperties" Type="Microsoft.SharePoint.Workflow.SPWorkflowActivationProperties, Microsoft.SharePoint" Direction="Out" />
    STEP 3: Here is an example execute function:
    protected override ActivityExecutionStatus Execute(ActivityExecutionContext provider)
    Output = string.Empty;
    SPWeb web = __Context.Web;
    // get all of the information we currently have about the item
    // that this workflow is running on
    Guid listGuid = new Guid(__ListId);
    SPList myList = web.Lists[listGuid];
    SPListItem myItem = myList.GetItemById(__ListItem);
    catch (Exception e)
    return ActivityExecutionStatus.Closed;
    If this helped you resolve your issue, please mark it Answered


    Hi all,
    I am using function module SELECT_OPTIONS_RESTRICT to restrict the select option ranges. My question is can we use this FM into another event such as AT SELECTION-SCREEN. Basically I want to restrict n grayed out Select Option High value and Ranges option on certain value of other paramter on selection screen. When I use this FM into event AT SELECTION-SCREEN it gives me exception 'TOO_LATE'.
    Any idea how to use this or any other way to fullfll such requirement?

    The FM SELECT_OPTIONS_RESTRICT would only work in INITIALIZATION event. I don't came across other FM which we can call from another event. But, you to achieve your functionality, you can have a dummy type of select option with required restricted settings and make it active when required.
    DATA: w_vbeln TYPE vbak-vbeln.
    TYPE-POOLS sscr.
    DATA: restrict     TYPE sscr_restrict,
          opt_list     TYPE sscr_opt_list,
          associate    TYPE sscr_***.
                p_compl RADIOBUTTON GROUP rd1.
    SELECT-OPTIONS: s_simpl FOR w_vbeln MODIF ID gp1.
    SELECT-OPTIONS: s_compl FOR w_vbeln MODIF ID gp2.
      %_s_simpl_%_app_%-text = 'Select Option'.
      %_s_compl_%_app_%-text = 'Select Option'.
    * Set the complex
      MOVE 'EQ'  TO opt_list-name.
      opt_list-options-eq = 'X'.
      APPEND opt_list TO restrict-opt_list_tab.
      associate-kind    = 'S'.
      associate-name    = 'S_COMPL'.
      associate-sg_main = 'I'.
      associate-sg_addy = ' '.
      associate-op_main = 'EQ'.
      associate-op_addy = 'EQ'.
      APPEND associate TO restrict-***_tab.
          restriction = restrict.
      CASE 'X'.
        WHEN p_simpl.
          LOOP AT SCREEN.
            IF screen-group1 = 'GP2'.
              screen-active = 0.
              MODIFY SCREEN.
        WHEN p_compl.
          LOOP AT SCREEN.
            IF screen-group1 = 'GP1'.
              screen-active = 0.
              MODIFY SCREEN.
    Naimesh Patel

  • Loop creating strings

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    If you need to associate names with strings, use a Map.
    If you don't need to associate names with them (so you'll just refer to the bunch) you can use an array or a java.util.Set or a java.util.List.
    Now you have to decide whether the strings will be in any order, or if duplicates are allowed.
    If you don't need to order the unnamed strings and you want to discard duplicates, use a Set. It won't matter how many strings the user may input.
    If you want the strings to have an order and not have duplicates, use an array or a List.
    If you know at compile time how many strings there will be, you can use either an array or a List.
    If you don't know at compile time, but at run time you know how many strings there will be before you ask the user to input them, you can still use an array or a List.
    But if you don't know how many strings there will be until the user has stopped inputting them, and you need the strings in an order, use a List.

  • Returning Firm Indicator

    Hi All,
    I'm new to Postalsoft.
    I'm receiving customer Full names and Business names (like Hospital Names, Surgery centers, Medical Centers, Healthcare,...) in Name field. Now I need to parse the Full Name into name parts (i.e. First, Middle and Last Names),  I've a job which returns the same, but i've firm names also in Full Name field and the job parsing the firm names also. I heard that DataRight will return the Firm Indicator based on the name. Can someone help me on getting this indicator in the output. Please see the fmt, def and diq files. Would appreciate your help.
    FMT file
    DEF file
    database type = ASCII
    PW.Address=ADDR_LINE_1 & ADDR_LINE_2
    Output control in DIQ job
    BEGIN  Output Control ==========================================
    Output Each Record (ONCE/ALL FILTERS) = ALL FILTERS
    Undetermined Records (DEFAULT/IGNORE) = IGNORE
    Default Output File (path & filename) =
    BEGIN  Create File for Output ==================================
    Output File (location & file name)... = [FL_work]/Name_std_nm.dat
    File Type (See NOTE)................. = ASCII
    Create DEF file (Y/N)................ = N
    Rec Format to Clone (path & file name)= [FL_work]/Name_stage_extract.fmt
    Field (name,length,type[,misc])...... = fl_nm_err, 4,c
    Field (name,length,type[,misc])...... = gndr_src, 1,c
    Field (name,length,type[,misc])...... = fl_title, 10,c
    Field (name,length,type[,misc])...... = fl_first_nm, 20,c
    Field (name,length,type[,misc])...... = fl_last_nm, 25,c
    Field (name,length,type[,misc])...... = fl_mid_init, 20,c
    Field (name,length,type[,misc])...... = fl_nm_sufx, 5,c
    Field (name,length,type[,misc])...... = nm_parse_score, 3,c
    Field (name,length,type[,misc])...... = fl_gender_cd, 1,c
    BEGIN  Create File for Output ==================================
    Output File (location & file name)... = [FL_work]/Name_nm_bad.dat
    File Type (See NOTE)................. = ASCII
    Create DEF file (Y/N)................ = N
    Rec Format to Clone (path & file name)= [FL_work]/Name_stage_extract.fmt
    Field (name,length,type[,misc])...... = fl_nm_err, 4,c
    Field (name,length,type[,misc])...... = gndr_src, 1,c
    Field (name,length,type[,misc])...... = fl_title, 10,c
    Field (name,length,type[,misc])...... = fl_first_nm, 20,c
    Field (name,length,type[,misc])...... = fl_last_nm, 25,c
    Field (name,length,type[,misc])...... = fl_mid_init, 20,c
    Field (name,length,type[,misc])...... = fl_nm_sufx, 5,c
    Field (name,length,type[,misc])...... = nm_parse_score, 3,c
    Field (name,length,type[,misc])...... = fl_gender_cd, 1,c
    BEGIN  Post to Output File =====================================
    Output File (location & file name)... = [FL_work]/Name_std_nm.dat
    Existing File (APPEND/REPLACE)....... = REPLACE
    Output Filter (to 916 chars)......... = !empty(ap.Last_Name1) .or. !empty(db.LAST_NM)
    Nth Select Type (USER/AUTO/RANDOM)... = USER
    User Nth Select (1.0 - ???).......... =
    Maximum Number of Records to Output.. =
    Character Encoding (See NOTE)........ =
    Unicode Conversion Name.............. =
    Copy Input Data to Output File (Y/N). = Y
    Copy (source,destination)............ = iif(!empty(ap.Last_Name1), chrtran(ap.Pre_name1,".",""), chrtran(db.NM_PRFX,".","")),fl_title
    Copy (source,destinatson)............ = iif(!empty(ap.Last_Name1), chrtran(ap.FirstName1,".",""), chrtran(db.FIRST_NM,".","")),fl_first_nm
    Copy (source,destinatson)............ = iif(!empty(ap.Last_Name1), chrtran(ap.Last_Name1,".",""), chrtran(db.LAST_NM,".","")),fl_last_nm
    Copy (source,destinatson)............ = iif(!empty(ap.Last_Name1), chrtran(ap.Mid_Name1,".",""), chrtran(db.MID_NM,".","")),fl_mid_init
    Copy (source,destinatson)............ = iif(!empty(ap.Last_Name1), iif(!empty(ap.MAT_POST1), substr(ap.MAT_POST1,1,5), substr(ap.Oth_Post1, 1, 5)), chrtran(db.NM_SUFX,".","")), fl_nm_sufx
    Copy (source,destination)............ = ap.Name_Error,fl_nm_err
    Copy (source,destination)............ = apc.Name1, nm_parse_score
    Copy (source,destination)............ = iif(empty(db.GENDER_CD), "I", "S"), gndr_src
    Copy (source,destination)............ = iif(!empty(db.GENDER_CD), db.GENDER_CD, (iif((ap.Gender_Rec = "1" .or. ap.Gender_Rec = "7"), "M", (iif((ap.Gender_Rec = "5" .or. ap.Gender_Rec = "8"),"F", "U"))))),fl_gender_cd
    Copy (source,destination)............ = ap.newline,eor

    I'm giving some more details about my DataRight job
    BEGIN  Parsing Control =========================================
    Parsing Mode (NONE/PARSE).............. = PARSE
    Presumptive Parse Name Lines (Y/N)..... = N
    Presumptive Parse Firm Lines (Y/N)..... = N
    *BEGIN  Multiline Parsing ======================================
    Multiline Number (SEE NOTE).......... = DEFAULT
    Parse Address  (Y/N)................. = Y
    Parse Name (Y/N)..................... = Y
    Parse Firm (Y/N)..................... = Y
    Parse SSN (Y/N)...................... = Y
    Parse Date (Y/N)..................... = Y
    Parse Intl Phone Number (Y/N)........ = Y
    Parse US Phone Number (Y/N).......... = Y
    Parse UDPM (Y/N)..................... = Y
    Parse Email (Y/N).................... = Y
    for Multiline Number, specify a valid multiline field number or DEFAULT for all fields
    BEGIN  Auxiliary Files =========================================
    Rule File (path & drlrules.dat)...... = /opt/postware/dtr_iq/drlrules.dat
    Pattern File (path & drludpm.dat).... = /opt/postware/dtr_iq/drludpm.dat
    SSN File (path & drlssn.dat)......... = /opt/postware/dtr_iq/drlssn.dat
    Email File (path & drlemail.dat)..... = /opt/postware/dtr_iq/drlemail.dat
    Int'l Phone (path & drlphint.dat).... = /opt/postware/dtr_iq/drlphint.dat
    Parsing Dct (path & parsing.dct)..... = /opt/postware/dtr_iq/parsing.dct
    Address Dct (path & addrln.dct)...... = /opt/postware/dtr_iq/addrln.dct
    Lastline Dct (path & lastln.dct)..... = /opt/postware/dtr_iq/lastln.dct
    Firmline Dct (path & firmln.dct)..... = /opt/postware/dtr_iq/firmln.dct
    City Directory (path & city10.dir)... = /opt/postware/dirs/city10.dir
    ZCF Directory (path & zcf10.dir)..... = /opt/postware/dirs/zcf10.dir
    Capitalization Dct 1(path & pwcap.dct)= /opt/postware/dtr_iq/pwcap.dct
    Capitalization Dct 2(path & file.dct) =
    Default Format (path & file name)....=
    Default DEF (path & file.DEF)........ =
    BEGIN  Standardization/Assignment Control ======================
    Standardize Lastline (Y/N)........... = N
    Non-Mailing Cities (CONVERT/PRESERVE) = PRESERVE
    Case (UPPER/lower/Mixed/SAME)........ = UPPER
    Use Generated Prenames (Y/N)......... = Y
    Female Prename Assignment (MS/MRS)... = MRS
    Provide Firm Acronyms (Y/N).......... = N
    Compound LastName (COMBINE/PRESERVE). = PRESERVE
    Associate Name & Title (Y/N)......... = Y
    Associate Name & Title Typed (Y/N)... = Y
    Associate Name & Title Multi (Y/N)... = Y
    Output Date Format (SEE NOTE)........ = 11
    Output Date Delimiter (SEE NOTE)..... = 2
    Output Date Zero Pad (Y/N)........... = Y
    Use 20xx for Years 00 to ?? (00-99).. = 20
    Phone Number Format (SEE NOTE)....... = 1
    Standard Phone Extension ............ = ext
    SSN Delimiter (SEE NOTE)............. = 4
    BEGIN  Salutation Options ======================================
    Salutation Format (FORMAL/CASUAL).... = CASUAL
    Use Title Salutation if No Name (Y/N) = Y
    Salutation Initiator................. = DEAR
    Salutation Punctuation............... = ,
    Salutation Connector................. =
    Short Greeting for All Male Record... = SIRS
    Short Greeting for All Female Record. = LADIES
    Alternate Salutation................. =
    Alternate Salutation Threshold(1-100) = 87
    BEGIN  Output Control ==========================================
    Output Each Record (ONCE/ALL FILTERS) = ALL FILTERS
    Undetermined Records (DEFAULT/IGNORE) = IGNORE
    Default Output File (path & filename) =
    BEGIN  Create File for Output ==================================
    Output File (location & file name)... = [FL_work]/Name_std_nm.dat
    File Type (See NOTE)................. = ASCII
    Create DEF file (Y/N)................ = N
    Rec Format to Clone (path & file name)= [FL_work]/Name_stage_extract.fmt
    Field (name,length,type[,misc])...... = fl_nm_err, 4,c
    Field (name,length,type[,misc])...... = gndr_src, 1,c
    Field (name,length,type[,misc])...... = fl_title, 10,c
    Field (name,length,type[,misc])...... = fl_first_nm, 20,c
    Field (name,length,type[,misc])...... = fl_last_nm, 25,c
    Field (name,length,type[,misc])...... = fl_mid_init, 20,c
    Field (name,length,type[,misc])...... = fl_nm_sufx, 5,c
    Field (name,length,type[,misc])...... = nm_parse_score, 3,c
    Field (name,length,type[,misc])...... = fl_gender_cd, 1,c
    BEGIN  Create File for Output ==================================
    Output File (location & file name)... = [FL_work]/Name_nm_bad.dat
    File Type (See NOTE)................. = ASCII
    Create DEF file (Y/N)................ = N
    Rec Format to Clone (path & file name)= [FL_work]/Name_stage_extract.fmt
    Field (name,length,type[,misc])...... = fl_nm_err, 4,c
    Field (name,length,type[,misc])...... = gndr_src, 1,c
    Field (name,length,type[,misc])...... = fl_title, 10,c
    Field (name,length,type[,misc])...... = fl_first_nm, 20,c
    Field (name,length,type[,misc])...... = fl_last_nm, 25,c
    Field (name,length,type[,misc])...... = fl_mid_init, 20,c
    Field (name,length,type[,misc])...... = fl_nm_sufx, 5,c
    Field (name,length,type[,misc])...... = nm_parse_score, 3,c
    Field (name,length,type[,misc])...... = fl_gender_cd, 1,c
    BEGIN  Post to Output File =====================================
    Output File (location & file name)... = [FL_work]/Name_std_nm.dat
    Existing File (APPEND/REPLACE)....... = REPLACE
    Output Filter (to 916 chars)......... = !empty(ap.Last_Name1) .or. !empty(db.LAST_NM)
    Nth Select Type (USER/AUTO/RANDOM)... = USER
    User Nth Select (1.0 - ???).......... =
    Maximum Number of Records to Output.. =
    Character Encoding (See NOTE)........ =
    Unicode Conversion Name.............. =
    Copy Input Data to Output File (Y/N). = Y
    Copy (source,destination)............ = iif(!empty(ap.Last_Name1), chrtran(ap.Pre_name1,".",""), chrtran(db.NM_PRFX,".","")),fl_title
    Copy (source,destinatson)............ = iif(!empty(ap.Last_Name1), chrtran(ap.FirstName1,".",""), chrtran(db.FIRST_NM,".","")),fl_first_nm
    Copy (source,destinatson)............ = iif(!empty(ap.Last_Name1), chrtran(ap.Last_Name1,".",""), chrtran(db.LAST_NM,".","")),fl_last_nm
    Copy (source,destinatson)............ = iif(!empty(ap.Last_Name1), chrtran(ap.Mid_Name1,".",""), chrtran(db.MID_NM,".","")),fl_mid_init
    Copy (source,destinatson)............ = iif(!empty(ap.Last_Name1), iif(!empty(ap.MAT_POST1), substr(ap.MAT_POST1,1,5), substr(ap.Oth_Post1, 1, 5)), chrtran(db.NM_SUFX,".","")), fl_nm_sufx
    Copy (source,destination)............ = ap.Name_Error,fl_nm_err
    Copy (source,destination)............ = apc.Name1, nm_parse_score
    Copy (source,destination)............ = iif(empty(db.GENDER_CD), "I", "S"), gndr_src
    Copy (source,destination)............ = iif(!empty(db.GENDER_CD), db.GENDER_CD, (iif((ap.Gender_Rec = "1" .or. ap.Gender_Rec = "7"), "M", (iif((ap.Gender_Rec = "5" .or. ap.Gender_Rec = "8"),"F", "U"))))),fl_gender_cd
    Copy (source,destination)............ = ap.newline,eor
    BEGIN  Post to Output File =====================================
    Output File (location & file name)... = [FL_work]/Name_nm_bad.dat
    Existing File (APPEND/REPLACE)....... = REPLACE
    Output Filter (to 916 chars)......... = empty(ap.Last_Name1) .and. empty(db.LAST_NM)
    Nth Select Type (USER/AUTO/RANDOM)... = USER
    User Nth Select (1.0 - ???).......... =
    Maximum Number of Records to Output.. =
    Character Encoding (See NOTE)........ =
    Unicode Conversion Name.............. =
    Copy Input Data to Output File (Y/N). = Y
    Copy (source,destination)............ = chrtran(ap.Pre_name1,".",""),fl_title
    Copy (source,destinatson)............ = chrtran(ap.FirstName1,".",""),fl_first_nm
    Copy (source,destinatson)............ = chrtran(ap.Last_Name1,".",""),fl_last_nm
    Copy (source,destinatson)............ = ap.Mid_Name1,fl_mid_init
    Copy (source,destinatson)............ = iif(!empty(ap.MAT_POST1), substr(ap.MAT_POST1,1,5), substr(ap.Oth_Post1, 1, 5)), fl_nm_sufx
    Copy (source,destination)............ = ap.Name_Error,fl_nm_err
    Copy (source,destination)............ = apc.Name1, nm_parse_score
    Copy (source,destination)............ = iif(empty(db.GENDER_CD), "I", "S"), gndr_src
    Copy (source,destination)............ = iif(!empty(db.GENDER_CD), db.GENDER_CD, (iif((ap.Gender_Rec = "1" .or. ap.Gender_Rec = "7"), "M", (iif((ap.Gender_Rec = "5" .or. ap.Gender_Rec = "8"),"F", "U"))))),fl_gender_cd
    Copy (source,destination)............ = ap.newline,eor
    Edited by: sminnakanti on Feb 7, 2011 3:56 PM

  • Someone please tell me what I can do, outrageously bad customer service 4/30/15

    Last night, I went into a Verizon Corporate Store, in Los Angeles.
    The location was at La Brea and Santa Monica Blvd.
    I went in to discuss my displeasure with the iPhone 6 Plus (64 GIG), and my options on getting another phone. I've had the 6 Plus for 3 months and realized that there wasn't much I could do besides paying full price for the phone I wanted to change too (Samsung S6 Edge).
    The sales associate informed me that the trade-in value for my iPhone was only 370 dollars and suggested I sell it on craigslist for much more, then come back to the store and just purchase the phone wholesale for 699.
    I did just that. I sold the phone on craigslist for 625 at the sales associates advice, I came back to the store this evening and explained what I wanted to do.
    They refused to sell me the phone! I was baffled. I explained to them I was just in the store the day before and told them the associates name that suggested this, and they simply said "No, that isn't correct. We don't sell phones without contracts".
    I pleaded with them because this was in no way my fault. The manager was incredibly rude, and seemed completely disinterested in my story since it was 30 minutes until the store closed. He actually told me this " Go to Best Buy then ".
    I was at this location for 30 minutes trying to figure a way out but they refused to help me after telling me to do exactly what I did and put up such an attitude about it. When they told me to go to Best Buy, my jaw dropped.
    I've been with Verizon for years, but I think they just lost a customer.

    You can buy a phone at full retail price anytime you choose.  And don't beg them to take your money...take their advice and go elsewhere.  Don't ever spend money with someone who treats you as such...especially when you're not asking for any type of special privilege.

  • Opening Ports in Solari 10

    I have a web server running on Solaris its running using port 8080, I have added this entry to the /etc/services files, but i still can't access this web server outside my system, Please how i can i resolve this

    Unless you have turned on ipf firewalling, there is nothing on solaris that blocks ports.
    /etc/services just associates names with ports, it doesnt actually effect anything significant.
    So if you can access the service from inside your network but not outside, you probably have some kind of firewall on your router.

  • Little help with an AppleScript

    I had an applescripter or create this AppleScript for me a few years back but it appears that he is no longer in business. I can't figure out why it is not working? Any ideas would be most appreciate it.
    The point of the script is to extract the information out of an email using Apple's and to re-create a new email with each new group and repeat until all on the list have been contacted. See info below for Script and sample email.
    -------- Byrd Engineering,LLC (c) 2008
                                                                Notes & Software Errata
    1.          If signature.txt is not located in the ~/Library/Scripts folder the program will not do anything. If the file does not exist Applescript creates it and
              then attempts to read it, however it is empty. Therefore the variable assignment is empty as well and Applescript perceives it as an error.
    2.   To: change the subject, sender name, or disable from opening a window each time it composes a message.
              Enable the compose mail window
                        set MyVisible to "true"
              Disable the compose mail window 
            set MyVisible to "false"    
              set MySubject to "Welcome greeting goes here"
              set myname to "Dr. David Hughes"
    3. The get_entry subroutine extracts that data based on the assumption that the delimiter ":" is followed
              by two spaces (ascii character 32)
              to adjust this value if the format of the email changes, increment or decrease the
              property string_ptr: "3" value.
    property string_ptr : "3"
    property lower_alphabet : "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
    property upper_alphabet : "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
    property white_space : {space, tab, return, ASCII character 10, ASCII character 13}
    -- Thanks to Qwerty Denzel on for adaptation of
    -- of Apple's change case of item names.scpt
    -- change_case()
    --           Called from get_entry()
    -- Parameters:
    --                    this_str - paragraph
    --                    this_case:
    --                                        UPPER - convert to uppercase
    --                                        lower - convert to lowercase
    --                                        sentence - capitalize the first letter of the string.
    --                                        Title - capitalize the first letter of each word.
    on change_case(this_text, this_case)
              set new_text to ""
              if this_case is not in {"UPPER", "lower", "Title", "Sentence"} then
                        return "Error: Case must be UPPER, lower, Title or Sentence"
              end if
              if this_case is "lower" then
                        set use_capital to false
                        set use_capital to true
              end if
              repeat with this_char in this_text
                        set X to offset of this_char in lower_alphabet
                        if X is not 0 then
                                  if use_capital then
                                            set new_text to new_text & character X of upper_alphabet as string
                                            if this_case is not "UPPER" then
                                                      set use_capital to false
                                            end if
                                            set new_text to new_text & character X of lower_alphabet as string
                                  end if
                                  if this_case is "Title" and this_char is in white_space then
                                            set use_capital to true
                                  end if
                                  set new_text to new_text & this_char as string
                        end if
              end repeat
              return new_text
    end change_case
    -- get_entry()
    -- Calls:
    --                    change_case()
    -- Parameters:
    --                    this_str - paragraph
    --                    this_case:
    --                                        UPPER - convert to uppercase
    --                                        lower - convert to lowercase
    --                                        sentence - capitalize the first letter of the string.
    --                                        Title - capitalize the first letter of each word.
    -- Returns:
    --                    Data formatted according to case parameter.
    on get_entry(this_str, this_case)
      -- To avoid error test last character. If last character = ":" then no data, insert "N/A" else process the entry.
      -- If last character of line is ascii char 32 this email message is from Thunderbird client
      -- If last character of line is ascii char 58 this email message is from OS X Mail.ap
      -- Inserted by Michele Percich 05/02/2010
              log (ASCII number of last character of this_str)
              if this_str ends with (ASCII character 32) or this_str ends with (ASCII character 58) or this_str ends with (ASCII character 202) then
      -- if last character of this_str ends with (ASCII character 32) or last character of this_str ends with (ASCII character 58) then
                        set token to " N/A"
                        set this_case to "upper"
                        set token to characters ((offset of ASCII character 58 in this_str) + string_ptr) thru -1 of this_str
              end if
              set token to my change_case(token, this_case)
              return token
    end get_entry
    on getSig()
              set SigFilePath to (path to scripts folder as string) & "signature.txt" as string
              set SigFile to open for access SigFilePath
              set SigFileContents to (read SigFile)
      close access the SigFile
              return SigFileContents
    end getSig
    tell application "Mail"
              set selected_messages to selection
              repeat with current_message in selected_messages
                        set theContent to content of current_message
              end repeat
      -- Save the orginal delimiters so we can restore them.
              set ASTID to AppleScript's text item delimiters
              set MySignature to my getSig()
      -- Get the number of paragraphs(i.e. lines) in the message.
              set LineCount to count paragraphs of theContent
      --display dialog "paragraph =" & LineCount
              repeat with i from 1 to LineCount
      -- Read a single paragraph
                        set entry_index to paragraph (i) of theContent
      -- We've located the beginning of information block therefore we can reference the remaining data
      -- from our current position + N.
                        if entry_index contains "New Associate Name:" then
      -- New Associate Name
                                  set NewHire to my get_entry(entry_index, "Title")
      -- City  remove comment for future use
                                  set tmpRecord to paragraph (i + 1) of theContent as string
                                  set City to my get_entry(tmpRecord, "Title")
      -- Region
                                  set tmpRecord to paragraph (i + 2) of theContent as string
                                  set Region to my get_entry(tmpRecord, "UPPER")
      -- phone
                                  set tmpRecord to paragraph (i + 3) of theContent as string
                                  set NewHirePhone to my get_entry(tmpRecord, "lower")
      -- Recipient Email
                                  set tmpRecord to paragraph (i + 4) of theContent as string
                                  set RecipientEmail to my get_entry(tmpRecord, "lower")
      -- enrollment date
                                  set tmpRecord to paragraph (i + 5) of theContent as string
                                  set startDate to my get_entry(tmpRecord, "Title")
      -- Director
                                  set tmpRecord to paragraph (i + 8) of theContent as string
                                  set Director to my get_entry(tmpRecord, "Title")
      -- Director Phone
                                  set tmpRecord to paragraph (i + 9) of theContent as string
                                  set Director_Phone to my get_entry(tmpRecord, "lower")
      -- Placing Associate
                                  set tmpRecord to paragraph (i + 10) of theContent as string
                                  set Placing_Associate to my get_entry(tmpRecord, "Title")
      -- Placing Associate Phone
                                  set tmpRecord to paragraph (i + 11) of theContent as string
                                  set Placing_Associate_Phone to my get_entry(tmpRecord, "lower")
      -- Executive Director
                                  set tmpRecord to paragraph (i + 12) of theContent as string
                                  set Executive_Director to my get_entry(tmpRecord, "Title")
      -- Executive Director Phone
                                  set tmpRecord to paragraph (i + 13) of theContent as string
                                  set Executive_Director_Phone to my get_entry(tmpRecord, "lower")
      -- Associate
                                  set tmpRecord to paragraph (i + 10) of theContent as string
                                  set Associate to my get_entry(tmpRecord, "Title")
      -- Associate Phone
                                  set tmpRecord to paragraph (i + 11) of theContent as string
                                  set Associate_Phone to my get_entry(tmpRecord, "Title")
                                  set Sentence0 to NewHire & "," & (ASCII character 10) & (ASCII character 10)
                                  set Sentence1 to "I want to welcome you to the team!" & (ASCII character 10) & (ASCII character 10)
                                  set Sentence2 to "Since becoming a Marketing Associate on " & startDate & ", I hope you are already off to a great start.  This email will help to ensure you have the proper tools and resourses needed to succeed." & (ASCII character 10) & (ASCII character 10)
                                  set Sentence3 to City & ", " & Region & " is a great market in which to build your business, but keep in mind, you can build your business all across North America." & (ASCII character 10) & (ASCII character 10)
                                  set Sentence4 to "There are so many people willing to help you succeed.  You just need to ask.  Here are some contact numbers you can call for support.  Be sure to call them and introduce yourself to them." & (ASCII character 10) & (ASCII character 10)
                                  set Sentence5 to "The person that recruited you: " & Placing_Associate & ", " & Placing_Associate_Phone & (ASCII character 10)
                                  set Sentence6 to "Your Director: " & Director & ", " & Director_Phone & (ASCII character 10)
                                  set Sentence7 to "Your Executive Director: " & Executive_Director & ", " & Executive_Director_Phone & (ASCII character 10)
                                  set Sentence8 to "Your Executive Director: Dr. David Hughes" & (ASCII character 10)
                                  set MyMessage to Sentence0 & Sentence1 & Sentence2 & Sentence3 & Sentence4 & Sentence5 & Sentence6 & Sentence7 & Sentence8 & MySignature
                                  set WelcomeMessage to make new outgoing message with properties {subject:"Have you seen the latest?!", sender:"David Hughes", content:MyMessage & return, visible:false}
                                  tell WelcomeMessage
      make new to recipient at end of to recipients with properties {name:NewHire, address:RecipientEmail}
      send WelcomeMessage
                                  end tell
                        end if
              end repeat
    end tell
    Sample Email:
    <Personal Information Edited by Host>

    The moderator has edited out the sample email as it would seem you did not anonymise it.
    Can you repost it with sensitive information xxxed out?  (e.g. [email protected])
    You don't say what problem you are getting.  A description would help...

  • How to find login user with the largest account

    Hello. I'm looking to put together a bash script that can do two things: (1) determine the shortname of the user with the largest account in /Users and (2) look up their full/long name. I'm going to use this script to help identify who the user on a computer and while I know that's possible that a sometime-user may have a larger account than the normal-user on any given computer, the results of a script should be sufficient in most cases for my needs.
    I'm not sure the best way to around this. I know that I can use "du -m -d1 /Users" as root:
    root on torchwood
    [ ~ ]$ du -m -d1 /Users
    157 /Users/admin
    128 /Users/johndoe
    70890 /Users/dancollins
    21746 /Users/Shared
    92920 /Users
    I know that I can also use "dscacheutil -q user" to get a full list of all users on a system.
    How can I get both the short and long name of the user with the largest account in the /Users folder?

    We're running JAMF Recon for inventory and my supervisor wants to create a report that lists the primary user of the Mac... assuming that the largest user account may be the primary user. In this case, disk space is not the issue, the top admins simply would like to be able to associate names with individual machines. This isn't the most elegant way to do it and it's not fool-proof, but it'll be correct more often than not, which they're satisfied with.
    Can I ask one more question? Using your script, I've started testing with one building and on a number of Mac, the "admin" (shortname) account is turning out to be the largest account. Is there a way to exclude the admin account from consideration?

  • Verizon Messages - Web Version

    this morning, I logged in to the web version and all of my texts are there, but the names that I'd previously assigned them are not.  How do I associate names with the numbers in the web version of verizon messages

        Hello blueyez_760,
    Help is just a posting away! Let's get your messages documented accurately. May I ask are these messages originated from the device or the website? Also, what names are associated with the messages? For example, are the names random or from other contacts on your device? As you share the details then we can assist.
    Thank you…
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

  • I want to file a complaint for store service

    I recently had a very bad store service at Verizon Tysons Corner in Mclean, VA.
    Address for the store is:
    8078 Tysons Corner Ctr
    Mc Lean, Virginia 22102
    It was the worst service I've ever been thourgh, the sales person and the store manager were very rude and not professional about product/service/plan at all, I wonder how can I file a complaint? I can provide the names of those 2 persons and the detailed experience in later conversations. Thanks!

        This is definitely not the experience we want our long time and loyal customers to have. It's truly saddening to hear of your recent interaction. Please provide the associates name(s) so I may assist with submitting feedback. Thank you for your time.
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

  • Png loading in action

    I am currently converting an application from jdk1.3 to jdk1.4.
    I am using an Action class which associate name, desc and icon
    to some resources.
    An instance of this class is passed in parameter
    through a JButton constructor.
    My problem comes from the icon :
    my icon is a png image
    previously, the icon was well loaded and displayed in the JButton.
    I recompiled all my classes in java1.4
    and since then the icon is not well displayed any more...
    I tried to specify a jpg image instead and there is no problem !
    Are there differences between these 2 versions of java ?
    Is the png format treated differently from a version to another ?
    Help me !
    Thanks in advance

    If you're designing your movie in Flash then hit
    <control> <Enter> or on the menu bar hit "Control" and
    click on "Test Movie".
    If you want to have your movie run outside of flash then hit
    <shift> <F12> or on the menu bar hit "File" and click
    "Publish". When you publish it will create an html file and a swf
    file for you to use.
    I hope this helps

Maybe you are looking for