DBAdapter insert failing in Fusion Middleware SOA Suite 11g

I am trying a simple example of inserting into database using DBAdapter. Here is the log message and am unable to figure out the problem it says log at DBAdapter logs can someone tell me where does DBAdapter logs exists. I tried the select and it works fine some how insert is failing.
Exception occured when binding was invoked.
Exception occured during invocation of JCA binding: "JCA Binding execute of Reference operation 'insert' failed due to: DBWriteInteractionSpec Execute Failed Exception.
insert failed. Descriptor name: [InsertNewEmployee.Emp].
Caused by java.sql.SQLException: Cannot call rollback when using distributed transactions.
The invoked JCA adapter raised a resource exception.
Please examine the above error message carefully to determine a resolution.
oracle.fabric.common.FabricInvocationException: BINDING.JCA-12563
Exception occured when binding was invoked.
Exception occured during invocation of JCA binding: "JCA Binding execute of Reference operation 'insert' failed due to: DBWriteInteractionSpec Execute Failed Exception.
insert failed. Descriptor name: [InsertNewEmployee.Emp].
Caused by java.sql.SQLException: Cannot call rollback when using distributed transactions.
The invoked JCA adapter raised a resource exception.
Please examine the above error message carefully to determine a resolution.
     at oracle.integration.platform.blocks.adapter.fw.jca.cci.EndpointInteractionException.getFabricInvocationException(EndpointInteractionException.java:75)
     at oracle.integration.platform.blocks.adapter.AdapterReference.getFabricInvocationException(AdapterReference.java:287)
     at oracle.integration.platform.blocks.adapter.AdapterReference.post(AdapterReference.java:273)
     at oracle.integration.platform.blocks.mesh.AsynchronousMessageHandler.doPost(AsynchronousMessageHandler.java:142)
     at oracle.integration.platform.blocks.mesh.MessageRouter.post(MessageRouter.java:194)
     at oracle.integration.platform.blocks.mesh.MeshImpl.post(MeshImpl.java:204)
     at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor771.invoke(Unknown Source)
     at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:597)
     at org.springframework.aop.support.AopUtils.invokeJoinpointUsingReflection(AopUtils.java:296)
     at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.invokeJoinpoint(ReflectiveMethodInvocation.java:177)
     at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(ReflectiveMethodInvocation.java:144)
     at oracle.integration.platform.metrics.PhaseEventAspect.invoke(PhaseEventAspect.java:71)
     at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(ReflectiveMethodInvocation.java:166)
     at org.springframework.aop.framework.JdkDynamicAopProxy.invoke(JdkDynamicAopProxy.java:204)
     at $Proxy210.post(Unknown Source)
     at oracle.tip.mediator.serviceEngine.MediatorServiceEngine.post2Mesh(MediatorServiceEngine.java:871)
     at oracle.tip.mediator.service.BaseActionHandler.requestProcess(BaseActionHandler.java:200)
     at oracle.tip.mediator.service.BaseActionHandler.requestProcess(BaseActionHandler.java:94)
     at oracle.tip.mediator.service.BaseActionHandler.requestProcess(BaseActionHandler.java:74)
     at oracle.tip.mediator.service.OneWayActionHandler.process(OneWayActionHandler.java:47)
     at oracle.tip.mediator.service.ActionProcessor.onMessage(ActionProcessor.java:64)
     at oracle.tip.mediator.dispatch.MessageDispatcher.executeCase(MessageDispatcher.java:121)
     at oracle.tip.mediator.dispatch.InitialMessageDispatcher.processCase(InitialMessageDispatcher.java:467)
     at oracle.tip.mediator.dispatch.InitialMessageDispatcher.processCases(InitialMessageDispatcher.java:366)
     at oracle.tip.mediator.dispatch.InitialMessageDispatcher.processCases(InitialMessageDispatcher.java:272)
     at oracle.tip.mediator.dispatch.InitialMessageDispatcher.dispatch(InitialMessageDispatcher.java:138)
     at oracle.tip.mediator.serviceEngine.MediatorServiceEngine.process(MediatorServiceEngine.java:656)
     at oracle.tip.mediator.serviceEngine.MediatorServiceEngine.post(MediatorServiceEngine.java:482)
     at oracle.integration.platform.blocks.mesh.AsynchronousMessageHandler.doPost(AsynchronousMessageHandler.java:142)
     at oracle.integration.platform.blocks.mesh.MessageRouter.post(MessageRouter.java:194)
     at oracle.integration.platform.blocks.mesh.MeshImpl.post(MeshImpl.java:204)
     at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor771.invoke(Unknown Source)
     at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:597)
     at org.springframework.aop.support.AopUtils.invokeJoinpointUsingReflection(AopUtils.java:296)
     at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.invokeJoinpoint(ReflectiveMethodInvocation.java:177)
     at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(ReflectiveMethodInvocation.java:144)
     at oracle.integration.platform.metrics.PhaseEventAspect.invoke(PhaseEventAspect.java:59)
     at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(ReflectiveMethodInvocation.java:166)
     at org.springframework.aop.framework.JdkDynamicAopProxy.invoke(JdkDynamicAopProxy.java:204)
     at $Proxy210.post(Unknown Source)
     at oracle.integration.platform.blocks.adapter.fw.jca.mdb.AdapterServiceMDB.onMessage(AdapterServiceMDB.java:511)
     at oracle.integration.platform.blocks.adapter.fw.jca.messageinflow.MessageEndpointImpl.onMessage(MessageEndpointImpl.java:376)
     at oracle.tip.adapter.file.inbound.Publisher.publishMessage(Publisher.java:377)
     at oracle.tip.adapter.file.inbound.InboundTranslatorDelegate.xlate(InboundTranslatorDelegate.java:455)
     at oracle.tip.adapter.file.inbound.InboundTranslatorDelegate.doXlate(InboundTranslatorDelegate.java:116)
     at oracle.tip.adapter.file.inbound.ProcessorDelegate.doXlate(ProcessorDelegate.java:252)
     at oracle.tip.adapter.file.inbound.ProcessorDelegate.process(ProcessorDelegate.java:157)
     at oracle.tip.adapter.file.inbound.ProcessWork.run(ProcessWork.java:349)
     at oracle.integration.platform.blocks.executor.WorkManagerExecutor$1.run(WorkManagerExecutor.java:77)
     at weblogic.work.j2ee.J2EEWorkManager$WorkWithListener.run(J2EEWorkManager.java:171)
     at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:619)
Caused by: BINDING.JCA-12563
Exception occured when binding was invoked.
Exception occured during invocation of JCA binding: "JCA Binding execute of Reference operation 'insert' failed due to: DBWriteInteractionSpec Execute Failed Exception.
insert failed. Descriptor name: [InsertNewEmployee.Emp].
Caused by java.sql.SQLException: Cannot call rollback when using distributed transactions.
The invoked JCA adapter raised a resource exception.
Please examine the above error message carefully to determine a resolution.
     at oracle.integration.platform.blocks.adapter.fw.jca.cci.JCAInteractionInvoker.executeJcaInteraction(JCAInteractionInvoker.java:427)
     at oracle.integration.platform.blocks.adapter.fw.jca.cci.JCAInteractionInvoker.invokeJcaReference(JCAInteractionInvoker.java:510)
     at oracle.integration.platform.blocks.adapter.fw.jca.cci.JCAInteractionInvoker.invokeAsyncJcaReference(JCAInteractionInvoker.java:494)
     at oracle.integration.platform.blocks.adapter.fw.jca.cci.JCAEndpointInteraction.performAsynchronousInteraction(JCAEndpointInteraction.java:463)
     at oracle.integration.platform.blocks.adapter.AdapterReference.post(AdapterReference.java:236)
     ... 50 more
Caused by: BINDING.JCA-11616
DBWriteInteractionSpec Execute Failed Exception.
insert failed. Descriptor name: [InsertNewEmployee.Emp].
Caused by java.sql.SQLException: Cannot call rollback when using distributed transactions.
Please see the logs for the full DBAdapter logging output prior to this exception.  This exception is considered retriable, likely due to a communication failure.  To classify it as non-retriable instead add property nonRetriableErrorCodes with value "0" to your deployment descriptor (i.e. weblogic-ra.xml).  To auto retry a retriable fault set these composite.xml properties for this invoke: jca.retry.interval, jca.retry.count, and jca.retry.backoff.  All properties are integers.
     at oracle.tip.adapter.db.exceptions.DBResourceException.createRetriableException(DBResourceException.java:641)
     at oracle.tip.adapter.db.exceptions.DBResourceException.createEISException(DBResourceException.java:610)
     at oracle.tip.adapter.db.exceptions.DBResourceException.outboundWriteException(DBResourceException.java:661)
     at oracle.tip.adapter.db.transaction.DBTransaction.commit(DBTransaction.java:255)
     at oracle.integration.platform.blocks.adapter.fw.jca.cci.JCAInteractionInvoker.executeJcaInteraction(JCAInteractionInvoker.java:310)
     ... 54 more
Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Cannot call rollback when using distributed transactions
     at weblogic.jdbc.wrapper.JTAConnection.rollback(JTAConnection.java:379)
     at oracle.toplink.internal.databaseaccess.DatabaseAccessor.basicRollbackTransaction(DatabaseAccessor.java:1410)
     at oracle.toplink.internal.databaseaccess.DatasourceAccessor.rollbackTransaction(DatasourceAccessor.java:581)
     at oracle.toplink.internal.databaseaccess.DatabaseAccessor.rollbackTransaction(DatabaseAccessor.java:1401)
     at oracle.toplink.internal.sessions.AbstractSession.basicRollbackTransaction(AbstractSession.java:369)
     at oracle.toplink.threetier.ClientSession.basicRollbackTransaction(ClientSession.java:135)
     at oracle.toplink.internal.sessions.AbstractSession.rollbackTransaction(AbstractSession.java:3003)
     at oracle.toplink.internal.sessions.UnitOfWorkImpl.rollbackTransaction(UnitOfWorkImpl.java:4405)
     at oracle.toplink.internal.sessions.UnitOfWorkImpl.rollbackTransaction(UnitOfWorkImpl.java:4426)
     at oracle.toplink.internal.sessions.UnitOfWorkImpl.commitToDatabase(UnitOfWorkImpl.java:1374)
     at oracle.toplink.internal.sessions.UnitOfWorkImpl.commitToDatabaseWithChangeSet(UnitOfWorkImpl.java:1417)
     at oracle.toplink.internal.sessions.UnitOfWorkImpl.commitRootUnitOfWork(UnitOfWorkImpl.java:1167)
     at oracle.toplink.internal.sessions.UnitOfWorkImpl.commit(UnitOfWorkImpl.java:939)
     at oracle.tip.adapter.db.transaction.DBTransaction.commit(DBTransaction.java:203)
     ... 55 moreThanks

CHeck this thread:
BINDING.JCA-12510 JCA Resource Adapter location error in SOA 11g Suite
Did you have set the correct parameters to the DBAdpater; it look lik it can not bind the parameters (BINDING JCA-12563).

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    Hello experts!
    Having followed the steps in http://www.packtpub.com/article/installation-configuration-oracle-soa-suite-11g-1,
    upon starting the cmd scripts, I received among others the following error message:
    <BEA-149205> <Failed to initialize the application 'soa-infra' due to error java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: weblogic.application.ApplicationLifecycleEvent.getDeploymentOperation()Lweblogic/application/DeploymentOperationType;.
    java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: weblogic.application.ApplicationLifecycleEvent.getDeploymentOperation()Lweblogic/application/DeploymentOperationType;
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         at weblogic.work.ExecuteThread.execute(ExecuteThread.java:201)
         at weblogic.work.ExecuteThread.run(ExecuteThread.java:173)
    I have searched but only to find a change permissions hint which did not work for me. SOA 11g - SOA-INFRA is not starting
    Any helping hand available?
    Thank you very much in advance!
    The fuller log follows:
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:51 μμ EEST> <Info> <WebLogicServer> <Hera> <> <main> <> <> <> <1270482051581> <BEA-000214> <WebLogic Server "soa_server1" version:
    WebLogic Server Thu Jun 11 00:26:56 EDT 2009 1227385 Copyright (c) 1995, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:51 μμ EEST> <Notice> <Log Management> <Hera> <> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <> <> <> <1270482051644> <BEA-170019> <The server log file C:\Oracle\Middleware\home_11gR1\user_projects\domains\domain1\servers\soa_server1\logs\soa_server1.log is opened. All server side log events will be written to this file.>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:51 μμ EEST> <Info> <Log Management> <Hera> <> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <> <> <> <1270482051644> <BEA-170023> <The Server Logging is initialized with Java Logging API implementation.>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:51 μμ EEST> <Info> <Diagnostics> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482051691> <BEA-320001> <The ServerDebug service initialized successfully.>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:51 μμ EEST> <Info> <Store> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482051753> <BEA-280050> <Persistent store "WLS_DIAGNOSTICS" opened: directory="C:\Oracle\Middleware\home_11gR1\user_projects\domains\domain1\servers\soa_server1\data\store\diagnostics" writePolicy="Disabled" blockSize=512 directIO=false driver="wlfileio2">
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:51 μμ EEST> <Info> <Server> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482051831> <BEA-002622> <The protocol "t3" is now configured.>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:51 μμ EEST> <Info> <Server> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482051831> <BEA-002622> <The protocol "t3s" is now configured.>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:51 μμ EEST> <Info> <Server> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482051831> <BEA-002622> <The protocol "http" is now configured.>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:51 μμ EEST> <Info> <Server> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482051831> <BEA-002622> <The protocol "https" is now configured.>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:51 μμ EEST> <Info> <Server> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482051831> <BEA-002622> <The protocol "iiop" is now configured.>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:51 μμ EEST> <Info> <Server> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482051831> <BEA-002622> <The protocol "iiops" is now configured.>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:51 μμ EEST> <Info> <Server> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482051831> <BEA-002622> <The protocol "ldap" is now configured.>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:51 μμ EEST> <Info> <Server> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482051831> <BEA-002622> <The protocol "ldaps" is now configured.>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:51 μμ EEST> <Info> <Server> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482051831> <BEA-002622> <The protocol "cluster" is now configured.>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:51 μμ EEST> <Info> <Server> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482051831> <BEA-002622> <The protocol "clusters" is now configured.>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:51 μμ EEST> <Info> <Server> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482051847> <BEA-002622> <The protocol "snmp" is now configured.>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:51 μμ EEST> <Info> <Server> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482051847> <BEA-002622> <The protocol "admin" is now configured.>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:51 μμ EEST> <Info> <Server> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482051847> <BEA-002624> <The administration protocol is "t3s" and is now configured.>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:51 μμ EEST> <Info> <RJVM> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482051862> <BEA-000570> <Network Configuration for Channel "soa_server1"
    Listen Address          :8001
    Public Address          N/A
    Http Enabled          true
    Tunneling Enabled     false
    Outbound Enabled     false
    Admin Traffic Enabled     true>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:51 μμ EEST> <Info> <Server> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482051878> <BEA-002609> <Channel Service initialized.>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:51 μμ EEST> <Info> <Socket> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482051878> <BEA-000406> <NTSocketMuxer was built on Jan 13 2005 17:47:03
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:51 μμ EEST> <Info> <Socket> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482051941> <BEA-000436> <Allocating 5 reader threads.>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:51 μμ EEST> <Info> <Socket> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482051942> <BEA-000446> <Native IO Enabled.>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:52 μμ EEST> <Info> <IIOP> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482052098> <BEA-002014> <IIOP subsystem enabled.>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:53 μμ EEST> <Info> <Security> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482053408> <BEA-090894> <Successfully loaded the OPSS Policy Provider using oracle.security.jps.internal.policystore.JavaPolicyProvider.>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:53 μμ EEST> <Info> <Security> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482053704> <BEA-000000> <Starting OpenJPA 1.1.1-SNAPSHOT>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:53 μμ EEST> <Info> <Security> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482053751> <BEA-000000> <StoreServiceImpl.initJDO - StoreService is initialized with Id = ldap_VFJSY8asFO+H8NVntiPFSkiIk0o=>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:53 μμ EEST> <Info> <Security> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482053923> <BEA-090516> <The Authorizer provider has preexisting LDAP data.>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:53 μμ EEST> <Info> <Security> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482053985> <BEA-000000> <Parsing class "com.bea.common.security.store.data.Top".>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:54 μμ EEST> <Info> <Security> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482054001> <BEA-000000> <Parsing class "com.bea.common.security.store.data.DomainRealmScope".>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:54 μμ EEST> <Info> <Security> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482054001> <BEA-000000> <Parsing class "com.bea.common.security.store.data.RegistryScope".>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:54 μμ EEST> <Info> <Security> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482054001> <BEA-000000> <Parsing class "com.bea.common.security.store.data.PKITypeScope".>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:54 μμ EEST> <Info> <Security> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482054001> <BEA-000000> <Parsing class "com.bea.common.security.store.data.XACMLTypeScope".>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:54 μμ EEST> <Info> <Security> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482054001> <BEA-000000> <Parsing class "com.bea.common.security.store.data.BEASAMLPartner".>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:54 μμ EEST> <Info> <Security> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482054001> <BEA-000000> <Parsing class "com.bea.common.security.store.data.Credential".>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:54 μμ EEST> <Info> <Security> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482054001> <BEA-000000> <Parsing class "com.bea.common.security.store.data.CredentialMap".>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:54 μμ EEST> <Info> <Security> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482054001> <BEA-000000> <Parsing class "com.bea.common.security.store.data.XACMLEntry".>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:54 μμ EEST> <Info> <Security> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482054001> <BEA-000000> <Parsing class "com.bea.common.security.store.data.BEASAMLAssertingParty".>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:54 μμ EEST> <Info> <Security> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482054016> <BEA-000000> <Parsing class "com.bea.common.security.store.data.BEASAMLRelyingParty".>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:54 μμ EEST> <Info> <Security> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482054016> <BEA-000000> <Parsing class "com.bea.common.security.store.data.PasswordCredential".>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:54 μμ EEST> <Info> <Security> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482054016> <BEA-000000> <Parsing class "com.bea.common.security.store.data.UserPasswordCredential".>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:54 μμ EEST> <Info> <Security> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482054016> <BEA-000000> <Parsing class "com.bea.common.security.store.data.PasswordCredentialMap".>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:54 μμ EEST> <Info> <Security> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482054016> <BEA-000000> <Parsing class "com.bea.common.security.store.data.ResourceMap".>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:54 μμ EEST> <Info> <Security> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482054016> <BEA-000000> <Parsing class "com.bea.common.security.store.data.PKIResourceMap".>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:54 μμ EEST> <Info> <Security> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482054016> <BEA-000000> <Parsing class "com.bea.common.security.store.data.WLSCertRegEntry".>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:54 μμ EEST> <Info> <Security> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482054032> <BEA-000000> <Parsing class "com.bea.common.security.store.data.WLSCredMapCollectionInfo".>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:54 μμ EEST> <Info> <Security> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482054032> <BEA-000000> <Parsing class "com.bea.common.security.store.data.WLSPolicyCollectionInfo".>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:54 μμ EEST> <Info> <Security> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482054032> <BEA-000000> <Parsing class "com.bea.common.security.store.data.WLSRoleCollectionInfo".>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:54 μμ EEST> <Info> <Security> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482054032> <BEA-000000> <Parsing class "com.bea.common.security.store.data.XACMLAuthorizationPolicy".>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:54 μμ EEST> <Info> <Security> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482054032> <BEA-000000> <Parsing class "com.bea.common.security.store.data.XACMLRoleAssignmentPolicy".>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:54 μμ EEST> <Info> <Security> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482054032> <BEA-000000> <Parsing class "com.bea.common.security.store.data.Endpoint".>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:54 μμ EEST> <Info> <Security> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482054032> <BEA-000000> <Parsing class "com.bea.common.security.store.data.Partner".>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:54 μμ EEST> <Info> <Security> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482054032> <BEA-000000> <Parsing class "com.bea.common.security.store.data.SPPartner".>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:54 μμ EEST> <Info> <Security> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482054048> <BEA-000000> <Parsing class "com.bea.common.security.store.data.IdPPartner".>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:54 μμ EEST> <Info> <Security> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482054048> <BEA-000000> <Parsing class "com.bea.common.security.store.data.SAML2CacheEntry".>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:54 μμ EEST> <Info> <Security> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482054048> <BEA-000000> <Parsing class "com.bea.common.security.store.data.SchemaVersion".>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:54 μμ EEST> <Info> <Security> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482054453> <BEA-090516> <The CredentialMapper provider has preexisting LDAP data.>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:54 μμ EEST> <Info> <Security> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482054469> <BEA-090516> <The RoleMapper provider has preexisting LDAP data.>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:54 μμ EEST> <Info> <Security> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482054578> <BEA-090093> <No pre-WLS 8.1 Keystore providers are configured for server soa_server1 for security realm myrealm.>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:54 μμ EEST> <Notice> <Security> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482054578> <BEA-090082> <Security initializing using security realm myrealm.>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:54 μμ EEST> <Info> <Server> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482054750> <BEA-002622> <The protocol "[snmp, https, t3, cluster-broadcast-secure, ldaps, cluster-broadcast, ldap, http, iiop, admin, t3s, iiops]" is now configured.>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:54 μμ EEST> <Info> <XML> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482054750> <BEA-130036> <Initializing XMLRegistry.>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:54 μμ EEST> <Info> <messaging.interception> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482054765> <BEA-400000> <Initializing message interception service>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:55 μμ EEST> <Info> <Store> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482055015> <BEA-280050> <Persistent store "_WLS_soa_server1" opened: directory="C:\Oracle\Middleware\home_11gR1\user_projects\domains\domain1\servers\soa_server1\data\store\default" writePolicy="Direct-Write" blockSize=512 directIO=true driver="wlfileio2">
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:55 μμ EEST> <Info> <JDBC> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482055249> <BEA-001135> <Initializing the JDBC service.>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:55 μμ EEST> <Info> <JDBC> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482055249> <BEA-001137> <Initialization complete.>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:55 μμ EEST> <Info> <JDBC> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482055249> <BEA-001138> <Resuming the JDBC service.>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:55 μμ EEST> <Info> <JDBC> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482055249> <BEA-001140> <Resume complete.>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:55 μμ EEST> <Info> <Connector> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482055264> <BEA-190000> <Initializing J2EE Connector Service>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:55 μμ EEST> <Info> <Connector> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482055280> <BEA-190001> <J2EE Connector Service initialized successfully>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:55 μμ EEST> <Info> <JMS> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482055327> <BEA-040305> <JMS service is initialized and in standby mode.>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:55 μμ EEST> <Info> <JMS> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482055342> <BEA-040090> <Deployed 8 default connection factories.>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:55 μμ EEST> <Info> <JMS> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482055374> <BEA-040407> <Default connection factory "DefaultXAConnectionFactory2" with its JNDI name "weblogic.jms.XAConnectionFactory2" is started.>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:55 μμ EEST> <Info> <JMS> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482055374> <BEA-040407> <Default connection factory "MessageDrivenBeanConnectionFactory" with its JNDI name "weblogic.jms.MessageDrivenBeanConnectionFactory" is started.>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:55 μμ EEST> <Info> <JMS> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482055374> <BEA-040407> <Default connection factory "DefaultConnectionFactory" with its JNDI name "weblogic.jms.ConnectionFactory" is started.>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:55 μμ EEST> <Info> <JMS> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482055374> <BEA-040407> <Default connection factory "TopicConnectionFactory" with its JNDI name "javax.jms.TopicConnectionFactory" is started.>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:55 μμ EEST> <Info> <JMS> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482055374> <BEA-040407> <Default connection factory "DefaultXAConnectionFactory" with its JNDI name "weblogic.jms.XAConnectionFactory" is started.>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:55 μμ EEST> <Info> <JMS> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482055374> <BEA-040407> <Default connection factory "DefaultXAConnectionFactory0" with its JNDI name "weblogic.jms.XAConnectionFactory0" is started.>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:55 μμ EEST> <Info> <JMS> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482055374> <BEA-040407> <Default connection factory "QueueConnectionFactory" with its JNDI name "javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory" is started.>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:55 μμ EEST> <Info> <JMS> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482055374> <BEA-040407> <Default connection factory "DefaultXAConnectionFactory1" with its JNDI name "weblogic.jms.XAConnectionFactory1" is started.>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:55 μμ EEST> <Info> <JMS> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482055374> <BEA-040306> <JMS service is active now.>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:55 μμ EEST> <Info> <HTTP> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482055389> <BEA-101128> <Initializing HTTP services.>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:55 μμ EEST> <Info> <HTTP> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482055405> <BEA-101135> <soa_server1 is the default Web server.>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:55 μμ EEST> <Info> <HTTP> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482055405> <BEA-101052> <[HttpServer (defaultWebserver) name: soa_server1] Initialized>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:55 μμ EEST> <Info> <HTTP> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482055405> <BEA-101129> <Initializing the Web application container.>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:55 μμ EEST> <Info> <WTC> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482055420> <BEA-180046> <INFO: Logging service enabled.>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:55 μμ EEST> <Info> <WTC> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482055420> <BEA-180046> <INFO: TC Configuration Helper instantiated!>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:55 μμ EEST> <Info> <WTC> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482055420> <BEA-180046> <INFO: TC Task Manager instantiated!>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:55 μμ EEST> <Info> <WTC> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482055420> <BEA-180046> <INFO: TC security service instantiated!>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:55 μμ EEST> <Info> <WTC> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482055420> <BEA-180046> <INFO: TC Outbound routing service instantiated!>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:55 μμ EEST> <Info> <WTC> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482055420> <BEA-180046> <INFO: TC Transaction service instantiated!>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:55 μμ EEST> <Info> <WebService> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482055436> <BEA-220031> <The server does not support reliable SOAP messaging.>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:55 μμ EEST> <Info> <WebService> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482055436> <BEA-220027> <Web Service reliable agents are started on the server.>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:55 μμ EEST> <Info> <JMX> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482055467> <BEA-149512> <JMX Connector Server started at service:jmx:iiop:// .>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:55 μμ EEST> <Info> <WebLogicServer> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482055483> <BEA-000256> <Invoking oracle.jrf.wls.JRFStartup.main(null)>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:55 μμ EEST> <Info> <WebLogicServer> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482055514> <BEA-000256> <Invoking oracle.security.jps.wls.JpsWlsStartupClass.main(null)>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:55 μμ EEST> <Info> <WebLogicServer> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482055530> <BEA-000256> <Invoking oracle.core.ojdl.weblogic.ODLConfiguration.main(null)>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:56 μμ EEST> <Info> <WebLogicServer> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1270482056684> <BEA-000256> <Invoking oracle.jrf.AppContextStartup.main(null)>
    ####<5 Απρ 2010 6:40:56 μμ EEST> <Info> <WebLogicServer> <Hera> <soa_server1> <[ACTIVE] E

    Thank you for your reply!
    The tutorial emphasizes that I need jdk 1.6 update 11 in order to setup.
    The newer release of wl server comes with jsk 1.6 update 14.
    When I tried to run:
    setup -jreLoc C:\Oracle\Middleware\home_11gR1\jdk160_14
    no setup screen appeared.
    Next, I setup stand alone jdk 1.6 update 11 and add it to path,
    but setup -jreLoc C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_11 failed too, since no setup screen appeared
    So I uninstalled version 10.3.2, installed 10.3.1 to follow exactly the tutorial specs.
    Does one has to pay oracle consulting, in order to have an installation of soa suite up and running for development?
    Edited by: Nick Aiva on Apr 6, 2010 11:27 AM

  • Oerror while inserting in to 11g database from SOA suite 11g db adaptor

    I am getting following error while inserting in to 11g database from SOA suite 11g database adaptor. Can you please help me on this.
    "{http://schemas.oracle.com/bpel/extension}bindingFault" has been thrown.
    Exception occured when binding was invoked. Exception occured during invocation of JCA binding: "JCA Binding execute of Reference operation 'insert' failed due to: DBWriteInteractionSpec Execute Failed Exception. insert failed. Descriptor name: [LoggerDBInsert.LoggedError]. Caused by java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-01722: invalid number . ". The invoked JCA adapter raised a resource exception. Please examine the above error message carefully to determine a resolution. ORA-01722: invalid number 1722

    It looks like you try to insert a string-value in a number-column.
    can you check all your assign and their values before you invoke the db-adapter, then you should be able to narrow down the problem.

  • SOA Suite 11g on OEL5 Fails for RPMS of OEL4

    I want to install SOA suite 11g on following platform
    [root@hs-idc1 etc]# cat enterprise-release
    Enterprise Linux Enterprise Linux Server release 5.4 (Carthage)
    [root@hs-idc1 etc]# cat redhat-release
    Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.4 (Tikanga)
    [root@hs-idc1 etc]# uname -a
    Linux hs-idc1.idc.oracle.com 2.6.18-164.el5PAE #1 SMP Thu Sep 3 02:28:20 EDT 2009 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
    But prerequsit check of installer get result : enterprise-4 ( as below) and rpms check fails for the OEL4 related RPMS.
    hardnofiles and softnofiles Ofcourse understood. But why it could be failing this RPMS?
    Checking operating system certification
    Expected result: One of enterprise-4,enterprise-5,redhat-4,redhat-5,SuSE-10
    Actual Result: enterprise-4
    Check complete. The overall result of this check is: Passed
    Checking recommended operating system packages
    Checking for gcc-3.4.3-22.1; found gcc-4.1.2-46.el5-i386.     Passed
    Checking for gcc-c++-3.4.3-22.1; found gcc-c++-4.1.2-46.el5-i386.     Passed
    Checking for openmotif21-2.1.30-11.RHEL4.4; Not found.     Failed <<<<
    Checking for setarch-1.6-1; found setarch-2.0-1.1-i386.     Passed
    Checking for pdksh-5.2.14-30; Not found.     Failed <<<<
    Checking for sysstat-5.0.5-1; found sysstat-7.0.2-3.el5-i386.     Passed
    Checking for gnome-libs-1:; Not found.     Failed <<<<
    Checking for libstdc++-3.4.3-22.1; found libstdc++-4.1.2-46.el5-i386.     Passed
    Checking for libstdc++-devel-3.4.3-22.1; found libstdc++-devel-4.1.2-46.el5-i386.     Passed
    Checking for compat-libstdc++-296-2.96-132.7.2; found compat-libstdc++-296-2.96-138-i386.     Passed
    Checking for compat-db-4.1.25-9; Not found.     Failed <<<<
    Checking for control-center-2.8.0-12; found control-center-1:2.16.0-16.el5-i386.     Passed
    Checking for glibc-common-2.3.4-2.9; found glibc-common-2.5-42-i386.     Passed
    Checking for binutils-; found binutils-     Passed
    Checking for make-1:3.80-5; found make-1:3.81-3.el5-i386.     Passed
    Checking for xscreensaver-4.18-5.rhel4.2; Not found.     Failed <<<<
    Check complete. The overall result of this check is: Failed <<<<
    Checking kernel parameters
    Checking for VERSION=2.6.9; found VERSION=2.6.18-164.el5PAE.     Passed
    Checking for hardnofiles=4096; hardnofiles=1024.     Failed <<<<
    Checking for softnofiles=4096; softnofiles=1024.     Failed <<<<
    Check complete. The overall result of this check is: Failed <<<<
    Checking Recommended glibc version
    Expected result: ATLEAST=2.3.4-2.19
    Actual Result: 2.5-42
    Check complete. The overall result of this check is: Passed
    Checking physical memory
    Expected result: 1024MB
    Actual Result: 3888MB
    Check complete. The overall result of this check is: Passed
    Any help appreciated...

    I usually don't care about minor version differences if I have a newer version. These will be considered by the installer as well.
    It is important to install the missing packages anyway, just look for the basenames.
    BTW, openmotif is most confusing one. In Linux you have three different packages of it, even if the other two are installed, the third is still missing and the installer will fail.
    PS: Looks like you are an Oracle employee. Please use the internal mailing lists instead of the public forums.

  • Error While Installation of SOA SUITE 11g

    I am installing SOA SUITE 11g on Oracle Linux 4.
    I have already installed Oracle database 11g
    I have installed Weblogic server 10.3.x
    I have checked oracle database , i am able to run it successfully.
    I have checked weblogic server too, its too running successfully.
    I have logged into server as *"oracle" user* and trying to run runInstaller from command prompt
    the trace for error getting generated is below. plz let me know where i am making mistake.
    I am new to SOA SUITE n related technologies..
    ++[oracle@localhost ~]$ cd SOA_SUITE/Disk1++
    ++[oracle@localhost Disk1]$ ls++
    ++doc install runInstaller setup.exe stage++
    ++[oracle@localhost Disk1]$ ./runInstaller++
    ++Starting Oracle Universal Installer...++
    ++Checking if CPU speed is above 300 MHz. Actual 1992 MHz Passed++
    ++Checking Temp space: must be greater than 150 MB. Actual 233511 MB Passed++
    ++Checking swap space: must be greater than 500 MB. Actual 5023 MB Passed++
    ++Checking monitor: must be configured to display at least 256 colors++
    ++>>> Could not execute auto check for display colors using command /usr/X11R6/bin/xdpyinfo. Check if the DISPLAY variable is set. Failed <<<<++
    ++Some requirement checks failed. You must fulfill these requirements before++
    ++continuing with the installation,++
    ++Continue? (y/n) [n] y++
    ++>>> Ignoring required pre-requisite failures. Continuing...++
    ++Preparing to launch Oracle Universal Installer from /tmp/OraInstall2010-02-23_05-49-23PM. Please wait ...++
    ++Please specify JRE/JDK location ( Ex. /home/jre ), <location>/bin/java should exist :++
    ++Please specify a valid JRE/JDK location :/root/Oracle/Middleware/jdk160_14_R27.6.5-32++
    ++Please specify a valid JRE/JDK location :++
    I am trying to give JRE/JDK location which i got when i was installing weblogic server but its not accepting that and i am getting
    "Please specify a valid JRE/JDK location : " message again.
    Please let me know how i can i get out of this error.
    vishnu kumar

    check for some spaces or character which might be going while you specify the JRE locations, alternatively you can call runInstaller with
    -jreLoc ,i.e;have the path in the cmd.
    ./runInstaller -jreLoc /root/Oracle/Middleware/jdk160_14_R27.6.5-32
    which should work.

  • SOA Suit 11g Installation problem Admin server is not starting

    I am trying to install SOA Suit 11g but every time I am getting below error and unable to resolve it.I was hacing apache which I have deleted still I am getting below jasper error.Thanks a lot in advance.
    SOA Suit - 11G
    Database - Oracle XE 10G
    Weblogic - 11G
    <May 2, 2011 2:04:02 PM IST> <Warning> <oracle.wsm.resources.policyaccess> <WSM-06219> <A task scheduler was not available for configuring the oracle.wsm.policymanager.accessor.BeanAccessor repository accessor for the default context.>
    <May 2, 2011 2:04:10 PM IST> <Warning> <HTTP> <BEA-101162> <User defined listener com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener failed: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/jasper/runtime/JspFactoryImpl.
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/jasper/runtime/JspFactoryImpl
    at org.apache.jasper.compiler.JspRuntimeContext.<clinit>(JspRuntimeContext.java:73)
    at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
    at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:169)
    at com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener.isJspTwoOne(ConfigureListener.java:529)
    at com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener.registerELResolverAndListenerWithJsp(ConfigureListener.java:553)
    Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
    Caused By: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspFactoryImpl
    at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:202)
    at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
    at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:190)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:307)
    at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Launcher.java:301)
    Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
    <May 2, 2011 2:04:10 PM IST> <Error> <Deployer> <BEA-149231> <Unable to set the activation state to true for the application 'usermessagingserver'.
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppModule.startContexts(WebAppModule.java:1510)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppModule.start(WebAppModule.java:482)
    at weblogic.application.internal.flow.ModuleStateDriver$3.next(ModuleStateDriver.java:425)
    at weblogic.application.utils.StateMachineDriver.nextState(StateMachineDriver.java:52)
    at weblogic.application.internal.flow.ModuleStateDriver.start(ModuleStateDriver.java:119)
    Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
    Caused By: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspFactoryImpl
    at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:202)
    at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
    at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:190)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:307)
    at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Launcher.java:301)
    Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
    <May 2, 2011 2:04:12 PM IST> <Warning> <HTTP> <BEA-101162> <User defined listener com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener failed: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.apache.jasper.compiler.JspRuntimeContext.
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.apache.jasper.compiler.JspRuntimeContext
    at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
    at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:169)
    at com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener.isJspTwoOne(ConfigureListener.java:529)
    at com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener.registerELResolverAndListenerWithJsp(ConfigureListener.java:553)
    at com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener.contextInitialized(ConfigureListener.java:216)
    Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
    <May 2, 2011 2:04:12 PM IST> <Error> <Deployer> <BEA-149231> <Unable to set the activation state to true for the application 'worklistapp'.
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppModule.startContexts(WebAppModule.java:1510)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppModule.start(WebAppModule.java:482)
    at weblogic.application.internal.flow.ModuleStateDriver$3.next(ModuleStateDriver.java:425)
    at weblogic.application.utils.StateMachineDriver.nextState(StateMachineDriver.java:52)
    at weblogic.application.internal.flow.ModuleStateDriver.start(ModuleStateDriver.java:119)
    Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
    Caused By: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.apache.jasper.compiler.JspRuntimeContext
    at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
    at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:169)
    at com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener.isJspTwoOne(ConfigureListener.java:529)
    at com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener.registerELResolverAndListenerWithJsp(ConfigureListener.java:553)
    at com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener.contextInitialized(ConfigureListener.java:216)
    Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
    <May 2, 2011 2:04:13 PM IST> <Warning> <HTTP> <BEA-101162> <User defined listener com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener failed: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.apache.jasper.compiler.JspRuntimeContext.
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.apache.jasper.compiler.JspRuntimeContext
    at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
    at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:169)
    at com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener.isJspTwoOne(ConfigureListener.java:529)
    at com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener.registerELResolverAndListenerWithJsp(ConfigureListener.java:553)
    at com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener.contextInitialized(ConfigureListener.java:216)
    Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
    <May 2, 2011 2:04:13 PM IST> <Error> <Deployer> <BEA-149231> <Unable to set the activation state to true for the application 'DefaultToDoTaskFlow'.
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppModule.startContexts(WebAppModule.java:1510)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppModule.start(WebAppModule.java:482)
    at weblogic.application.internal.flow.ModuleStateDriver$3.next(ModuleStateDriver.java:425)
    at weblogic.application.utils.StateMachineDriver.nextState(StateMachineDriver.java:52)
    at weblogic.application.internal.flow.ModuleStateDriver.start(ModuleStateDriver.java:119)
    Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
    Caused By: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.apache.jasper.compiler.JspRuntimeContext
    at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
    at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:169)
    at com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener.isJspTwoOne(ConfigureListener.java:529)
    at com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener.registerELResolverAndListenerWithJsp(ConfigureListener.java:553)
    at com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener.contextInitialized(ConfigureListener.java:216)
    Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
    <May 2, 2011 2:04:54 PM IST> <Warning> <HTTP> <BEA-101162> <User defined listener com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener failed: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.apache.jasper.compiler.JspRuntimeContext.
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.apache.jasper.compiler.JspRuntimeContext
    at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
    at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:169)
    at com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener.isJspTwoOne(ConfigureListener.java:529)
    at com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener.registerELResolverAndListenerWithJsp(ConfigureListener.java:553)
    at com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener.contextInitialized(ConfigureListener.java:216)
    Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
    <May 2, 2011 2:04:54 PM IST> <Warning> <HTTP> <BEA-101162> <User defined listener oracle.bpm.workspace.adf.ADFWorkspaceContextListener failed: java.lang.NullPointerException.
    at oracle.bpm.workspace.adf.ADFWorkspaceContextListener.contextDestroyed(ADFWorkspaceContextListener.java:70)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.EventsManager$FireContextListenerAction.run(EventsManager.java:482)
    at weblogic.security.acl.internal.AuthenticatedSubject.doAs(AuthenticatedSubject.java:321)
    at weblogic.security.service.SecurityManager.runAs(SecurityManager.java:120)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.EventsManager.notifyContextDestroyedEvent(EventsManager.java:200)
    Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
    <May 2, 2011 2:04:54 PM IST> <Error> <Deployer> <BEA-149231> <Unable to set the activation state to true for the application 'OracleBPMWorkspace'.
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppModule.startContexts(WebAppModule.java:1510)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppModule.start(WebAppModule.java:482)
    at weblogic.application.internal.flow.ModuleStateDriver$3.next(ModuleStateDriver.java:425)
    at weblogic.application.utils.StateMachineDriver.nextState(StateMachineDriver.java:52)
    at weblogic.application.internal.flow.ModuleStateDriver.start(ModuleStateDriver.java:119)
    Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
    Caused By: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.apache.jasper.compiler.JspRuntimeContext
    at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
    at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:169)
    at com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener.isJspTwoOne(ConfigureListener.java:529)
    at com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener.registerELResolverAndListenerWithJsp(ConfigureListener.java:553)
    at com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener.contextInitialized(ConfigureListener.java:216)
    Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
    <May 2, 2011 2:04:55 PM IST> <Warning> <HTTP> <BEA-101162> <User defined listener com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener failed: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.apache.jasper.compiler.JspRuntimeContext.
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.apache.jasper.compiler.JspRuntimeContext
    at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
    at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:169)
    at com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener.isJspTwoOne(ConfigureListener.java:529)
    at com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener.registerELResolverAndListenerWithJsp(ConfigureListener.java:553)
    at com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener.contextInitialized(ConfigureListener.java:216)
    Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
    <May 2, 2011 2:04:55 PM IST> <Error> <Deployer> <BEA-149231> <Unable to set the activation state to true for the application 'BPMComposer'.
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppModule.startContexts(WebAppModule.java:1510)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppModule.start(WebAppModule.java:482)
    at weblogic.application.internal.flow.ModuleStateDriver$3.next(ModuleStateDriver.java:425)
    at weblogic.application.utils.StateMachineDriver.nextState(StateMachineDriver.java:52)
    at weblogic.application.internal.flow.ModuleStateDriver.start(ModuleStateDriver.java:119)
    Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
    Caused By: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.apache.jasper.compiler.JspRuntimeContext
    at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
    at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:169)
    at com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener.isJspTwoOne(ConfigureListener.java:529)
    at com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener.registerELResolverAndListenerWithJsp(ConfigureListener.java:553)
    at com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener.contextInitialized(ConfigureListener.java:216)
    Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
    <May 2, 2011 2:04:56 PM IST> <Warning> <HTTP> <BEA-101162> <User defined listener com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener failed: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.apache.jasper.compiler.JspRuntimeContext.
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.apache.jasper.compiler.JspRuntimeContext
    at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
    at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:169)
    at com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener.isJspTwoOne(ConfigureListener.java:529)
    at com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener.registerELResolverAndListenerWithJsp(ConfigureListener.java:553)
    at com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener.contextInitialized(ConfigureListener.java:216)
    Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
    <May 2, 2011 2:04:56 PM IST> <Error> <Deployer> <BEA-149231> <Unable to set the activation state to true for the application 'SimpleApprovalTaskFlow'.
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppModule.startContexts(WebAppModule.java:1510)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppModule.start(WebAppModule.java:482)
    at weblogic.application.internal.flow.ModuleStateDriver$3.next(ModuleStateDriver.java:425)
    at weblogic.application.utils.StateMachineDriver.nextState(StateMachineDriver.java:52)
    at weblogic.application.internal.flow.ModuleStateDriver.start(ModuleStateDriver.java:119)
    Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
    Caused By: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.apache.jasper.compiler.JspRuntimeContext
    at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
    at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:169)
    at com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener.isJspTwoOne(ConfigureListener.java:529)
    at com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener.registerELResolverAndListenerWithJsp(ConfigureListener.java:553)
    at com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener.contextInitialized(ConfigureListener.java:216)
    Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
    <May 2, 2011 2:05:00 PM IST> <Warning> <HTTP> <BEA-101162> <User defined listener com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener failed: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.apache.jasper.compiler.JspRuntimeContext.
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.apache.jasper.compiler.JspRuntimeContext
    at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
    at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:169)
    at com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener.isJspTwoOne(ConfigureListener.java:529)
    at com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener.registerELResolverAndListenerWithJsp(ConfigureListener.java:553)
    at com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener.contextInitialized(ConfigureListener.java:216)
    Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
    <May 2, 2011 2:05:00 PM IST> <Warning> <HTTP> <BEA-101162> <User defined listener com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener failed: java.lang.NullPointerException.
    at com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener.contextDestroyed(ConfigureListener.java:241)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.EventsManager$FireContextListenerAction.run(EventsManager.java:482)
    at weblogic.security.acl.internal.AuthenticatedSubject.doAs(AuthenticatedSubject.java:321)
    at weblogic.security.service.SecurityManager.runAs(SecurityManager.java:120)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.EventsManager.notifyContextDestroyedEvent(EventsManager.java:200)
    Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
    <May 2, 2011 2:05:00 PM IST> <Error> <Deployer> <BEA-149231> <Unable to set the activation state to true for the application 'em'.
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppModule.startContexts(WebAppModule.java:1510)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppModule.start(WebAppModule.java:482)
    at weblogic.application.internal.flow.ModuleStateDriver$3.next(ModuleStateDriver.java:425)
    at weblogic.application.utils.StateMachineDriver.nextState(StateMachineDriver.java:52)
    at weblogic.application.internal.flow.ModuleStateDriver.start(ModuleStateDriver.java:119)
    Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
    Caused By: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.apache.jasper.compiler.JspRuntimeContext
    at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
    at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:169)
    at com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener.isJspTwoOne(ConfigureListener.java:529)
    at com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener.registerELResolverAndListenerWithJsp(ConfigureListener.java:553)
    at com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener.contextInitialized(ConfigureListener.java:216)
    Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
    <May 2, 2011 2:05:00 PM IST> <Notice> <LoggingService> <BEA-320400> <The log file F:\Middleware\SOASuite11gR1PS3\user_projects\domains\SOASuitePS3DevDomain\servers\AdminServer\logs\SOASuitePS3DevDomain.log will be rotated. Reopen the log file if tailing has stopped. This can happen on some platforms like Windows.>

    weblogic.transaction.internal.TimedOutException: Transaction timed out after 302 seconds What is the current value of JTA timeout in your domain? Try to increase it and test the deployment again.
    Exception occured during invocation of JCA binding: "JCA Binding execute of Reference operation 'SynchRead' failed due to: No Data to process. No Data to process. File C:\ftp\FileToRead.txt to be processed was not found or not available or has no contentGenerally this issue comes when provided path is not valid but as you mentioned that path is correct and permissions are given, make sure that file has not been opened by any other process which has put a lock on this file. As you said it's a sync read and composite in which this is included, is not getting deployed then how it is getting called? What is the execution start point of your composite and if it is not deployed then why this error?

  • Integration with PeopleSoft Applications Using Oracle SOA Suite 11g BPEL

    I'm integrating BPEL with Peoplesoft FSCM 9.0 Application on tools 8.49 using Oracle SOA Suite 11g. The BPEL invokes the web service method generated from Peoplesoft Component Interface in a synchronuos manner.
    I have deployed the BPEL in Oracle SOA Suite 11g using Jdeveloper successfully but I have problem in configuring the BPEL node in Peoplesoft side using Oracle SOA Suite 11g(FMW) . I had done the integration of BPEL with Peoplesoft FSCM 9.0 on tools 8.49 using Oracle SOA Suite 10g earlier successfully by configuring BPEL node properties as follows:
    BPEL CONSOLE : http://Host Name:8888/BPELConsole (System with Oracle SOA Suite 10g server for deployment)
    BPEL DOMAIN : default
    Using this BPEL node configuration, I was able to ping the BPEL console of Oracle SOA Suite 10g from peoplesoft and hence complete the integration successfully.
    Now in order to acomplish Business rules and other functionality, the BPEL application has been developed in Oracle SOA Suite 11g using Jdeveloper 11g. This time I'm not able to configure the BPEL node in Peoplesoft for this integration as I'm assuming there is no separate BPEL console in Oracle SOA Suite 11g. All the BPEL deployments are administered in console (11g console used for deployment of BEPL)
    http://Host Name:7001/em (System with Oracle SOA Suite 11g server - Fusion Middleware).
    So when I Configured the BPEL node property in Peoplesoft as :
    BPEL CONSOLE : http://Host Name:7001/em (System with Oracle SOA Suite 11g server for deployment)
    BPEL DOMAIN : default
    I'm not able to ping the Peoplesoft BPEL node to the Oracle SOA Suite 11g. Hence I'm not able to proceed with my integration.
    When I searched the OTN discussion forum on BPEL console for Oracle SOA Suite 11g, all threads point that there is no separate BPEL console unlike Oracle SOA Suite 10g. Also most of the articles for Integration with Peoplesoft Application using SOA 11g do not state any specific configuration setting for property of Peoplesoft BPEL node in order to integrate with BPEL 11g. The examples published in OTN still point towards screen shots of integration using SOA Suite 10g.
    So I'm not able to proceed in this regard.
    Any help in this regard is highly appreciated.
    Thanks in Advance,
    Edited by: user11214154 on Nov 23, 2009 8:12 PM
    typo error

    I found this document from the Oracle Open World 2009 (maybe you have found it too) :
    "Integration with PeopleSoft applications using oracle soa suite 11g BPEL" --> [http://www.oracle.com/technology/tech/fmw4apps/peoplesoft/pdf/oow2009-bpel-psft.pdf]
    And this could be a little more simple, but have a good step-by-step tutorial.
    I think you must read this docs by now, but never come amiss.
    Hope this can help you,
    By the way, if you can help me with this I'll appreciate it a lot.
    Unable to access the following endpoint(s)

  • Change configuration of Admin Server (SOA Suite 11g)

    I'm using SOA Suite 11g. I've installed SOA Suite 11g on a remote machine and I want to access the Oracle Fusion Middleware Control remotly but I can't. I can only access locally by launching a browser on the local machine.
    How I can configure the admin server to be accessible by another computer?
    Thanks in advance
    Tiago Soares

    By default you will be able to access the Admin Console and Fusion Middleware Control from any machine.
    Access like http://hostname:port/em or http://hostname:port/console
    If it is a DHCP machine, try accessing using the machine ip, instead of hostname.
    If this doesn't work, login to Admin console in your local box. Navigate to Servers -> Admin Server. Set the Listen address to that machine's ip or name, now you will be able to access.

  • Error using OSR10g with SOA Suite 11g

    I'm trying to configure a web service adapter in Jdev in order to use the OSR (10g) to dinamically resolve the WSDL location and SOAP endpoint, but I always get an error like this:
    Exception: WSDLException: faultCode=PARSER_ERROR: Failed to read wsdl file at: "orauddi:/uddi:8955c1d0-0b55-11e1-b90e-7b4aa540b908", caused by: oracle.fabric.common.uddiurl.resolver.exception.SRKeyNotFoundException:
    <dispositionReport xmlns="urn:uddi-org:api_v3">
        <result errno="10210">
            <errInfo errCode="E_invalidKeyPassed">Cannot find BusinessService with key orauddi:/uddi:8955c1d0-0b55-11e1-b90e-7b4aa540b908 !</errInfo>
    </dispositionReport>The service is correctly published in registry, even its reachable from the UDDI Registry Resource Palette in JDEV.
    The same service published in a OSR 11g is invoked correctly, but I can't solve the proble for the OSR 10g.
    I found some documentation about migrating and it says that the SOA Suite 10g uses UDDI standar but the 11g Suite uses orauddi.... so, not standard??, is there a way to integrate SOA Suite 11g with OSR 10g??

    check for some spaces or character which might be going while you specify the JRE locations, alternatively you can call runInstaller with
    -jreLoc ,i.e;have the path in the cmd.
    ./runInstaller -jreLoc /root/Oracle/Middleware/jdk160_14_R27.6.5-32
    which should work.

  • Oracle SOA Suite 11g - Complete pdf documentation link

    Hi All,
    Can you please point me the link to download complete pdf documentation link for "Oracle SOA Suite 11g -" Thanks in advace!

    Entire Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g documentation can be downloaded from here -

  • Oracle SOA suite 11g( is compatible with Weblogic 12c (12.1.1)

    Hi All,
    Does the Oracle SOA suite 11g( is compatible with Oracle Weblogic 12c (12.1.1). Please help to advise on this.
    The requirement is : Oracle SOA suite 11g (
    Oracle Weblogic 12c (12.1.1)
    OSB 11g Release 1 (

    No, it is not. Please use Weblogic 10.3.6 for SOA and OSB
    You may refer to the certification matrix available here -
    Edited by: Anuj Dwivedi on Mar 19, 2013 1:30 PM

  • Oracle SOA Suite 11g  Essentials (1Z1-478) exam

    Hi All,
    I am preparing for he Oracle SOA Suite 11g Essentials exam.
    Can anyone let me know the best books/document to prepare for this exam?

    find below documentation to be read.
    1. Oracle SOA Suite 11g Handbook
    2.Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle Business Process Management Suite
    3. Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite 11g
    4.Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle B2B 11g
    5. Getting Started With Oracle SOA Suite 11g R1
    Below link provide in-depth detail which documentation to be read for individual Exam Topics
    Hope it helps !!
    Abhinav Gupta

  • Error message deploying a composite in SOA Suite 11g

    We are attempting to deploy a composite to SOA Suite 11g ( We're getting an 'Unable to register service' error message. When I inspect the log files I see the following entry as the first error:
    Failed to retrieve policy[[
    oracle.wsm.policyaccess.PolicyAccessException: WSM-06146 : Error deleting the attachment entries.
    Anybody have any experience with this error? The error message reference has the following listed:
    WSM-06146: Error deleting the attachment entries.
    Cause: Failure occurred while deleting the attachment entries.
    Action: Ensure that a valid list of policy subjects for deactivated lifecycle type is passed
    Level: 32
    Impact: Configuration
    I don't know how to "ensure that a valid list of policy subjects for deactivated lifecycle type is passed". Please help!!!!

    This is what we have done :
    1.Created the JDBC data source & connection pool as below :
    data source name : B2BAQ , JNDI name : jdbc/B2BAQ
    Connection Pool :
    URL : taken from the tns entries of the instance
    Driver Class Name : oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver
    Tested this connection ..it works fine from the Admin Console
    2.Then go to Deployments --> AqAdapter -> Configuration tab --> Outbound Connection Pool Group -->
    Create a new connection pool instance -- General tab
    connection interface factory : javax.resource.cci.ConnectionFactory
    JNDI Name : eis/AQ/B2BAQ
    Then in Properties tab : Enter the Data Source Name : jdbc/B2BAQ
    Then we try to Start the AqAdapter from the Admin Console..it goes into Prepared status.
    The error message which comes is mentioned above.
    Is there any way we could resolve this ..that would be very helpful
    Edited by: user5149250 on Mar 13, 2012 6:33 AM

  • Java Embedding bug in SOA Suite 11g BPEL??

    I am beginning to wonder if there is a 'bug' in the SOA Suite 11g, BPEL, Java Embedding activity? Need some help as soon as possible – does the Java Embedding activity work in SOA Suite 11g?
    Have tried the following on Jdev and Jdev – get the same error message (see below for error message).
    Thanks for any help - Casey
    I created a simple composite app by:
    1.     Created a Composite with BPEL Process
    2.     Created a BPEL variable by the name of Variable and a Simple Type of string      ({http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string)
    3.     Added an Assign activity (Assign_1) and assigned the value of “Test Var” to the variable Variable using a Copy operation.
    4.     Then, after the assign activity, added a Java Embedding activity (Java_Embedding_1) with Java Version set to 1.5 and the following code:
    String var;*
    +}  // end try+
    +catch(Exception ex){+*
    +}// end catch+
    Compiled and got the following error message:
    Error(23,34): Failed to compile bpel generated classes.*
    failure to compile the generated BPEL classes for BPEL process "BPELProcess1" of composite "default/Project1!1.0"*
    The class path setting is incorrect.*
    Ensure that the class path is set correctly. If this happens on the server side, verify that the custom classes or jars which this BPEL process is depending on are deployed correctly. Also verify that the run time is using the same release/version.*
    Code for the BPEL component is:
    +<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" ?>+
    Oracle JDeveloper BPEL Designer
    Created: Tue Nov 09 13:01:49 CST 2010
    Purpose: Asynchronous BPEL Process
    +<process name="BPELProcess1"+
    List of services participating in this BPEL process
    The 'client' role represents the requester of this service. It is
    used for callback. The location and correlation information associated
    with the client role are automatically set using WS-Addressing.
    +<partnerLink name="bpelprocess1_client" partnerLinkType="client:BPELProcess1" myRole="BPELProcess1Provider" partnerRole="BPELProcess1Requester"/>+
    List of messages and XML documents used within this BPEL process
    +<!-- Reference to the message passed as input during initiation -->+
    +<variable name="inputVariable" messageType="client:BPELProcess1RequestMessage"/>+
    +<!-- Reference to the message that will be sent back to the requester during callback -->+
    +<variable name="outputVariable" messageType="client:BPELProcess1ResponseMessage"/>+
    +<variable name="Variable" type="xsd:string"/>+
    Set of activities coordinating the flow of messages across the
    services integrated within this business process
    +<sequence name="main">+
    +<!-- Receive input from requestor. (Note: This maps to operation defined in BPELProcess1.wsdl) -->+
    +<receive name="receiveInput" partnerLink="bpelprocess1_client" portType="client:BPELProcess1" operation="process" variable="inputVariable" createInstance="yes"/>+
    Asynchronous callback to the requester. (Note: the callback location and correlation id is transparently handled using WS-addressing.)
    +<assign name="Assign_1">+
    +<from expression='"test var"'/>+
    +<to variable="Variable"/>+
    +<bpelx:exec name="Java_Embedding_1" version="1.5" language="java">+
    +<![CDATA[/*Write your java code below e.g.+
    +     System.out.println("Hello, World");+
      +String var;+
    +} // end try+
    +catch(Exception ex){+
    +}// end catch]]>+
    +<invoke name="callbackClient" partnerLink="bpelprocess1_client" portType="client:BPELProcess1Callback" operation="processResponse" inputVariable="outputVariable"/>+

    Java Embedding bug in SOA Suite 11g BPEL??

  • Problem with DB JCA adapter in Soa suite 11g composite appl

    i am testing a simple credit card validation composite with Oracle SOA suite 11g11., Jdevloper and oracle universal XE DB. I am having an exception given below. I have checked that data source is properly configured and appearing at the right place in JNDI tree. Suggestion like 1) the Resource Adapters RAR file has not been deployed successfully to the WebLogic Application server or 2) the '<jndi-name>' element in weblogic-ra.xml has not been set to eis/DB/DBconnection. In the last case you will have to add a new WebLogic JCA connection factory (deploy a RAR) has also been tried result is same
    **Any suggestion will greatly appreciated .**
    java.lang.Exception: oracle.sysman.emSDK.webservices.wsdlapi.SoapTestException: Exception occured when binding was invoked. Exception occured during invocation of JCA binding: "JCA Binding execute of Reference operation 'CreditCardDBServiceSelect' failed due to: JCA Binding Component connection issue. JCA Binding Component is unable to create an outbound JCA (CCI) connection. CreditCardValidation:CreditCardDBService [ CreditCardDBService_ptt::CreditCardDBServiceSelect(CreditCardDBServiceSelect_inputParameters,CreditcardsCollection) ] : The JCA Binding Component was unable to establish an outbound JCA CCI connection due to the following issue: BINDING.JCA-12510 JCA Resource Adapter location error. Unable to locate the JCA Resource Adapter via .jca binding file element <connection-factory/> The JCA Binding Component is unable to startup the Resource Adapter specified in the <connection-factory/> element: location='eis/DB/DBconnection'. The reason for this is most likely that either 1) the Resource Adapters RAR file has not been deployed successfully to the WebLogic Application server or 2) the '<jndi-name>' element in weblogic-ra.xml has not been set to eis/DB/DBconnection. In the last case you will have to add a new WebLogic JCA connection factory (deploy a RAR). Please correct this and then restart the Application Server Please make sure that the JCA connection factory and any dependent connection factories have been configured with a sufficient limit for max connections. Please also make sure that the physical connection to the backend EIS is available and the backend itself is accepting connections. ". The invoked JCA adapter raised a resource exception. Please examine the above error message carefully to determine a resolution. at oracle.sysman.emas.model.wsmgt.WSTestModel.invokeOperation(WSTestModel.java:575) at oracle.sysman.emas.view.wsmgt.WSView.invokeOperation(WSView.java:381) at oracle.sysman.emas.view.wsmgt.WSView.invokeOperation(WSView.java:298) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:597) at com.sun.el.parser.AstValue.invoke(Unknown Source) at com.sun.el.MethodExpressionImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.taglib.util.MethodExpressionMethodBinding.invoke(MethodExpressionMethodBinding.java:53) at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase.broadcastToMethodBinding(UIXComponentBase.java:1256) at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXCommand.broadcast(UIXCommand.java:183) at oracle.adf.view.rich.component.fragment.ContextSwitchingComponent$1.run(ContextSwitchingComponent.java:92) at oracle.adf.view.rich.component.fragment.ContextSwitchingComponent._processPhase(ContextSwitchingComponent.java:361) at oracle.adf.view.rich.component.fragment.ContextSwitchingComponent.broadcast(ContextSwitchingComponent.java:96) at oracle.adf.view.rich.component.fragment.UIXInclude.broadcast(UIXInclude.java:102) at oracle.adf.view.rich.component.fragment.ContextSwitchingComponent$1.run(ContextSwitchingComponent.java:92) at oracle.adf.view.rich.component.fragment.ContextSwitchingComponent._processPhase(ContextSwitchingComponent.java:361) at oracle.adf.view.rich.component.fragment.ContextSwitchingComponent.broadcast(ContextSwitchingComponent.java:96) at oracle.adf.view.rich.component.fragment.UIXInclude.broadcast(UIXInclude.java:96) at javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot.broadcastEvents(UIViewRoot.java:475) at javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot.processApplication(UIViewRoot.java:756) at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl._invokeApplication(LifecycleImpl.java:765) at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl._executePhase(LifecycleImpl.java:305) at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl.execute(LifecycleImpl.java:185) at javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet.service(FacesServlet.java:265) at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper$ServletServiceAction.run(StubSecurityHelper.java:227) at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper.invokeServlet(StubSecurityHelper.java:125) at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.execute(ServletStubImpl.java:300) at weblogic.servlet.internal.TailFilter.doFilter(TailFilter.java:26) at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(FilterChainImpl.java:56) at oracle.help.web.rich.OHWFilter.doFilter(Unknown Source) at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(FilterChainImpl.java:56) at oracle.sysman.emSDK.license.LicenseFilter.doFilter(LicenseFilter.java:101) at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(FilterChainImpl.java:56) at oracle.adf.model.servlet.ADFBindingFilter.doFilter(ADFBindingFilter.java:205) at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(FilterChainImpl.java:56) at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.webapp.rich.RegistrationFilter.doFilter(RegistrationFilter.java:106) at org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.webapp.TrinidadFilterImpl$FilterListChain.doFilter(TrinidadFilterImpl.java:446) at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.activedata.AdsFilter.doFilter(AdsFilter.java:60) at org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.webapp.TrinidadFilterImpl$FilterListChain.doFilter(TrinidadFilterImpl.java:446) at org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.webapp.TrinidadFilterImpl._doFilterImpl(TrinidadFilterImpl.java:271) at org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.webapp.TrinidadFilterImpl.doFilter(TrinidadFilterImpl.java:177) at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.webapp.TrinidadFilter.doFilter(TrinidadFilter.java:92) at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(FilterChainImpl.java:56) at oracle.sysman.emas.fwk.MASConnectionFilter.doFilter(MASConnectionFilter.java:41) at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(FilterChainImpl.java:56) at oracle.adf.library.webapp.LibraryFilter.doFilter(LibraryFilter.java:175) at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(FilterChainImpl.java:56) at oracle.sysman.eml.app.AuditServletFilter.doFilter(AuditServletFilter.java:179) at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(FilterChainImpl.java:56) at oracle.sysman.eml.app.EMRepLoginFilter.doFilter(EMRepLoginFilter.java:203) at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(FilterChainImpl.java:56) at oracle.sysman.core.model.targetauth.EMLangPrefFilter.doFilter(EMLangPrefFilter.java:158) at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(FilterChainImpl.java:56) at oracle.sysman.core.app.perf.PerfFilter.doFilter(PerfFilter.java:141) at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(FilterChainImpl.java:56) at oracle.sysman.eml.app.ContextInitFilter.doFilter(ContextInitFilter.java:542) at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(FilterChainImpl.java:56) at oracle.security.jps.ee.http.JpsAbsFilter$1.run(JpsAbsFilter.java:111) at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method) at oracle.security.jps.util.JpsSubject.doAsPrivileged(JpsSubject.java:313) at oracle.security.jps.ee.util.JpsPlatformUtil.runJaasMode(JpsPlatformUtil.java:413) at oracle.security.jps.ee.http.JpsAbsFilter.runJaasMode(JpsAbsFilter.java:94) at oracle.security.jps.ee.http.JpsAbsFilter.doFilter(JpsAbsFilter.java:161) at oracle.security.jps.ee.http.JpsFilter.doFilter(JpsFilter.java:71) at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(FilterChainImpl.java:56) at oracle.dms.servlet.DMSServletFilter.doFilter(DMSServletFilter.java:136) at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(FilterChainImpl.java:56) at weblogic.servlet.internal.RequestEventsFilter.doFilter(RequestEventsFilter.java:27) at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(FilterChainImpl.java:56) at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$ServletInvocationAction.wrapRun(WebAppServletContext.java:3715) at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$ServletInvocationAction.run(WebAppServletContext.java:3681) at weblogic.security.acl.internal.AuthenticatedSubject.doAs(AuthenticatedSubject.java:321) at weblogic.security.service.SecurityManager.runAs(SecurityManager.java:120) at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.securedExecute(WebAppServletContext.java:2277) at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.execute(WebAppServletContext.java:2183) at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl.run(ServletRequestImpl.java:1454) at weblogic.work.ExecuteThread.execute(ExecuteThread.java:207) at weblogic.work.ExecuteThread.run(ExecuteThread.java:176) Caused by: oracle.sysman.emSDK.webservices.wsdlapi.SoapTestException: Exception occured when binding was invoked. Exception occured during invocation of JCA binding: "JCA Binding execute of Reference operation 'CreditCardDBServiceSelect' failed due to: JCA Binding Component connection issue. JCA Binding Component is unable to create an outbound JCA (CCI) connection. CreditCardValidation:CreditCardDBService [ CreditCardDBService_ptt::CreditCardDBServiceSelect(CreditCardDBServiceSelect_inputParameters,CreditcardsCollection) ] : The JCA Binding Component was unable to establish an outbound JCA CCI connection due to the following issue: BINDING.JCA-12510 JCA Resource Adapter location error. Unable to locate the JCA Resource Adapter via .jca binding file element <connection-factory/> The JCA Binding Component is unable to startup the Resource Adapter specified in the <connection-factory/> element: location='eis/DB/DBconnection'. The reason for this is most likely that either 1) the Resource Adapters RAR file has not been deployed successfully to the WebLogic Application server or 2) the '<jndi-name>' element in weblogic-ra.xml has not been set to eis/DB/DBconnection. In the last case you will have to add a new WebLogic JCA connection factory (deploy a RAR). Please correct this and then restart the Application Server Please make sure that the JCA connection factory and any dependent connection factories have been configured with a sufficient limit for max connections. Please also make sure that the physical connection to the backend EIS is available and the backend itself is accepting connections. ". The invoked JCA adapter raised a resource exception. Please examine the above error message carefully to determine a resolution. at oracle.sysman.emSDK.webservices.wsdlapi.dispatch.DispatchUtil.invoke(DispatchUtil.java:260) at oracle.sysman.emSDK.webservices.wsdlparser.OperationInfoImpl.invokeWithDispatch(OperationInfoImpl.java:992) at oracle.sysman.emas.model.wsmgt.PortName.invokeOperation(PortName.java:729) at oracle.sysman.emas.model.wsmgt.WSTestModel.invokeOperation(WSTestModel.java:569) ... 79 more Caused by: javax.xml.ws.soap.SOAPFaultException: Exception occured when binding was invoked. Exception occured during invocation of JCA binding: "JCA Binding execute of Reference operation 'CreditCardDBServiceSelect' failed due to: JCA Binding Component connection issue. JCA Binding Component is unable to create an outbound JCA (CCI) connection. CreditCardValidation:CreditCardDBService [ CreditCardDBService_ptt::CreditCardDBServiceSelect(CreditCardDBServiceSelect_inputParameters,CreditcardsCollection) ] : The JCA Binding Component was unable to establish an outbound JCA CCI connection due to the following issue: BINDING.JCA-12510 JCA Resource Adapter location error. Unable to locate the JCA Resource Adapter via .jca binding file element <connection-factory/> The JCA Binding Component is unable to startup the Resource Adapter specified in the <connection-factory/> element: location='eis/DB/DBconnection'. The reason for this is most likely that either 1) the Resource Adapters RAR file has not been deployed successfully to the WebLogic Application server or 2) the '<jndi-name>' element in weblogic-ra.xml has not been set to eis/DB/DBconnection. In the last case you will have to add a new WebLogic JCA connection factory (deploy a RAR). Please correct this and then restart the Application Server Please make sure that the JCA connection factory and any dependent connection factories have been configured with a sufficient limit for max connections. Please also make sure that the physical connection to the backend EIS is available and the backend itself is accepting connections. ". The invoked JCA adapter raised a resource exception. Please examine the above error message carefully to determine a resolution. at oracle.j2ee.ws.client.jaxws.DispatchImpl.throwJAXWSSoapFaultException(DispatchImpl.java:1012) at oracle.j2ee.ws.client.jaxws.DispatchImpl.invoke(DispatchImpl.java:803) at oracle.j2ee.ws.client.jaxws.OracleDispatchImpl.synchronousInvocationWithRetry(OracleDispatchImpl.java:235) at oracle.j2ee.ws.client.jaxws.OracleDispatchImpl.invoke(OracleDispatchImpl.java:106) at oracle.sysman.emSDK.webservices.wsdlapi.dispatch.DispatchUtil.invoke(DispatchUtil.java:256) ... 82 more

    The JNDI Name to use for the service connection is "eis/DB/soademoDatabase".
    This Database is a requirement of the course... (Chapter 4 of Getting Started with Oracle SOA Suite 11g R1 - A Hands-On Tutorial).

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